MasterChef Australia | Season 12 | EPISODE 59 PART 1

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Sri R: Knp top 5 disini nggk pakai chef jaket yah

Pragya Gupta: Reynold is the perfect example of 'you are your own competition'

Malaya Kristen: This season is the best. When someone goes home, it is as if a part of themselves has just died. They are so close to each other.

irwan Barcelonista: Thanks ,,

Xiaomi Redmi 4A: Habis ini nungguin season 7 aja, siapa tau dibuatin. Nggak tega buat nonton episode besok

Arianta Sariedi Munthe: This the real semi-final

Lily Diana Fitri: I come here for reynold, i don't know how it will be after he got elimination

B3: Felt like already semifinal with these trio 🤭

Daily Bu Jaya: Subtitel Indonesia please

Maria zoraia Canlas: Reynold for back to win. thank you again uploader.

dzana duchona: Go go go.... semi final

Wiwi Astuti: Reynold 😍

sapto wahono: 🥰

RANI ANGGRA WATI: Oohhh thank you, I've bee waiting for ❤❤❤

Ayah Kaio: Hooraaaaiiiii

The Bondaug's: Yay

DigitalUniese Mobile: Reynold 💪💪💪💪

Caera Ram: Wowww

Mina Naidah Gani: It will be the last eps ... 😭

Capricorn_: 2nd

Wilson Cabasan: 2nd😅

cheries blossom: 2nd

Mawan Sugiantoro: 😀😀😀😃😃

23rd Caliber: yay!

Zmn AD: 1st

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