Raine Whispers Changes Everything! Eda's Requiem Breakdown! The Owl House Season 2 Episode 7

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The Roundtable: why do the villains gotta be so cool tho?

Devak 66: I see eda's magic as a tcheckov's gun. It has to be used

Syrus Grove: My favorite chareter is Eberwolf she's just so cute until she's transforms. And her personality is just one I like a lot.

cosmiclyraa: Off topic but I am absolutely in love with Darius

claks time: What if the empereror wants to control the titans skeleton with the flesh magic? But he's grinding pover?

SpikesOmega: Don't forget Eda's mom has a beast keeper symbol on her wrist as well. I wonder if they can be used for a form of possession ... Ooohhh Maybe Belos can actually link through them and just eavesdrop on whoever he wants. That would be an interesting twist to what they can do. Also that might explain the ending of season 2 episode 1 where he looks straight at the scrying (peeping) potion's "window" and says "knock knock human." He would have already known what Lilith was doing, AND it would also explain the meaning behind his words at the end of season 1 when he told Kiki that someone would be keeping an eye on the owl house. We ASSUMED he meant Hunter (golden guard) would be watching, but if my theory is right, then that means he can literally spy on every coven member on the isle.

Sofus —gamer: Guys i have bad news eda might act like a mother to Luz but… she’s still her mentor and i think we all know what almost all mentors end up doing… they end up dead

OmegaChimera: You know, I wonder if Eberwolf's design was inspired by Winnie Werewolf from Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School? Probably not, but they do look way too similar, imo.

ngocdwong: those who fear bard magic has never played dnd, you need to fear them more

Ed Sweet: Hey can you make a theory on how when Eda does bard magic it hurts everything around her I have my own theory of why but I just wanna see your thoughts on how

Tye Nitty: Vox Bro why'd you skip the fact of Eda changing her hair back to how it was when she was with Raine?🤔

The Renegade: From what i’m guessing though it’s kind of farfetched alador and darius (the abomination guy i think it’s his name) were in the same coven at the same time but they both saw the track in two possible ways for alador it was technology for darius it was the material and both could have been coven heads but alador either lost to darius or just lost interest as we see him being bored of it or he made a deal of sorts which is why darius is disgusted by alador since while darius and the other coven heads perfected and master their track alador just turned the abomination track into a tool for himself

Yassine Dkhilii: Here is a theory , The plant coven head will get in a fight with Luz and Willow , and as the emperor hears that Williow defeated the plant coven head , he will order kikimora to capture her.

tuakra yee: I think every covern leader has to be alive because maybe they can unite the power of their covern to create some kind of energy and charge the portal. The more witches in coverns the faster it charges.

ollidragon: if only the boiling isle had karens, they would've predicted that coven reveal by now and their kids would be able to help luz.

bill the cipher: Can't wait to see belos unlock the rinne-sharingan

Wallop Puff: Turns out amity’s palismen it’s a white cat if you look it up

BJMO Aurea: Darius is BEAUTIFUL

Lake Latte: "To create More Fan art of" Boi Have i ever seen someone too accurate

Aaron Ogawa: Rain Whispers has a weak female like voice

Pseudonymous Entity: Either Willow, Amity or Gus will join a Coven before finale with dire consequences.

Void Sandwich: Luz is the strongest witch because she is the main character and can’t lose

Star'Flame The Night'Wing: I think the discoloration and withering away at the items is a hint to Eda's future. The future that the curse provides.. She lost color in her hair and eyes, and even in her skin. Her magic has withered away.. What's next?

Aiden Wallace: Raines controlling the guards reminds me of katara's bloodbending in the avatar like if you agree

liv B: is this a thing or am i just theorising by myself? did raine do all this cause they wanna date eda and then stopped to ask if she had children because that would mean they cant date eda.

Arakal Blackherst: D&D BARDS UNITE XD

Merpiiy: Remember the bard coven leader that retired? Which Raine later on takes over as a coven leader. I think the retired bard leader know something big, including the old illusionist man that Gus met, they both know something about the emperors coven

plzburpnow: The head of the beast coven is my favorite

Yosh Knight: Darius got the drip

oliver rites: Where are the other guys who run this channel ? 🤔

Cora: had to watch this twice. was too emotional from raine's rhapsody in the back 😭😭😭

Arttie the Draconequus: I just realized this, but part of this video actually had Raines Raphsody/ Eda's Requiem playing in the background. This song I'm definitely going to try and learn.

PotatoMaster: Rains smile is the best it reminds me of a turtle 🐢

Ga8e Dash: What if Darius is a hermit and this is just his clone

Drongo Brat: OH CRAP! i really hope lilith and eda both survive. I didn't even consider that lilith has a good chance of being able to cast the suicide spell too.

Jessica Rodriguez: He could be grandfather? Idk but I’m excited to know who is he.

GalacticTulip: I'm now realizing that Belos can use the coven seal against Lilith and Hunter possibly

Creed isHere: Alright if that eye on the wagon is connected to the portal obviously the eye on the carrot in the beginning of the episode is as well, along with all the eye's the show has used before.

Anthony Frias: I dead thought rain was a guy

Mr bear: How will lilith re ack to raine maybe lilith has a crush on raine to like eda and also i have a theory what about that guy at the trailer with the eclipse cape maybe its Philip

trapper's shadow: It reminds me of bards in d&d

Jimmy Biscuit: ngl i thouht Eda was going to die this ep and lilith would come back to take care of Luz and King

Entet: unrelated, but I think this fandom loves to ship people who have never interacted ONCE in the show.

Landom Farmer: Hi


Selahsminion: Honestly if all the coven heads are this cool I genuinely wouldn’t know what I’d want to do in this show lol.

Robert Dochter: I love that season keeps getting unapologetically darker and darker as it goes on.

VeeTheYT VTY: What if that thing was somehow King's mom? Since they're not as big as the pantings... idk

Asi Ender: darius is already one of my favorite characters, his design looks so cool and when i saw the scene with kikimora, i realized that her "hair" was actually a hand

dino jay: I think the head witch's are made of magic from bloso cuz why I say this is because the head of the beast coven is a beast dude

Sunshine Luna Eclipse: okay so i didn't answer before. BUT i really dont care which you do for amphibia. the only hting is in true colors one or two of your theories were right about the toad and frog in the panting....but maybe your theories video you could mix with a breakdown or maybe just the theory video

VeeTheYT VTY: Raine is just the most precious ever!! And they're non-binary!

Zyloll: Where are the stuff bout other shows like craig of the creek? U only posting owl house and amphibia

Ultrasound345: What is the gender of ever Wolf

mentally ill: How can yall forgive him for what he said to that child, disgusting

God Mischief: i still cant believe that gwendolyn is very ripped

Ace Singer: I just want to say thank you for using they/them when describing Raine. Today I’ve seen a YouTube channel that keeps using “he” to describe Raine.

Eli Herrera: Only Eda and Luz are powerful enough without a coven seal to face belos

Wulf Ryan Septim: I see a lot of people thought Raine was a guy, I had thought it was obvious they were a girl, the fact Raine is nonbinary is so awesome!!!

pasta. jpeg: Also one of the most intriguing part of this ep is the designs of the other coven heads, we already see Darius and eberworlf but we also see the others on the background during Raines initiation thing, the illusion head has a tail, potions has very long arms and the Oracle has 4.

Anthony Guzman: Round table won’t heart this prove me wrong

Ms. Rose: Darius aint got no business being all that captivating 😩

Viron Pabunan: I have a theory that Raine is literally gonna be brainwashed and used as bait from Emperor Belos to Eda.

Gab_Solo: Hi

DemiTrusdale3: Maybe there’s a hidden connection? Between glyphs and Belos’ Mecha magic?

Dewana B: Poor girl beeing thrown into prison again. When I first saw the episode I was like, "isn't that the girl from the 1st episode?"

Maria Chona Montilla: Please Do the Craig of the creek flag war

SallyJack: I feel like in the last episode, kiki was trying to kill hunter because she wants his job, because it has been confirmed to be cannon that he is now the head of the emperor’s coven

Steven Bastas: This episode pretty much confirmed that coven sigils are for more than just keeping witches from using only one type of magic. They’re SLAVE BRANDS under belos’s control, and allow him to enforce his will on witches attempting to rebel against him. This further proves that belos is indeed trying to turn all the magic users of the boiling isles into slave race to serve humans should he merge both worlds into one.

Kynan Abhinaya: Anyone thinks that the beast keeping coven specializes in Demons as well?

Michelle Wright: The day of unity will kill all the coven heads or sense this is Disney knocked unconscious and be drained to neat death

Dagnie: I’m surprised you didn’t mention the similarities between Lekmet’s appearance and King’s probable relative. The goat horns, beard, the wings, the body type and cloak… It’s interesting enough that the day of unity plans appear to be similar to the ending of Star Vs, so seeing a character that resembles Lekmet even remotely is even more interesting. He’s like Lekmet’s skull-doggo broski.

Lauren Wilbur: I looooove these deep dives!!!! I think that the demon showed towards the end of the episode is going to be King's Uncle. Based on nothing but a feeling. I cant wait to find out more!!

Janila David: Maybe he wasn't gigantic it was just drawn that way

Splow: Stop talking about the owl house for a minute and cover the Craig special!

Evelyn Lamoy: I feel like Darius's personality is meant to parallel Amity in her early appearances, the first abomination witch we see. Haughty, arrogant, and completely self absorbed. Likely as a foil to her, where she choses to grow as a person and become more than that, he won't see anything wrong with his behavior and will doom everyone else to have to deal with his personality. I LOVE him.


shaquille mccray: This is the 1st time in Disney history to have a non-binary character in the show.

Matthew Pressman: I’m interested if Kiki’s other eye is constantly red or if it’s the color of her other eye, but it turns red when she uses her ability.

Gustavo salles: I love this episode but something that bother's me alot about this episode it that Rain says that for Belos to do the spell to unite both realms he needs all the heads covens, so why didnt Rain just run a way and disappear since they are the head of the bard coven? There choice to take out Darius adn Eberwolf instead of just hiding makes no sense to me.

Kuba: I have a question does someone maybe know where can I watch new episodes of the owl house I'm from Europe

rainbow demoncat123: Eda x rein

Tăng Cường Vũ: I have a question, Eda's able to make potion without her magic, so that means making potion doesn't require magic, then if you join the potion coven, will they seal all your magic? Do other coven witches also can make potion too?

triforceofcourage100: I wasn’t actually surprised that the coven sigils could cocoon people I can’t say I was expecting it but I can’t say it surprised me either Belos just kinda seems like a guy to cover his bases like that

LoveAmethyst: i think Eda has Dark magic, maybe no1 could figure out the curse cuz no1 knows about it? theres alot of things hidden from history and theres light magic so y not dark? controlin the curse might also mean controling this new form of magic?

Ace Ride: If Eda's curse poisons magic, I wander if she and Lilith could corrupt Belos' big spell by adding their magic to the pool

Jeremiah Romo: Oh that’s kings dad and he let himself go too much

TheKakeKing: I love Raine. Darius felt like he was the de facto leader of the coven heads.

PWojo97: I know Darius and Eberwolf filled the role this episode as antagonists, but they just seemed more inconvenienced than anything. Like it's more of a job or a chore than anything else. Like Darius seemed to care more about how this was wasting his "me-time" and more upset with that his cloak got mud on it, than like Raine betraying the Emperor. I get the sense that he'd be very reasonable under the right circumstances, like Eda and Raine probably could've talked their way out of this, convinced him to hear them out, or talked their way into an alliance of sorts; like a "stay out of our way, we'll stay out of your way". Eberwolf just seems like a little crackhead agent of chaos. He does things just to annoy Darius, something tells me it wouldn't be that hard to coerce him.

espy-ninja: so.... is anyone else ready for the jail brake episode?? :)

Cody Gold: with the Cocoon like state that that could happen to everyone on the boiling isles, I wonder if there is a way to remove them, going back to the Convention episode, Eda points out all magic will be restricted ounce you join a coven, so Eda could begin to experiment ways to possible remove these coven symbols off people.

baconwolfiyee: Eberwulf is adorable asf, I hope she returns later

ShadowGolem86: Eberwolf is a gremlin

Weeb-u Breafs: This episode is so crazy I love Everwolf

michael saunders: I love her being so motherly in this

Steven Calinisan: Am I the only one who finds bard magic to be a bit lackluster? It just seems to be regular magic (in the sense of what we imagine magic to be like) but done with musical instruments. The other forms of magic were more "limited" but had other capabilities that were linked back to the central theme, which made them cool. Whereas bard magic is just regular, "boring" magic. They may as well just be casting spell circles instead.

PlayPaly 13: Major Kill La Kill vibes

AJB: mmmmm the music is sooo good.

seecunning: I hope that all the coven heads have some sort of mega/ultimate form like Darrius and eberwolf

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