JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Seija Kijin: A jojo that actually reacts to pain? This is new!

Slime Doodles: It’s almost time for Jotaros “Slice of Life” adaptation

PLEYADA 2004: Думаю из-за нетфликса ДжоДжо ухудшится

PLEYADA 2004: Еба тут суету навели

mikex1011: I've seen too much fanmade animations to kinda feel excited tbh

grunt: “If there’s no mickey this shit ain’t Disney” -Annasui

Bobbas: Sheeesh

graczykalski: sus

Unreal U: I really want to see made in heaven animation and cool stuff like that.

Bruh boi: toaster

Lucio Araujo: Fico mais feliz pq está perto do STEEL BALL RUN!!!

Shan Gamings: Me: LET'S GOO STONE OCEAN TRAILER! Also me realising it was an illusion made by white snake :sadge:

ทิพากร เจริญสุข: จะมาวันไหนใครรู้บ้าง

Wapolet: Yare Yare Daze

Giorno Bucciarati: I cried with excitement omfg I'm so happy rn

Kwisatz Haderach: Haha, oh boy, after He-Man i can't wait to see what garbage this turns out to be and watch Netflix lose another half a million.

Marcella🤩🤩: Stone Free trailer looking awesome 🤩, can't wait to see the full episodes. I wonder what pt6 Star Platinum (Anime) would look like tho

OtakuDS: The name of the stand in English is Stone Ocean. And this is to all Jojo fans that think they can speak Japanese

gustavo doamaraldasilva: Ok mas cadê dublagem da parte 3 de jojo

Ixtrem: This is gonna be so epic i have waited a long time for this

Xavie: The theme kinda sounds like wonder womans

Kamen Rider Kuuga: Men this year Baki now JoJo. This will be even better.

Kian sadafi: Oh how they massacred my boi


Fritz Adonis Perez: The Manga is actually the one to introduce me to the series.

Mars Lindon: Oooohhhhh yeaaaaaah...... it's coming...

Kenji Reinhardt: 0:03 the car behind is an ALFA ROMÉO GTV 🚗💨🇮🇹🥰👌

Jdizify: we are in desperate need of a masterpiece anime to come out its been what like 2 years. and it happens in a prison. this going to be good

The Man: I swear if it’s America only I’m gonna die

Alberto Alegre: Wait is part 5 even on Netflix?

have you guys ever been to walmart: FFS IT FINALLYT CAME OUT

666monster: Another jojo meme incoming

Vivi XD: the casting is awesome tbh

Jaz Sebastian: It's Kujo not Cujoh isnt it?? wtf?? Another terribly translated sub, I'll wait for the proper VO dubbed version, looks amazing but please bring the one with proper dubbed voices, much better for a show like this!

melxdiq dooms: O

melxdiq dooms: O

Ali Yılmaz: oh shit oh shtit

1nfernalDrak3: That "ora ora" gave me chills. The intensity from Fairouz's voice gave me goosebumps.

Feer Free: I'm glad it didn't say Netflix original. Netflix original my ass everytime I see it on an anime.

theduelist92: Holy shit this trailer has the best ORA! in the series. I still have chills.

bruh: Bark bark bark bark bark bark

fresh the meemer: Over 3.5m views lessgoooo

BreadGod: I like how this is a trailer to Netflix but Netflix hasn't even added part 5 yet :/

Stephanie Burnett: How about adding part 5 first please

Руслан П'ясецький: Jolyne's theme is SO like Wonder Woman

Jay Gaming: This is big for me, because i began watching jojo in november 2020 so this will be the first part i get to watch as its new. And then i get to wait a few years for part 7

OG Floatzel: I think Jotaro will only be about half as interesting as before

baby midoryia: nawh jit trippin

Duel_ Arrow: cant wait to see how they butchered the naked search scene

Clownish: LMAO WEATHER FORECAST not weather report :(

Donut Apostle [7th of the Twelve]: Can only wait for the SilvaGunner rip of this theme smh

Dana Anderson: Is this real?

Ali: Wow 😍😍

what is life: I have a new favorite theme

Maxime C: Héiiiiiiii 🤩


Anime Bloomer: I CANT WAIT FOR THIS TO BE REALEST THE POWER THE HEAVEN WILL COME SOON (Heaven? It’s dio idea to make his way to heaven)

FARREL A.R: no rickroll again right?

Ceo of Intel Celeron: 1700 gay priestess disliked this

Wavy Music: It has been awaken

John Papaj Długi: I hope you add part 4 and 5 on netflix too

MattKap: This really rocks like a stone

TW80 Studios: Thas a badass theme

terriboy: wtf jotaro’s still alive

lindita bilalli: 😳

Daks: 12th time watching this and it’s still like watching it for the first time

Ayden Vasser: Now we know a English stand name weather forecast

Thamsanqa Lindane: SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Time to finish up Jojo. And I'm only on part 2 now😰

Leonardo Benorino: Wow

Russian Cheems: ayyy america figured out that technically all the stand names arent taken in the entertainment industry and kept stone free


andrew okafor: Oh shit I’m so excited looks like months of waiting instead of reading the manga is finally starting to pay off

prince PJ: jotaro se sxty

Heavnos SO: Nice i will enjoy

Pesh: Cujoh

Money: YES

Niko Mustikkasaari: Where PUCCI at?

Neo Virz: I like how they got unlimited budget works from Phantom Blood to Stone Ocean, it's like they have a stand that can produce unlimited budget

My existence Is illegal: My existence is illegal

MattKap: This theme is really 『Made in Heaven』

Dr.Potato: It is so beatiful I have looked at it for 5 hours now

MattKap: I want them do ora ora thing together

THECHUNG NGUYEN: I think it took forever

The One: No science can explain why Jotaro gets skinner every time.

Carl patrick A. Agustin: MAIDO IN HEAVEN!

catsndogs98: Holy shit

Mr Wolt - Gamer YT ツ: Let's goo

Jotaro Kujo: If jojo part 6 sucks i will commit wait part 7

watermelon human: when lucky arrow code

Solitary Hipster: Ladies & Gentlemen! Let The Memes Begin!!!

amirunaufal nizam: Friendship ended with Giorno's theme, now Jolyne's theme is my bestfriend

Qwack: Cant wait to see high quality Enrico Pucci 🙃 His ultimate move ( cuz no spoils 😉) will for sure look amazing

The One: Already love that "ORA ORA ORA" stand battle cry.

Ignacio Olguín: We made it, guys. The most memeable part is here, time to unleash Heaven on Earth.

Damian R Galewski / ShadowWRX2K4: I knew it! I knew it was real, Thanks a bunch araki. God, 2021 was a really great year, but I know there are some celebrities dying,

Taisatsu: 1:48 replay button for free.

Max Max: Net flux: Oh you re approching me ? Me : ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA

уже занят: 1:23 My face: 👽 Whitesnake so smooth


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