Sigrblot Season Free Update - Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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rad w: When festival started?

Vodkashot: Ubisoft!!! Bring back old Ac!!!! 😫

кирилл ковальский: Баёвку всю испортили со сваими маркерами.

Another Happy Landing: Not to be a downer but I don't think anyone should still be excited for this considering the horrific abuse going on at ubisoft and the fact that they are trying to sweep it under the rug and it seems like it is working #holdubisoftaccountable

Piotr Kmiecik: When will You fix "Saint Faith" world event bug? :)

Adriano: This game is pure garbage, stop call this Assassins Creed.

leo skelton: Is the 29th and 8 hours in where is the festival it hasn't even started


S: Damn good thing I pulled an 800 iq move by redownloading the game on the 28th

Stoutmatte: Nice of them to not announce what time the festival starts...

Cole Molitor: I am playing right now and there is no festival it’s one 1:13 in the morning it’s the 29th

Shavala Feral: Well time to play AC valhalla again

wS: "Это ограниченное по времени событие начнется в Рейвенсторпе 29 июля" - ничего, что уже 29, а событие не начато? Может стоило потратить 1 мин и дописать время, ответив на миллиарды очевидных одинаковых вопросов "а в какое время то оно БЛ.... начнется?"

LaDio: This game is garb lol

Robert Rand: niga? WTF?!

Sincarii The Bard: Will this have a hot sexy midnight release or shall I be made to wait until I get off of work

Sai Ganesh: The music sounds badass

THOT special forces: Damm 2 hours here in England

Benjamin PAVON: name of the music : locate the sun - sarah schachner

STRYKER1467: I cant even finish the old riverraids map cause i cant get the map piece due to a bug thanks for that.

PUNISHER: So its 29 july 1 am right now will this be out now??

OzanG.: What is the song name please?

alex brown: Still no new game plus tho...

Darren Hait: Fix the goddamn sleep loop bug.

Antonio Carraturo: Ost name? Is awesome!

thisEndlessDeadEnd乡,: Why i supposed to getting Free season updates in Single player game? I wanna get it on release cuz valhalla is hell empty to compare with Odyssey

Hugo Ortiz: Mehh not impressed... more of the same in my opinion

Abhinab Das: Is this even assassin's creed?

Mitchz Playground: New river raid maps, one handed swords... ooooh yeah!

Richard N. Amora Jr.: Hella excited bout this. i never go wrong when i buy the gold edition.

TNOT LJ: Once you’re like power 500+ dual wielding Odin and the dlc 1 spear there’s no going back. I don’t even know when I last used an ability or a ration. I often hurt myself on purpose which is sad but we need real opponents that are at least power 600

TNOT LJ: Should I get a letter at the Ravensthorpe or something to get this party started?

MrFaceeatingcancer: Ok Ubisoft not everyone lives in the Northern Hemisphere it's winter right now here in Australia I'm sitting here alone in my bedroom freezing my butt off

Skingsman AIO: Make a Futuristic ASSASSIN CREED game

pro zilla: Maybe stupid question but how much xp do you need to get skill points.

The Man Of The Hour: Holdubisoftaccountable Holdubisoftaccountable Holdubisoftaccountable Holdubisoftaccountable

Afrid Ahmed: Lol imagine you go to the tournament with the mjolnir on one hand and gungnir on the other. They should have a special dialogue for that 😂


The Chaperone: Well, the Yule Festival wasn't available for me, neither was the Ostara Festival, so doubt I'll be able to take part in this either. Just gonna have to wait for Siege of Paris.

Redvik: and Snoy fanboys say ghost of yawnshima is better ac valhalla. PHHhh stupid Snoys!!!!

daugintas ratkevicius: I hate shields

WhiteEagleForce: You guys still didnt fix the perk icons doesnt show above the adrenaline bars.

Dhiego Moreira de Andrade: Finalmente espada de uma mão, Warlord look a like!!!!

Martin The TigerStar: I love you Assassin's Creed ❤ and Ubisoft 💙

Daniel Ninnis: If there's a year 2 of valhalla please expand the seasons to effect the world not just the settlement

Kyle Ashley: I wish the company cared enough to see how off the mark they are. Worst parkour, awful stealth, lacking of any original identity.

Broken Bridge: Hey Ubisoft the M Tattoo designs that the play gets from the Yule festival are stuck in the item container and won't leave no matter how many times you go to the tattoo shop they always seem to come back. Also this one Opal behind a waterfall in Ireland keeps glitching. I can't seem to take it. Please fix these.

Jamaal belle: Anyone know how to get this festival started I did everything I was suppose to in order to participate in this festival still no festival

Gengars Lair: They should stop putting the assassin's Creed name on games that aren't assassin's Creed.

Michał Chwastek: Time to return to the Raven Clan for the more elegant Weapon

Dd: Here's a good idea... Fix the ambient music... All that work from jesper kyd and you hear it for about 1 minute every 20 minutes


Brendan: I’m not sure I want the sword or not yet but I might try out the sickles in the dlc though

Fox4222: It. Is. About. Time.

em nawong em nawong: never seen a single player game with a MMO like constant update.

MenDeEvolution: worst looking "female" protagonist ever. its woke af. and then this awkward male animations

Tia Keen: But where do I go to start this? Updated and everything I think I’m missing something 😭

Sparrow: Yo what song is playing on the background?

CapWilder: Wtf is this new BS in the name of Assassin's Creed? Bring back the real AC.

Frank Castle: Dear Ubisoft please fix screen tearing on Ps5 it‘s still unplayable in big citys

Zack: still no FSR???

Rumle Hjuler: YEEEES

Brendan: Siege of Paris is bigger then wraith of druids once they release it I think it’s gonna be like 17 gb something more for Xbox one

Jordan Starks: It feels so forced to see they added another black person to the camp. Like come on what are the chances that a viking camp in the MIDDLE of England would see 3 black people come to it!? It's so out of place and clearly being forced. I would also be bitching if this game took place in the middle of China and white people were there.

Marlon ECKELMANN: Ubisoft please Bring River raids in North spain! And More settlements in other countrys or maybe Trading Post with uprade and Trading system

Alejandro Vallencci: This is all great and all, but when are we gonna hold Ubisoft accountable for the covering and protection of abusers at the company? #HoldUbisoftAccountable

Marius Armalis: A sword? Wow, so inovative 🙄

Larry Thompson: Wonder what it's like to be Jason Mamoa and have lazy game devs jack your image to make their characters look "cool"?

Gabriel McCormick: Male Eivor with that Jaime Lannister hair cut tho

Intel Ryzen: Let’s go and I could make anything mystical rn

ExtractedGamer: Why is the new festival coming on the 29th? Why not today? I lit cried when I realized it was not coming today, like I just realized it

Jack Redd: This game is boring asf

Bryan Hill: I hope we don't get sickle like animations for the sword. If you held LB with the sickles it looked like Eivor was having a stroke

Emulation: Still dreaming of having one handed swords in ac4 and ac Rogue as main weapons.... 😐

Tommy Washington: I am highly hyped.. to Francia

Oggy Ghost: I hope we see something of Rollo as he did rule Paris at one point

Okell Brunson: Stop using female Evior I don't even play as her

The AC Gamer: Awesome ! Ubisoft And I'm Really Excited For One Handed Swords.

Udie4myCREED: More filler content...these festivals bored me, river raids bored me Ireland was good for about two days got bored haven't logged back on since.

Azeem Mufaris: What's the name of the soundtrack played in this trailer ?

br-1z_1z: A viking sword, when I found the most deadly combo is the special sickle and the green death hammer

KlaelBlade: Finally One handed swords. Maybe fix the muffled raid music, only a billion pages and other audio related pages on your own forums Ubisoft. Einar from Wardruna must be livid that many people can barely hear his music on raids as it is so quiet. The music was fine months ago, after a patch, muffled af. Please fix.

official: Ill join next year.wait for my adventure ubisoft

kaoz spartan: I sorts assumed one handed swords were already in the game since theu always talked of the many options. I haven't had the chance to dive in as i would have liked to yet

Designer Azevedo: how about monted combat? why i cannot fight riding my horse?

Kyle: I want to be excited but I cant with the current state of recent updates. You brake more than you add every time.

HIERO: Available Now?

Austin Wood: Please add a new game plus

Corey Bable: August 12th Siege of Paris YES!!!

brodie sperry: Yall, please add blood onto the weapons after you slash someone its so unreal that the game dont have this

ERFAN ASR: Fix AC syndicate visual problems on PS5 backward

Jeshaun caraballo: No armor i guess more weapons which im not mad about tho I want a viking style armor

Gags Chawla: Valhalla calling me 🤩

Illusion: Hell yeah🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Lobus: New Game Plus? When?

1Clip1Bullet: What a boring game...

Thepillar Guy: How are you hyped for a sword?

Chase Clark: Great, when’s new game plus?

Sapere Aude: So hyped, this will get me back to the game!

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