SEASON 10 HEIRLOOM 🤔🤔🤔 × Apex Legends

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Ammar Amin: Should i main crypto or revenant?

flipping pancakes: God I hope crypto get more love

RGshadow: I would slam money for respawn to make a sword heirloom

sapnu puas: walkreee

Sear McN: The so called "heirloom" on the thumbnail is from ratchet and clank

Noize: loba just needs her pole staff

Noize: peter mckinnon?

Maddox: Ramparts should come out first, then Crypto, then Loba. Because Rampart has a actual model, and is getting a massive buff which is trying to get players to play her more. Cryptos scope, is first of all not a heirloom I dont believe because A. It's a scope B. It might be called that as a placeholder because of the colors or it's for some event. C. It just doesnt feel like one, I mean something from his past or has an importance to him, maybe a data knife. A computer? His picture he grabbed in the release of him?, maybe his drone controller? Idk..?

GJ Vulture584: I think it might be loba this season cause of the hatred she has to revenant plus Rev got his last szn

Whitehawk747: I bought enough apex coins to get lobas heiroom If I do the S10 battlepass all the way. I'm desperately hoping that It won't be in S10 because I'll be screwed, Aka i'll have to spend another 20+ dollars. (The 2400 Crafting Materials from the belgium exploit would save me the cost of 3 packs.)

slyfox 145: I think loba will get the heirloom cos in the teeser trailer loba stabs wraith with her black market

Dominick: They should give wattson a nessy plush as an heirloom

The Ducklin: kinda think Wattson or Crypto are gonna get the heirloom, mainly due to the fact that they were trending on Twitter when the rev heirloom came out

exxe: I want watt's heirloom😐.

Widowmaker Lacroix: I’m really praying for a Loba heirloom this upcoming season!

🔥 Fire Fox 🦊: Horizon main here rn I’m just gonna say I’m calling fbi I need horizon heriloom

AngryOnion: Fuse needs heirloom now

Saeko San: i hope loba gets one

GajjerAntics: I think rampart will get I because this season has a big part to do with rampart like lmg and everything

The Cloaker: Fuse heirloom for season 12 pls.

CMDCHAMPION: I believe there going to do rampart with her buff she might be op and everyone will play her and a heirloom mid season. If she can walk with a mini gun more people will play her. Mark my words.

Zayd B: I am a huge horizon main but i think watson deserves it the most

Fizzimzz M: I hope Watson is the last one with a heirloom fucking useless character

katalyst _2000: I want one for loba bad

Logan X10: I didnt know rachets wrench will be making an appearance as an heirloom for season 10

Gustavo Garcia: I want Loba heirloom

Aaron Baker: Loba

Mrcancanyt: Poor wattson she never getting a heirloom dev hate her. Wattson main by the way😢😢

MooNLight2146: Pls let it be Crypto next 😫💕 #Cryptomain

ReiWYD: if rampart gets a heirloom before crypto ima quit the game

Kayla Good: It's going to be rampart

The Cat Content: 0:30 heres a trick if u look at the marvins arm and its sparking it will drop an arm when killed

Patrixton: Ratchet and clank wrench???

Funkie Chicken: 100% loba is getting it. I have 0 doubts about it. We basically see it in every trailer... That stick of hers. Plus the popularity and all that, if the data is accurate. I'd say horizon is also pretty new to get an heirloom tbh.

NICK: i pray that it's Loba

David O’Riordan: The wrench one looks like the törbjorn hammer for a certain skin from overwatch

Samir Ali: I would love to see a Loba heirloom

Neko Saints: I Pray To The Apex God's For A LOBA Heirloom 👃👃👃

BR0WN DAD: Loba and rampart are both of my mains and have been for almost a year now so I see this as a win win

BlakSeaman: It's rampart

Luis D.: it will probably go to rampart bc she will be getting a huge mid season buff and update (my opinion why)


PŒTIC: Imagine Ratchet and Clank in Apex. Pathfinder would get a Clank skin, and either Wattson or Rampart would get a Ratchet skin

FELO: If Valk gets the Heirloom S10 , Imma sell some parts of my body

FrostyFeline: I really hope it’s Loba, Wattson or Horizon

Lxgacy: Can we please get a Loba heirloom? I mean she already carries it around as her ult. Come on respawn give my girl some love ❤️

SneakyPanda7: Crypto mains rn🥳🥳

Drew Farina: please be horizon 🤞🤞

Karim Shalaby: I think it will be crypto's

Moo: Wattson SHOULD. But she will never ever get one. Maybe season 40 or something.. Every other new legend would receive sooner. Without any doubt.

Lorenzo: I want Loba to get her heirloom. She’s pretty popular/more popular than crypto, rampart, and horizon(especially since of horizon’s huge nerf). And she’s been in the game longer and more popular, since release way back in season 5.

Indigo CP: I don't know why everyone thinks we're getting an Heirloom when we just got one less than a month ago. They don't release Heirlooms that often. Your content is just pure bait at this point.

Allison VP: Rampart is the best

Itay: I wish Loba one

Huzaifa Sabah: Elo ;)

Dirty Dan63: I feel like Lina needs it the most

Bor0: I want a Hercegovac Legend for season 11 with an axe heirloom or I'll riot !

Demonkiller: I want a loba heirloom I’m a loba main

Simon Maskell: crypto is so good at hiding, even the game developers forget his existence...

Gema Fathan: i think loba's gonna have her heirloom on this season bcz she's the second most highlighted character in the s10 trailer

Sam Livera: So u narrowed it down to one of the legends without an heirloom.

Wattson is g: Aaaahhh, classic respawn not giving wattson any love. Just the usual.

Snipe K: Sad Wattson mains

welkin: all the angry wattson mains in the comments

Joseph Funes: Loba heirloom finally😩🤩

Hozzay_xx: I’m getting this close to stop playing if I do see a wattson heirloom

Ale K: Id say next one is wattson or crypto

Azeddine 0: Rip watsson No heirlom Nurf

Tim Kallrath: I really want a Wattson heirloom but since that is not that likely I think that the next heirloom goes to Crypto. But when the Wattson heirloom finally arrived my wallet will die...

Jack fico: is there any chance we dont get the rampart heirloom even tho It was in the files. Has that happened before? Cause revs was leaked last season or early in this one. would love for it not to be ramparts.

FahadPlays: I think Loba deserves it! Rampart has a rlly low pick rate so as crypto and horizon is quite new! :( let’s hope it’s Loba💕

Lazy llama: My mom mains loba and got heirloom shards at level 30 I hope loba gets new heirloom

Adam Lloyd: Crypto should get his heirloom at season 11 it would make sense since we are going to his home world I didn’t know how to spell the planet

E T H E R: Bots up,Zilke here.

Chris: Hopefully Rampart <3

Mint Mango0: I think it’ll be rampart based on some things the Gaming Merchant said about how Revenant’s heirloom + buffs gave Revenant a new spike in popularity and I also think since Rampart has a full sprite and an animation for hers which looks more finished than the one sprite we saw of Crypto’s plus there are a few rumours of what his heirloom could be that don’t sound like the image I think that it’s less clear as to what his heirloom is but we can say with more certainty that Rampart’s heirloom will be a wrench and we don’t really have anything on Loba’s heirloom yet (as far as I’m aware) so I think the most likely candidate is Rampart

MAD MAN: Here comes all the wattson cry babies lol if you feel cheated as a wattson main maybe find another legend to play? That simple seeing as she gets no love. Or just main her an wait til season 20 for that heirloom lol Honestly tho EA isn’t worried about her or crypto least heirloom wise.

Cyber Lou: Bc Rampart is getting a buff mid season there's a chance she's getting an heirloom too. Buuut I would prefer Loba. Also Revenant got his this season and since Loba and Rev have a dynamic together she might have hers next. Also that's personal, but I'm playing since season 0 and still didn't get my shards. But I feel like I'll get them right when my main will get her heirloom, which is next season and for Loba. It's just an intuition lol

FallenRequiem-: "I just slashed your face! Heh, that was inevitable"

Mario: I have an idea, to satisfy the Crypto and wattson mains (Crypto mains for me), since the lore to the area of oriented to what it put together, bim event with 2 heirloom for the price of one and you have Crypto and wattson :D

Dexterdehedgehog leon.: It is going to bi wattson and you know it

Youssef Ghazi: You have the best outro ever🤣

Jetty Rafael: Loba please 😍

IRUAMAK: Ramp and loba are in the trailer next to seer… lol an whats up with the battleaxe?

Avesonn: I hope that I’m wrong but I say that Rampart will get it 😅

Stogiermink: Rampart is getting the next heirloom. Crypto, Wattson and Rampart are all equally low played characters. For them to make money, they HAVE TO increase the pick rate when releasing heirlooms. My reasoning; 1) She has a buff coming. They typically release heirlooms in the same season as buffs, this can be seen with Revenant and Mirage. This buff will increase her pick rate and in turn make more money. 2) She has/had a heirloom in the files. The fact they removed it, must mean they are working on it since they always remove stuff they are working on. Also, it existing in the files must mean we are getting it in either season 10 or 11 - with 10 being more likely due to her buff. 3) Heirloom pose. Again, this shows they are working on it.

what's up: Rampart is trash the pick rate for her is a lie the actual pick rate is not even 1% no chance for her to get heirloom but wattson and crypto and loba got a chance

WandaQueen: Why rampart 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Brief Keef: yall know its rampart idk why this is a conversation

Stefan Führer: Havent yall seen the Vid from ben prendergast Fuses heirloom is coming 100% next and its gonna be a can of beer lmao

rhany vit.: I NEED loba's heirloom

Yojansel Cuevas: By leakers like Garret, Shrugtal and others they told us Ramparts heirloom is the next one with more probability cuz it is almost finished like revenants heirloom when it started to be leaked. And if Ramparts gets spicy buff in mid season 10 that means on the collection event which the probability to get her heirloom goes up more

Ethn Mz: that thumbnail looks like ratchets weapon from ratchet and clank bet it is..

tekwizwa: The crypto heirloom scope was proven fake weeks ago, embarrassing fact checking on your end

Diggy Dee: I find it important to note from those lists that wattson had a higher popularity than revenant in season 8. Raises some questions doesn't it?

ACOOODYBEI 155: me fuse main. me sad :(

Kavya Saxena: Wattson pls 😭

Einar: Lobaaa please respawn!!!!🍑

Kolby Parrott: Ramparts goona get it, just for the fact that their giving her a huge buff

go nk: Here is a idea for wattson's Heirloom idea idk if this idea was like thought out by someone else but wattson should get a fencing sword

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