DC's Stargirl Season 2 "Balance" Trailer (HD) Brec Bassinger Superhero series

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Project R: WAIT WAS.THAT PURPLE SPEEDSTER LIGHTNING 1:13 ik it's the villains colour for his powers but that looks like speedster lightning

THE ALPHAWOLF: I’m sorry but am I the only one who thinks Courtney’s mom is really attractive?

Ben Garcia: Thank God Stargirl will be joining arrowverse soon. Jay Garrick from The Flash will have a cameo role in episode 9. With black lightning and supergirl over, it’s finally time stargirl joins arrowverse.

Mardon NaLou: So are we going to get Jesse Chambers for their speedster?

Hercules: Looks so stupid.

Angel EC: 0:55

Brian Daleske: Now this preview is great.

Mateuswx: O que eu mais temia não aconteceu graças a Deus a série não abaixou a qualidade continuar boa

Jonathan oliveira nascimento: i love ill comeback for my reviewsfinally

cellmate1: Beth looks ridiculous in that Dr Midnite suit

Afif Benz: This season will be awesome ❤️🥰

Jacob Wilson: Theory: Shade's endgame is to destroy Eclipso. But because of Stargirl's intervention, Eclipso escapes

Greg Jenkinson: Small nitpick but i really hope they give Hourman and Dr Midnight updated costumes in this season. Stargirl and Black Cat both look cool but the other two look like they're kids wearing parents clothes

Day Dreams: So is this the space cop green lantern thing or the other one? I bet it's not the lantern corps ring

Mark Lunn: We need more green lantern.

TiTi- Jessica Lopez: YES (STAR GIRL) PLEASE MAKE IT NO LIKE OTHER SHOWS..😍😍😍😍😍😢😢😢😢😢😍😍😍😍

Dark Nexus: No mention of Sylvester and the Eclipso in this trailer? Hopefully they still play a key part in this season!

Tosanak: No one ever believes the chosen one when they say that something’s wrong until shit hits the fan 🤦🏾‍♂️ Like haven’t they proved their instincts are usually right? Buffy/Sabrina/Liu-Kang/Stargirl/ the list goes on.....

Stanley Ezen: Dope show

Rogam Parr: wait i thought we were getting Starman this season? no sign of him in this trailer.

King Bendy World: Why does this look higher buggit than there other shows

Connor Bingham: I really enjoy this show. I really like how they made Courtney a human being that makes mistakes and is learning. A lot of media today shows girls as ‘Mary Sues’ which are women that don’t need to change and that are perfect and just need to destroy the patriarchy. But that is unrealistic role model for women to relate to. They should have a role model that is arrogant and impulsive and reckless and watch them change and struggle. That way it’s a lot more realistic coz no body is perfect.

celticwolff: When she says "A career as Stargirl." I hope Pat asks "How much do you think that pays?"

teclis452: song ????

Sub Zero: Damn to be honest Season 1 it's great but i feel this next season is going to be a let down because what make a great Superhero shows is the factors off The Hero,Antihero or Villain and it seems like they don't have a promising character like Season 1 before so yeah they better do something right like bringing back Icicle or give his son a power so he can become The Icicle Jr.

Brandon White: Wait green lantern...man John diggle deserves that spotlight

Terrell Ratliff: I, love, Brec,Bassinger as, stargirl,

iNFAMOUS415: i understand they want to empower women in this show and all but come on they couldve made GL a guy. where is the balance

Red Knight: Can't wait this is going to be epic.

dominantshxrk: 👀

Anooshka Bajaj: 0:40 it reminded me of Aquaman and Cyborg in the Justice League 😂

CrackedShawn: I wish the new jsa actually use the headquarters it’s just there chillin lol

michial harris: Star girl looks like a movie!!

Shadow Hazard: Pls be like season 1, pls be like season 1, pls be like season 1. Same tone, scores, fights, plot, and everything great about last season, please........

Elizabeth: I do hope that Dig(John Diggle) is green lantern Of star girl is apart of his world and the other heroes

Will Tate: I hope Yolanda emancipates herself from her parents. I wouldn't wanna live under a roof with parents who refused to forgive me over a stupid mistake.

R B: Doesn't a Lantern's ring go to the most worthy person in the vicinity? Never heard of it being inherited before.

E Kennedy: Thank God for this and S+L fam🔥🔥 (& Titans)

Trevin Carroll: I mean Rick had a point. With the ISA gone there was no point in being heroes. They could’ve hung up the costumes until a situation arises when they’re truly needed

Elecktra.G: John diggles green lantern is coming soon 😁😁😁

Vanica: The Wilson brothers ones in marvel ones in dc 💀

Scythe: 1:13 Speedster? Idk

Jayjay: August 10 already, better ready the popcorn.

G sowmitri: so green lantern is a villain in this seriously

ossiel Orozco: wait there's a lantern in this???

RomanticRosebud: Looks good. Seems like the teens will be dealing with ya know teen stuff while fighting crime too 😂. Courtney needs to realize there’s more to life than being a hero. But, it’s understandable because all heroes go thru this

Kate: I'm pumped this is back. I hope CW can keep up the story telling with it and not go off the rails like it's done with other franchises.

The List of Jericho: Jade isn’t green? Lame

k b: Ya quiero verla !! 😎

Nick Milligan: If the CW change this series in any way I will be seriously pissed

Bryon Antcliff: I'm just really hoping for obsidian.

Captain Eri: Jessica Cruz GL??????

Isadora Gabriele: Song????

Jonny The Berry: Wait so Geoff Johns and the writers will stay for the whole series?

Freak Zeke: Seeing Green Lantern powers in action makes me even more hyped for Diggle to finally answer the call. 😎 "World's await"

Golden1_1Dragon: They decided to choose the fattest looking girl to do stargirl😂😂😂

Diego Game: Nice season

Jøhnny?: Uhuiuuuul vai ser bom demais

Demigod Shmurda: I thought Courtney got over her need to be Stargirl to define who she is after 1x11 "Shining Knight". Seems like some character regression. I knew the CW got to them.

CrackedShawn: I wonder how jakeem gets the pink pen cause they released 2 trailers with mike with the pink pen twice and unleashing it it’s gonna be sort of a problem because we all know how hard mike wants to join the jsa but he has nothing special or valuable to help the jsa in their missions I think when jakeem gets the pen it’s gonna cause them to stop being friends because mike had it first .

Ashon Lewis: Can't wait

Marwa Atwan: Wait but where is Starman. We saw him in the finale why is he not in the trailer?

CrackedShawn: Can the shade use his power in the light or no ?

AdomkXG: Glad to see the quality remain the same

Steven Sypher: You know a show is doomed when it’s in its second season and you’ve never heard of it

92Beyo: Courtney, don't become addicted!

jimmy moore: and Jay garrick is going to be in an episode

zoe knap: I didnt know Hal Jordan was asian lol but for real im excited

Lucas Espinosa: This season will be EPIC

Staci C.: I'm excited to see where this show goes. It has some huge potentials and what I've seen so far I can ride with

Jack Edwards: “A career as stargirl” Wise words from a wise woman

Arrow2 flash: Cw : fuck you fans. you get a female green lantern CW: youl never get a John Steward diggle Green Lantern !! Cant believe this is all we get

al mor: Please keep it simple and unwoke!🙏

Oliver Garrick: I cant wait to watch star girls this season 2 will be lits🤗❤.

Keagan: Speedster with pink lightning

Chase Salyer: I shall shed my light over dark evil. For the dark things cannot stand the light, The light of the Green Lantern!

Evra Golet: Are your killing me?? Jessica Cruz green lantern?? Let's go! Oooohhh

Jack Diaz: I need to see Eclipso in action

Justin Boykin: Two questions when are they going to show the clips and why haven't they shown eclipso

CrackedShawn: Love how they made it much darker last season was good but it was kind of childish now it’s seems they have matured more Beth seems more mean and mature hopefully she takes fighting classes of something lol😂

Zach Schmitt: Can’t wait!!!!

AMAN: This show deserves more attention! Can't wait to see

olivia miller: And also Roulette, Vigilante, and The Crimson Avenger from the Seven Soldiers of Victory DC Comics Group!!!!

olivia miller: Hopefully Cheshire, Blue Moon, Johnny Sarrow, Thorn, Molly Mayne, Baron Blitzkrieg, Ultra-Humanite, and Gentleman Ghost all get to be in Stargirl in different latter upcoming Seasons of the TV Series!

zeyphrBW sd: The Shades coming

Jun Kurosu: Could jade be adopted in this universe 😕❓

baaba baadu: LETS GOOOO can't wait and umm Beth and rick

Jerry Dboss: Green lanterns weakness is wood, imagine sports master with a bat

Amit Salvi: I loved this series... cant wait

CJ4L CREW: Dang they walk was powerful

Anthony Sokhon: I think yolonda will die you can see it in 1:07! who else think she will

Carlos.Martinez.Rivera: If a villain were to through wood on jade aka the new green lantern will it also be her weakness too lol

olivia miller: Hopefully Power Girl, Liberty Belle, Sand, Mr. Terffic, female Judo Master, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Cyclone, Huntress, Atom Smasher, and also Dr. Fate join the New JSA in Stargirl!

The Brick in the Wall: I need this to lead to a justice society show. I'll even take a new age one. And with a lantern? Didn't watch first season but I really might.

TOSStarTrek: Golden Age Green Lanterns Ring was not contacted to the main power battery. Which is why it worked differently.

??????: Mike might have super speed now cause of the pink light around him in the trailer then a pink lighting speedster im just saying they could use the speed formula

Caleb Brito: Stargirl belongs on HBOMAX NOT The CW

Caleb Brito: Stargirl belongs on HBOMAX NOT The CW

Caleb Brito: Stargirl belongs on HBOMAX NOT The CW

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