EM2 vs C58 in Warzone! (Best High Damage AR in Season 5)

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TheXclusiveAce: UPDATE: Raven just released a small patch which changed the stats on the C58 as well as the EM2 which now make them much more similar to each other (https://twitter.com/RavenSoftware/status/1428840388954005506)

Deerinatoilet: Ok imma try to get this comment off without falling asleep it’s currently 5 in the morning and I’m tired ok I went on true game data and compared the em2 c58 and Cold War ak47 and the ak has the lowest ttk out of those three but I will note that, that’s only to about 40m then It starts to lose to the em2 so I think the ak47 is a really good sniper support weapon the recoil is also easier to control in my opinion Edit: the ak47 beats out the c58 no matter what so yea. Kill me im tired

UkStonerFam: I’ve been loving the em2 since I unlocked it last week, my friend seems to hate it.I feel like it hits like a truck and has helped up my game quite considerably. I do also have a c58 class 🤣

Mia Savage: Can you do a fennec stat run down

QuantumChrist X: Lmao bad timing jelly fish

Shane Oscar: Fara bests both in all area’s

Daniel Yerbme: I haven’t played at all this season, what’s the hacker situation like right now?

50H3I1: You can replace axial 3x with a ADS attachment since EM2 has a default optic

Venky 3301: The EM2 is just Better now with Yesterday’s Patch! Better TTK and everything else is Similar why would anyone use the C58 now?

CHENGIS: insteda of the 50 round jsut use the 40 round. ADS is noticeably quicker and it does so much damage per mag anyways those extra 10 bullets are overkill

Simon Riley: I dont want to tell you your job but i wish you did add oden to compare with this guns it would be soo cool ( even though i know it is not even conparable)

Na3iiiz: they both got nerfed today before this vid came out! unlucky

MY CORNFLAKES: Why doesn't anybody test the eliminators for recoil on the high recoil weapons???

Cameron Ferguson: Maybe it's novelty bias, but I'm getting a lot more out of the EM-2 right now. The straight vertical recoil is easier to handle, as a controller player. Plus you can save an attachment slot with the integrated optic, and help yourself more with recoil control and ADS time. The C58 still slaps, but the changes to the torso shot multiplier they made in the Season 5 balancing patch takes it from "AMAX with more ammo and less severe bounce" to "SCAR with more ammo, but worse recoil"

timsimtv: This video didn't age well haha. Damn unlucky

Luis Nussbaum: EM2 slapps in rebirth, but prefer CW AK!

Arturo Perez: Nah man for the EM2 put the 40 round mag and boom way faster ADS

YungAntoine _: IMO these 2 guns feel about the same, but the C58 feels better. Just like how the AMAX just felt better and you can't describe it.

Rio The Hitman: Coldwar is unplayable with the current meta. Tec9 or EM2 or getting snipped 24/7 its terrible to play

SiMTheBoi: *5 hours later* they nerf the c58

edmon sb: tnx for this

Honest Insincerity 2: Exclusive Ace releases another in depth informational video on two popular ARs and two minutes later Raven changes the stats on both those weapons. RIP. It's like they're doing it just to piss us off now

Josiah: I prefer the EM2. I think it might be even a better option vs the C58 after the recoil nerf to the C58.

Edward Bersin: Personally, I preferred the pre-nerf Amax.

SheLovesFreshie: Em2 hits like stopping power

John Smith: Give me my stoner anyday of the week. The sleeping giant that I have beaten both these weapons woth20 metres plus fight.

SuperVega 64: Raven- we won’t give you exact comparisons but here’s new OP blueprints to buy. Ace- fine I’ll just do it myself.

Yuuki Archway: EM2 recoil is so strong even mounting it won't do any good

Lucas Bochini: Try this setup as a sniper support: agency, field agent, microflex led, 40 rds and serpent wrap. Im LOVING IT, with my swiss

ZiK DraKulL: I just switched back to the C58 because of the recoil, the EM hits super hard but i like it more as a sniper support.

Bradyn K: I don't even play cod anymore but i still watch every single video ace puts out

Robin Kullman: NOT 50 round mag, 40 round!!!!!!!!! 100ms ads diffrence!!!!!!

Alexander Aviles: The c58 feels like it hits like a truck but youre shooting an airsoft gun with a compensator with how little recoil it has. I feel like it has to be either or. Like the c58 should be what the em2 is in terms of recoil, that way they couldve added a more influential gun like the tec 9 instead of a c58 remake. That being said, I like tbe em2 much better bc its not easy to use lol

Audun Borgen: The EM" has an horrible visual recoil when you use the 3X. So I'm C58 all the way.

marky d: Give it up...The game is shite

superocti: Raven be trolling Ace updating both C58 and EM2 today

mcShrub95: They're both very similar, in that they both get curb stomped by a Chad using the stoner👊

fink32: .... And they just got nurfed

Nutwick: I tried using the EM2 switching from C58 and the recoil patterns are way too inconsistent with the EM2. It has like 3 different recoil patterns I swear.

Jacob H: I just cannot use the em2. Tracking targets with it fucks with me and idk why

Brady Miller: I really like the EM2 because I play Rebirth Island a lot and since there aren’t that many extreme range engagements on that map I find that the EM2 is very viable. I can tell because I’m out damaging the C58 and other things like the XM4 or AK-47. All around it’s a nice gun and reminds me of the pre-nerf AMAX.

DB: EM2 for long range is terrible.

9oh7music: before watching, my subjective opinion is em2 is better for closer quarters w its recoil while the c58 is better for longer ranges. interested to see factual differences. edit seems i gotta level up the em2 for some more recoil control then adapt.. like i did w the amax when everyone said it had too much recoil haha

Petar .S: EM2 with holo sight is insane as a sniper support 😳😳

Hans1994yout: The em2 is dominant in warzone

Branchez17: They just nerfed both of these guns today lol wonder if you need to update this video much

Tevin Andrews: The c58 is my go2 gun it just feels way better and more controllable than the em2

Infamous_one: Hey Ace if you see this I want to know your opinion on a "scorestreak" system I thought of. First let me say I believe the kill/score streak system is something that dictates the pace of a game and doesn't get talked about enough for that. My system would take the current system that's implemented in Cold War but would improve upon it. I would keep the current system but have it where after each kill you get you only have a certain amount of time to get another kill or in objective modes secure an objective. If you don't do either of those before the time runs out your score progress towards streaks would begin to deplete. I feel that this would incentives movement and playing objectives. This system would discourage camping for kills because if you don't get a kill for 30-45 seconds your score would essentially be reset to 0. If you read this Ace I'd love to hear your feedback on it

Flexecutioner: Hey Ace, I've been using the Carve lately...or trying to I should say... Does the barrel that says it increases damage actually increases damage or should I stick to the velocity barrel?

Justin Wolf: for long range Stoner --> C58 --> EM2.

Hyrum Sluyter: Can you do a renetti vs diamatti?

John Diaz: C58 is easily my favorite gun in Warzone since the Kilo meta. Just deletes enemies if you can land upper torso or headshots and can be really annoying to enemies at long ranges

james reid-lourie: Add ak47 cw too

gn1us: Ace the no BS click bait stick to the facts legend!

TatVR Gaming: I still love the Oden. Kicks like a mule

marquel hunt: U shouldn’t be running the 50 round mag cuz it hurts your ads time run the 40 round instead

Norman Rockwell: MG82 seems like a better option than both, unless you really want that slow fire rate.

ufm465: Such a shame they nerfed the oden, it's not even a contender for a good high dmg AR anymore

Daniel Wood: The recoil is terrible. Honestly o don’t feel like leveling up a weapon to be meta for a season then nerfed into the ground

Joe mauma _: EM who??? C58 all day!

Maxim Varnakov: At least EM2 didn't have that garbage ass drum magazine. Efff.

Jacob Hoogendoorn: EM2 is the new amax basically. Krig is the new kilo, and fara is the new m4. EM2 is really good, even at long range once you get used to it.

owencaru: Maybe you prefer the c58 for now since you got more time used to its recoil? The em2 is fairly new and maybe needs more usage before the final decision

yahya mohommed: When is the Marshall video coming because my friend keeps saying they are op but I don’t think they are

Andrew T: does anyone even use the amax anymore

Cixtos: Is the ODEN, SCAR, FAL or AMAX better for shooting through the Warzone walls?

Derby City Stig: I think the C58 is the way

One armed Wolf: I don't find the em2 hard to control. I've been having very little problems beaming at 120+ meters.

jimmy presley: Im still waiting on the holger 26 to be more viable with a damage buff and a 50 or 60 round mag.

Luca Tocci: Oden

Blue_Dem131: totally agree. C58 over the EM2 all day. And don't even get me started on the ground loot EM2s now. They ADS slower than death and bounce like crazy. I hate this gun because of it

Jon Reinert: "I'm gonna go through these fairly quickly since you've most likely seen them somewhere else before" Me: "other people do this?"

Reese Hunsaker: Oden is better

d01nut: mw ak47 crying in the corner

FireeStyle: i really wish we could get the Peacekeeper SMG from B02. That gun was so fun to use

elesarr: The recoil difference between CW and WZ is really funny, nothing at all vs. super heavy recoil

Andy Connell: Bring back lines of sight videos

SKLLZTHATKILLZ: Em2 is the rebirth go to. Longer ranges would probably prefer the c58

EL. Serrot: C58 best for long range , em2 bounces to much.

Jeff Neinenstein: A warning to anyone who is using the 50 Round Mag on the EM2: DO NOT USE THE AXIAL ARMS 3x!!! It will drastically increase your ADS times. With the 50 Round Mag, your ADS time goes from 408ms to 508ms, and when combined with the Task Force barrel and Agency Suppressor it increases the ADS time to 603ms. The EM2 already has a built-in optic, so use the Serpent Wrap instead, which cuts that ADS time back down to 544ms. All stats used come from TrueGameData, hence why the ADS times are different from Ace’s.

Warzone Senior Citizen: The CW AK47 is better than both of those guns. Period.

drogo319: The EM2 feels like a mid-range Oden to me. Better recoil and smaller dmg profile designed for longer ranges. Even the way it sounds.

Timochat: 5:28 The em2 ADS' faster by 50ms if you use the 40 round mag, which is fine because of how much damage it does

Samuel Stern Thorburn: What is the EM2s default optics zoom level?

sean watts: You just have to learn how to control the em2 recoil. I can shoot it perfect now with a few hours in plunder.

ThemasterXD187: Even though the C58 is clearly the easier weapon to use at long range, I have to say that i've been loving the EM 2 so far. It definitely reminds me of the old Amax, back when that thing was meta. It has the potential to absolutely delete people at longer ranges, but it's kept in check by it's wild recoil. And I like the fact that we can have a high skill weapon being in the meta, since that with the recent updates, the meta has shifted a lot more towards very accurate rifles like the Krig, QBZ, C58 and Fara.

Sean Michael: When it comes to movement speed...does 0.08 m/s really make any difference? I hear guys talking about one gun being slow with 4.8 m/s movement while 5 m/s is seen as fast but to me 0.2 m/s is like less than 8 inches per second which seems negligible

That_guy_ MO: No hate or anything , but in my own opinion why games like cod are "dying" is the content on the game. Why i say this is because as a player , there's so much content telling you which gun is better and which attachments you should be using ; unlike the OG cod days where if you want to find the best gun you have to try everything out for yourself and yes hackers are a major part of cod dying , content creators are part of the problem as well

Devan Hatfield: I've been loving the em2 on rebirth for long range but that's rebirth. What do you consider long range or at what range does the EM2 become unusable?

Daniel Villamil: Played a round with the C58 with 8 attachments and I didn’t get kills nearly as easily as when I played the next match with the EM2 without attachments.

DerBoss1787: C58 vs CW AK47 👀

GMDKeepnclassy: People are now sleeping REALLY HARD on the Amax again. Since the nerfs to the C58, if you compare the ttks and damage profiles of the two along with the fire rates the Amax is WAYYYY more foregiving if you miss a shot or two and the ttks are very close. the Em2 is high 400s, C58 is liie mid 500 but the amax is about 630 rpm i believe. For the average player, I think the Amax is the way to go now. Revisit it folks. Its very good again.

Michael Adames: Em2 Works better as a sniper support: suppressor, reinforced heavy, millstop reflex, field agent grip, 40 Rd mag... Pair with a swiss

el gabox: ODEN

mohsen basir: That's the stuff

L. Cole: For the c58 i recommend switching the barrel to the ranger, and personally i use the 45r mags cuz it speeds the gun up a lot. I mainly play rebirth so the extra ads speed is good

Rice o4: If your reading this then you can read.

The GoldenChild: What's the max bullet velocity?

SHAY: EM2 with Susat sight is insane 😍

Paul Watkins: Em2 ADS Way too slow with the 50 mag.

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