Serial Killer: David Spanbauer (Pure Evil)

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Serial Killers Documentaries: Thank you Small Town Murders for sponsoring this video. Download Small Town Murders and enjoy an amazing mobile game:

Pepi Roni: Not to be out of line or anything, but this David Spanbauer fella seems like a real jerk !

kimberly cornelius: Raped is not a dirty word it's a act of violence

Kellsville: This man was a monster. I don’t normally believe in giving the death penalty, but this man definitely deserved it after his first offense.

Duwomaiish Gabrielle: The Judge should be imprisoned for poor Judgement!

matt o'sullivan: I agree about the bleeping on the word rape it is annoying, blame you tube not the filmmaker. Memo to you tube when we watch a doc about serial killers we sort of expect to be dealing with unpleasant things

Paddy McCarthy 2.0: Well done narrator, I love ur use of the term "twisted inclinations" at approx [04:05].

Kim Walsh: That little animated music clip at the end is what nightmares are made up of. Not Nice

Kim Walsh: What makes this guy think that he deserves anything after he took everything from so many people. Jail is to good for him, but that's where he needs to be, they give inmates many things to better their lives {that our taxes pay for} what more does he want. At least he confessed. I don't believe in death penalty, because murder is wrong no matter who does it! besides life in jail is punishment- death means you are no more, cant feel punishment, so jail is it. Judge gave him a sentence that in no way could be served kind of ridiculous!

josh656: Oxygen thief

A Derion: 'Possum Killers' ?! Wtf

STOKED ON EARTH: Can you make a video about the Canadian serial killer that killed serial killers? That guy JB Meyers. He's the one who befriended sexual sadist then brutally murdered them. His call sign was leavings a half eaten corn on the cob jammed in the rectum of his victims. At least that's the rumor.


ThePlayboyLen: The system 👎🖕

TheHueisOver™: Life on the outside ain't what it used to be ...

Joshua Williams: the censoring is getting old. Isnt there two you tubes. A kids you tube and regular how about we pretend that there are adults that watch you tube.

Boss Dillman: This world is so phucked up. Most people are completely stupid and were paying for it.

Albert Dryden: Is it me or does he look like hitler

Boss Dillman: If that was my daughter that phuck would have had a bad couple of days. Real bad Sad but true

Pirom: So many Tetris/candycrush type games being made

Matthew Schmelzer: I can't believe this happened down the street from my house lol. I've watched this channel for a while and never thought I learn about this.

HonestlyKi: POV. You’re listening to this at work

Crazy Weird Wonderful: A prime example of how easy it is to fool supposed professional psychologists who determine whether dangerous criminals are fit for release. Far too often they are shown to have very little true insight into the minds of men like this who use these so-called professionals to gain early release, only to go back to what they were in prison for in the first place. Then they go on and do it all again, and again these people are made to look like idiots. Even if a sentence has been completed, surely there must be a way to keep men like this behind bars if they are perceived to still be a serious threat and likely to re offend. Why are their human rights put before the victims and their families?

Go Hawks 2021: Execute these people that are serial killers, all of them. And not 20 years down the road either.

Twitchy Witchy: how the fuck did this psychopath get an apartment with a job at a bottling plant while the rest of us now need to make 3x the rent in income to qualify for one?! THAT is also a crime.

A Derion: What's the point of giving these big sentences like, 70 years, yet the convicted only serve part

Haiku Hiaku: These comments 😳

Kristy Flattley: Never heard of this disgusting monster thanks for something new 👍👍

Vince Alvare: Why is the theme song for this channel "Pop goes the weasel" ?

Tracy Pologruto: Why was he not given the death penalty?

Average Joe: Uuummmmmm.........the smiley face was around way before the internet, lol. The emoticon is nothing but a copy of the original "Have A Nice Day" smiley face.

Brian: If the guy only knew who he had tackled was a child rapist, he could have taken him into that garage, tied him down like he did those kids and started removing his fingers and toes to start with

Linda Nicola: Scary..horrible man. And bad narrating.

Daniel Kistle: Wisconsin town names are tricky

Rayven Takacs: Am I the only one who gets super excited and stomps my foot to the beat of SKD's theme song? That's how stoked i get for his content. 🤣🤣🤣

Brandon Wilson: This is what I hate about the world, you can only get caught sexually abusing kids. At this point I’m against arresting them at all. There should be a psychological explanation for ppl believe they can do this. One time can scar someone for life

Larry Lobster: I work at the death review board for suspicious deaths / homicides in the state of California. We work with homicides everyday, all the time. We go through all the photos, police reports, etc which is quite interesting but also gross at times when i hear about people who starve their children to death and see the before and after pics.

seth rodgers: I’m from South Georgia and I am very offended by the term “redneck” please censor this word in any videos following this one or I will be writing a letter.


buggiebuild1: I’ll say it again, after some of these horrific monstrous cases, the music and the little video at the end ,just kind of lightens my mental state, another phenomenal upload ,keep up the great work,👍🏻 b safe all✌🏻😷

Hyper : I live in WI. I can't believe this guy got out a jail the 1st time

Monica G. Davis: Wow this story went on way too long. Judges failed these women.

Jrob 46&2: This dude would thrive in today's society of everyone Being a victim. Difference is he didn't get away with his murder as Cuomo did.

Twiztii _: I am just wondering why in the word RAPE can’t be said out loud

a 6: Let's just substitute "rape" with "youtube". He couldnt possibly have youtubed her. Hes not a youtubist

a 6: Why is rape cut out?

spence gay: Who does the music at the end?

Lori_Im_A_Big_Goofy_ Brown: You know, I don't know what part of this story was the worst...the total indignity of the male populace of WI to treat this asstag as just a lowly retarded man who couldn't "get it up", that the woman he **** (what's the word? oh yeah, RAPE) "was asking for it"? Youtube, since WHEN does it seem to be ok to shove mass murderers such as Felix Lopez and TELL US EVERY DETAIL in living color of his crime BUT we can't hear the word "rape"? I pay Premium price to hear a BLANK but we can read the printed word of the crime?? I mean, I was r****d, oops, maybe I wasn't because we're not allowed to say that word, right YouTube? I give!!

AggrO0o: Our justice system is out of date and needs up graded.

James Brown: That judge needs to be ousted

WatchYaToesKid: Lol August 11 damn you do this video on purpose? Brilliant. Lol.

Jennifer Curtis: Please auto English captions so deaf can watch

Omar Little: Wtf was wrong with this judge?!?!?

Annika Heydl: 3:15 am I the only one who thinks he looks like an older version of hitler

HighwayRamos: Some people just need a killin'.

Ismnotwasm 1: “Mild” JFC

Michael Beasley: I'll be fucked if I'm going to pay for YouTube premium and then listen to a true crime story abt a rapist murderer where the word "rape" is bleeped out. Make it make sense YouTube or I'm done.

JMazza Taz: Seriously, if you’re not gonna say “rape”, why do you say “murder”? That makes absolutely no sense. Smfh….

William Leuschner: The Goddamn commercial just screwed up my comments!

Arnold Rothstein: Sick fuck

Francis Ulbrich: Some people do not have a soul they only to destroy shame on you garbage

Francis Ulbrich: Burn It

B: Oh, one from my neck of the woods. I remember when Cora went missing. My parents wouldn’t let us go outside alone, and she was found in the next county over. :(

Honky van Wildebeest: Rape. I said it. It happens and must be discussed. Abuse. It happens and must be discussed. Murder, same applies. Fuck off YouTube censors, you are minimising the effects and impact of such crimes when you won't even allow these phrases to be used in their proper context. Stop using algorithms, put a person in front of a screen and make yourselves accountable for your mistakes.

Honky van Wildebeest: Wow, why did you bother to make her eyes milky and vague? You can still make out what she looks like well enough to recognise her.

Michael Eliot: This guy is why Dexter was a great show.

Truth: OMG how are the parents raising their boys there. Disgusting.

Diana Prince: Dude, the pixelated area across the eyes on the victim photos make them look demonic

Thorne Midnight: How do you get the assets for your intro?

Mrs Applez: DNR

A N T: It’s like everyone around this guy is an idiot.

Meddle Master: I'm getting real tired of "Big Tech" squashing 1st amendment.. that so bad we are all adults here i thought my audio was all messed up Jesus Christ fuck youtube

Natnael Ghirma: How was the hair transplant man?

Josephine Peery: What the hell is wrong with some of these damn judges?? Perhaps they should be psychologically assessed, especially af

Lori Tracy: 19 years old & sentenced to 70 years. The end. But no. That would make too much sense...

Admiral Snackbar: Ah yes mild rape....🙄

voodoo dolly: Ummm....WTF with that judge tho 🤔

krogersucks45: He gets a 70 year sentence and gets out after 12 years ....WTF

Saurious 7: Judge bajoran lmao

kattdaddy2112: " I don't know from what cesspool in hell you slithered forth.... but I can't send you back." That judge was pretty brutal but ya gotta love it. Lol

Charlie Bravo: I want to slap everyone that calls Madison Mad Town

henrik echers: The censoring by Youtube, of the "NASTY" words, is a HUGE pain in the ASS

appendix_gang22: If you ever need consultation on how to pronounce Wisconsin names please reach out/do a bit more research. Many of the names were said how they were spelled instead of how they actually sound

Judith Campbell: I find it scary to know that there are serial killers living in society. We never know who they are! But then ... here's another one! That first judge who let him go? He's scary too! Ty SKD

Breanna Branson: The game is literally Clue

Mike Peterson: So many victims, this is why people that commit rape crimes like this should get huge sentences so they cannot re-offend.

Hung Hero: Navy guys are sht bags

Pat Mcstuff: Thanks Judge

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