First Look at the Shahs of Sunset Season 9 Reunion | Bravo

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Jasmin Hassan: Paulina must be insecure at this point ...

Zee Assiri: Love GG this season she is loving and forgiving when she needs to and Locknessa comes out also when need to. And I hate that smirk on Paulina's face she is Gona force Mike to leave the show and she is so desperate to be on and she runs and tells his friends about him and then says they are lying I feel sorry for destiny she used her to get her way with Mike Paulina is very very very sneaky

Victoria Thomas: Love GG

Mike Check: Let me find out Locknessa is back at the reunion. Here 4 it.

#1Imaginaryhomegirl: Who are these people???

Brenda Hudson: They spent almost the entire season worrying about Mike's love life...RIDICULOUS

Frankie A: Is gaslight everyone’s new favorite word

ANGELEAH M: The did MJ wrong on the thumbnail. Lol love her

Jen DeLatte: Who is still watching this channel? Honestly? I can't belive this is still on. I guess Disney+ took 90 day so

Brenda Naomi: ...and to think that I was upset with Jessica for not forgiving Mike!!!! He did not make a mistake, cheating is a habit that Mike is unable to shake off because in some twisted way, he feels like he is God's gift to women. He will be one lonely old man! That girl should run and never look back!!!

Randi Marshals: I really like Tommy he is the only REAL PERSON, MJ has really grown up he runs his home. That baby is PRICELESS. Reza can adopt a child leave MJ. baby alone you cause Tommy has a right to protect his family.

Randi Marshals: Pauline will continue to take this cheating forever, her father probably cheated and her mother allowed it. She is controlled by this man

Randi Marshals: No Destiny is THE DING BAT 🤣🤣🤣🤣Pauline uses her to talk to Mike . Like when she said she could not take anymore she knew DUMB BELL would get angry with Mike and tell him what she said.

Cal V Thomas: Reza looks good with the white beard, dark hair look.

Lady Amora Says: Ugh I'm so over this show! As a student of psychology and a spiritual reader i can see Everybody is trying to be something they're not! Huge turn off have yall seen Family Karma?

T Knotts: SMH I’m shocked to see Pauline at the reunion (because Jessica didn’t make it 😬…to the couch). I do agree with GG (-maybe not the delivery) Pauline should have never sent the messages to them in the first place and then get mad when they say something.

Vanessa: I personally don’t think Reza should meet Baby Shams, he had no regard towards MJ life when she was almost dying giving birth & removing her uterus, instead he called her about drama/gossip & he told her openly to everyone that she had 10 abortions eluding to that being the reason she struggled with giving birth. Although MJ isn’t innocent, he violated

Vanessa: I don’t like how Paulina runs to Destiney with her problems with Mike, putting Destiney in the middle then when Destiney confronts Mike about his issues with Paulina based on what Paulina tells her, she has Destiney looking stupid. If I’m your friend & you want my advice take it wholeheartedly or take it with a grain salt & with the latter don’t ask me for advice again

La Vie De Vava: Reza would have met Shams a long time ago if he had VISITED HIS BEST FRIEND AFTER SHE GAVE BIRTH AND ALMOST LOST HER LIFE AT THE HOSPITAL ! But he chose to be petty and cruel, and must suffer the consequences now !

Belgium Girl: London- Babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe- damn, does she know any other words?

Janet Johnson: It's time to shut Andy down.

rgncajun21: It’s always recycled problems that’s become too fake for me

Jeanne-Marie DeClue: Did MJ so dirty in the thumbnail

blaze One: Reza looking good and the women looking like they need to stop the surgery.

blaze One: Mike as delusional as the woman he is with.

Lilia Alesan: I'vebeen watching this show for awhile. Reza is such a bad actor. Showing his emotion and his crying is so fake! Just saying.

Bklyn Ny64: Paulina deserve what Mike is doing she told destiny that he told her not to respond to them then she tells destiny she is over him but stay with him and says on wwhl that he doesn’t control her.!!!!

FABIAN CORONA: Was shervin only a friend this season?

Melineh Hacopians: They're stll together I saw them at JW Marriott in Palm Springs. Fake fake.

Elle: Destiny's plastic surgery looks like a backyard job!

Saul: They skin on point. Is it the lights, make up artists or they good California living? Purple suit guy awesome outfit

Juju B: Paulina has had so much stuff done to her face she looks exactly like Lady Gaga now

Juju B: I HATE HATE HATE Reza’s annoying cry talk he does in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

FlowerCity Vlogs: Who did their makeup for the reunion. Wow 😮 soooo sad 😔

Alisa McKnight: the fact that reza can’t meet shams smh I wouldn’t be able to be friends with MJ at all I know that hurts for a leo you chose this sloppy fool over our friendship, cool.

Aarush Kumar: Reza looks old.

awsumocoolbeans: Wow how boring Didnt mike keep saying she was the one 🙄😂😂 He needs help.

Charlesj HemphillIII: D D D DAMN! :)

Jeff Sterrett: This show sucks

Ethans husband 2: Jessica Parido dodged a heat seeking missal, thank God she stood up for herself and left that stone cold cheater.

Tina Davis: If Reza cared you would take the restraining order off of Tommy doesn't he still have the restraining order on now

λεωνιδία Fakiola: My all time favourite Bravo show I just wish the seasons were longer. Can’t believe Mikes actually going to allow a girlfriend to speak at a reunion.

ryan Amari: Mike needs the relationship GG described….friends with benefits …because clearly he keeps adding them to his relationships

ryan Amari: Where is London

janine napier: I wish it was still on our T.V. channel. Why Andy did it have to change?????

BB Hill: I don’t care for Paulina at all. Reza looks great on here. I’m beginning to like Destiny and Nema.

Sandra Walston: Paulina needs to know PEACE of mind is better than a PIECE of mind!

William Brown: Loves 💕 them.....means it. However, they all look like Louis Vuitton luggage 🤔. Super distracting.

Dineo-Lola Monareng: Reza aged well 🔥

Dineo-Lola Monareng: what did Destiny do to her face?!

MrShootDat: These past 2 seasons have gone by so fast

Centigradz2 Centigradz2: Andy is vicious asf. Gaslighting and provoking.

Carolyn Rose: I don’t know why everyone is suggesting the show should end. I still find the cast entertaining. I just think they ALL need new storylines.

flydamage kayks: can't believe this show still goes on lol have no idea 😅

BettyAnn Smith: Paulina's lips and eyebrows are scary 😬

Jean-Christophe: These GOLD DIAMONDS ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥

T MD: Stop putting plastic in your face ladies. It looks bad I am sorry. It is not cute at all.

Suzan To: Reza Che Naz shodeh ❤️

#!1Besh638: Omg Rezo looks absolutely amazing 😍

Fee: Dear Paulina, Stop telling Destiny if you are not going to leave him! LET MIKE CHEAT IN PEACE 🥴 🙄🙄🙄 We are all fed up of your complaining a** and you look like a 🤡 bc your still with him and you got 2 kids that will see this 😞

August: They've all had so much work done. Bunch of bloated weird looking faces... Yikes

Pank UniKarn: Damn, they have aged so poorly

NaturallyPaige_: Cannot wait!

Natalia Mbenzi: Reza has white hair what this is shocking

Cristina Marie: Reza looks absolutely amazing

Tyler: idk how this show is still on…

Sky Blue: I swear women be knowing what they Mindy doing but they just so insecure and weak-minded that they keep it up and just stay with the drama instead she know that man stay messing with other women she ain't crazy she know she just week

Sky Blue: I'm sorry but Paulina is a very weak woman she comes off as she's strong but she is so weak and she is embarrassing herself as a woman for this man on reality tv as well as her life

T. Evans: Everybody looks really good! Reza looks like money!

Ayana C: Mike might as well be single forever because every time he’s with someone he doesn’t know how to be monogamous.

arthusetnico: Really can’t with Reza. He showed nothing but bad energy (and fashion) this season

ET M: Why is Reza always crying?

Cubbman79 Cubster: This season felt short & nothing major really happened (a bit lack luster)

Mami Makala: Damn y’all did MJ wrong in that thumbnail 🤣🤣🤣

Nick: Can't wait to watch this.

John: Reza is so fucking unlikable I just can’t.

Frances Lee: Reza's is getting to thin.

Kenzie Versace: Why is Andy’s tan the same color as they all are? 😅😅😅

Jegnaye2324: They purposely did MJ dirty with the thumbnail.

Cedrick Shema: Im underwhelmed

Alexis Hickman: Paulina's complains about Mike just to hear herself talk but destiny is irritating for constantly entertaining her bullshit like when she calls you just let that shit go in one ear and out the other

Mary: Mike and Paulina's problem is NOT the show.. it's MIIIIKKKEEE !!! He is a cheater and Paulina knows it. LETS BE REAL

Denise Peralta-Smith: Paulina is playing Destiny and Mike. She wants to be on the show so desperately, you have to be blind not to see it.

Vera Foster: What the hell the lady in white do to her face😟

Terra Teneshia: At this point, I feel Paulina and Mike are made for each other🤷🏾‍♀️They’re both delusional AF!!

Wezeka Nyathela: The Reza and Shams issue is very difficult I feel bad for MJ

Nicholle M: I can’t wait

Roblez4: Paulina is doing the worst thing one minuet she is all about he does this and that lets everyone know and then sits back and ask why do they not like us, well sweetie your grown time to handle your cheating problems at home and not let no one else know if you want to continue with a cheater, she used Destiney and she is a great friend and wants to help her friend out and she even told Destiney to tell the group something and now wants to stab her in the back. Well okay stay with your 42 year old boyfriend who gaslights you all the time, manipulates you and will always cheat on you, You are really messing up by doing what your doing I promise you, I would always run to my sister about little fights and I would tell her things I might of been wrong to let her know, and now even though things are good in my marriage she hates him and its a fight all the time over this, so I know what the outcome is going to be and his friends will forever not trust you nor believe you. Its so messed up how they are with Destiney they hate the fact that she does not sugar coat nothing, I love Destiney and My daughters name is spelled the same way we finally found someone with the same spelling,

ET M: Welp someone got new veneers Reza

Penelope Palm: Mike literally said that his partners think he’s not controlling enough!! No baby no. That comment would only be made by a control freak. Plus everyone that cheats is a control freak.

Pduo Duo: If “New Face Who This?” Was a trailer

Terrell Jackson: Reza is so annoying

CoCo: Reza looks good!

Zsayzwat: Paulina looks like she puts grease on her face…

Charisma O: They are all giving me black-fishing vibes. The dark tans, enlarged lips, enhanced butts etc… too much!!

Victor Velarde: This show is a joke they should cancel it immediately

Whirlwind: I’m surprised this show is still on the air…

Candy A.: Reza and MJ are good for TV, but are absolutely toxic AF. Also Mike is more manipulative and controlling than he thinks. Everytime he says "I Love You"... I cringe.

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