Everything You Need To Know About The Walking Dead Season 11

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WatchMojo.com: Are YOU looking forward to "The Walking Dead" Season 11? Let us know in the comments! For everything Walking Dead, check out our playlist!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4m97_0qIHo&list=PLmZTDWJGfRq1pV_JZrAl2nIMVl6nESRcB

Nuka 5: I want to see a romantic interaction between Daryl and carol

Brett Skinner: I am so glad it's ending finally about time

sitdownstar: The only thing I wish is that Andrew Lincoln had been willing to stay for the whole time.

Negative Plane: Negan Spin off would be awesome

Rule of 2 Review: I’m going to be so sad when it’s over, but I’m also SO excited to see how it wraps up. And knowing that they extended the final season instead of cutting it in half (* cough * Game of Thrones) makes even more excited. I know they’re going to stick the landing. Off to a great start so far!!

Remy LeBreau: Cmon guys I just wanna see Rick go BEAST MODE 1 MORE TIME

Jaztine Jimenez: season 11? I stopped at season 5

MomBlk332CN: Already watched the first episode and I was like damn is so damn dark I had to make sure my settings on my TV wasn't messed up. I always knew the show was not going to last past season 10 or 11. Just like Shameless I'm going to miss the show after watching it for 11 years but I feel that it is time for it to end

stunna uchiha: S1 walking dead they were halfway running kinda jogging even climbing gates what happened

ThatJohnnyGuy: All you need to know is it went too many seasons with boring plot and I stopped watching after season 3.

Jevo43: Negan Negan 🔥🔥

Ruth Foley: I'd like to be able to watch it. However, it's now available only on Disney. Ho hum.

Niall Ferns: Cole AKA replacement for Jesus

বাংগালী ব্লগ: I almost lost interest about this show,it was my one of favourite show but my favourite characters like rick n mishone r not in the show now so i lost interest

Nurfturf: i hope they don't kill dog.

El Ropero: How did this show survive for so long?

Aldo Gutierrez: what I want for the final season?...gee! 1. Rick returning to Michone and their children. 2. Darryl finding love with a badd ass partner. 3. Carol finding happyness 4. Maggy killing negan 5. Negan being in peace with Maggy killing him. 6. Eugene leading a big bad ass group. 7. Jerry leading a new kingdom.

Miko Balante: Fron the moment when rick left , this another show for me the intensity is lost

Adrian Vaca: Georgy looks like mrs doubt fire

Tyler Syers: Imagine Negan has some of the medicine for his wife stashed away and gives it to the king after the season. Since the king didn’t die with the fight against the whisperers it’s not entirely impossible

JLaw224: Show should've ended like 5 years ago hasn't been good for a long time

Ryan Gilmore: So it will be about the main group fixing a place to live and then fighting a group of evil people? Gee, we haven't seen that before..........

Marvelgirlfan 01: I want to see Rick return and to meet his kids Judith and his newest RJ. I also was Daryl with Connie again, those two are adorable. I need to see Judith, RJ, and Hershel he to become a Zombie killing trio

Patrick Harris: If im not mistaken Michonne ran into Virgil when she found Rick's stuff

K9 Revenge: < 3 3 3

Skexzies: Season 10 continued the pathetic de-evolving from the Walking Dead to the Walking Weirdos. It was so unwatchable, I never finished it. No wonder the ratings are falling like a flaming anvil. Count me out.

daniel maldonado: Why he dint mention Daryl dead.... you can see it clearly by the way he was dress and the time it was bite same cloth

safwan Alvi: This vid was really helpful for me cos i watched s10 last year and have watched like 5 shows since then and forgotten everything. Saved me from rewatching it.

boah: One more scene with Rick and Negan and I'll die happy.

bigtaz504: Crawl out from the fallout baby!

Bighomie productions: Bro, rick better come back

Minus Face: Where the fu*k is rick grimes

Ratan Kumar: Want Rick back

MadSant: I wonder who will take Rick's death in the Commonwealth arc.

Steve White: Maggie is dead, Negan didn't help her on to the top of the train in the tunnel. It was a fucked up episode.

louis webtser: Oh... WatchMojo isn’t on the Walking Dead Hate train anymore!?

joker shooter: I cringe so hard when people say bring Rick back....

Athel554: This show is still on? 🤔

niel tan: Where can l watch it online? Netflix doesn't have it...

Heated Mindset: Thumbs up for Negan, comment for Rick. Let’s see who’s better.

Lotionman 69: Bruh that pineapple haircut in the beginning though lmfao

yah.keith. _: As long as they kill off Princess and Connie ends up with Daryl, I'll be happy.

theresa planz: I made that they’re killing off Maggie this is terrible I am not happy with the season at all I wanted Maggie story to come out and her and Negan to work together , Very anger 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬Ruining the the show !!!!

Jacob Drolet: Totally fantastic and hyped too.

Thicky Ricky: I stopped watching in season 5 so I’ll tune into the last episode see how it ends

Skyrim Warrior: The one thing I wanna see, is I wanna see “ Negan Lives “, meaning Negan lives to see another day.

sambrid shah: .

Lisa Johnson: Rick and Michonne has gotta come back! Her reason for leaving her kids is dumb

Nofilter B*txh: This shit is till going?

Axel K.: Its crazy how TWD managed to age so gracefully even if a couple of seasons were simply garbage, while its counterpart GoT that couldve easily ended as the best show of all time was completely destroyed within the last 2 seasons. At least the TWD producers were willimg to take their time with the show, you cant say the same about GoT and showed badly.... Its just sad

DarthXenon03: People in the comments saying, "This show is still on?" Fuck off.

RottieShep CALIBRE: ever since episode 17 season 10 the program has become The Young And The Restless 😡 long-ass drawn-out scenes with ZERO importance to the story

Joshua Hermanson: Everything you need to know before Season 11: it's gone on WAAAAAY too long!

sabrina h.: The most amazing thing about this show is how much they made me like a character that I hated so much in the beginning (Negan). I hope to see a lot more of him in the final season!!

Shayno Man: I was so happy when Maggie came back, The look on her face when she saw Negan again, she looked like she wanted to kill him right there

M R A: Wait wtf this is still going on

Laurence Barnes: This garbage is still going?

R J White: Michone is the worst mother ever, who the fack leaves their kids in a zombie apocalypse!

Dorothy Lensa: I tried to shamble, I bruised my ankle. Next time I'll just crawl like a lazy person.

Starman Crusader: 11 seasons. 10 years. Crazy how it’s all ending. Not that I’ve watched any of TWD

KHY 001: Damn I've been watching this since high-school, I now have two children, that's crazy!

The Epic Question: No end screen video FYI

Stablemable2: Its about Thomas and Martha Wayne?

Christoph Edison: Holy crap. Had no idea this show was on 11 seasons. I stopped watching after my main man Sugar Shane died

rocky ns______: why it sucks

Infinity Gaming: Cool cool cool cool Hope to see this season happen

Lucas Marinho: My son: "Father, how was the end of The Walking Dead?" Me: "Not so bad, but I had to wait for fillers that felt longer than Naruto" Watchmojo: *this list Me: "THE SHOW IS STILL GOING ON!?"

Valtteri: Weird to think that I started watch this when I was 11, now I'm 22. Like thats half of my life😂 its strange feeling to know that one thing what has allways been there is soon gonna end

Max Player: I want rick to return if not screw this show.

QLALA: We better see rick and michonne together again 😢😢 I love themmm

Martin Biesel: Number one: This show is a drag

Alolan Donald Trump: This show should have ended 5 seasons ago let’s be honest

admonster11: just stop

Rick Grimes: I can't believe this must be the final season. I just started watching the show 2 weeks ago till S5 and I love it

Chris KeLO: Just from episode 1....Maggie is hiding something big and isn't gonna come clean till Negan pushes her to the edge making her say it

Deckard YT: I want Rick to return and to have a major role in the season.

ThotSlayer: Do ppl... actually ship carol and daryl?

TheSilent Knight: The series ends! Rick: *"What about what happened to me in my trilogy"* The series sorta ends.🤠🥴😁

a warriorspirit: Please stop taking the Lord's name in vain.

Richard Gresham: All I have to say is Rick better be back in season 11 or I just lost all respect for this show

Four Inch Fox: … and then Rick wakes up and it was all a dream 😂

SharRawr: I thought this show ended 3 years ago....

Bluehope: I really hope that the ending of the walking dead is way more better than the ending of Game of Thrones...

Mendokusai99: The wild deviation from the comics put me off, not going to lie. Some of the characters developed well, but kill this zombie show already. It's repetitive as hell.

Skyline GTR34: Who else stopped watching after the Season 7 Premiere?

Sir Penoli: Caryl?

F D: Walking Boring.

Abraham Zamora: If Negan dies it better be because he either saved Judith or Hershal

Kevin Thoj: The first few seasons were great but it dragged on longer than it should have.. This show has been nothing but people drama to people drama and more people drama.. Not enough zombies and zombie killings.. Just people talking about other “groups” and clans with extremist mindsets and goals and nothing about a future plan/coexisting or medical research, etc.. JS.. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Devolution of humans, I guess...

Tiffany Coates: I’ve been with TWD, since the very first episode premiered on Oct. 31, 2010…… and I’ll be there until the final “Fade To Black……” These characters have come to mean as much to me, as the characters on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER did. That’s saying a LOT!!! I will be watching all the spin-offs, too! What can I say? I’m a loyal person, when it comes to my tv shows! I’m one of those: “In for a penny, In for a pound” people! There were some slow and/or “bad episodes.” But all in all….. I have LOVED every second of this journey I have been on with TWD! 💗💗💗💗

Theinterimbeast87: The only thing people need to know is that if a show like this has been running for 11 seasons it’s been going too long and the majority of people have lost interest

MICHAEL PH: S4to7 is the best

J Morris: For me I need Maggie to kill Negan.

Nyekti Joe: chicken negan 😀

121a: The first episode was amazing! Thank you AMC+

Just Me: wait, the walking dead it's still a thing? i dropped it like in season 5? 6? i don't remember

Simuluscheck: Bro F Negan again. If yall don’t like the show dont watch the final session then. Simple

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