Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8 "One Last Ride" Trailer (HD) Final Season

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Özge Polat: So sad :( I am not ready to goodbye

Yousef Ahmed Hazzou: I don’t want to witness the end of Brooklyn 99 😭😭😭😭

Polly makin: I'm crying but also really happy but also sobbing but happy but omg I'm gonna miss it so much

Boston Bersa: GINAAAAAAA

🔵Nate's Channel🔵: Nooooooooooooo

cy: im gonna miss this show

Antoni Nicolas: Already waiting on the Doug Judy & Heist episodes

C A: *cries silently *

IQ12: Nooooooo

Peter Si: im excited to see how jake doug judy relationship goes in the end

Elliot Rubio: I really hope Bruce Willis does a cameo in this season. He makes such shitty movies nowdays that he would probably get recognized way more here than in a new movie

Alpha Ibrahim Bah: Feel like watching endgame trailer haha

Allan Njoroge: And we all say....NINE!NINE!!

Aqsa Altaf: I miss Gina

Sema Erdoğan: Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool 🥲


The Growth Marriage: Hwhy am I say hwhat hwhat hway?

Stazia Kibera: The rmj experiment on YouTube

Lauren Lee: Omg it’s premiering on my birthday 😆 Thanks 99

NGHTWTCHR KC: It's bullshit this is ending.

speedyv1303: But who will win the final holiday heist?

Dark Lynx: Aww, I'm really gonna miss these guys... I mean, I can always rewatch it but still

jamur jamur: Is it true that they are decide not to continue this show because of police brutality vs BLM issues in america? :(

Otto Lees: let´s hope it´s not going to be a disaster, but by episode cuts and everything it probably will be...

mervviscious: I will miss the big wHoop..

AAnrrat: I appear to have sent a digital phallus. Captain Raymond Holt 2021

Marcelo Bertoni 2.0: they're the worst cops ever

Babul Chetia: Good byes are hard.

night crawler: For Family 😄

Music boy: Or Netflix

Your Local Moron: Can someone explain to me why Terry doesn't seem bothered at all at the fact that Jake & Amy forgot to pick up their child?


Mm miles: I ever been happier or saddler in my life

TIGER 2354: No big w"h"oop No big whoop No big w"h"oop Why are putting so much emphasis on the "H"?

Sebastian Martelli Sr.: I thought it ended in Season 7... WTF!!! I gotta see it!!!

The Challenge Kingdom: You would think the last season would be season 9

Joseangel Arauz: Final season🥲

Mathias Walker: JOHN C. MCGINLEY!!!!!

DirtyNoodles: Also yes I see Trudy Judy 👀

Potato Fries: if gina isnt in this season im gonna cry

Santosh: I am just hoping that Netflix picks it up for at least another season or two - just like they did with Lucifer from Fox. I am going to miss this - legit.

Human s: Me edibles have now kicked - rosa

Abell Seyfu: One is stuck playing the impassioned protagonist in one’s Subjective Narrative of Self.🎈

Rachel Esguerra: I'm so excited.

Sanmer: The fact that B99 won't end on the 9th episode of a 9th season is a missed opportunity and a crime.

Zacko65: no

Jakub Grzesiak: Dr Cox ?

Lemon Lemon: They’re better be a conclusive winner for the Halloween heist

merilum: fucking ACABtards made the series be cancelled

Rick Bone: I want to see the puppet of terry crews at least show up and mess with terry one time on this show

Ayan Barman: Who is cutting onions near me everytime i watch this trailer ... :(

Oliver Klozov: This show went to crap after season two.

Snool Drizzle: The show that never made me laugh once

Andrew: Sheeeit Charles really went back to being Chuck with his new haircut

Suat Sengul: Gina ?

Kevin From Brooklyn: Jake finally beating Wario would be the perfect ending 💯💯💯

Purab Raut: All those exited by seeing Gina, say 'Aye'!

КРИВОНОСОВ: Thank you guys, we love you all!!!!

Mansi Sharma: I'M NOT CRYING😶😐🙁

Iori: big hewipp,.. family guy reference ?

Vitor Ceschini: It's official, Adam Sandler it's now the screenwriter of B99

zombieowen: I love that it's ending because that means they'll put every remaining idea into this season. Kinda wish they pulled an Archer and all transfered to a different job, but final seasons are often the best seasons.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service: “The Whoop is big after all” I can’t wait to watch Holt say that line

Annisa Mutiara: Really looking forward to how jake will outsmart doug judy once and for all 🥲

Arissi: Rip to the best comedy of the decade

Sam Levy: They can’t end this show! The world needs peralta now more than ever.

Ihans Gomes: Somethings happening to Charles, Captain Holt is embracing his crazy side, Hitchcock and Scully have multiplied, Jake and Amy forgot their child, Jake thinks of Amy as his mom, and Rosa gets high. Ladies and Gentlemen. This will be glorious.

Obi- 1 -Brocoli: Nine nine

AccidentalGenius 7: One more season and a movie???

Lee Fuller: Gonna miss this show so much one last ride NINE NINE!

Alexander Zamani: Pimento!!!

Anonymous Commenter: B99 is now marvel


Mr. Orr: I'm not crying 😢

IzuanFariqProjects: Should end on season 9 so we can called it 999 or season 9 and consist of 11 episode so it would be 911

ivan: I thought this was a comedy why am I crying.

Solo Leveling: It's such a shame bruce willis never on the show.

ragelmao: sadness

Keanna Angel: I'm gonna miss Halloween Heists. Why is the show gotta end so soon?

Ric Reyes: Dead just from the trailer.

SmexyRula: 8 seasons...And a Movie

Coltdawg Vods: I'm so excited!

Aozotra: Didn’t b99 have a huge rewrite after George floyd? What was the plot/script like before it?

Simon Ward: Thumbs up for a Brooklyn nine-nine movie.

Devanarayan Praveen: I'm crying 😭😭

19APH37 Murugan: One of the best sitcom

M F: whoop sounds like cool whip.

SimpleOne2: The Final Season? WTF??

Humble: awww bummer it's the last season

Money Heist: 🧡🤍💚

evan is okay: damn

Latiel Bobadilla: That's gonna leave a mark............

Kabir Singh Randhawa: im not crying you are

Anita Wong: Ok brb gonna go cry

cipher bill: finale season whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

QwertyASDF: Please bring Bruce Willis to the show!!!!!

poke yinon: The best show i see in a while

outerlegend: Well, this is the end. I love this show so much

Tharanee Krishnan: i wish each episode in the last season is 1 hour 😭

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