Quick Vid: Beastars Season 2 (Review)

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Ron Ashly Galang: Pandas in this universe are just like eat bamboo not meat

kabukaze: As a person who already read finish the manga, id say Haru is not really a "Third" Character in Season 2. In season two its basically telling the story of Louis and Legoshi as friends and the social standing, at this arc Haru didnt really play much of a role cause she did not invlove with the Drama club and Tem. but i bet your ass the next season wit will be more wild since they already reach Tem's arc!

Helluva Hazbin: I didn’t like the second season legoshi felt more like goku from dragon ball and his soft emo boy personality turn into over protective bad boy and the pacing was way to fast it just turned from cute romance with a dark side to dark fighting and blood 🩸 idk I didn’t like it it just felt all over the place to me

Coconut Dreams: I think another reason why people weren't talking about Season 2 because it released waaay earlier in Japan and people already watched it back then

kiritonation: if you love your antho anime i REALLY recommend odd taxi

A Really Original Name: Ever since I saw a few minutes of the first review I decided to watch Beastars and I binged the whole anime now I await for season 3 if one comes out

Sgt Underscore Wadsworth: So I genuinely loved Season 2, I practically binge watched it which is very rare for me, it was brilliant right up until... Well the climax, I can appreciate the layered symbolism within the sacrifices that both predator and prey made but... It just felt like the entire journey of Legoshi's training was wasted because he had to do the one thing he literally spent months of training to avoid, he barely even protested the idea, despite chastising the antagonist for doing this very thing, and the worst part it didn't even matter because the Police are the ones to deliver Justice, I sat there deflated after this, honestly this ending may genuinely turn people away because of just how... polarising I feel it is, I'm still curious to see where this goes but I dunno I hope Season 3 can stick the landing better than Season 2

clara: I feel like sadly Beastars is another case of great story, great potential, but the exploitative industry of anime and manga suck it dry. The team behind the manga is fairly small, from what I know, and I don't doubt that due to the success they had to crunch a lot, rush a lot and NOT focus on Haru, since it is target at boys. Also, if fan translation comments are to be believed, Haru is not very well liked by many for being a "slut"

FlowerGirlPower: You said you wait for the dubs to come out, correct? That's probably why, mister Saber lion. I watched it as soon as the sub dropped and read the manga with it. There was much more chatter back then.

Clark A Beast: I can’t watch beastars do to my age but hey my parents won’t let me use Netflix anyway LAMO

Xenon Amax: Am I the only one that hated the end of the beastars manga

Nyx Necrodragon: I personally think this is a bad habit of Netflix. They make a big game about season 1 but any subsequent seasons they say nothing about and then get surprised when people don't watch it and cancel the series.

Gabe Ye Lad: I know this is kinda random but why do people like furries, I dont get it, I dont find any of them attractive, I just see them as animals.

Cont0rt: saber you put weird furry shit in my recommended...

Jango The Blue Fox: you should buy the US release of the manga and read that.

TGNM: I think season 2 is okay-ish? *Spoiler* I somehow dont like how Louis became the lion mafia. Also, the relationship between Legosi and Haru didnt go anywhere even though they spent some time together at the emergency stair.

Digi Shade: You know I find the predator and prey dynamic can be strange especially when a show like zootopia or this one portrays it in a way like this because there are a few animals that could fall under both categories for example an animal native to my country the echidna, they are predators because they hunt another animal that being ants but they are also prey animals because other animals hunt them

Insanity 64: Season 1 was definitely better, season 2 just doesn’t click the same, like yeah it’s still good and all but still.

UwU: Hi, just here to point your attention to unreasonably giant rack they gave to Cosmo(the stripper girl)

MR_Trolldier foe: It's weird how it Triggered me how saberspark said some of the words of the characters and the shishigumi

TheConcertCruizer: Social commentary for what?

UwU: Great choice of thumbnail. Certified best girl

Gingler: the reason people arent talking about it, its because most of the ones who enjoyed season one, started to wait for it and since it aired in japan looooooooong ago, most people preffer to watch it with the subtitles

The-Drowning-Star: If you like Beastars, you should also check out Oddtaxi. It’s another great anthropomorphic anime with a great story and intriguing characters.

TVChild3: I had literally never even heard of Jellystone and I’m a huge fan of Hanna Barbera! What’s up with that? They don’t promote their shows at all ??

Liam Devaun: I hated that Legoshi ate Louis leg it totally went against his resisting meat character arc. He could could of at least just ate Louis foot and not the whole damn leg.

Lotte THE Vampire: I have seen beaststars 1-2 and i like it Both

TotallyNotAFox: The 2nd season felt much more chaotic than the 1st one, and for my taste is "too anime" (the whole plot of Legoshi becoming some sort of street hero). The constant up and down in each scene with Tem's killer feel oddly paced. And for Twitter - just don't use it, the majority on there is just nuts

• Skylyn • *: This makes me wonder if saber spark is becoming a full furry

Nathan Montgomery: Saber succumb to the Darkside embrace your inner furry

Jessie Pérez: Haru's character becoming just some plot device is what disappoints me the most. Her character was really interesting and could have become more if only the creator had gone another way. You'd think since she's the love interest she would play a major role later on, but no. It's a waste of potential :/

chuckufarly5: i do agree, season 2 is not as good as the first, you forgot to mention the giant snake guard...character tho, which i wasnt expecting to be a thing and not sure whats up with that cause they were only there for like 1 or 2 episodes then no word again on them? im expecting possibly something more to come from them later on in the show...whenever more seasons get made. i also did have trouble telling if it was 2D or 3D animated at some parts too, im still looking forward to hopefully seeing more of the show in the future.

Irwin Racine: Everyone here talking about Netflix Jail and I'm here getting tilted by Saber pronouncing it Shishigumi as Shishigami...

Edgy Boi728: ..i can't stop but connect their universe with african salaryman and aggretsuko. also i was about to get gold digger vibes in that stripclub scene

Cayden Hunter: It was probably because there were reactions for the show 4 months before it came out on Netflix in America

Captain Cronus: spoilers for manga a way to look at the lack of haru might be the priority she takes in legosi's life over other subjects, which is basically her entire struggle with him throughout the rest of the story where she feels like she's being pushed aside from legosi i think the lack of her is important, because of her lack in his life she has less time to develop with him as a character its sad, but that's just how some things go, and I think it's supposed to resonate in the readers too, since we all remember the dedication legosi has to her, but he's putting his dedication in the wrong places, which I'm sure we can all wince at their relationship, since it's a common thing people struggle with, being in either character's shoes I honestly hoped that haru would *actually* break up with him and walk away to focus on herself and legosi and louis could develop more into an actual relationship, not for any of the shipping of the community, but just because that's what I feel like would work best for their character and their already existing relationship or, they could have instead written haru into legosi's story more; maybe by having her face her own challenge in the form of another predator and having to use her own self along with the help of legosi to overcome it, giving them the same partnership and connection that louis has instead haru feels neglected not only in a story way and screentime way, but that's just actually how their relationship is I do think it would be a much more engaging and powerful story for her if she walked away from legosi since it'd be like her proving herself as a small rabbit that she is just as strong alone as she would be with legosi, since I feel like she told him several times that she felt that she was neglected and nothing really came out of it? i don't know if I'm remembering that correctly, but in general I feel like beastars is supposed to explore those topics, and the opportunity was there, it just wasn't taken idk I just felt like there was a real reason for the lack of haru LMAO

Tall Order: I remember last year hearing about some "journalist" who tried to claim the predators represent white people. Notice how I used quotations there, because obviously its an activist who should not be qualified to use that title.

Brentus Keyking: Season 2 add so much awesomeness to the story and it seems like the animation got even better

CrayRT: The Saberspark Furry Saga continues

Mary Gutierrez: PLEASE do a video on centaurworld. Not enough people know about it

MR. J: I didnt like season 2 as much the total sidelining of haru and legoshis relationship in the story just removed largely what I enjoyed from the first

omsmada: quick vid on centaurworld coming? decent show

leon thelionhart: i thought season one sucked. i like season 2 alot more

armando carrillo: As a continuation for the series, season 2 was pretty solid. But you’ve nailed the point right there, because they seriously pushed the girls aside and they were the most entertaining thing of this show.

AceOfShades: They're really good with multiplication.

Nixon Sanchez: La segunda temporada de beastars sufre mucho de lo apresurado que se siente debido a que en el manga se siente mas natural el tono que va tomando con respecto alas pelas, pero la temporada 2 desde un inicio quiere ser un anime de peleas y sus cortes no van acorde con lo que sucede y solo hay una pelea ala que le dan importancia

Death the DeathWing: *I am saving this video for later because I am in the middle of watching it.*

Dac85: I read the Manga after the end of season 1 as well and... I don't know. It felt like one of those Mangas that kept going way past when it should have ended, or did a Jojo thing and focused completely on another set of characters after the murder mystery was resolved, as I was already losing interest in the characters by that point.

rahn45: I think what kinda makes the manga disappointing is that it moved away from Legosi despite him featuring in a lot (if that even makes any sense). It's like he kinda grows, but at the same time he doesn't. What comes off the top of my head is that he has Goku's character arc: He gets physically stronger, but on a mental level he doesn't really evolve; he has his views and he sticks to them. He remains socially awkward and oblivious, and the damning thing is when he does overcome those traits and grows a little... it results in the opposite effect of what he wants. Similarly with Goku's character arc, it ends up being the people around him who changes instead. Something also a bit dissatisfying is Louis's character arc as well, cause it does feel like he slides backwards in terms of his own personal growth, that of all the things he's experienced he doesn't really do a good job of integrating it into his own life. That said, there are still many moments of brilliance in the manga itself; but the characters you end up being invested in the most have very flat and unsatisfying arcs.

Alice Kipourou: ShishigAmi

xanderr: [spoilers] i really enjoyed louis's story in the second season. the idea of what he was put through is an interesting thought. it may have been character development but i think it wouldve nice to see an intimidated and helpless legoshi after finding out that bear man is the murderer. i think legoshi being irritated is a good response but i think it needed to be more dreary. i also wanted more of haru. i think her story is just as interesting as louis but not much was added. was still good enough for me to binge it in a night tho.

Rennis Tora: "Saber? Saber! SABER!.. Oh no, he can't hear us, he's got his Raycon's in!"

Maria Kutsy: Hey Saber. On the topic of :" nobody talks about", back this CGI studio released anime "Land Of The Lustrous", which is about a sentient race of rocks that is attacked by some other creatures from space. (Insert Steven Universe refrenece). Everyone loved this anime, but when Beastars came out, people loved it even more (maybe because of the media) and the studio decided that they'll release Beastars season two, rather then season two of Land Of The Lustrous. I think that you will like this anime. Please give it a shot and review it, so it will be as popular as Beastars. We need to see season two. + the manga is still coming out, so you may switch to manga, and still not know what will happen.

ChesterKuro15 Bernoulli: What happened to sailor ballz review

That Guy Brody: you think you could do The Dragon Prince? it was a netflix original that i am 100% sure flew under the radar in the second season. i'd like to see your opinion on it as it might be something i can see you liking and i get to see your perspective with maybe a little bit of backstory and history i never knew.

hello: Hey saber do you know anything about attack on titan?

Sparked Reaper Dragon: I read the whole manga before even watching season 1, I knew what season 2 was gonna be like. I personally didn't really like this arc in the manga, so I wasn't all too hyped for the anime version. But that's just my opinion

Ursa da bear: I simp for Riz.

Ginko: My biggest complaint with season 2 was the English subtitles in the Japanese dub changed Haru to Hal

Num: still waiting for your [oddtaxi] review....

Andrew Aguilera: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss My fingers are tired 🤏🥱

Please enter a name: I hate furrys

Pheanix Thefox: I think everyone is just scared to be a furry XD

wakeangel2001: there IS one notable difference between Zootopia and Beastars, in the former it is made clear that ONLY mammals have evolved sentience, while in the latter everything is sentient except for bugs. That means in Zootopia there can be a "guilt free" source of meat with birds and reptiles and other groups of animals (you can still get a chicken sandwich in one of their mcdonalds) but in Beastars the only red meat you can get comes from something that had a face (they DO say that most of the meat there is supposed to come from hospitals or people who otherwise died naturally, but you never know if that meatball was someone who died in a car accident or some poor shlub who got butchered in a back alley.) Though I'm wondering if the denizens of beastars can still eat fish, that IS animal protein right?

lunattg: Enjoyed season 2 but yeah, it wasn't as thrilling as season 1. Can't wait to see the hype when Melon makes his appearance. Also you should check out Beast Complex. It was started before Beastars and helps flesh out their world through other characters besides Legoshi, Haru, and Louise.

MegaKeikoku: Beaster season 2 arrives. Exactly samilar like the manga

Blustreak Girl: Okay, I just finished watching the whole season and I gotta say. It was interesting nevertheless. Yes I do wish Haru was in more but I guess they wanted to expand more on other characters. Season 2 wasn't as impactful as season 1, but thats ok. I still find season 2 great with its message throughout the episodes. 6 eyes was charming to me, wish I could have seen her more when Legosi found out who the killer was. -I also wasn't made aware that the season was finished or when it started ep.1 (Idk if anyone here was in the same boat as me when that happened ;v;)

Rain: I watch season 2 before it came out on Netflix. I watched it subbed and loved it, I'm gonna watch it dubbed bc I love the voice actors in the dub. They are gonna be making season 3 which should be great, and Haru will be more present if season 3 is made. Well she will be if they stay true to the manga.

Kevin Hogan: Pro: Overall great show & interesting characters. Con: not meeting the only security guard until season 2 then never bringing details of killer to her made her character pointless

Sylveon uwuw: Season two didint come out a few weeks ago . The reason nobody talked about it is cause the og fans watched each week months ago when it releaved on anime sites

demomanchaos: "Is it better to be born good or to become so by overcoming your evil nature?"

bhgyutr: Ok yeah you're begging me to watch this show, right?

Rezno97: What I thought would’ve been interesting to do for Season 2 was getting some more backstory or perspective on the snake security guard. She was a unique character who had to deal with the shame of having no limbs and therefore hid herself in order to bear it. We do see some reptiles in the world of Beastars but not a lot, and even so we mostly see ones with limbs. It would have been interesting to see more of how snakes deal with living in the animal society.

The Red Panda: Poggers

JackofSpades 1007: Literally right when I saw your video notification, I immediately went to Netflix to binge the entire season in one go. It was amazing, suspenseful, funny, and gripping. As disappointing as it was to see Haru take a backseat, I really enjoyed the few scenes we got with her. The reveal of who ate/murdered Tem was handled beautifully, and really upped the stakes in the season where we see Rits (I think that's how it's spelled) interacts with Pina and Legosi. Overall, amazing season, the Mafia stuff with Louis and the lions was thrilling, beautiful fight choreography and pacing. Can't wait for season 3

KougaTintinFan: I watched Beastars season 2 last summer. I hope there will be season 3!

Rayhatesyou2 gaming: There so much out there for people to watch not everyone can watch at once I and my girlfriend both watch beastars and love it alot

The Dizzy Dreamer: I read the manga too and I will be honest, it’s disappointing. It really bums me out that haro and legoshi were the main plot yet she’s kind of forgotten.

Cheyenne Marchetta: I think nobody is talking about because Netflix wasn't i mean i didn't know they had season 2 coming out until after it was out already. HOWEVER having watched both seasons i believe that season 2 is 100% superior. I went into beastars with the intention of cringing a lot which i did but season 2 was different. I was sucked into the story and loved every bit of it even though it hurt

TheLunarLegend: I kinda hope the anime takes a different route. Mostly cause yeah i wasn't a big fan of the route the manga took

Joshay Universe: I will admit, I have watched a few episodes of this season, and while I still liked it, it didn't follow the manga very closely, and that sort of threw me off. I was one of the ones who decided to read the entirety of it because I didn't wanna wait for a season 2, and thus my expectations were VERY high for this season. I haven't finished, which I will do, but I don't like the amount of filler or things they cut from the Manga that would have been so good

DangerX: Tbh this show just doesn’t really interest me And this is Coming from someone who is always looking for anything to watch

No Name far emotions: Shishigohmey🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

LemonChan is Random: I didn't like it

August the fox: I can understand why Haru not being as prevalent in the second season can be seen as a negative. However, she's not as needed in this season. At the end of the first she and Legoshi both proclaimed their love for each other but, this lead to Legoshi also proclaiming that he wants to be the best person he can be for her. This in turn sets up the rest of season 2. We already had the Death of Tem as a set up for the story and even Louis becoming the leader of the Shishigami (I hope I spelled that right). To add this constant internal and external struggle to Legoshi character (that being him fighting his instincts) is just Icing to the cake. I believe Haru serves her purpose in motivation for Legoshi's character and I AGREE that she didn't get enough screen time. I think a few more scenes of Legoshi and haru's interactions as he continued his devotion to his training would've been perfect and fit in so well. Just think about how much it would mean to Haru to see Legoshi actually putting in the effort to change not just for her but, to prove to society that the predators aren't just these mindless killing machines. They are Animals just like them with feelings, desires, and goals too. She takes the back seat because she has nothing to do. More scenes like her introduction scene where she's the Main Character with monologues and introspective thoughts would've been appreciated and welcome. If She had scenes where she was changing from her previous self to her newer self at the end of season one it would've been AMAZING. Maybe more interactions with Juno or other girls? My only issue with that would be it may have distracted from Louis's journey to obtain more power and Legoshi's trying to find Tem's killer and his changing of his instincts. I'm sure if they had done so they could've got that in somewhere but, for what the season is I love it!!

Lessandero Cortez: There's a season two? Cool!

Shade's Insane Chamber: LOVE IT.

Supreme Leader: Thank you for the vid! ive been waiting for it

Nate Justice: I definitely think that season two started off very strong, but it hugely missed the mark towards the end. What was that DBZ battle between Legoshi and Riz? So now Legoshi has magical powers? They throw in a pointless sacrifice to make Louis have a more tragic arc? Legoshi literally abandons the ideals he’s been developing for two full seasons to not even WIN the climactic final battle that doesn’t even end in a proper conclusion? No thanks. They also completely threw away Ms. Six Eyes after she gives one crumb of information to Legoshi. Talk about pointless characters that only exist to provide a plot device. I was really disappointed because I love the characters in this show.

Preston Garvey: Spoilers: I didn‘t get why they just didn‘t tell the police right away when the found out who killed the Stundent… Like come on all of this could‘ve been avoided if they‘d just told the police right away there was literally no point at all to keep it a secret… the bear had nothing in his hands…. It was so dumb?? And why did he let legoshi eat his leg?? Come on man you had a gun like 5 minutes ago why didn‘t he just brought it there?? And the snake you literally interduced so big and the forgot about never mentioning it again? Honestly… the secound season was kinda shitty if you ask me I would‘ve loved to see more of haru and Legoshi THAT was the interesting aspect and seeing what their relationship goes on how they overcome new problems and stuff… whatever that is what it is now it was just all over the place…

Stoicescu Alecsandru Marcu: Season 2 was great until the last episode. The ending was so shallow and disappointing, nothing much really changes. The carnivores are still a problem, Legosi instead of becoming a cop or something decides to drop school, the drama club is still going to be closed, the mafia didn't changed much.

Max Bearington: 5/10 Hardly any Riz mentioned.

Solaire: he didn’t talk about the snake :(

mike dahlman: I.. don't like the animation or the characters designs. Not into it at all

Anna Luiza Serrano: sir do centaurworld PLEASE

HyperNeko2000: *Spoilers* I have read past the point where S2 leaves off and to me, it felt like S2's pacing was a bit off. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but Legoshi's fur turned white because he thought he ate Haru, but that it wasn't stated in the anime why his fur turned white besides the fact that "he got a hair cut". As far as Louis, I wish that they built up his relationship with the gang and especially Ibuki was built up just a bit more. When I saw he died in the manga I legit cried. The animation was amazing tho!

Undead1507: To be honest I was just "eh" about season 2, it felt like nothing really happened throughout it, and haru and the wolf girl(forgetting her name) being in this love triangle that I feel could've have just been omitted

regy19: tbh i still don't understand what the beastars is and why its important

Geoffrey Dowdle: Zootopia was fun but Beastars makes a far more competing narrative on human culture.

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