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MrRoflWaffles: guess it's time to hunt for these new secrets they've added 👀

DUEL1ST: Sometimes my partner and i run quick 3 rounds of outbreak just to get some zombies in, when we dont have the time for a proper run

Jason Fontaine: I'm sorry but I really hate when YouTubers keep saying stuff is op. Well for some it might be but for the rest of us it isn't. Nerf this nerf that. Why do they need to nerf anything in zombies at all? Can someone explain that to me.

Scarlet Aries: You'll also be able to see mimics when they're items as well

LK Gaming: Tombstone don’t do what it’s post to I’ll go down with 8 perks revive myself and then only have 2 perks left

Kirkland Brown: What’s the point… it’s just going to crash lmao I think I’m done with zombies.

Immortal Silas: They stealth nerfed the med bay strat in die machine. You can't mantle the iron lung no more :(

Krystal Marie: Hoping for DOUBLE TAP!! 😁😁🤓

Zac Johansson: The phone booth in Mauer surely has something hidden about it!

Ol' Extra Regular Bass: The Firebase Z tab had a green NEW icon?? Why?

DanFarrell98: Yet another new update with tonnes of new, varied and free content. It blows my mind that people still complain that they’re not getting enough

Fightingsinga5: Death perception tier V could be really useful for the mauer bunny easter egg when picking chests

Shuckle Lord: we boutta get blaze phase in season 6

mrminiature11: 7:20 I can confirm, never played zombies before this despite owning every Treyarch game. Started with outbreak and moved to round base zombies games, and now I'm having a blast. I can probably say without outbreak I wouldn't be playing zombies.

Michael Munger: No, the next perk better be Double Tap II. I mean COME ON, literally DOUBLE DAMAGE. One boolet is two boolets

LeighRoooy: I'd say having the more casual playlists will allow for more 'hardcore' players to team up with those that want to go to higher levels without getting random team mates that just want to do a couple of regions - it makes sense and should have been an option a lot earlier.

laughinggas68: For solo, I think it would be pretty cool if you could activate tesla storm on a brain rotted zombie, since the game could recognize it as an ally. With that thought in mind, maybe the same could be used for Klaus on Mauer so that way solo players can have more accessibility with that ability.

RONNI 09G: Maybe next perk I’m hoping double tap

Outlaw 4115: Between the OG codzombieshq amd milo doing news now, won't miss a thing

Samuel Taiseni: Why is the dlc free ?

McKinnon Christopher: Listen man, I think Dead Ops 3 is a blast. It reminds me of Konquest/Krypt Modefrom old MK Games in a weird nice way.

Iǝǝʞɐɾ: I was one of the only people to play zombies in my friend group until outbreak came out and they really enjoyed it eventually transitioning into traditional zombies

Cody Dockery: You plays this game probably as much as I'll do and when you're looking for zombies to kill an outbreak now break and you can't find them because the map's not pinging that fast and you're trying to get all you can out of your challenges that's incredible

kookie monster: i want phd slidder please please please give this to us treyarch i beg of you if you dont put double tap in the game give us this perk atleast please

kookie monster: death perception is NOT COMING AT ALL XD LMAO ITS SUCH A USELESS PERK

someone has my account: Why not revive a loved perk

OH NO NO BOI 420: 😳

Cathaldus Miles: Honestly for me, the 3 Region outbreak mode immediately reads as Treyarch saying “Hey, here’s the best way to get weapon xp, go crazy”

Matthew Caceres: Double tap

J.A Wensfield: I have a picture of a black light hidden thing that I’ve only been able to find once and never seen a video on, it’s a little Klaus head in the blown up suite

FibR: They really missed out on calling it "Lightning Lynx" because it links between teammates, and increases your speed.

thegreenergrass: Rank 2 sounds kinda annoying. It'd be really cool they would give us the option to disable certain tiers.

Obito: Thank you for all you do man, my friend and I always pull up your videos to pump us up before attempting a Easter egg or during a game while one of us holds a zombie 😂

DJ Almada: I’m rooting for widows wine

PZMKSD: Honestly I would never change my name but if I haaaaad to it would def be milo! Mines Michael by the way haha

The Mighty Empire: One thing that would be great for this game when it’s finished is a boss fight mode where you can skip right to final boss fights

In_Zombie_Land: But where is the Nicolas Cage operator Skin?????

ryebread2101: I'm glad Milo is just a voice of reason in this fairly pessimistic community. Outbreak is fun, and players who's lives don't revolve around Twitter enjoy it. I am definitely looking forward to this season and what it'll offer.

Brock Freeman: Hopefully widows wine🥰

The Storyteller: I’m going to guess they’re gonna throw another curve ball and it’ll be Bandolier Bandit or Dying Wish.

Andrez Vidana: So they made a perk for people who can't use their own eyes

David N.: If you're pained that outbreak is getting all the love... Guess what, you'll be in pain for a long time.

Trash diamond: Ok but hear out my new perk Keylime outline - outline everything such as ammo boxes , mystery box , perks , ect Tier 1 - increase your ammo capacity by 10% Tier 2 - Armor regenerates slowly by 5% Tier 3- extra Salvage loot spawns in 20% more when killing boss / harder zombies Tier 4 - Armor regenerates 25% faster when having quick revive Tier 5 - The cost of pap weapon is reduced by 20%

R B: Remember the lights in black ops 2 there back 😳

Hamilton: Please, new music

Karl Delaney: Would've made more sense to have the penetration and salvage drop as higher tiers but I can't complain

Noah Bundy: Hey milo, treyarch said that the death perception perk machine is coming in the "NEXT MAP" instead of saying the FINAL MAP. Zombie chronicles 2 evidence

Gamesmasher: I would like to bestow Death Perception with the honour of being recognised as an actual perk now

Ye haw COUNTRY: Bogus

ddw: on average it takes about 27 rounds for me to get max upgrade. solo and co op. it doesnt help with late game stuff. i did the math. for me it would be round 23 or even 22 if im greedy to get max upgrade. I would have rather had a more useful perk. Its for average and new players. well they have to be good enough to know where to find it and buy it as well as be smart enough to upgrade it. just a waste of a perk slot.

DaAndrewMan: I wonder if that 5th tier for death perception will let you see what size chest it is, bc if so that’ll make the bunny Easter egg on mauer really easy

LoFaux: New Perk: PHDouble Flop

mike thorne: I swear this new perk is gonna be for a step in The new outbreak Easteregg the next perk im hoping is PHD Floppy lol

Deadeyegv4: I feel like the next perk is phd slider from bo4 since you can’t dolphin dive in Cold War

GEORGE 11694: Outbreak is complete garbage its good for you tho

Jm25778 Aka gamer: Tier 6 green mist

Elemeno: It's the legendary chest for the Bunny EE just the gold one? Because I've gotten that multiple times and still don't have the calling card unlocked

Luv: If it’s not double tap the game will still be boring

jimmy king: Massive melons. GG’s Milo. 👍

Rob Reith: Tesla Storm works exactly the same in Solo as it will with other players. The only difference is it doesn't link to players around you just you and zombies, you will still get all the boost that you would in multiplayer it's just there's no players around you to get that boost as well. I don't understand why this is confusing to people.

Elemeno: Outbreak is a joke. Literally no one wants it. It's too slow. I'm always waiting on the other idiots. It's only more popular than round based because they're not focusing on round based. We have 3 maps. Yeah 3. The game is a year old.

Halobeast095: Being a huge buried fan I’m actually so pissed off they didn’t just name it vulture aid instead

killam: It's going to be changes to Klaus

Donnie Walton: Low key would love to see bandolier bandit return

Garrett Stegeman: PHD

Vapor22 Wazup: 3 round outbreak ? Should be 5


Hunter Harris: I have noticed that if you have the right scopes you can see the blinking lights on cell towers or radio towers and some go slower than others im thinking there is a secret behind them but I'm not sure

SycroNemesisII: also just to point out grappling on the rope going up the building to the wonderfizz i have been glitching on it a few times teleporting and moving so slow being stuck in mid air and my mate has done the same its annoying and needs to get fixed (mauer der toten)👍🏻

Exclusive Info: I want double tap

Dipper: At least it aint more useless than tombstone..still

The Unemployed: Why are you lying about outbreak nobody asked for another map

MATT WYNN: Death Perception is cool, but still gonna miss Double Tap

Jason Jacobson: Not to be a downer but zombies is such a let down. Double tap = gtfo. Here is death perception. Blops 3 4 life. Man the good ole days.

Fille Gitana: Thank you

Dominic Gaines: How many bets it’s just the jump scare Easter egg that u sometimes find in outbreak but it come out the train or the crafting tables or sommit

Christopher Dohaniuk: So have to say, I’m a seasoned zombie player since World at war and have to say, yes outbreak is easy. But once you hit like world lv5 it just racks up difficulty with fast/ armored zombies, red tier bosses, and higher damage. I kind of hate how low world level vs difficulty is. Like I wish they would increase weapons to be akin to black ops 3-4’s perks and weapons were. At least that way, we would be able to hit world lv 20-25 as a casual. An I hope we can get a proper 2 map ending so story is explained properly instead of just an ancient evil ending where they just drop the series. Because we need to know where Eddie is, we need to know the evil ones (can’t remember the name) plans are, we need to find out the directors plans, and also be able to stop it. That is like 2-3 maps right there unless they also go into a fallout black ops 2 kind of situation where we then need to back track that. Either way, we need more dlc than is currently presented.

Lemarcus Bryant: Don't care about the perks anymore when they took the double tap off

David Alonzo: This is the first time I purchase a call of duty and I have a question is normal to have like 4 maps for zombies?

LustParadox: Haha Aether Bunny! We will now know which door has the Golden or Large chest thanks to the new perk 😏

Al Macneil: WE NEED GRIEF!!!

Erin Worden: If the perk in season 6 isn't double tap I don't want it

Ricky Burgos: Would’ve liked Dying Wish instead of Death Perception

Schregger: Death Perception seems like its less necessary to fully upgrade it, when compared to other perks, as the real important parts are T3 and T4.

Mike Meyer: I still can’t do the outbreak Easter egg……………………

beatsbynorthstar: Even tho its death perception, theres no perk limit so the more perks the better

Nicholas Taiariol: I'm guessing Orda and another free perk after unfunny dancing

phluffy muffin: Let’s hope they revive PHD and make it ridiculous

Ronald Raygun: Maybe it could be a jumpscare

Daniel Bytheway: The tier 5 will help with the BUNNY EE in MAUER so we can get the LEGENDARY CHEST every time

Joshua Mills: I wonder how useful seeing chests through walls will help with bunny dance party Easter egg when picking chests

Trollvis Scotch: What's interesting is that they said it'd be their "NEXT" round based map, not final like the perk they were talking about

Austin Adkins: Only perk I want is double tap or something like it

FnMystic: More side easter eggs after release is mega cool

lunchpin: Lmfao half of death perception should just be normal QOL updates

jesse dilallo: Ah yes round 115 my favorite also I was thinking that something from Vulture Aid would be included in this perk

JesusFallstoHell: The hardest part of going beyond WL 3 is the fucking shit servers randomly disconnecting me.

bumblebeem 4: The secret could teleport you to or is about the theater map in Black ops

Silver Claw: Double tap root beer double tap double tap double tap double tap root beer who doesn't like the root beer

ClemonR6: I think they added stuff for the blacklight

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