Outer Banks Season 1 Recap | Netflix

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JT #DameTime: Thanks Netflix, but I already did this by rewatching the whole season.

Emma Hempker: Don’t worry I don’t need to watch this cause I just finished watching season 1 for the 5th time

Danyel Wayne: Don't cancel it please

Nathan Duffy: I CANT WAITTT!!!

Adnan Khan: Second one waiting, timehas come now i guess

Lostking: Trying to survive this wait

T: Anyone else rewatching season 1?


anna hammy: I’ll come back when season 2 is out!

Kayla Daniel: Can’t believe they filmed s2 in barbados 😭😭😭i was only hours away oh my gosh

Brandon Taylor: Ahhhh so good I just wish it was July 30th already so I could binge this season.

gracebutonline: i love how all these comments are just all of us comparing how many times we have watched it

zachoholics: I am SO EXCITED

han ily: they think we need a recap.... that’s funny. i have may or may not watched it seven times working on my eighth. 😳


samiya !: a show that makes me forget all my worries <3

moviekidd1: Netflix promotes and supports pedos!!

Tessa Tessier: 7 more days you guys!

lil zakar: Will season 2 be the last season?

lil zakar: If it’s coming out in a week, then why post clips?

Elayna Lewis: If Kiara and JJ dont date this season I'm fighting

Star Wars Talk Show: SO HYPED!!!

•sadheartsclub•: Cancelled a white water rafting trip just to binge the season when it comes out. Worth it 😩🤚

Sofie the Randomness Master: I’m literally so excited I can’t-

Kxylee: Next Friday

Kalihah Fletcher: 1 WEEK AWAYYYYYYYY

03 AI: I love this show.

sherwine: ugh i’m so excited for season 2😫😫

Siimplyroblox: If we don’t get JJ and Kiara I’m gonna sue Netflix

Adrian McDonagh: Thanks for ruining he man dickheads

Filipe_Lemos: 1:20 how did he survived to the fall?

Rebecca Isbister: Wow. Stoked af.

sandy: 1 week to go!!

pip pig: best show EVER…

Layzaa Harmon: Idc if jj and kie don't be a couple by the middle of season 2 I'm disowning Netflix.

Tvdlove_5: We need season 3 after this

Wittle Kitten: What does ' *JJ* ' even stand for? Jimmy John? 💀💀

zeineb B: this show is genuinely boring and gets a season 2? meanwhile the society is cancelled?



maria - iship2ship: you know we're gonna binge watch season 2. so, it's time to start talking about season 3.

JulianC: 1 week guys

nassim23: 🇩🇿If some men focus on books as they focus on women's bodies, we would be in the community of scholars

Sarah Martinez: The goonies found the treasure

Nishank Verma: feel fresh😌

Nishank Verma: feel fresh😌

21 Gamer Street: I have school the day season 2 releases 😢 Ya know what, Screw school

Cody Denion: I watched s1 2 times I’m ready

Elysia M: Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deva Sahayam: ok now i am pressured to rewatch obx 1

Janaína: Cool

Dylan Marshall: I’m so excited

Relting: IVE NEVER been so excited for something in my life

Natasha Guelmes: i have literal chills right now! i cant wait!!!

eva cyprowski: YESSSSS

Gabriella Panucci: Obx2 here we come 😏

Harry Potter: 7 days. Let’s go!

Alexandria Miller: I can’t wait to see how y’all portrayed my island “nassau” because I know y’all ain’t been here! 🇧🇸

Kels: Am I the only one who got chills?

Jean Barthelemy: S1 <<<<<<<< S2

Kenzie Mcleod: I’m going to start watching outer banks does anyone recommend it?:)

Joslyn Johnson: one more week.

Kennedi Lindsey: this making me even more excited for s2 now😆

Landry Boyd!: Who plans to stay up until 12 am on Thursday and just watch the show all night. Me!!!

Willy Fox: wow thanx Netflix this show is amazing

Zahra Khan: Waiting for an entire year just to watch it in a day.. :)

Tekiyahnot: My brother birthday is on July 30th but it’s a gift for lol

Ruchi Bhatt: John B and JJ >>>>

Army Hooah: Who else can’t wait for season 2???

Common Man: i was not excited for a second season ever. waiting for it eagerly

mighty vee: season 2 please

Valentina Gomez: I can’t wait for season 2


Alex Tyler Gaming: Here's my version Last summer was boring, I watched you assholes get in trouble with stupid shit and laughed my ass off when stupid things happened to you all

Max Lopez: The JJ hot tub scene in season 1 still makes me break down to this day 💔

March King45: ONE MORE WEEK!!! Pls come sooner!!!

Emily: I am so excited!!

claudiamador: I was waiting for this, because I remember but I don’t remember but I also remember but I don’t

elias: i just finished rewatching the show and see this on my recommended

John Patrick: the 9 dislikes include ward

Isabelle Vitória Brand Camargo: não aguento mais esperar aaaaaaaaa

Skaton Cayson17: Only one more week I pulling an all nighter watching it and at least I know what to do on my birthday

tanishka phatke: Future me is gonna regret after watching these series in just one day and then not knowing what to do for the whole year😭

Tianne Murray: I can't wait to see season 2 next Friday!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Ahlamm -: if JJ and Kie aren't a couple by the end of this season, me and Netlfix are having a strongy word

Cool Dude: Even though I’m watching this, I’m still rewatching the whole season for the millionth time

ASMITA: The guy on the thumbnail looks like a mixture of demi location and justin bieber

Random Stuff: This show is just amazing

PuppetBoy: Wokeflix....you are dying....hope the sjws and feminazis you keep catering to can keep you afloat ....since you know....people think they are a majority

Debiprasad Pradhan: I can't wait anymore 🥴🥴

Matt From Wii Sports: OMYYYYY

Trash account Trash: i’m so excited for season two, but i have to wait an extra week to watch it bc im gonna be at camp gahhhhh if someone spoils it i might jump off a bridge

EDT Videos: I will be watching on a holiday

Jonathan Ekhagbai: Outer Banks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zoey Toby: 7 days till season 2

Hailey Luciani: Ok, yup. This was needed. Pumped for season 2

Rafia Asif: Oh my gosh I really wish my life was like this show

priyanshi: cant wait anymoree

Bella: Thank u we needed this to remmber what happened

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