skunk second season 1 episode 13

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Sleepless: "With great power comes great responsibilities" -Uncle Skunk

Serthus: How informational

Samblam0: meh. This is not a particularly bad episode, just dosent hold up to many of the earlyer editions. 6/10

Otter boi :3: skunk!

Kairoplayer: were not just telling stories were changing lives ඞ

Frank Nicosia: Skunk has really grown as a character from when he got stranded in a field to when his family was dying

sycOwood: Good point

Lucy Hart: Put it on 0.25× for best experience.

Daisy Woozle: Jesus I wasn't expecting that character to die. He was my favourite, and it was so sudden!

jagger: this the best episode

John and puppets: Well damn that's violent

CrazyJayBe: This one second video has more views than my entire channel plus the stop sign at the end of my street

Steve Platon: Yessir

dodo skeet: this video is 0:00/0:00 seconds long but has enough time to say skunk *tears of joy*

asajjy: As Unfair As Leaving Skunk Isolated And Alone In This Virtual Hell Is He Did Nothing To Prevent It

Pix: what?

Raptor: he makes money off this

Federal Bureau of Investigation: This episode had to be my least favorite. It focuses less on skunk and more on supporting characters like skunk and skunk.

gerbloosh: just binged all of skunk second

Solvedchain: I liked the part about the skunk

Tabnr: this show has me in tears

Flying Chickens: episode 10 was my favorite. the overall meaning behind it was astronomically good.

Propelled Bus: This was the best anime I’ve ever watched

Conoless: Put these together. It is 0 secs

a bizarre person • 10 years ago: Spoilers at ep 14: skunk

Justin Y.'s other sister: I can finally say that I've binge-watched a series 🦨

Gelly: this is a scam. it's not 1 second long.

EndGamerPlays: I just binge watched the whole season.

Sunflower: The character development is just amazing

Manz From Prague: I like the part where he says skunk

Rubyraethegreat: So I forgot some of the plot can somebody give me an explanation?

Cookie: skunk

Ejiro Kirishima: This is the best episode yet! I loove the slight but still noticeable changes in the art style, the backgrounds look more fun and the scenary and placing of the characters is thrutly amazing, The story had twists and turns that were totally unexpected, and the character development is soo good! I would recomed this anime for the ones who are just starting to get into it, even if this doesn't look like something for you cause of all of the bright colours I bet it's gonna prove you wrong. Overall, I think it's great anime and I hope it continues, even tho this would be a nice message to leave the series on

Anthony: Love this show, it's my favourite

Lexine Anslee Forsyth: My favorite YouTube series

Cookie: I pretty late to this episode but its amazing that skunk finally accepted his past and is moving forward I especially love the part where we get to see the memories of his wife dying it really brings out the emotions and I cant wait for the next episode where he truly faces his arch nemesis in a legendary battle to the death but most importantly the plot twist at the end of the episode where we find out that his to be belived dead daughter is actually alive and seeking revenge on skunk for what he did to her even though she knew that skunk was being mind controlled its surprising that she still seeks out revenge on her father. Also the information that a new species of skunk exists is truly amazing it could really bring some new plot to the episode and they may even best skunk with their overwhelming power rather way its gonna be a close fight and I'm truly amazed by this episode and can't wait to see what happens next as there are so many thing that can happen in the next few episodes

Cats4life: This is so deep

Prime OGgaming: I'm so moved. That scene with both of then staring at each other across the gopher bridge is absolutely beautiful. Mr. Narrators words "I hate you" have so much meaning behind them. He never wanted to kill but was sick of the lies and deceit that he took it the wrong way and killed badger. Skunk still forgives him somehow even though he said he would take revenge. AFTER ALL THAT HE STILL FORGIVES HIM. Damn the growth of these characters Is phenomenal

Zulu0791: 0:00 my fav part

Dean Mockett: Took me a while to catch up thank god I made it


Irradiated Coffee: The series was so good I had to rewatch it, still waiting for season two!

ANormalKid: Skunk where i am sad

Christ The Man: This one is now a classic episode it had story and characters that where so damm good

JRaptor: So As The Season Is Nearly Over I Wanted To Give My Professional Review As A Good Critic: Themes Adventure/ Action/ Drama/ So skunk second is a series with character development, betrayal, war and amazing plot twists. Skunk second is about a skunk with a troublesome past lonely and abandonned trying to make his way on a true adventure to his homeland. His homeland being overrun by evil skunks. So he must find ally's to help battle. We are introduced to 10 Skunks over the episodes here to fight for justice. With a hint of romance. A programme similar to that of breaking bad or game of thrones. Yet I just find it better than that. It has some portions of animated episodes and some proper graphic episodes. I'm a distinct fan of episode 10 being my favourite so far. The budget on this masterpiece is worth millions. And man did they put that to good use in this thrilling show. The acting is always top notch along with character development. The first episode the skunk was weak and frail. Now it is ready for any war thrown in its way. It's made friend's and enimies. I honestly believe no programme will have the depth of this. Skunk second is a one in a lifetime masterpiece that brings back old styles with completely new in some episodes. I never thought I'd be able to review such an amazing show. And we don't even have to pay? Well it's fine everyone deserves to watch it poor, rich or average. Unlike any series it gets better by the episode, this is a programme to put time into its no background programme. Even a hater of TV cannot deny this is a masterpiece. No episode is bad and this programme just thrills the viewer every second. Every episode has left me with tears and I'm excited for the final episode. Take your time berd the lead director of this masterpiece. Find some more actors and take this show to its limit congrats for creating the best show ever made. I think the quality of TV may start improving if they take inspiration from this show. 10/10 JRaptor

Krillpug08: Season 2?

arthur the ATM: Need more

Amin Yashed: I dunno man.. i mean... i cant pay attention for a video this long.. i only got half way through.

Mr. Autastic: Made a playlist JUST for this series.

Candy Man Productions: Wow I can’t believe they brought him back!

DarkEclipse: Just binged the whole series. This episode is one of the most gripping (Fun fact, I actually did just watch all the episodes)

Cayden Z Studios: The work skunk sound weird now

TK-684: The best someone can do is watch al the episodes in a row, then you can really apreciate the masterpiece that it is

Atomic Megalodon: Ok, just binged the whole thing and gotta say, our little skunk has come so far from where he started. His past was troublesome and his future is uncertain but his present is pleasant so he enjoys it while he can and I'm happy for him!

Bella Doggo: First episode 14 I need it

lil eej: This one small part of this show has said so much in the terms of what life is about before seeing this I was lost in a endless void ever wondering if I will get out of it there was no light for as long as I remember but this was the light at the end of the void and it has shown me the true meaning of life

Oreo and Mocha: That was the single most of efficient way I wasted 13 seconds

ツE: This is very well written. The amount of detail and character development in these episodes is advanced and outstanding. In page 253 of How To Make Episodes For Dummies, the page says you should develop your character(s) which will be vital for your ending. That is if there will be an ending. Furthermore, the book also mentioned that it will be best to make the episode 1-5 seconds long in order to maintain time so people watching won't get bored sitting on their couch with a gigantic hole in the cushion seat. The book also mentions that you are required to use 427 gb for sound effects which this does which is mentioned on page 682 of this fantastic book. In conclusion, the amount of effort put into this pice of artwork is truly amazing and I am looking forward into future creations related with the fantastic creator named Berd.

ka mcha: HAHAHAHA ! You ANIME WATCHERS are soooo late on the plot, when us MANGA READERS already know about skunk's best arc : the great skunk philadelphia roll 4 "skunkadoodle skoonk"

Why Am I here: Skunk 14?

עילי רוזנברג: 0:00 is my favourite part.

Mr tacoboy: Best episode yet the detail the drama was so amazing

photon816: Watching the whole series, skunk doesn't even feel like a real word anymore

Hudson Sanderson: I'm surprised with the direction this series is going, but I'm not upset.

DEAD ACCOUNT: This version of windows xp stinks

YouTube Account: 9/10 It has a little something for everyone.

Morilix: Since then skunk second disappeared

Acronym.: Others comments: Emotional climatic skunk story in parts Me: The skunk has successfully installed Windows XP: Skunk Edition.

Evee bay: The beautiful trilogy

SuperSneakySniper: The character development from episode 6 into the back half of the season is astounding, I really thought I knew them after the pilot episode and the betrayal arc, but episode 13 is showing me that there is a whole new level of complexity behind the main characters that we havent even begun to explore yet.

RB Kommando: Skunk is going where nobody is going before. He's going to the other side of the windows background Hill. We don't know whether he will survive the journey or not but it is worth it to know what might be on the other side of the Hill.

FEZZ: I've binged the whole series, now I'm up to date for the finale

SoporificSnail: You know you made it when you get over 300k views on a 1 sec video

LTS Audio: This one is the best. The screaming “Skunk” is like that moment when mice get into ur house.

Just some cow with internet access: I can’t believe it. We got to see so much into skunk’s past not just as a Russian spy and assassin, but also his connections to the nuclear weapons program from episode 4. I also can’t believe how he handled JFK’s death, just saying quote “I’m glad they pinned it on Oswald.” This shows how much has happened since he turned to his life of helping the Russian Government and seeing what he has to see by murdering multiple people each episode. I also can’t forget the ending, with all the flashbacks of previous episodes, hoping to put his life behind him and start anew. Really great end to the season, props to to the creators.

john Ben: season 2?

CombineBetrayor: he got trapped in a windows xp computer and cant get out, nobody will find him and his fate will be sealed

Dismissor: Ah yes Episode 13. The journey home. After the battle with the evil skunk leader, our main protagonist has to swallow his pride and make it back to his home land. The problem is is that after the explosion setting off, he cannot find anyone nearby. He has to either face the harsh wilderness on his own or cry for help. Will he make it out of this predicament? Nobody knows until episode 14

Smol Nozomi Gaming: This episode of skunk second revolves around the titular character "Skunk" in which he is going to the old hills in search of his long lost parents. We can already see some amazing character development already, and provides a subtle reference to volume 3 of the skunk manga series that only true skunk second fans would notice. We then see skunk asking his long lost sensei for help on his journey to reunite with his parents, which left him after he took some snickers from the snickers jar and went through heavy snickers withdrawal. This isn't clear in the episode, but is hinted at in the most recent volume of the manga (volume 21) and by berd himself, as he calmly states, and i quote: "where ? ???" the "where" part refers to his parents, who left skunk and have never been seen by skunk again, while the "? ???" part refers to skunks confusion, still trying to process what happened the past few weeks. Going back to the episode, we see skunk getting chased by cars for no apparent reason. The drivers of these cars turn out to be skunks alternate universe counterparts, looking for a diamond skunk stole from him in episode 10. This is the best plot twist in history, and if you say otherwise you are a big piece of monkey doo doo. Skunk, still confused, asks one question: "where are my parents??? ?", to when the skunks say, "we are your parents." This is incredible, and shows how much berd planned ahead for this amazing plot twist. The episode ends with skunk beating the evil skunks to death. This episode has a ton of metaphors such as "don't steal" or "subscribe to berd!" The animation was amazing, and it shows how much berd cares about this series. Overall Rating: 10/5 stars! !! :)

Black Licorice: They must’ve had a high budget for this one 😳

Memedaddyio: Just binged the skunk second ark

Lapis Lazuli: when will we find out what happened next?

Steruset: you can't just leave us on this cliffhanger

happylik_17: get a picture of a skunk put a robotic red eye on ti and use tts to say skunk muah

FUNLESS111: What do you mean about lunch?

Aditya 999: What a nostalgic episode

Business Goose: I think this is the best episode yet, it has good character development and a really meaningful moral

Jhon & Joe Animations: when next episode

Nikita: Finally took a day off to complete this series and binge watched. It was worth watching. I'd recommend this series to everyone who actually likes suspense thriller kind of stories.

Tiffinie Morris: I like how if you watch them all together, it looks like a slideshow!!

Derp Bullet: skunk

Pixled_Legend429: Beautiful

Some Quality content: I think they had issues with the camera this episode, still one of my favorites tho

Spinxing: I think skunk maybe upset..

Camo Piano: They should put this on netflick

Enter usernane here: Amazing.10\10

j: We all love ourselves a mourning ark

BruceTheMantis: Imagine thousands of years into the future when humans gave disappeared, aliens visit our planet and start to uncover our technology and are able to reverse engineer our long dead machines and recover data. And this is the first thing they see.

JellybeanLord: 😚👌

Terra King: SKOOONK

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