American Horror Story: Double Feature Season 10 Teaser | 'Bad Omen' | Rotten Tomatoes TV

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CS_cat 1179: omgg can't wait o(><)o

CORNISH: Is watching this on SHROOMS

That Rad Guy: Lol okay but why are the sea monster and the alien making out 😂😂

Mav Abad: Its eerie and im loving it👽👽👽

Jovi Deang: I think it's about the 2 species falling inlove and about they're child to be. the last part of the video was the alien in the sea it means it's they're child a half siren/alien.

David F.: Do you know the song please??

MonKevSter: What is that song ???????

grean lol: mermaid/alien love story

davidareyouhuman: The violin reminds me of murder house teasers.

Steve Evans: So asylum and hotel crossover?

Maxime Caliot: Finally we are asking for aliens to come back since season 2

Genbu Chiquito: 😱😱😱😱😱

Rosita Espinosa: Looks good wonder how many seasons AHS will go on for I think season 12 will be the last

juan lopez flores: BRUH... For real it got really weird and uncomprehensible SO fast... This is some romeo and juliet ON LSD.

Lucas Rod.: Omg, it’s coming !

rafa gar: The way I hate sharks but still watched anyway 😂

Kos Filinos: My ex mother-in-law on tv.

Joshua GC Wong: Vampires and aliens

Kevin Zúñiga Gallegos: Wou I love it

Marcelo Silva: Voldemort is that you? He is back 😂

Jomar Cado: I want what they're having.

MR, WEDNESDAY: Esto está de locos, espero un corazón por llegar temprano porfa 🙏

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