Major Character Returning & SHOCKING Ending Death Explained! The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 1

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George Drake: What did you think of this episode? What do you think is going to happen with Negan and Maggie and the group with the Commonwealth? Who do you think is going to die? Make sure to let me know down below what you think! Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon.

Jordan Boyle: Looking forward to seeing you play dayz, such a good game

purva chawan: If Negan was Infact redeemed he wouldn't leave Hershel to be an orphan

Gerard Maher: Your commentary is fantastic ... you're so right to say Negan would simply tell Maggie " you'd of done the same" . The death of Glen is one of the most disturbing things I've seen , ya know; for fictional characters...but I've come to appreciate his complexities . Negan only has one master & it's not him - it's opportunity. The Harley Quinn reference in regards to Princess cracked me up . That's absolutely on point ! But I've warmed up to her , idiot savant - not quite but there's lots of potential - such clean straight teeth too... A person could go along way with a smile like that lol.

J P: They need food and they find a military storage building FILLED with crates of MRI's and MACHINE GUNS GALORE! Then after killing all but a few walkers, they leave without the crates of food and none of the guns? Who wrote this B.S.? Joe Biden?

Knarf Trakiul: In real life negan would be a psychopath, he would always be a psychopath, especially with every thing he has done in past. I think before season is over we will see old negan again

Jarvis James: Its yumikos brother

Chris Housley: I think maggie escaped under the train car like glen did under the dumpster

David: I hope Negan is last man standing at end of show,

ohwell94: Maggie is Negan

Alok 101: You're the only reason I'll watch S11, if it's free. Only invested in Princess and Negan.

Finlay Albrighton: Personally i think episode 1 and 2 are a build up for something huge

Seven Graves: You keep saying Yumiko’s sister! Stop it! It’s her brother, he’s been cast already for crikes sake.

Dean Oakford: The best TWD reviewer on YouTube. I always wanted to say I love the way you say subscribe to watch my videos lol it’s always funny haha keep it up

James Wilson: "it's like an Apex Legends squad" hahahah yes, yes it is.

joe m: That old man at the back of tunnel is going to be the leader of the reapers? I can’t see them bringing C. Thomas Howell in to be a nothing character

D00MED: 👣

Christopher Shober: Are you actually returning in the walking dead season 11

Kristin Gallo: I think what triggered negan was they left him fight the walker alone.

Johnny Blaze: Maggie is the leader of the reapers 6 years stewing about Glenn's death and the fact neegan is being housed in a secure jail cell now free. She finally broke, she did lead them underground and insisted they stay down.

Nut: It's okay guys, Maggie is obviously hiding under the dumpster.

Christopher Ramirez: This was a 🔥🔥🔥 video! Keep it up!

Rich DM650: We buddies or something 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Janet Denton: What the hell do the reapers want? What's the point?

Ickabod Crain: Negan pulled a Batman on Maggie.

Alphameiz: He will not get Rick’s, death.

BAMN Almighty: Daryl being mean so they don't kill negan stra8 off

Chocolatechip B!tch: I get negan killed Glenn but if u look at it Ricks group started it with him by killing his men in their sleep just coz Gregory told them too and he wasent going to kill glen he only did it coz Daryl punched him sooo technically Maggie and that started it and Daryl is why glen died he also saved Judith and he saved dog and he helped distract Beta so Daryl could kill him and he killed alpha for carol they would be fucked without him ☝🏼👍🏼


Mike Amodie: I saw the Heath paper on the wall and I started flipping out at home. I’ve been hoping for his return so we can see his journey since his and Tara’s split up

Courtney Blue: Season 11, ep 2 was one of the best yet!

suzmun: From what i could tell the reason negan mentions glen is because he knew he was the elephant in the room and he knew how maggie fans everyone felt about him so he brought up glen to prod the bear to see if she would kill him right then and there. He did it in a way that he acknowledged is guilt and how he aint the same but yet giving maggie the opportunity to end him right then as he feels she deserves that cause of the past but also to say either do it or move on cause they both have to live with it. Also you can see the effect of carl and judith in him as he knows they all hate him but who he is now is a man trying to come back that wants live and redeem himself as best he can. He could see a lot of old negan in her as she was off her game and would get ppl killed pushing them like she was so in his own way he was helping her even though he knew she would never trust him nor him her so he used his actions to force her hand and show her that she needs a reality check the of them are not the same ppl they were back then.

Linda Cumberland: They only brought Gage so he could be killed off. Daryl needs to ask Maggie what the real plan is before she gets them all killed..

Renee Herr: I seen one and two

Tony Haman: negan- KID

8k: Gage dies Cole get hit with a throwing knife

Emi Koala: Maggie was protected by the coveted Plot Armor (registered trademark) LOL. I was praying that she would die in episode 1 but sadly we know that doesn't happen

Peg Florida: Yes that face on Megan has always been there.

re FLIPd: Maggie is starting to respect Negan, because he is real. He won't pretend or beg for his life.

Josh: If the rolls were reversed Maggie would've pushed Negan

Helicard: Duncan need a Cannon Arm

Agena W: On the talking dead that Yuniko (misspelled) stayed to find her brother not sister

Eddie Daves: Where is luke

Agena W: Ok so walkers sleep now? Why tip toe around them just stab them in the head instead of stepping over them. Also I understand on one hand why Maggie is so pissed off at Negan but on the other hand Tara was with the guy who CUT HER DAD'S HEAD OFF and yet she welcomed her with open arms. So get over it already Maggie Negan has shown that he is not that Negan anymore.

Joe Bruno: Daryl was friendly with negan. I don’t like how their treating negan,

Fred Davis: As a fellow Brit I'm glad you ain't like the American and Canadian youtubers with all their spoilers from watching early on AMC+

Shelly McDaniel: Maggie is a fkn bitch I really can't stand her now esp after S11 E2

Lonely Hooligan: We all know negan told Maggie real shit when mentions living in her head rent free


Lil Roei: #bye gage

Yung Atz Official: They actually took FX off in the uk so the only way to watch the final fucking season is on disney plus. Nigga im broke as shit how is this fair

Youngking 5L: Maggie may have died I really don’t see how she survives this one

Abdur Rafi: Episode 2 was AMAZING!

-CrimsonAmvs-: I didn't take Negan mentioning Glenn as bragging about it, I think he was trying to come across as I'm not going to die the way I killed Glenn. When Maggie first wanted to kill Negan, he claimed he did not remember Glenn's name. This here shows her that he does remember Glenn and does remember what he did to him and he won't go out the same way. Maybe I'm reading too much into it and he was bragging but that's how I interpreted it.

Michael Konopka: I hope negan bangs the living hell out of maggie ,,, who’s with me ?!?!?!

MISTER_T: Just finished episode 2 and it's pretty damn good tbh

Abdur Rafi: LMAOOOO the cod music when the walkers are getting up i'm already enjoying this lol

Jeremy S: People still watch this crap ?

revive_ jah: i love your videos cuz they actually give good insight and new a pov on the episodes but also manage to be funny as hell

JRrocksnascar1: Missed your reviews! So glad they are back! Shit always have me dying 🤣😭🤣

Mr Pickle: Negan looked so shocked 😂😂😂 like wtf was he expecting?

Maximus Johnston: This show died when Glenn and Carl died and Rick leaving

wellshitbob: Negan just had to include that Glenn part

Carpe: I love ur vids keep up the good work👍🏻

Sandy Gillilan: Yay

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