The Solo Ranked Sniping Life is TOUGH! - Apex Legends Season 10

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SHEV1LL NB: i have a question how do u train your aim


Kenzie1o1: maybe give watson like a mini turbo effect, the same deal as a turbo, but the duration of the charge up for the turbo is doubled, does that make sense? am I making sense to anyone? idk i feel like i am but maybe im just biased

Jaeger31: In my opinion platnum is easier than gold cause at last leg of gold everyone runs around like freaking silver back guerillas attacking everything that moves but in plat it stops being how aggressive you are and more about strategy and positioning then just brute force

Veltrobrine: I think wattson should be able to electrocute ziplines by putting her fences on it or giving her a special ability where she does that. That would be really good for her as a defense legend.

Remy Raines: 9:10 its ok rich i have no friends either.

Jersey Akses: That’s the perfect buff for her. When she finds the Devi or havoc she’s doesn’t need the turbo it’s automatically turbo for her only

Chief 2112: Do you stream live or just play and post-produce clips for YT??

CPTxBRANDON: “My teammates are actual psychopaths” I think anyone who has spent any amount of time playing ranked has said this

planetnuggie: I feel you I have to play on my own all the time cuz my friends are basically never on

J-O Coding: 13:00 Achtundachtzig

dakang425: Wattson should have charged rounds in the sniper when using/around her ult

Gerald Frey: They should make it so u cant shoot through her fence unless u do a certain amount of damage to it. She does need a really good buff of some sort.

Jaco Van Skalkwyk: That headshot at 07:07.... nice

Walter Zolkin: Your german numbers made me smile

VonDaDon: Why do you communicate with the teammates like they can even hear you….. try unmuting or just don’t talk to them ….

Kong Wubba: Lots of chances to push any of those 3 teams for a wipe in the first game. Plenty. 1 knocked and 1 down to flesh but everyone hangs back...idk

Stephen Hamilton: What's your ping mate!? ROFL, Welcome to my world. I watch you guys make insane plays all the time and all I have to do is look at an enemy and I'm dead. Good content Rich. Also, a huge game breaking Wattson buff would be hilarious, I like the Turbo idea, making the Sentinel amped all the time, more powerful arc stars, no cooldown on fence pylons (although limit the total number), faster shield regen. Are you listening Respawn?

Angelo LaRocca: Honestly wish I could play a game with itemp

ŤHÈ MÁĶÉŔ: how about she can make electric traps at any angle by connecting dots? Or making the traps activate when someone crossing them and after that they appear visible to others? Thats the best thing for her! Also addin extra sec of stun also would be huge! Also making her ultimate release an electric shock after being destroyed by enemys and drain 25 to 30% shield thats also a nice touch

Mike Simms: Downvote and force cheaters to get a real job.

Joshua Huesca: Do you still play on PlayStation?

directordan01: Saying communication is bad on solo ranked yet ur mic is always muted

Fjdhxj Jshdbd: rich u got to try fuse his buff is so much fun

Eli Zucker: 16:18 how does he do it

denis: Plssss video setting s 10 plssss

Jose Terrones: I never get this lucky with random players. Most of the time they either quit or die as soon as we land lol.

Robert Van Eyk: Sadly (but luckily), watching you play is far more entertaining than playing....

Ziko Riko: I watched you when I first started and already the intro is nostalgic. Love you bro..wanna play..heh

jason milsom: why not ping armour for your team mates when you drop it

Andy Thompson: one day ill get matched with you... hopefully.

Remy M. Ndow: Try playing wattson in arenas :p

GCB: Crazy idea! Bad crazy, everyone will want to be Wattson lol I’m your friend 😉

justinlapointe11: Lets see if this works eventually. 😁 DAY 66 REQUESTING RICH DO THE JOHN WICK CHALLENGE. (Pistols only)

W1SSAM: I lost it when Rich started mumbling in german out of the blue hahaha

peter snedeker: The random wattson thought at the end was great. Every time some one throws a grenade at her ultimate it charges shields faster for 2 or 3 seconds. Maybe her ultimate you could cash grenades in for batteries.

Ezy Dubz: Win or lose bro, it's a enjoyment watching u play solo

Babossa 911: Achtundachtzig

Lemon: how about watson can auto-charge sentinels with her pylons at her back nothing to crazy but the duration of autocharge is about 4-6 sec per 1-2 charged up bullet while she can fire normal bullet while waiting for another charger up bullet(s) or she can even swap to another weapon/meele while waiting.

Jaki0401: Achtundachzig😂 love it👍😂

OverwatchLegend: How about this for a buff snipers half the evo shield damage that needs done so for example the white body shield needs 150 damage to turn blue and the sentinel damage does 70 damage make the sentinel reduce the damage by 140 after a hit

Hocktator: You totally caught me off guard with your german numbers. I mean here I am watching this well skilled gamer with this great voice and lovely english voice and the next thing I hear my own language. I needed to play it back because I could't believe I heard what I just heard. How come that you know german? About yout Wattson idea I guess you are right. I thought about everything which could be "charged" got an instant charge while ads. (Peacekeeper, Triple Take, Sentinel) This might work as well

Zachary Gross: Forget about the Spanish you like to give us. I'd like to hear more German. Could sworn you were speaking Deutch after harvester

ICETR3Y: Day 26 of asking Rich to show a pop up of Sooxfar every time he says “so far”

Mark Mancha: Wanna play sometime we can play pubs

Giooo: I think since Wattson helped design the ring, she should take less ring damage

Badger: "Just camp." - This is why I find ranked boring and never play it.

Arazial 95: Richs German Skills are poppin’ off! Anyone notice ?

saira bano: I just Remember back when I used to watch itemp play apex legends in season 1 and 2 it used to be so fun but now there are sweatys the old days 😪

jackplayz video games: Your bro got me banned on apex got it back now can we play my name is fendyke9 clan XIX

Ola V: I live for Solo Rich, it used to be my internet-highlight of the day!

RedVIII: Oh wow, didn't know Rich speaks German. :D

Vikas vikas: Legally blind - 2 kills and 2 assists = 2 kp 🤔🤷‍♂️

Dirty Lumberjack: I feel ya bud i work away from home 2 weeks at a time. When i am home noones on for ranked.

Trenton Pepito: “It’s better to do a bad plan together”

Katarina Bemis: The Wattson idea sounds great but sadly I only see it as potentially another passive for her!

Arshad Siddiqui: For UK dudes is everyone's ping all of a sudden at 49? Before it used to be 19-24 and I'm upset because I'm dying around corners way too hard.

DaveyB MTB: A more balanced idea for wattson could be that when she pings the empty slot for a turbocharger it shows the nearest one to her pinged on the map?

Edwin Ruiz: I think her passive shouldve been Regen her shields just like octane regens health probably with a 5% with every second ? I think that wouldve made her better in a way

Muhammad Ali: I think I saw this on tiktok but I think if she was more of a hybrid legend, as in she is support/defence. Teammates being rezzed under her ult get revived with some shields back

Tyler Richer: 12:24 drops and marks light ammo then immediately picks up more off the ground

JOHN GOBEL: The unparalleled Chad energy of Rich absolutely drying the whole game and being so humble for his teammates reviving him is amazing

Northowl: Communication isn't difficult solo. Game chat. Lol. Console gods I guess

Alex: Ich liebe dein Deutsch! 😅

William Burke: Love the solo content! Hopefully, you aren't dealing with too many terrible games for it 😬

TheGamingStoic: Congrats on 1 million

Rezamir Rahizar: Maybe buff watson's ultimate so that it can reduce the cooldown for the team's ultimate and tactical(?)

Khaos Sloth Gaming: ok i'm kinda new to Apex and ranked in general (i didn't play ranked last season cause it was my first full season and i was still getting use to the game) but what is the difference between KP and RP?

Malcolm M.: Don’t you love how Rich gets the dub but is absolutely fed up with Wattson not getting buffs 😂😂😂

Spence TheFence: I’d say Watsons fences slowly charge shields as well for teammates like her ultimate if you walk through them. That extra little bit of shield goes a long way!

Cormac Gears: God bless you man, your voice always makes my day a little better

KDynamic: Is pathfinder the best solo rank legend? Reply who you think is better (Also in plat)

Daryl Edwards: I like the idea watson gets an auto-mod passive! Maybe purple versions of turbo charger and boosted loader.

Ethan Keller: Itemp's random german numbers xDD

adam dudley: I pretty much always solo ranked. It's okay till Plat then it gets annoying.

welsh0anti0alles: did not know that you sprichst deutsch 😅✌

Chad Mendiola: As much as i love the Sentinel.. the Longbow right now is the better option.

Alahzar Bey: Mr. Itemp coming in quiping like spiderman around 11:43 🤣😂🦥.

Steve: That noscope headie @ 7.10

Jacob Scales: He didn't say Of course! i cant do this!

Boiray gaming: Nice vid bro

Sreeram Praveen: Day 26 of asking Rich to go undercover on apex(by changing his name and badges) and ask randoms what they think about Itemp plays @iTemp Plays

Jean Ken: its fun to play wattaon but you cant push with her unless u got good loot

Jean Ken: rich that’s actually a great idea to have watsons passive not only auto charge shield but adds turbo charge to compatible weapons. EA are u listening

Jesus Montellano: Rich, what are your console settings for Apex? you never seem to have recoil lol Awesome Sniping my friend!!!

Tiana M: Could anyone enlighten me on what KP is? N no I’m not confusing it with RP, I just keep hearing KP?

Chef Jetto: I think auto turbo is too strong for watson, but maybe a proficiency/efficiency with energy weapons, like more ammo or just can hold more ammo in backpack slots and fast reload like rampart and the lmg's

Janik Kaminski: 13:12 how he said the Number in german😂 lol didn't know he could speak a bit german

UrAvgConsumer: Love the Wattson idea

hlc ahhhyeah: Another solo queue video?! Man I’ve missed these videos, they are one of a kind❤️

Chris Rodriguez: When u said u have no friend and are solo queuing platinum… I felt that lol

Monique Brittle: Seer and a longbow is a u defeated convo

Ezra Cordova: Your typing is so loud😂😂

soulmilk: yeah either make her ult give everyone the turbo perk for their weapons if they have that specific gun, or make her ult give everyone infinite energy ammo for the duration of it. but i have no clue on what they should do to buff her fence, thats a tough one.

wendysorbust: The first team you got stuck with was really hard to watch. They consistently kept charging at teams solo and at one instance engaged two different teams

Daniel Cervantes: Stuck in Diamond 😩

MrM3RK: I’m solo playing ranked myself, trying to get to master or predator. Kinda new to the game so if anyone would like to play, lemme know :) I’m on PC!

Danny Loser: The “Hey what’s up guys it’s Rich” gets me every time !!!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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