Top 20 Serial Killers Who Were Never Caught

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killeing: well of course they were never caught, how else are they gonna set up the sequel???

Karan Gotamya: I hate crime..criminal and people who did it. If I be a criminal it is for stop crime not to do crime...

Samuel Nicholson: Big missing one is the thames torso murderer

Chris Kenji: #6 seems justified tho they were all slave owners

Rodolfo Brenner: I live in Brazil, and as a gay man I can say: everyone knows Jairo is the rainbow maniac, but the structured homophobia is so big that even the responsible investigators didn't do much to arrest him. There was a lot of evidence against him: the caliber of the gun is the same, witnesses and even a report that he had killed a trans woman in a hotel...

PeterSpongebobBloo: When Ragnarok begins, we will eventually need Jack the Ripper for humanity. Maybe that will give him first place on this video

Mynahmaster05: Jack the Stripper is a funny name

Bookworm 707: I thought Jack the Ripper would be No. 1 on this list since he took the top spot on Top 20 Unsolved Murder Mysteries and Top 10 Crimes That Will Never Be Solved.

Etamar Teichman: Who's the actress from the Alphabet Killer who appears at 16:20?

Jesiel Cardenales: They caught one jack the ripper in Idaho

DeeDee: People here in Texarkana still talk about the Phantom Killer. Rumor has it he was the son of a well-to-do family. From what I understand he was committed to a psychiatric institution in Oklahoma & died in a nursing facility there

Buchan van Veen: I would switch place 1 and 2. Jack the Ripper on one and the Zodiac on two.

Bahes B: I really thought Jack the ripper whould be number one

johnny gunzfilmbuff: They never caught the serial killer on long island.

Bahes B: Sonia Nevermind whould really be interested in this video

Uisce Preston: The honorable mentions are some of the most famous unsolved cases. Way to drop the ball, mojo.

Cale Clayton: Disturbing that these monsters are still out there and not been brought to justice

Michael Kennedy: The from he'll letter was a fake

Kyla Dent: It baffles me how the color of your skin determines weather or not your case is investigated right away or not I feel bad for all of those who died on this list but all those blacks that died simply because they supposably ignored the case

DeltaOmega213: There was never any doubt in my mind who the top 2 on this list would be. Only the order of them.

Dun Can: Rainbow maniac should've visited in the u,s, 2015

Foster Deck: Can we get a top 20 American Serial Killer List now that we’re doing a top 20 lists?

Violet Murder: Your Sagittarius

Amanda Pagan: Many people confuse the Long Island serial killer with the Craigslist killer ( considered Phillip Marcroft , sorry if I spelled last name wrong)

Sean Poag: Correction-Number 1 is Donald Trump

Declan Holcroft: Remember! The Axeman’s accomplice was Razor Boy!

introverts Rock: Could do a cold cases solved after 30+ years. (A rape & murder of a 14 yr old in 1989 was just solved this yr in my city....killer died in 1996)

JB stuff: Everyone in abq knows who the west Mesa killer was. He was killed by someone's pimps and boyfriend that he attacked.

Gary Keys: What about the killing fields Texas?

Adelia Mj: I prefer these lists over TV or movie ones you keep going back to. And while I’m at it, can you please restart the top 10 notes.

Max Steiner: Comment on Jack the Ripper. The kidney sent with the letter (dubbed the “From Hell letter” or “Lusk letter”) was never confirmed to be part of the victim. At the time it was made pretty certain that the kidney was at the very least from a human. It’s possible (and theorized) that it could simply have been acquired via medical studies or some other means, but nothing is certain.

GODLESS101: Getting away with murder must be the best feeling ever lol.

Irving Garcia: You forgot The Black Doodler. Very unique interesting case.

Andrew Hartman: What if I said I'm one of them? You wouldn't believe and you wouldn't know, right? Now, that's scary!

Yelo Bird: at least 200 years or more

Zohra Kharkhour: Who else expected the zodiac killer and jack the ripper to be the top 2

ushmiaster: There are 2000 active seriel killers in the USA alone

Ayden Jacko: 16:04 that detail is wrong, the kidney was a prank from a medical student. just thought I would point that out. I'm also guessing that Jack the ripper and the Zodiac were a close competition for first place

0solis08: It's fine, I didn't want to sleep anyway 😒

Troy Suza: How in the Holy Hell did yall miss The Texas Killing Fields? One of the craziest unsolved murders ever!

no name: The skid row stabber is a hero taking care of the homeless epidemic

EnderEthan 14: I thought Jack the Ripper was going to be #1

WiLD CHiLD: Am I the only one that wonders why people from the southern states have gap teeth? I want to know if this is a regional/meth thing or an inbreeding thing? yes, I know what I said.

Jocelyn Hale: Born and raised in sonoma county, Polly Klaas was found near my dads work, obsessed with true crime and local history, and this is the first I’ve heard of the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️I’m so disappointed in myself

LarsonGamer42: Does Roy DeMeo count?

Pounder Polizzo: Suprised jack the ripper wasn't number 1

IzzyTheSloth: Hmm.. wasn't this already uploaded?

Benaddicted: There is an interesting theory that Jack the Ripper is actually HH Holmes. Both were active about the same time and Holmes was known to leave the States often. We'll likely never know for sure but I always thought that was an interesting theory.

Arko Roy: Aah my good old days. Makes me nostalgic.

Lanwarder: showing the suicide from the movie Polytechnique to illustrate a serial killer's suicide is kinda weird

Jaylalala: no offense...but for the love of god, can Rebecca not do every single video every single day please? give everyone else a chance, I used to love the variety and had to unsubscribe with the constant narrator

no name: The rainbow maniac is an absolute hero, whereever you are thank you for the work you've done

HumanChangeSkeptic: Bela Kiss never gets included in lists like this. That's an interesting one

Adrienne Reyes: Omg this is creepy this is why we all should be trained in MMA 🥋etc to many neutrons get away with this stuff all u gotta do is watch the news to see this I don't watch the news anymore

RiteshRockz2001: Something that fascinates me about these killers is what made them become the worst people they are now. There could have been a chance for them to have a good life but they gave up their humanity to feed their insanity. People who made them become like this are worse too. The only redemption for those people is to bring the killer to justice. Such a grim reality we live in.

THE M.E.W: May God bless all these innocent souls that these serial killers killed

Jay Lu: Gotta love science, DNA catching serial killers who think they got away clean.

No One's Innocent: I'm mighty frisky

Emily Rinearson: Scary that there's enough of them to make a top 20 😬

TRILLION CROWNS: now a days they get caught in hours! modern forensics and the internet are incredible!

Just Some Guy with Long Hair: Wow. I’m glad we have DNA. DNA doesn’t lie.

Adam Adam: Respect to number 17

Adam Adam: How the fuck wasn't jack number 1 he's the most famous serial killer in history

Akev Omsa Hungyo: comon we kill and eat animals, whats the difference

LT cOrN: Jack the ripper should be number 1 case closed 🥇

MLG GAMER: They're all messed up but the Jack the Ripper from Hell letter is super messed up

niyi ogunro: Jack the Ripper murders we’re recently solved

Chris Loenguard: Honorable mention: The Clinton’s. Allegedly

Michael Bullock: SAD SAD SAD

Matt Parkent: Would have liked dates for all on them not just a few.

Original J: Me 1AM with a blunt and bowl of cinnamon toast crunch

Navaneesh TV: The New riddler costume looks just like the Zodiac killer. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is better than the silly question marks

Richard Sylvester: Chances are that most of these killers were caught at some point. Many killers move cities to avoid capture but can't help the urge to kill again and end up in prison or executed for future crimes.

jgfear: I’ve never been caught. Oh damn I just outed myself.

Leonardo Lim: Top ten serial killer who were finally caught. A great 10th and final sequel/spin-off

Ashleigh Stratmann: Not surprise Zodiac killer is number one. At this point we can only hope he's still alive to catch otherwise he would have gotten away with murder. Although that can be said about other uncaught serial killers, what sets the Zodiac Killer apart from most is he left clues in his coded message taunting authorities to find him. Many serial killers left mesages (Jack the Ripper included), but not many are coded much less difficult to decifer as the Zodiac's.

Jessica Kelly Tindal: I’m in bed rn so this is great 😐

Leonardo Lim: 2013: top ten unsolved murder mysteries 2016: another top ten unsolved murder mysteries 2017: yet another top ten unsolved murder mysteries 2017: top ten serial killer who were never caught 2020: top 20 unsolved murder mysteries 2021: top ten times people left clues about their murderers 2021: top ten crimes that will never be solved 2021: this one 5 similar list and 4 spinoffs

Just a chainsaw who is devil for fun: How is six coloured flag a rainbow

Leonardo Lim: YES FINALLY

Rebecca Miller: Who is the Brasilian again? 🤔

Joy Brown: Didn’t they catch the rainbow maniac? Also you left best part about Mesa killer yo🤦🏾‍♀️

Tarnished_ Walker: Jack the ripper is the most infamous among all serial killer

Daniel Bandeira: Akashic records: I am a joke to you?

Detective George Ishaq: The Zodiac Killer was also featured on HLN's very scary people

Kevin C: The New Bedford Highway Killings get brought up here in New Bedford we’re I live once every few yrs? I don’t think they will ever catch who did it.


SomewhatSkeptical CindyJo: Thanks! Love this channel 🥰

Daniel Holguin: The fact that there’s a top 20 list for this is terrifying

AK Arbit3r: Jack The Ripper and the Zodiac Killer are the first to come to mind. Also pretty sure if there were more victims, the one responsible for the Black Dahlia Murder would be on here as well

SpaghettiBoy7: I was the skid row stabber JKS

Holly Novak: Here good old virginia has killer never been unsolved it colonial parkway murders in Williamsburg Virginia

Fillip Dunson: its sad to see this chanel is dead

Darwimm: ,,Jack the Ripper was a local butcher who got 'syphilis' from prostitution, that's why his victims are always those poor women. The killing stops after his death from syphilis.

Cute Bastard: Jack the ripper was the most mystery serial killer since the 1800s.

Jarrod King: The santa rosa hitchhiker killed could also be ed kemper

Johnny TimeStamp: Anyone who 👍🏽 this video is a suspect 👀

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