DEXTER: NEW BLOOD Trailer (2021) Season 9

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Raymond Stevens: The laughable chronometer approximately drop because glue macropharmacologically decide toward a loving march. acoustic, wistful trial

Natalie Holch: nooo way

Magpie: What's with the dumb and dumber hairstyle?

Lie1295: Need money so.

Max Joseph: Best tv series of all time.

Holly grail A: Fuckyeahhh

John Wick: our favorite psycho with his Lloyd Christmas haircut

Rothaar Shanks: wait what it rly happen omg <3

Pio B: Hope this will last for another 8 seasons more!

Lawrence Clark: WHAT...THE...FUCK!!! A new season of Dexter!!!!!???? Why didn't anybody tell me this was going to happen!!! It's something I had never even thought could be a possibility! It's only the second series I ever watched (after Heroes). I used to get home to my apartment where I used to live in San Francisco, make dinner, turn down the lights and savour every single episode...the theme tune and starting sequence is embedded in my brain, and the psychosis and the challenges of this character will forever be with me. Season NINE!!!??? I'm gonna need a few days to process this. Excuse me...

mar Har: Wow!!! Is this for reals?!!!

Gerald: This is one of those shows that could disappear for years, but pop back up several years later without skipping a beat. I hope the writing is better than what they gave us that last season.

L. Ch.: Leah Clearwater! Such a beauty 🥰

Russell Jackson: Also, Clancy fricking Brown!!

jon sin: bruh how many years has it been now hes back damn


danny D: I hope he partner's up with Pinkman 🤣

Adrian Hernandez: I didnt know I need this 🤗🤗🤗

Jesse Johnson: Never watched this show. I wish i had.

Cerrin Hendricks: Thank god they didn't leave that season 8 ending, it felt so cheap at the time.

Chris Young: Where’s his kids

MR3D-Dev: Are we finally gonna see Dex flying without a code now that Deb is not longer there?

MUSIC LOVER: Didn't the last season of Dexter end horribly though!? I heard it was the biggest let down, LOL!

Aditya Maharaj: I can see them releasing this new season and in the first ep - killing off Dexter and making a female the new lead. #2021trends

Karen Hobgood: Yay! Dexter is back.

Chip Hargis: This is going to be horrendous

K.D.O. OF KALICO ENT.: Omg this is real?????!

Jim Park: Clancy Brown is in it. Should be good.

Purdy Scary: I stopped watching after Season 4. I heard it was downhill after that.

Best Sights Studios: Dexter needs to die in this season and end it perfectly. Now's your chance Showtime!

Luisa Marion-Rouleau: They actually filmed parts of this near where I live

TheNitroG1: really hated the last episode really the last two of the original series. I'm on the fence about this to be sure. good trailer though, just not a fan of where the story is at this point. not sure what they can do to recover it.

Joker 11: Omfg

Kilium Earth: Hell yes

Alicia Párraga Angulo: Como cuando no tienes trabajo y te llaman para hacer lo unico que sabes hacer

Michael Wachendorf: Only thing that could close out the year any better is a prequel of Game of Thrones.

Jacek Korzeniowski: I can't wait!

Pikeswrath: This actor looks very much like Rep Jim Jordan. Not a good look. lol

Jack Dubz: Looking forward to the inevitable WhatCulture video.

Herms: Damn I hope they end way better this time around

chivis v: Wow! Can't wait to see it

Hawie Mekbib: this guy seems familiar was he a serial killer before?

Bav: Wow! I can't wait to see my favourite serial killer again.

Molon Labe: Doaks’s military buddies?

tammy jarboe: omg , I can't wait..!!!!

Kevin Vadadoriya: Wnted see Dexter again and it is coming thought turn up in to reality

wilshore: Good no sister! OK showtime take my money, you win.

patoche patoche: Non !!!! Ils ont pas osé !!!???

Zlatan: Lets hope they dont shove political bullshit like everything coming out nowadays. People watch to get away from it, so many shows show biased opinions when the viewers doesnt even want to see that shit

Funkymonkey0073: I don't know if I can do it, I'm still scarred from season 8. I haven't even been able to go back and watch 1-7 again since.

jaime toubeau: Scream.....🤗

Reni Pavlova: DEXTEEEEEEER !!!!!!! I can't wait for November.

AAWien: what a shame, the series ended perfectly

Justin Ryan: Any OG cast members gonna make appearances?

pengegooner: at last

Anony Mous: so fresh it hasn't been updated on imdb or wiki?

Agelu Pogisa: Whao... He is back. Beautiful we cant wait... hehehe Love it

Amr M. Ashour: I hope it'll have a happy ending

Pokes 98: Matt Damon looks old as hell! Lol

John Smith: ONE Media is the saddest channel how do we report and get channels like this banned and removed just stealing other ppls work desperate for views. boring lowlifes cant make anything for themselves

not your cat: I haven't been able to rewatch the series after the finale. Let this fix that. pls.

almairki: I didn't like season 8 , so why should I watch season 9 ?

Nora Ti: OMG I am soo pumped! I rewatched every season in the beginning of this year and then the announcement for a new season dropped. This is going to be awesome!

Sanket Warad: Omg Omg Omg

RoJo Matt: Woah 😮

Larry Johnson: The only way I would watch this if they made the last season a dream...


Vivek: Oo god,I can't believe this is happening! I remember being so engrossed watching every episode of Dexter,this is just too good

Pensive WolF: please bring his sister back somehow!

Zeus Deimos: Why can't all serial killers be like this? Only taking out the evil people.

Grb C: This look bloody interesting

The Observer: AWESOME! Bring it on...

Austin Hansen: I can't believe it's back!

Nid Mo: Yesssss welcome back

Trent Pierce: Hear me and rejoice for the mad titan dexter has returned. You new generation don’t understand how dangerous this man is. Glad to finally get him back it’s been two long


Wesley Dunphy: show was terrible after the first season I don't see it getting any better

Norman Beaulieu: I am probably the only person on the planet that was interested in this comeback until I saw this trailer. There is a few questions I would of liked to know. 1) last time we saw Dexter he was a lumberjack but now he is a shopkeeper. Is that going to be explained of are they just going to leave that as a plot hole. 2) is this 100% part of the original series or it it a somewhat soft reboot? 3) why didn’t the bring back Jenifer Carpenter? There was such an easy way to bring Deb back to life and also give Dexter a reason to come out of hiding. I.e. Dexter dropped her body in the water during a Hurricane then sailed off into it. They could have played it off as her body washed up on shore ware someone found her after the storm or even during it. Like a police officer securing the beaches and making sure people were evacuating. That cop checks her and miraculously finds out she’s actually still breathing. She’s goes to the hospital to recover but has amnesia to a certain extent because of the aneurysm. So she spends months not knowing her life fully (all off screen) just getting bits and pieces over time. Dexter located wherever he is stumbles upon an old newspaper article. Somehow maybe at the library while he’s looking up something he’s researching. And there’s an article from a Miami newspaper with Deborah‘s picture on it where the article states a woman was found on the beach during the storm. And Dexter gets excited and goes back to Miami. That’s where the rest of the show picks off another plots enter twine. See not that hard. 4) are we going to see Dexter son.? And is he part of this narrative in the show. 5) and how are they going to put John Lithgow in the shop when he’s been dead for ever??

JTron83: Look awesome cant wait

Will Perrett: Please don’t disappointment like the ending of the last season.

John Schweiger: I am so looking forward to this

Leathione Diakite Prinze Jr: I just hope they end this one right.

AOSP KitKat: Gotta pay your bills eh Dexter? Looks like a dud.

Elisabeth Holmes: Yes! I'm wet from anticipation.

Lee Strom: I'm having such a great morning now.. So ready...

oki enhbold: omg nice

Rach Chapman: YES!!!!

Sayan Dutta: I am waiting to see a lot of blood on the snow...

Ivan: Something good happening this year.

Allen W: No shit! More excited about this then birth of someone child. At the very least the idea of a new puppy!

arsalan: wow

AngryRice: Anyone else just melt in their pants?

J O: Dexter should do a number on politicians advocating lockdowns and vaccine passports

Captain Soap 600: cool freaking gameplay. big ups

David Randles: What did I do to deserve this

kepler240: Come on now. They have to have him reunite with his son and what's her name

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