Y: The Last Man Season 1 Trailer | Rotten Tomatoes TV

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ThisIsntEvenMe: Transphobic bio-essentialism. Absolutely sickening.

Glory Shadow: but there are spermbanks so it wouldnt be the end of humankind..

jmalmsten: oh all compartments of twitter will have a field day with this one.

N. AZZH##N: Wow..is been 19 years now,can't wait to see it this YTLM series 😎👍

Neil Briones: So this is like Children of Men but in reverse

MaidOfPasta: I read it as a kid, never finished it, but I’m excited for the series. Give me wlws

Gilton Rosa Filho: Uma das mais fantásticas séries em quadrinhos que já vi. Não perderei um episódio! Parabéns pela produção.

Elisha Uziel: Death by snu snu

Luqman Hakim: World's End Harem American Style

M Fadhil Akhdan: Yessss

syafiqjabar: Can't wait until the IDF terrorists show up.

Kalpesh Shah: What is the name of song?

xyoxus: They missed the opportunity to mix the lyrics to say "This ain't a man's world".

Criatiane Viana: thas one of my favorites hq everything looking fine for now if the narrative focus goes out of Yorik in this case will not be a problem really cause he is not that important till the final resolution

Francis Davis: Sorry first sentence went to pieces

Francis Davis: Frank Herbert wrote a very good novel about a novel in which a genetic engineer whose wife and daughter loses their lives to Irish terrorist develops a virus that kills only women. He releases the virus in countries who contributed to the terrorist cause but of course it spreads. Very believable story... different pace than Critchton.

Khal Drogo: Only man left alive, and the feminists will still find an excuse to blame him for everything.

Maestro Jedger: I bet the dude is just a side character compared to the main plot.... Original materials tends to be twisted to fit a certain narrative in this age 😏

Kiss My Ass Dickhead: Orange is the new black meets Y The Last Man.

Argenis Raul: Oh I remember this comic, it was pretty good if you ask me.

M Gee: Weekly or all in one go ?

DayInDaLife: one of the most over rated comics of all time. Can't imagine that they can make this terrible comic into a decent tv show.

Carlos Machado: This man is gonna bang the whole world. Should change the name for Lust Man.

Juan Wu: It’s been so long the road to adapt this, that I forgot what’s about the original source……

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