Hermitcraft Season 8 - Spider Pop Up Shops #8

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EonWhite: I’m loving the style and the hi-tech spider walker looking builds. But if I may suggest a tiny tip, I would like to see these kind of big mobile builds get lowered slightly into the ground. To emphasise their size and weight. This would look much cooler I think compared to these builds just being tip-toeing on top of the ground. You could even tear up the ground a bit around the feet.

Le morco de kebab Algerien: The walkers are awesome!! I love it

David Yodo: Sometimes i forgot Doc was also a Good Builder too

Senketsu Fi: looks like that castle ultra beast from ultra sun and moon

Sam: 2009 Monster VS Aliens lookin ass robot

Aqua Squishy: 00:19 Doc: LET'S GOAT! Cue heavy metal.

Mar: Reminds me of the alien ship in monsters vs aliens the one the president show of to with his piano keyboard

Millie Nordman: What is this time laps music because it is the best so far as I have seen

Patrick: Holy fuck! Thank you for introduing me to Alec Koff!

Isabella Champion: The fact that Episode 8 of Hermitcraft Season 8 was uploaded on the 8.8. satisfies me deeply :D

FARHAN SALEHON: yo doc your videos are great

Erik Hänschen: i actualy never comment on utube things but what the fuck. what a banger on that intro!!!!! i need that track :<

The one and only C O B: I am loving this new time-lapse music choice! Sounding so good, really improves it

Collin PH: That is looking so real omg....

goose: man, its this sort of stuff that just makes me love this community. watching you do crazy stuff and seeing all the positive feedback is so wonderful to see!

ErikderFreak: We definitely will need a playlist with all the timelapse songs in it!

tfgcooloman: Ohhhh Yea!

Tugger Jaegger: Docm, is there a way on servers to have the Ender Chests have someone's personal stuff in it and not mix with what other people put in theirs? is that a specific setting that servers use?

Marcus Thorén: The timelapse and intro music Doc uses is just... 👌🤩 Epic!

NateLovesToTank: I think it would have been neat to make the shucker shell farm look like those 4 legged bugs that skim on the water’s surface but building entire islands is also really cool xD

Jonathon Kelley: 9:36 'yo dawg i heard you like shulkers'

The DMC Minecraft: I love the dramatic shulker opening!

Forrest Cherry: Wild stuff. Thank you for the time you put into your videos. Production value maxing out.

D26kill: man I love this intro and the music that goes with it :D

Dead Gamers: That’s an intro! No…That’s THE INTRO! 🤯

Christian Lund: Dude, love outro music for this episode. Such a great vibe.

BeJeyAwesome: The intro reminds me a little bit of "Deutschland" by Rammstein Love it!

ex nihilo: not all the spiders need to be on land. water tends to have enough surface tension that most spiders can walk on water.

Leaf Iguana: Whoa I just realized the last hour was 70 minutes when you said it. It was so engaging that I didn't even notice! Even my field I can have trouble keeping with a 50 minute lecture, that's amazing man, you're great at what you do. This episode was amazing as well!! Keep going.

Shadowwolfmast8: The spider looks like Nox's spider clock in Wakfu if anyone has seen it

BB479 HUN: Octogon is a square in Budapest. Just saying. A fun fact, if you will.

nick w: Nice Rammstein remix time lapse music

Hallon Grotta: Not flood the market by selling too many shulkerboxes? Yes, do what Amazon does and destroy a ton of your stock so everything costs more so you can make more money

Hallon Grotta: DEUTSCHLAND intro

Sick Bale: *_\m/*

freezing ghost: 121 k subs for 1 million subs👍👍😀😀

Elubrium: whats the song at the start?

Matthias: epic again, thanks for the awesome content, doc! <3

Scott Hamm: Is there a way to allow closed captioning or subtitle to translate into English? The reason I ask is because I am deaf. I throughly enjoy your videos until last one and this one was only available in German. Much appreciated!

Connor Finlay: Love that you love our love

Jacob Beckley: Hey Docm77 I have a sick idea have one of the legs look like its suck into the haul of a ship that is on it's side. God Bless You All.

Josiah Fugal: The intro turned me back into a metal fan within 30 seconds. You truly are a mad genius.

dark theories: don't know if anyone told you.. but.. Jevin is selling shulkers way cheaper than you.

Clover Arcondas: ...how are No Wings Club members gonna access the spider shops?

Clover Arcondas: The very subtle goat in the giant shulker box is my fav <3

Sara Nelson: finally got caught up with all your episodes! I’m really enjoying your season so far! can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

Noeleen Miller: Wow Doc, just Wow

IdunDied: Me: Settling down to watch relaxing minecraft vids of hermitcraft progress. Doc Intro: BRRRRRRRRRRRR

Lewis Mccurrach: Your by far my favourite hermit, your content this season has been absolutly incredible

Luredreier: 16:48 Oh dear, you placed that store on non-public land... The big eye crew is actually paying a share of their profits for their "gas station" here and they negotiated the aesthetics to some degree in return for permission to set it up there. As for the swagon... Well, it's a little bit cheeky but at least it doesn't look *too* out of place and it's fairly small. But that walker? I have a feeling that it might ruffle some feathers... 27:53 Yes... That makes two of them at least that is doing that... I'm not familiar enough with the hermits in the middle location to know if you're ruffling any feathers there... But I have a feeling that you're biting over a bit more then you can chew at the moment...

Mohid Shahzad: All shulker shop owners should have a meeting and discuss the final price

Danny Dell: After Headbanging for a solid 2 minutes, i feel so refreshed. Amazing video and intro Doc!

Philipp: Hey Doc! In nature, most four-legged animals walk by moving diagonal limbs at the same time (e.g. front-left and rear-right leg forward while standing on the other 2 legs) I noticed that your crawlers seem to lift parallel legs in order to move, which looks a bit odd, since they "should" fall over if they did this IRL. Maybe something to consider if you ever see this comment. LG aus Skandinavien!

rezonent: Doc I think I can speak for most of us when I say we will enjoy whatever content you put out as long as you are enjoying yourself. :)

Wil Siddall-King: Dude what is that music!!

Wil Siddall-King: Best opening i have ever seen not even kidding, welcome to hermitcraft now make some fn noise!!!!!

Youknowthestoner: Just because of that intro I subscribe

Josh Bilbee: Hey Docom77 I made your Shulker farm and not all working for me. The reserve shulker not picking up the shulker and bringing it back from the nether. The rest is working can you help me. Do not know what I am doing wrong

Track Scoop: Increase prises of the copper If demand is high and supply low Prises increase Basic economy

Dan Hess: You should have bought those shulkers on the cheap and resold them for a profit, but I guess you're a nice guy and wanted to let other people take the deal since you're rolling in shells.

Star Bloom: This whole season doc just keeps blowing me away. his plot with the books and the scicraft builds are incredible, and the video editing makes it downright cinematic!!! :D

Jesus Christ: That video was amazing from the start to the beginning

AlienForce: Towards the end when you said “maybe there’s a way to travel 800 blocks instantly” first thing that came to mind was Tango’s Ravager instant teleportification from last season👀😉

Fanta: all I can say after finding this channles is woah

Michi Hellmaier: At the rate he SiCrafts his way through Hermitcraft, he will have Bedrock by Episode 30

AmberHarpoon Minecraft: Poor Gem, her area is being flooded by shops. I dont think she will be too happy about this new addition... she might birch-ify it! Edit: or Cleo... Joe will probably be fine with it though. im not sure about Boatem but im loving how busy that place is getting! and Im loving the builds! Love the robotic spider theme and now im imagining some dark shopping mall on the mechanical spider legs! great job!

Phos4us: Make sure non-flyers can get into the shops too!

Akram Benjamin: Love the metal theme! Ren and Doc should capitalize on selling shulker shels and wood instead of shulker boxes 💪

emo haralampiev: Sick intro, love it

Steinbros Stein: 0:20 since it is kinda the season of puns; let’s go-at

DeltaJer: and here i was thinking doc was a redstone guy.... great build for the intro!!

Alice Nyu: Metal Timelapse Musik? nice.

24auhr: No flex needed ,This guy is pure muscle !!

Dan Ward: Dude you are knocking it out of the park this season. MVP

Joyce Charbonneau: I thought Grian put out the best content of Season 6. I thought BDubs put out the best content of Season 7. So far, Season 8 is the year of the GOAT.

Lewis Andrews: Had to come back and rewatch this intro damn son 🤙

Max Liggins: Hey I haven’t seen much of your content but it’s obvious how much effort and care you put in and it’s super interesting so keep it up

Janis: 4:10: a video that was interesting from the start to the beginning kinda similar to saying “i have time between 12 pm and noon” loool

Jade Randall: I love the music in these videos ❤️

Joe The Juggalo: My cat was looking at me funny when I was using him as a air guitar listening and rocking to your intro.

Joe The Juggalo: I'm guessing that grand prize may be a shulker with a stack or 2 of shulker shells (or more)..

Farid Febrianto: i like the music in the opening doc

Skyhijinx: Never in my life did I think I would ever start over a time lapse in Minecraft because I wanted to continue headbanging to it, but here we are! That build looks AMAZING btw. I love it.

CatPasswd: Wherever this intro music came from, I'm moving.

Travis Taylor: Octaseasom Octaspawner Ocatagon Spider boat OCTABOA- oh wait only 4 legs in this? BUILDS 2 OF THEM 😮

TF-Brit: you could stop right now and still never use all those shulkers lol

billy5775: Hands down, one of the best intro to an hermitcraft video! Good job Docm77!

HP Universe Rebooted: I want to be able to listen to Doc’s time lapse music while at work lol

Seth McCauley: Holy shit that opening build was epic.

Brigritte: what a great idea of this horribly shulker mutation in a octagon, plus the metall music effect in the timelaps! i love it. it seems like the fatherhood gives you a creativity booster to minecraft building ideas. nice!

Gods Grace Or Mans Synthetic Manipulation: docs absolutely killing it, amazing content !

Hoosier Bronze: The song at the beginning was brilliant! XD

Gitimus01: That's how you do a start to the video! Made eating very difficult at the time coincidentally...

Marcus Ahlepil: One half of the bussinessempire: I dont like duplicating tnt The other half: Duplicating 1000 shukerboxes per hour

Jacob s.: i absolutely love docs taste in music!!

Scar Elements: Impressive grind man... thank you!

Yoav Boaz: you should sell a box of shells (865 boxes) for like 1 stack of diamond blocks. under normal pricing (5 diamonds/box) it would have been 7.5 stacks of diamonds blocks so it is pretty cheap

Vojtyk CZ: Hey doc how is the ghast farm going

Lewis Andrews: Lets go!!!!!

Lewis Andrews: That was by far the best timelapse I've ever bore witness to...great music, editing and build 10/10

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