New Warzone Perks, Guns, Maps, & Much more! (Season 5 Revealed)

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Justin Bilton: Couldn’t care less, Apex all the way babyyy


NoJohN Gaming: I'm Not Impressed... I expect more cheaters, more bugs and glitches. I don't believe Raven has the best interest for its player base. So there u go

lee wright: The game has been uninstalled that’s how excited I am.

KuruApni: Another "the worst season" of all times. That's sad. The best season so far is the fifth one back to 2020.

Derek Andrew: The new perks don't seem useful AT ALL. I was hoping for something to go in the perk 2 to get people off ghost but none of these are better than ghost. Hardline will be the only competition but that can be countered. Ghost can't be countered. They have to do something about ghost.

Jonathon Yuma: Slums was in bo3 too

Indo: F season 5...warzone is dying COD is dying activision don't want to stop cheaters....they need them because the big streamers cheat for content and money to make and keep it populair. more and more big streamers get caught cheating and some big streamers getting out because they are scared to get caught. because they want to stay reliable. and a lot of played are sick of it and quit playing and i'm one of them

Exactly117: PlayStation player not talking about the new Halo on purpose ! Lmao

Moppy922: Ps5 update with fov slider and haptic feedback, anti cheat? Come on now

WolverineGaming: I just want a nerf to ghost so that you can see people ghosted with heartbeat sensor like in mw mp or a perk to counter ghost or just make it to be like the cw ghost so you cant sit in a corner with the marshmallows and camp

Majin Lee: Have you ever played snd on mw Hackers galore I'm not joking

DBZ Timmy: When you still never seen a hacker

Patryk: Excited for the multiplayer maps, new guns, and flamethrower. Don't play Warzone or Zombies.

Alex Stachura: Oh wow more copy paste SOOOO funn

AloneSi: I was honestly hoping for something like dexterity and/or awareness as new perks since those would make sense to have in warzone. I can see these new perks being toxic ngl.

JasonDrake: remember when we would get 4 new maps :) good times. guess this is the payoff since we don't pay for DLC anymore They don't wanna put to much work into developing new content. The worst thing about the maps though is the fact was on an older engine so it seems almost copy and past with practically no effort at all. Then again I prefer that to modern warfare remakes with new little nooks and crannies to hide in which literally just ruin the maps

Josh S: how is it already August and we haven't even seen a trailer for COD Vanguard? by this time in previous years we'd be playing a beta by now. honestly though, i think i am pretty much over COD.

Woke Fatti: The tec9 is a semi auto pistol in real life cold war done pissed me off lol

TheDarmach: Cold war and most of the new models look like a unicorn shat all over the textures... Geez, too many colours!

Tyler F: If you go to 8:05 it looks like you are using wall hacks lol.

rollingbird3: xclusive, majority of the players are new players so these maps are new to them. the vets that have been playing the past 10 years know about all these wonderful black ops maps but not the new players

Thomas Coombs: Man I'm so glad that I dropped out of CoD after MW2019. Everything looks Fortnite as hell now!

Reggie Briscoe: I guess it's cool...wanted Firing Range, but it is what it is

Juan Xavier: ace wheres the cx9 stats vid

Simon Hartstone: i dont mind them remaking old maps from DLC packs because not everyone got to play those back in the day because you had to drop extra money on the game and playing with DLC maps put you into a smaller player pool normally with better players. So some people are getting three "new" maps for the new season which is awesome but what i find annoying is when people complain no matter what (obviously you didnt do that in your video and was pretty positive) but all i see on twitter is "why are they remaking maps give us new maps" and the same people also saying "these new maps suck, why cant they make it like (insert map name here) and they just cant win no matter what they do!

keyur suthar: All my friends stopped playing warzone and are waiting for BF2042 due to hackers, dead silence and umbalanced weapons and Biggest of Solo penalty for spawn. I played Payload and its fun and i can see it is hard to kill spawn enemy untill they get down, bring that to the rest.

Ian Day: I don't cheat, haven't run into any cheaters either. So while I am sympathetic, I am not sure how large the cheating issue actually is. Knowing "SBMM" puts you against roughly the same skill level means getting into lobbies with people who can use your shadow (or footsteps and such) as an indicator of your position makes the average salt level per lobby go up.

Jonathan Lanoy: I want to be excited but I know the more I feed into it and play the game the less Activision is going to give a shit about fixing the 40 year old losers that suck at everything in their life so they have to cheat at a game problem.

Old Arthur Morgan: Goddamn they should rename the game to "call of remakes: Cold War"

Tonysiete70: Yeah I'm like you I'm not too excited to see it for because of all the cheaters.

Sef: Might as well remaster black ops 2

carbonsnak3: Ace, as you stated and we’re typically always in the same page; Yawn to all of this iff hackers aren’t dealt with. Cold War is boring and doesn’t play as well as Modern Warfare side. So essentially COD is currently uninteresting. Hopefully other players recognize and feel the same. Once the player base drops and people stop feeding them with micro transactions, we might see more beneficial and desired changes.

Jonathan Ward: Tempered will be nerfed in 2 weeks. Probably will make it where you only carry 5 or 6 with the satchel

Inadaze81: How do ppl still play this hacked game and keep giving Activision $?

Zach Vestal: This season 5 looks great! I'm a 6v6 mlutiplayer guy and dable with zombies so I'm looking more forward to this coming season over all of them. I never jumped on the hating everything bandwagon. I like coldwar and enjoy the game so bring it on. 4 maps and 4 weapons yes please. Coldwar is a great game. I can't lie the sbmm gets frustrating at times but that's what zombies is for when I need an escape

VerticalMotion: Sad, but what I’m looking forward to most is the possibility of getting the “Ascension” calling card (from the numbers CW event last year that I must have missed :/) Ran across the scrolling red numbers calling card while leveling my Cx-9 on shipment and it caught my eye. Excited about the new perks, but ya until cheating is taken care of it’s sort of “meh”. Having said that, SUPER excited for “Combat Scout”, and ANYthing to get people off of Ghost in the 2nd perk is great. I’ve been running High Alert, and along with the footstep buff I really hope we can get some variety here with our 2nd loadout perks.. It’s about damn time!! :) Solid video, amigo. ✌️

Tim Norris: I think the cheating is just the icing on the cake . I tried to play twice this week with my one remaining friend that still plays and my game crashed in the end game of our best lobby and the next time I tried to play I had no friends list and same with my friend I was trying to play with. Halo can’t come soon enough

Tim Norris: They need to hire someone with some imagination, this just looks like a rinse repeat that will be filled with a bunch of new bugs, cheaters , & thick sbmm

S S: i just want collateral 24/7 - stop taking it away

billebats: wow..... more remade fucking maps.... the laziness, unoriginal, and shit creativity is shocking. wait, its activision... its not shocking at all

This my trash account: ::In the Treyarch boardroom:: "Hey guys, we need stuff for Cold War" "Let's make a cool new zombies experience, and redo the entire mode!" "PERFECT! This is one of the reasons people buy our game! Excellent! What do we have over in Multiplayer development?" "Nuketown for the 9th time" "GET THIS MAN A RAISE" I wish the world was as effective at recycling as Treyarch is... I feel like a shmuck for spending money on this. I wish they'd just put out a separate Zombies game and save the frustration.

Aslam C: Honestly, it’s a whole lot of blah. New guns that will go through their own OP cycle, more stuff to “grind” (anyone else remember that “the grind” is a bad, boring thing that we all go through so we can do fun things like play games?), more remade maps in Cold War that remind me of how broken spawns were in BO2, and what, new operator skins? Be still my beating heart. If it weren’t for Payload being like a mini COD WW2 War mode, I wouldn’t be spending any time on COD right now whatsoever. It’s so stale and the cheating is out of control. Nothing they do really matters until they fix that. Just adding more content isn’t going to fix the games’ underlying problems.

Henry Siahaan: The plate perk sounds like such a nuisance to deal with. Imagine a Rose skin just dipping out of a situation and coming back with max plates in a brief second.

Northern FPV: My BattlePass progression says it all. Didn’t finish last season and this season I hit level 40ish. Every time I jump into Warzone it’s a disappointment because someone is racking up 40 kills before first circle. My friends and I can’t wait for something new and good to play because WZ cheaters have killed this game.

DPTAZZZ: Tempered is possibly not worth it.. you plate up faster???, but, you only have TWO plates to break. yes, 8 plates would last you longer. but, when you break one plate, now you have 75 Armor health left, instead of 100.. if there is a trade off in speed, i dont think its worth a perk slot.. if its faster, significantly faster, THEN, it might be worth it. we'll see..

DPTAZZZ: CW MP maps.......... " 3 out of 4 are just remakes".. well. yes. to long time players, which i am not. to ME, and i am sure a LOT of other players, they are brand new.. which i think is what is driving activisions orders.. "Bring back what was well liked, as there are millions of brand new players who have never seen these maps" Zombies is now chock full of maps, modes, regions, perks, and extras.. unlike Streamers who focus basically on one mode ( MP, WZ, Zombies, S&D).. i play everything on all sides. i am not alone, i am sure. I like CW modes, MW modes, WZ modes, and most of the maps ( not all ). all in all, its been pretty decent for new content. i think Streamers are tending to cry wolf far too often, or lament the lack of what THEY see as "re-purposed content", and not take into account a goodly number of their audience is new to CoD, or new enough where nearly all they see, is brand new.

Jordan Payne: Something you never mentioned was that the Marshall is going to be a secondary. Not in the shotgun category.

SkorK. pl: Zoo isn't remaster from BO1, but just smaller version of outbreak map

Nefff: zZz...

Random Video Uploads: No anti-cheat. I quit Warzone a week ago now and not returning until they put it in. #WarzoneWalkAway

Asta Da Gouki: If they reduced the plate speed for that perk, then it automatically cancels itself out. I believe they want to reduce the time plating up. Instead of making a perk that increases speed, they created one that takes one less plate, effectively making your recovery time faster.

Joseph Paul Duffey: I'd just like to see Payload stay with a dozen more maps. With the Warzone cheating situation, it would be great if they'd give in and just release the full Blackout 2, but not in the dumb Fireteam way. It would also be nice to see the grappling tool finally make it to Warzone.

JayR Boogie: Zoo and drive in?!!? The nostalgia… I miss BO1 so much man then days were great

Vaibhav Malhotra: Community: Do something against the hackers Activision; No but you can have legal wall hacks using combat scout

Prophet: I think there''s a bug in Warzone & Or Modern Warfare that you can no longer edit your classes in game. Can you play tweet this to IW? I don't have twitter.

Bear Newman: Warzone update: We're giving hackers the option to heal more, good luck!

Mr Fabtastic: Their working on a anticheat hopefully it launches with season 5 or mid season update

ubernoob103: EM-2!!! ENFIELD!!

Hoof Hearted: The armour perk wont beat ghost because the baby monitor is too OP and I don’t even care about the UAV, at least they have to spend money and only last a short time but having 2 plates instead of 3, is it really that big of deal 🤷‍♂️

Crates Gaming: Anti cheat not coming? Then I am not coming back...

Jarar Hussain: Anyone know that setup for the mp7?

Bridgeport Fishkeeper: Call of duty is saving the environment by recycling maps!! More news at 11.

Azisra H.: Hackers ✖️ 0% skills noob cheaters ✔️

Arno Robberechts: Damn. Drive in and zoo remasters… brings back memories….

sparafucilSA: no anti-cheat...meh


Dario tavares: Cold war was the wrong name for this game..... Should have been called Black ops remastered collection...😑

Schmitzelhaus: Of course they don´t even acknowledge the overwhelming cheater problem, they won´t do shit about it, we all already know. So literally nothing from that roadmap matters anything to me. No anti-cheat, no Warzone!

DB: The game is becoming a kids version of the initial Warzone with all these kiddo cosmetics and skins gosh .. Cold War ruined everything

abhi: just kill warzone so we can get more content for the actual cod we paid for thank you ❤️

Goldendroid: I think people are forgetting that the games from which they are remaking maps are almost or even over 10 years old now. There are entire generations of people who have never played cod from that long ago, so to them it’s basically new.

xPersianSkaterx: i'm pretty sure red door = marketing campaign for the next cod. interested to see more

Josiah Moore: Too little, too late.

Chaz Hartwayne: with warzone being f2p they will NEVER be able to deal with all the cheaters.

Patrick Amico: Tempered is officially the most useless perk I have ever seen, literally does nothing in the long run to most players.

Taino: I swear this is the most recycled game ever!!! And also the most trash cods ever!!!!

BabyBoom A.J.: I really love how everyone still keep in mind about cheating situation whenever or whatever they add things to the game.

Calvin Does: The tempered perk doesn’t help win gunfights… therefore worthless

Venky 3301: Where’s Blueprint Blitz? And can we Dual Wield the Tec 9?

ALPHABOOST2000: Summit, Grid and WMD would have been better remakes. Zoo from what I’ve seen in the past plays too slow. Also no dogs is kind of sad

Teddy Peterson: rinse and repeat maps

The DC 1000➊: I’m honestly tired of playing br. I want good multiplayer back :,(

nicknack daddyack: Well from a business standpoint of course they will keep adding old crap in! Why not make more money and do less work! I mean most of us billions of people only pay $100 a year....and some pay more for in game purchases...I will NEVER do that.

Lord yasha: instead of adding a perk that adds 2 plates instead of 3 they should fucking fix the plating because i have to add like 5 so it counts 3 stupid game lol

Ronald Trump: I hate stupid remake maps more than ever before!!! What the hell are they doing?! Why do people want remake maps??? Just make full remasters if you're going to do any remakes at all!

Handlez: Nobody gonna take tempered over ghost or restock!

Irish Man: They can't afford new maps. All their free money is currently tied up in litigation. Activision sucks.

Ronald Trump: More shitty remakes!!! I'M PISSED! This is why COD is dying so much, shitty recycled content like this that we have already played before!

Ronald Trump: Call of Duty: Recycled Ops Cold War

Talisman21: Bruh you gotta stop holding out for anti cheat communication. It's never gonna happen.

HJ: They should add a perk to tell you who's cheating

HJ: No anticheat, not interested

Alex Maurice: I wish amped was sort of built in so I felt able to expirement with more realistic wrk 3 not being able to swap quickly feels so awkward

Alex Maurice: I really wish amped wasn built into warzone

Reece Jon Osborne: Of all the cods to add the EM2, and it's this one. Eh, at least it's finally made a mainstream video game debut. The Marshal shotgun seems pretty interesting. 2 shot pistol configuration, but it's got some really weird hammers on the back of it. Wonder if that'll play in to how you operate it or if it's just for show

Tae Javuu: Oh yea them new perks are terrible warzone done 🤦🏿‍♂️why would you use them over ghost ask yourself that🙄

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