Doncaster Rovers 2 Newcastle United 3 | Pre-Season Friendly Highlights

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Mark Smith: Guess Fraser needs a bit more train8ng, looks pie heavy

Beemxrz: Jamal Lewis is a fantastic player. such a shame he left Norwich

KolpoJ Gogoi: 🖤🤍

Geordie Boy: Wtf man?? York city and Doncaster as pre season friendlies?? Ne wonder we cant de fcuk all against pl opposition!!! What happened te the team bus? We just travel on arriva explorer tickets!!? Fkn Joke

Emir Yurttaş: It was a good game for Doncaster

North-East Metal Detecting Uk: Nice to hear the toon loud and proud can’t wait to we can get back to normal Howay the lads ⚫️⚪️ ARMY

S J: Why won't Bruce play 4231.... Fraser (LAM), Miggy (CAM), ASM (LAM), Wilson (ST)..... Been asking for ages now.... Poor Miggy being stuck out wide so much

Simon Atkinson: Jamal Lewis looks class. Hope he can kick on this year

Tom The Tit: About time Fraser and ASM play together could be a deadly combo this season!

Adam Hopkins: Like the look of Murphy + Lewis and ASM + Fraser, casued havoc going forward. I worry a little about our regression defensively mind


Paul: Who was that in goal?

Andy Gibson: Wouldn’t Hendrick be better off as a shampoo model for TRESemme’

SpikeyGames: Dan Langley might be better then Mark Gillespie

John McCracken: We did well. Expecting better

Richard Humble: 3000 plus supporters at Doncaster pre season says it all really👏👏👏👏once a Geordie always a Geordie

Kendo: The number 4 was fantastic ... he was all over the park. Deserved motm for 3 goals and 3 assists

MattMuscle 2019: Where’s our new signings going be signed????? Relying on Wilson all season isn’t good enough. Fraser played well, Wilson, Hendrick and Lewis Max needs be abit sharper. Apart from that we have no one once again on the bench.

Danny Brown: More like it lads, well done 👍

Depois Piora: Muito bom Very good

Depois Piora: Show

Stu Flyboy Reay: Not looking forward to this season

mikey Land: Not really many defensive errors, just a bit of laziness and poor goalkeeping. But looked amazing going forward, should’ve scored way more

Ezekiel Toh: the jersey on the front looks like the number 4 on the chest

ALAN LITTLE: Champions league here we come!

LRV: Where the york city game highlights. Up the city COME ON YORK

G Shield: Hendrick out

Rich Mitch: Hayden and schlongstaff for me in the centre of midfield, this season

Kofi Ankobiah: Those fans were top class.

OJ Gamer26: We’re a league one club we did well

Doncaster On Tour: GG Lads!

Adam C: Love how bad some of our fans are man, getting on the back of a 20 year old local lad after playing 2 friendlies man. 😆

Meash1991: Shite that keeper like

Pablo Nush: If Fraser and Wilson both stay (which we all know will be a massive miracle) they are a very handy attacking duo

Wickham Baller 10: Tottenham!!

OnceIWasYou: Wilson is class. If we can keep him and ASM fit then we should have a decent season. Even with Bruce setting up the team with poor choices and players out of position all the time, those two have the talent to prop up those who seriously lack it like Joelinton, Hendrick and (Going on last season) Jamal Lewis. Bruce- PLEASE just go to 4-3-3. ASM---Wilson--Almiron up top. Oh, and give Matty a go! Young Anderson also deserves chances ahead of Joelinton (who I'm not sure if he's EVER had the ball fully under control, it's always bobbling about as he takes an age to decide what to do with it).

Dave Lee: Crowd sounded class

David Taylor: Wilson he great wen one on one with keeper we deffo need willock

Johnson Street IEMD: Two assists for Lewis and one for Fraser ... nice:-)

Jordan 92: Shows why Langley had never played before pre-season as any other keeper would prevented both of Doncaster’s goals

Sidharth P Nambiar: St maximin always the best In squad ,he does everything in the attack.

Sidharth P Nambiar: Can u show the full match

Dyan Pratama: Alhamdulillah

Shafiq Dawoodani: Jamal Lewis impressed me. So many forward runs. Good job lad

CHRISTIAN 10: Vamos Urracas ❤

mickeyt107: Backup keeper is terrible....

david ruben pascal: Hope you guys don't get relegated

thomas 321 lol: Howay the toon . I was at the match

jujitsujew23: The kit sponsor makes it look like all the toon kits have a giant 4 on them. I can’t unsee it…

Linka: It sounds like there's more Geordies than there is Doncaster fans?!!!

LJ: Wilson no.9? Is joelinton selling this summer

yasmoo Aljl: FRASER back

amit deshpande: best fans in the pl

blimeylimey13: Why is their defence standing watching?

Brod Jefferson: Please get Jeff Hendrick the fuck away from the starting 11

Talha Bhutta: Rapid with these uploads like

Rhesus Minus: Beaten by York.

lochyes: Mini-Shaqiri played well.

lochyes: Put line ups at the start of the vid pls. Sites like livescore dont cover the line ups of these friendly's.

James Hines: Hope that's not newcastles keeper for the start of the season.

James Taylor: Jamal Lewis has to start

Luke Johnson: I hope I’m not correct at all but why when Sean scored did him and maxi not acknowledge each other? It very much looked like they weren’t interested in each other at all. Really weird for me.

M: Wilson

Dylan Laing: Heeeeeeey Callum Wilson🎶

Priest Fulton J Wingba JR: Good news about Jesus Christ! When you first come to him, He completely erases/ forgives your past! You will not be punished for anything bad that you’ve done! Here’s how! (2 Corinthians 5:17)- “If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation: The old has gone, and the new has come! (Explanation of the Bible verse above): Whenever a person decides to turn their lives to God they will NOT be punished or penalized for any of their past sins before coming to God. Yes, a clean slate! Or A clean record! This is what Christians mean when they say they’ve been “reborn” or “born again.” (To have their past erased completely and forgiven!) (So for example), if a prison inmate decides to confess his wrong doings, and ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness, Jesus is generous to forgive and erase his past and give that man a fresh start at life! A chance at redemption to do what is right! And With that fresh start that he is given, He must not go back to crime. This is what Christians call a “repentance.” “A True Repentance”, (in a biblical sense), is when a person feels guilty, or remorseful or sorry for what they did in their past, so they confess and ask God for forgiveness, and then follow through with turning away from those things which they are sorry for. (Proverbs 28:13)- “Whoever conceals his sins will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Version 21.0

Nikhom Kunpratuyod: 👍👍👍

Daniel Tabor: UP THE MAGPIES!

benn henderson: first

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