Sixteen BIG changes coming TOMORROW (Season of the Lost) | Destiny 2 Season 15
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Aztecross: *Join us for the reveal!*Написать
Leo Tigano: Glacier nade with shaterdive will still be broken… 😏
dejan kuzmanovic: I will wait for 2 months and if battleeye bans all the tryhards which obviously use wallhack, I will come back and if not I will quit destiny forever
Braxton Tabor: Hi cross I’m making this comment the day of season fifteen I’m very exited hope you have a good day in season 15 and also keep up the good work
we8gas: Imagine trying to get a Fireteam for a Grandmaster two months into a season for your casual players. So we'll just have to wait for the rotation or we'll miss out again. **sigh**
Josh Marum: Input based matchmaking would be so much better, as a controller player on PC my life gets easier by opting into cross platform because now instead of all MnK players, I'll at least have SOME other people on controller. Yes, I could just swap to MnK, but because I had pretty high stats back when I played on console, cross-save and SBMM now means that carries over so now I get matched with the top players on PC who are using MnK and at the very high end of PvP that difference is huge. I'm still learning to play MnK so there would be absolutely no competition if I used MnK in comp, but I don't believe I should have to commit account suicide (aka reverse boost or throw matches intentionally or not, it's unfair to my teammates) and undo everything I worked for *since release* just so it's not an absolute steamroll whenever I want to play something that's a little more interesting than pubstomping in quickplay. So I've essentially been locked out of the competitive playlist unless I want to risk (a high risk) of ruining the experience for anybody who gets put on my team. If there was a way to go back and start fresh (without a whole new account) I would, My problem isn't that I want to stay at the top, It's that I can't bring myself back down to the level I can actually compete at on PC without sacrificing the experience of my teammates. I give HUGE credit to the guys over at Bungie for the changes they're implementing and the improvements they're making but in the future I definitely hope to see Input based matchmaking.
ThisandThat: Suggesting console players play with PC is outright dumb. There are no benefits and only the looming, and real potential of having a terrible time. dumbdumb talk.
Barack Oganja: A solo playlist would change to game in trials. I would finally be able to play every week. Not everyone has two friends that play destiny
Aymen DZ: Yo your video is trending in gaming, and people say Destiny 2 struggles with hype ! great work man
skcus gniddom: Bungie should rework perk on Sweet Buisiness. Because in the 15th season you can't reload it almost forever from white boxes, only from green/purple
ghostintheknl: Cross is trending LETS GOOOOO
Mark Murex: Savathun looks nasty. Also- when is there going to be a new subclass?
Console Fragging: I thought crossplay would be from the start of the season…
Lord Forlorn: Can't wait to never play with PC players
grief101 f: sadly even with battleye cheating is so bad i would never want to opt in for pc to console cross over. i know not all pc players are cheats but the scum that do have ruined it for every other player unfortunately
Chase pitcher: Guys , your consoles and controllers actually have an advantage agents us pc players,if you don’t believe me try it😉
Viridis Draco: "immediatly as the season comes live" ... you mean "after the huge queue will be gone, so... tomorrow"?
Amar Gosto: 1:49 they need to fucking implement dead zones for controller.... like destiny 2 has the craziestsssssssssssssss 25% deadzones on controllerr tell em aztec
Leman Rusk: Is "powerful" just a different way of saying "fun" with an increased level of importance?
Fezgoon: Infinite primary ammo, sweet business and Icefall Mantle in the back of the map with whisper of rime buffing the oversheild even more. 😂
Monish Kumar: No to crossplay for me 💯
gallien: How about the Nightfall rotation be different every week? sick of the same shit.
ABITofSupport: 30 meters >16 meters is still fine as far as global reach goes. Warmind cells will still be viable.
Kevin Slaughter: So guns and exotic guns that run on primary ammo no longer will need ammo finder making those mods obsolete?
Shinigami 24619: The vex mythoclast buff is going to be so beautiful I’m so excited
Justice Thomas: For my hunters we going back west for real. Lucky pants are looking fire
Nicholas Killmeier: Where are the changes to quickplay matchmaking?
Trev Sweet: Dog your thumbnails are the biggest form of clickbate ever. Only because of how aestheticly pleasing they are.
His_Lost_Echo: Wish they added y axis sensitivity (For console)
GT-Oldschool: infinite ammo is gonna be dumb. its useless and unnecessary. plus it cancels out getting 'emergency ammo' from not having any, which means theres no way to get any heavy or special ammo to spawn and youll be stuck tryin to kill champions with just a god damn primary weapon..
damingo price: End boss day 1 servers
lloydtancred: Too many cheat videos on pc, no thanks.
zzuggyxb: You left out number 17: the six new Crucible maps! HA HA JUST KIDDING THX BUNGO o_O
JTAC Bluemansonic: Now will this be enough to have me come back?
Shenaniganz Offroad: The closer we get and the more I learn about changes the less interested I am in playing Destiny anymore. I'll still log on sometime in a few days after Bungie figures out the bugs and people can actually log in and play. Maybe it'll draw me in.
Infamouslilbill: Is this the time to return back to the game after leaving the season after beyond light?
Kitsunnay: I play on controller against pc players its not hard to roll people as long as your decent at pvp.
Jack Mekoff: Console doesn't want to play pc period I've been going against pc players since warzone and also when apex allowed cross play and yes its possible to compete with k and m but u take a very skilled controller player and some on of equal skill on key board and key board will win everytime movement is just better and aiming is just better its much easier to aim when u have your whole arm to move a mouse verses my small thumb
SubbaCraft: I acculy have not played in a while
Beans: i thought crossplay was on launch… F😭
demonfox51321: So when is she going to sell us her bath water? 👀 I'm also annoyed that fast ball isn't already in game instead of mod 😒
2iBMX: Nerfs to everything pve... great... now all I'll have is pvp which will still be pure shxt. Battle eye isn't gonna change anything. I'll probably take another 6 month break 😒
striklylow: First of all trials will be getti- Ok bro......ok
Mason: The Vex Mythoclast....the not so fusion rifle.
Ben R: Just switched to pc and completely forgot I’d need to re buy all the dlcs, will I need to buy beyond light to make this season worth it or can I just wait for it to be on sale and enjoy this season normally?
David Amie Rowe: My only issue with the unlimited primary ammo is, at times I burn through my clips to regain special and heavy. Even with scavengers on, the drop rate for said ammo can be low, for whatever reason. Bungie stated they will nerf double scavenger mods so I'm extremely interested to see if they do something to fix the drop rates(or add ammo synths like in D1).
DREADX: I’m hype for crossplay but the second I see a nigga firing infinite witherhoard I’m leaving
Just xIGoldenIx: No one talking about the quick swap glitch being removed?
ACRBARF 2: Just realised the title for the warmind cell nerf is called wadmind cells, interlinked. Might be reading too much into it but i feel that's a reference to bladerunner 2049 when k has his little test thing and repeats within cells interlinked over and over. Nice touch if I'm right
Madara is Mad: They don’t let the gds in the 🚪
Verecoth: If Sweet Business doesn't let you pick up special or heavy ammo if full to trigger its reload then I'm gonna be pissed. CWL lets us pick up orbs for it when we already have super, so Sweet Business should work the same way.
Psychotic Hebrew: battleye works great for Rainbow 6 Siege very well.
Espectro De La Yautja: Never EVER will play with PC. Would be a fool too. Not even the cheaters. MNK doesn’t have controller restrictions. They’re incompatible. Console players don’t take the bait. PC isn’t it. Try it on other games and test the difference for yourself. PSN v PSN ONLY.
lordofelsweyr: im about to run Eriana's Vow and Dire Promise with lucky pants and hand cannon holster and then just unbind my reload key ; )
ChrisAce117: Hope telesto breaks the game again
SubwayJack919: Vex Mythoclast: No longer loses overcharge stacks on stow. Tarrabah: 😞
Geo Del: So BattlEye, the infamous Siege AntiCheat, is coming to d2
Epta Psyches: sad to see that warmind is getting nerfed to hell, making endgame content and rewards even harder for casual players
Bingo: 🔥When burn video?🔥
The Last Word: Another season of disappointment for a last word main who wants a catalyst that makes it better on m&k :(
william savadge jr.: Please I would love to play against you
Johaake: #31 Trending on Gaming? CROSS MY MAN! That’s insane.
Chris Joseph: Saw some of the light changes and they got nerfs as well as some buff not sure they will be any better then before
Chris Joseph: So with ammo problems in pve they nerf the ammo? Or is it just for pvp? Also why nerf cells, too fun?
iama 187er: As someone who has played on Ps, Xbone and PC i can safely say Ps is where the "easy" lobbies are, its a population thing i guess as more people = more variety of skill levels and high chances at wall shooting sub 1.0's On PC at least for me every single match is a sauna sweat fest whether your slayin or bein slayed
M0N573R11: The lack of tarrabah discussion with ammo changes is surprising
Chris Joseph: If u have to go flawless for rewards still won't play. Never been a fan but would give it a shot for the rewards if it didn't take seven wins in a mode I'm lucky to get 1
Noah Why: Kinda excited to play in pc lobby’s on console
John Thomas: Will I be able to raid with my PC friends on my console?
kaleb reid: Calling it, s15 will be better then the last two seasons
Kevin r: Next season pvp will be unplayable.
Paul Kaiser: How about a Hybrid Primary that shifts from Pulse, Scout, and SMG......
TheBrenner 209: Never used Warmind cells, didn't care for them..not my cup of tea..I'm OP without em 😎🙌
Michaël De Meyer: I like that last phrase. We gonna immediatly try the changes. You forgot to mention, we gonna try after te waiting queue 🤣
d1001more: Auto ban for cheaters is great..It will most likely occasionally ban people that are not cheating or unaware. They need to make sure the human review process has a quick turn around...
Geo Rose: The infinite ammo for me is pretty good for my main weapon at the moment (riskrunner). When I’m clearing out ads and I have the conductor going it always sucks when I finally run out of ammo entirely and have to panic run away, often in the middle of a crowd of very angry thrall or worse, exploding vex! Glad to see that’s finally not gonna be an issue for me. As for solo trials, I’m glad I can finally try out some trials since i can’t ever find someone to play with due to the fact I’m behind about two seasons on the power levels. (I haven’t even hit 1290 light yet ://). Hopefully once the new season arrives I’ll be able to grind up before witch queen comes and be ready for whatever we get slapped in the face with. P.s: still rocking as a siva warlock because at this point I wouldn’t even be surprised if they came back to slap our faces.
Joe E: ready for Vex Metaclast
Antonio Lim: Fusion Rifles...hmmm...Telesto is about to eff things up...again --- ;P
GMSloth: I watch every video but i still decided to watch this because why not
mr roar104: Bungie still holding true to 30 fps 80 FoV can play with 120 fps 105 FoV, but god forbid you have a different input with upsides and downsides to it. Still astounding stupid, just like when it was announced they were shafting PC pvp.
Ez T-bag: Trials should to be only for max light players. What you think how many hours grind it's take to get that level and how many trials games it's take to get ban.
Luis Lujan: I thought they confirmed cross play will be available since the beginning of the season?
Hawke_1: So will i (pc) be able to crossplay in pve with everyone else? So i have more people to play with?
Joseph Outler: I’ve uninstalled this game well over a year ago and haven’t looked back. I was a die hard guardian from destiny 1 beta with thousand upon thousands of hours on bungoos( bungie’s) game. The numerous slaps in the face given to guardians from throttling back xp to just allowing blatant cheating to run rampant in pvp breaks my heart. Regardless the straw that broke the camels back for me was status being introduced
M C: I play on PC and Console. I’m excited for cross play, all my friends in the same spot. You love to see it. ❤️
PlungedFiddle46 reee: I really thought crossplay was coming out right away, and from what i can tell, everyone that I play with also thought this... really bums me out to see that I wont be able to play with my clan for an unknown amount of time longer..
OracleLord: I really hope there is a solo trials playlist
Loud_Snipez18: fuck please make trials balanced especially if someones gone flawless once that week.. they shouldnt put you up against a teams who gone flawless like 400 times and your team only has like 4 flawlesses..
Zamers: locking people out of a grandmaster each week sounds annoying if you have 4 people in your clan who want to run it, one of them has to find a new set of people to run it with. hope it just stops drops from that gm for the week instead...
Servers Are Down: Can't wait for the seasonal weapon!!!
FlashesSoccer011: I do not like the changes to GM loot at all. GMs should guarantee at least one weapon drop upon completion. This game has such a ridiculous amount of RNG, that not having at least 1 guaranteed drop is a fucking joke. But instead of doing that, bungie made it worse by diluting the loot pool, adding a second gun, thus increasing the RNG and making GMs even worse. What the fuck are they doing? This change is absolute garbage.
shane smith: Finally I’ll stop punching gm dregs when I’m tryna throw a smoke to escape lol
BTHD Acrotia: Cross, just wanted to let you know, in their most recent snippet of the maintenance, they commented that crossplay along with bungie names will go live at reset.
Myke: It’s going to be a 6+ month season. I’m perfectly fine with the lockout of the Grandmaster nightfall unless it’s the weekly rotation.
Michael Holland: Console players worried about PC players in pvp? Don't worry! Plenty of us suck balls at pvp on PC. Feel free to kick my ass with everyone else, lol.
Mac94bmp: Can't believe they haven't even mentioned possibly buffing EOT.
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