FASHION PHOTO RUVIEW: Drag Race: All Stars Season 6 - Hot Tropics

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BrandonIsWhoIAm: “The assignment wasn’t swimsuits.” But, Ra’jah wore a bikini.

Qween: I don't like her much but Raven's makeup tho

Yelen Banzon: Both these queens are just way too beautiful 😍

Anthony Line: being Australian and a certain vintage, I LIVE that you both know about Muriel's Wedding!!!

J C: Another episode of applauding Ra’Jah for another basic outfit that is barely on theme. The not Gothic, basic look last week, a bra and pantie this week….. Kylie is the same, giving us basic and relying on that body (except this hot tropics look)

MS CM: Raja’s forehead is so wide. 👁👄👁

Beth: TKB didn’t get a shoot? Ok

May Coleman: Everybody is underwhelmed with Eurekas outfit but I thought it was soo cute!! And I just love how she outlined her Body Yody Henny! She definitely came through for the big girls!

Andy Wears Makeup: OK Raven's makeup is pretty much always fantastic, this makeup in particular is Raven's usual perfection dialed up to 12. Its great to see her utilise colour like this, I hope its a look that sticks around for a while. Oh and Raja's here too lol. xAndyx

Gingo Yalho: Are the girls forgetting there are close ups 🤨

nathaniel walker: I can’t wait for next weeks fashion review is going to be a mad trend alert

candace proud: A swimsuit on ALL STARS 6 REALLY EUREKA !! If your going to do a swimsuit on all stars 6 a queen needs to kill it like KYLIE SONIQUE LOVE. She looks so beautiful it's a SHOOT 🔫💕

Diana Hutsler: I love that not-so-subtle shade they threw at Jan when they were praising TKB's look😂😂

heyyoo420: Agreed!!! Kylie was amazzz

Johnston Walker: Totally agree. Kylie Sonique looks amazing...

TopHatNat: Oh okay, it's a tattoo. Damn

Nomad Oracle: Raven is giving me Sonique's lesbian cousin who is secretly in love with her but would not her notice even though she is always at the same resorts Sonique performs, obsessevely blocking any man or woman or non-binary bitch who wants to come closer to her platonic love.

TopHatNat: Kylies hickey @ 8:58

TopHatNat: Is that a hickey on Kylies bikini line @ 8:44?

Hannah Baxter: Thank you Raven, the 💄 should have matched the shoes and belt.

r Andrew: Wait they didn't mention that the pattern on Ginger's dress is Blanche's bedroom?!

Sadie Rose: Ooo wee! So pleased to see they switched up the intro song to the “may the best DRAG QUEEN win”... 🙌🏽 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🌈🫒

Val Garay: They finally updated the song to 🎶 “may the best drag Queen win” 🎶

D Lynn: cheers to the ladies who glistened. I'm going to the tropics in 2 weeks and I've been shopping for shimmery body lotion.

Susan Jon: We should be at the level of Goddess at this point and time

Mary Magnum: Sonique looks like a tropical mixed cocktail that would taste divine!

Alfred Rivera: TKB look is just IMMACULATE 💖 Yup winner of AS6

Suspended in Gaffa: C'mon Jan & Ginger, with your family resemblance realness on accident!

Adrian Y. Suzuki: RAJA GEMINI (I can’t believe I have to specify) IS QUEEN!!!! 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️

Chelsey: Jans looking like that lady from katyas story who was like "noo champagne no cocaine owaaaaoowa"

Mélodye Simard: I mean................. CAN YOU HAVE A MORE ICONIC DUO??!!!?!?! i think not 😌

Daniel Mora: Where is the fashion photo Review España?

eM Es: Is Trinity K Bonet’s look cultural appropriation?

tchaugn: omg Raven looks STUNNING

Zak Ikin: Kylie getting top toot as she should

Yancey Flores: the way they fall over themselves to justify tooting Pandora

Cat. Dev: Oh my Gosh Raven looks AMAZING!!!!!🥵🥵🥵

Kelli Elaine: Missed opportunity to call Raven a "sun geezer"

Fan Solo: I think Eureka missed the mark completely. The outfit was super simple, and tropical does not equal beach... ot just says summer

Eric Hoskins: I hope you except Jesus as your Lord and Savior because the time called the rapture is going to happen & those who do not put their full faith for their salvation in God Jesus Christ, Will be left behind…. To endure how long earth call distribution the day you believe in Jesus Christ your savior not if you’re satisfied for Jesus sake and what he did on the cross Jesus is God in human form he was born with no father because he was the father he came to fulfill his standards and whoever believes in Christ is saved and has eternal life it is a free gift of God claim it today before it’s too late.

Marin Jay: Do you think the producers are letting raja out to make these videos?? Cause she is rumored to be on the "super star" season

Travis Holbert: So happy Kylie got the top toot. She definitely deserved it 💚💚💚

Afd Daud: raven hair remain me of kandy

J.Antoinette: I wanted someone to March down the runway with a sunburn. Give me “I wanna tan with you” realness

CC: I will never understand how people are able to lie to themselves and say Ra'Jah's outfit is good lol. I love Ra'Jah but this was TERRIBLE

Raf: thank god they booted Eureka's look

Hannah Tacticat: Raja's liner smudge is killing me, like so close to the perfection you've given us cause to expect. Is this the vulnerability the judges are looking for?

Sandra Bender: Raja is so much funnier and relaxed than she was on her season and I love her laugh! Stan this queen so hard! :)

Michael Pacheco: i’m starting to tell rajah spent the amount of money that she did….

Fardi Orin: To be honest this runway should be done in earlier episodes with more queens, it's weird to imagine tropical vibes with so few people 🤔

Geraldine Ibañez: How come we all thirsty for Raven 😩😩

Ardianto Putra: I want Raven's skin and Raja's hair in my 40's and rest of my life yasss

Marwin Gillett: Damn. Raven mugged the shit outta me. 🤩🤩

Des Austin The Artist: YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! So good/really love these looks/Hot Tropics theme!!!! Also, Raja and Ravens looks are so good/love!!!!!

Craig Hansen: Raven looking like Nina Bo’Nina

e martinez: I feel like the old Raja and Raven would’ve read the hell out of Ra’jah for wearing a swimsuit . They became to soft on these queens and I’m not here for it tbh

MrOnionRing: can someone please explain why ravens makeup looks unfinished under her side bang? that straight line going down under her eye is kind of throwing me off.... but yet i love it. is this intended? or is it a camera effect? or is it lighting? or dare i say it, laziness lol. Either way, it looks sickening and I could see this becoming a makeup trend.

justinewest87: I love how Raja loves everything that Kylie Sonique does.

hey: shes giving us kak-karak-ka💀💀💀

JOHN DOE: I wonder between Raja and Raven how many tattoos they have🤔

Garrett Reher: Anyone else clock kylies birthmark right by the 🐯

Heather Kaye: Raven's tiedyde eye makeup is stunning!🤩🥰

LoneWulf14: Can't believe they gave Ra'jah a pass for just a swimsuit

Shenika Cartwright: Kylie and Tkb was my favorite this week!

Swishy Blue: Oh shit, they say "best drag queen win" now. Alright, finally.

ALVARO NAVARRO GAVIÑO: Kylie's look for me was a complete SHOOT! Let's not forget Michele -who hates green- congratulated Kylie for that ducking SHOCKING LOOK AND WIG!

Raluko111: Oh, please! You call Eureka out and praise Raja?! I think Eureka`s costume is WAAAAAAYYYY better than what Raja pulled.

Chantel Loosley: What a wasted opportunity not to call this challenge “tropic like it’s hot”

John Fritz: Ravens wig looks.terrible. Like worse than a shake and go. I don’t do drag but really? You put that on your head than proceed to read others? Yeah. No. NO. Did no one say, Raven. You look like shit. I guess not…since the powers that be filmed this and NEVER said a word. Click. Dial tone. Bye bye. 🤢🤢🤮

Carolina Fierros: Wow! Raven looks SSSSTUNNINGGGGHHHYAAAAAAS!

AM Cope: Trinity's runway was a SHOOT! ❤

Damon Terpstra: They should start going over what the eliminated contestants post on social media for the runway

m.a.leigh 1492: Imagine looking that good in 4k.

Glenn Cheatham: TKB!👑

elphbwckd: I love that LIVE for some body shimmer. Yes, it is beautiful, but anyone can do that. Raven being in the makeup industry should know that and not be so blown away by a little body glow.

Emilio De León Castro: i cant with raja´s´makeup nostrils

Emmanuel Ceja: I wonder if they both filmed this next to each other since they’re both on set right now 😂 that or they made Raja film this in her hotel room lol

Amara Arcana: Wearing the feathers of an Endangered bird =BOOT!

Anatomychant: Does anyone else kinda crack up when the Trend Alert is something like "Matching?" Like, that could be a "trend" in almost any runway.

Faith 🍒: ravens eye make up. omfg it’s incredible.

Stache H: Now we're not allowed to say woman -

aldo lopez: Why are there faces so close to the camera

Brilliant Nights: No to be rude but Radja and Eureka are both wearing a bathing suit if you’re going to one to the other

Crystul: I think Eureka's idea for the look was really cute, but it wasn't executed well or big enough to be on the mainstage

Breann Leonard: Am I the only one who’s OCD was triggered by Raja’s (NOT rajah O’Hara lol) eyelash glue mark on her eye shadow 😵‍💫😬

Taydad: Raven’s a fan of Muriel’s Wedding? Looooove.

Jhunified With Love: I couldn’t believe Raja would put those flowers on her head 😂😂😂


AnnaElisavetta Vonnedozza: Raven’s makeup is incredible

Lil CrisTv: How did Eureka get a boot for a swimsuit but not rajah

Stephanie Barnes: Raven’s makeup tho 🤯🤤

Tim LeMay: I thought Raven was at a Nude resort at first. Also Kylie was a SHOOT!!!

Carrie Mcarthur: Oh my goodness l am so ready for a tropical drink.

Rebecca Landon: Sick of them tooting everything now in general... Wouldn't toot Ra'ja O'Hara's look..

Dixie Rae: I am absolutely dreading the end of this season. Bring on game within a game.

T Byrd: I’m sorry, it caught my eye… now I have to ask… Does Kylie Sonique have a tattoo right above her “between me down there” ? 🧐

SALE HISTOIRE: Didn't get why everyone was going for the "J-lo Vesace" reference. Everyone was waiting for it... Reminiscent of the "Madonna" Challenge #kimono

Alonso Solórzano: Raja: She’s in Costa Rica! Me from Costa Rica: We don’t dress like that…

Andy Stephen: Kylie getting top toot , I know that’s right 🙌🏼🙌🏼

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