The Highs And Lows Of Max Verstappen's 2021 Season - So Far!

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Thirza: I hope the luck between the two will even out in the second half of the season. Lewis seemingly has luck on his side at all times while Max's last few races were bad luck embodied.

Nathanaël S: That's tough to watch.. He had such bad luck.

Kirsty Sinclair: formula verstappen

Surasak kanokkaew: 👏👏👏👍👍👍💙💙💙

gregory: 12 mins ago

Fanatic: The amount of luck Hamilton had to be leading the championship at this point is insane. :D Max has been so unlucky yet absolutely delivers every single weekend. If not for those 3 incidents out of his control he would have scored P1 or P2 in every single race. Talk about form.

Bullet_DuDe: All i want to say for now: thank you Red Bull, Max, Perez & Mercedes Lewis, Bottas

Julius Maximus: Except of the overtake in Bahrain nothing has been his fault so far. Just unlucky this guy.

Lozza: 2:43 I am this close to murdering you rn

Ramakanth Baldawa: If max loses this championship based on his ridiculous luck, it would be so heartbreaking. He's been that extraordinary this season.

Ramakanth Baldawa: Max has been on fire this season, hardly put a foot wrong. But has been having worst possible luck..

MrOort: The Highs and *Unlucky moments of Max Verstappen so far this season

wubbister: Bruh, how in the name of Schumi, does this video has 196 dislikes?? Dude I am a Hamilton fan and I don't at all hate Max as I love him aswell, BUT STILL WHY 196 DISLIKES?? WHY???

Austin Todeson: Pretty much everything thing that could go wrong for him and red bull has.... I wonder who caused most of those crashes

Fernando Perez: lo mejor

Sagittarius: Easily best driver in the world

Andrea Rojas: The Rise and Fall of Max Verstappen.

adoom: Lewis luckiest driver of all time

Katerpillar: The race in Hungary was going to be a blast with changing conditions, it's really sad that so many cars got punted in the first lap.

Giri Dharan: Highs: When he pushes the other drivers out of the lane on the corners and is okay Lows: When other drivers don't care about the pushing and Max crashes

bajo5e: I wonder why they don’t do the same with Hamilton ?

GTR Evo: On the Catalunya and Imola race, Max pulls Hamilton into a trajectory and pushes him off the track. Yet the f1 fan condemnation Hamilton in the incident at Silverstone... enjoy racing not criticism...💖

Mohammed Fadil: There are no lows for Verstappen He was just unlucky !!! All the incidents that happened are not even his faults Super Max forever 🔥🔥

Alfonz Beltran: I thought this was a Dacha 44 video 😂😂😂

Your Average Otaku: Man I wasn't ready to see that Gulf Livery McLaren again...

adam ferdian: My goodness everyone in the comment are really toxic, the hate for verstappen is unbelievable

omarpb1: Did anyone else notice that every time Max overtakes, he is forcing the other driver off the track.

A Nelson: If max doesn’t win the cship this year it’ll be because of those few major crashes, not his ability

nvr2serious cc: His highs are all due to his aggressiveness and he paid for it as one of his non-scoring lows....karma

Zack0v: Max has been legendary this season, super form. I love this battle between him and Lewis. Both very talented drivers

A CatInAtux: lows = lulu being crazy

soraya pellegrini: Max has been phenomenal this season. His lows haven’t even been his fault, A tyre failure at Baku , the crash at silverstone, and the one in Hungary.

Magani: Hamilton has had so much luck with the red flag (bottas / russel) , dnf in baku, dnf in silverstone, crash in hungary etc.

Michael B: I guess when you force other drivers off the track repeatedly it comes back to haunt you 10 fold 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Felix Rohr: My fingers and those of my yet to be conceived children and grandchildren's fingers and toes will remain crossed for this man! Go Max!!!!

CharlotteTheF1Fan: Mercedes are CHEATERS COME ON MAX YOU CAN DO IT

Bosskurr Shark: Max max max Super max max max super max max

tcdd f: The lows were because of Mercfia

N3STRo: Can't wait for payback on Mercedes for those last 2 races

N3STRo: Who edited this video? You show the races but sometimes don't show the finish? What is that?

Jimmy Racing 🏁: The Highs And Lewis Of Max Verstappen's 2021****

Michel Prevoo: World champion 2021🏆

iTsGabrielJAJA: if he doesnt win this traes championship, idk what bad luck he has to get

01sapphireGTS: Red Bull has had some bad luck this season, but there is still time left to regain the championship.

AndrewV: Without bad luck and both Mercedes crashgate incidents.. I mean, both unfortunate incidents who just by chance involved a Mercedes, Max would have been at almost unreachable height in the championship!

Amar Naipal: If you wanna see fanboys complain about what a hard life he's had, this is the video to watch...

Michael 036: LETS GOOOOOO 🚀🚀🚀

ATF: Let’s be real. Even without all of the “bad luck” F1 still would keep Max from winning the championship, the winner has already chosen.

Fransalv70: This is a banger


識時務者: high chance that max will win this season

SirSkullington: 🤣🤣🤣

[KORN] N1k0Cr4ft: To all Lewis fans: Wait for Max to be champion of the world

E-Mal: Max is next Lewis

Anto Catch: Hes got to take confidence with that performance ...


Michael Hansen: If there is ANY justice in this sport Max will win.

Jacqueline Salles Cavalari: Sem dúvidas, é o protagonista da temporada.

Bl4zed: unlucky

Tj930: Maximum Verstappen versus a former British hero who turned on his own fans.

Peyton Bock: I just hate how two of his lows are caused by Mercedes where Hamilton could stay untouched for the win.

Tom Sewalt: GO MAX

Nuggetman 7269: I’m watching this and hoping max dosent do a 2018 vettel

Keenan Stenburge: I feel like the fan groups are becoming so toxic and are both as bad as each other and I support Hamilton but I know that verstappen has been the better driver and I think people should give honest opinions rather than backing up their favourite no matter what and using childish names and emojis and constantly arguing with each other when clearly they won’t agree.

Javs Javs: You guys kinda missed the Austrian gp

CONY VOLKS: he is a driver who relies only on the speed of his car... Everyone once praised Leclerc as the leader of the next generation, where is he now ? Verstappen lacks crucial driving skills. His driving style is also not the best and will cause him to crash some day.

Alexandre Gendreau: I will explain to you the lows of Max in two words: Lewis Hamilton

Spinnow Matt: It's been since last year that it's been so incredibly strong

Formula1Fan: 2:29 i thought we got strolled

Mika Hu: Max often pushed lewis wide and held position. Lewis always let him do, if max is in this position he still try hold position and then accident🤷🏼‍♀️

BoyFromBelgium99: *He had some bad luck in Azerbaijan, Great-Britain and Hungary but I'm sure he'll bounce back again and claim this years driver's championship title!*

A Z: "Hey Max, how has the bad luck affected your season so far?" *Hasn't even made a deeeeeeeent*

rad rady: Look how many times hamilton had to avoid contact with verstappen it was a matter of time before they collided. Dont know why the fanbases of both are at each others throat for 1 crash just enjoy the season. worse stuff used to happen between the legends of f1 and the crowd loved it.

y1521t21b5: *Has led 403 of the 697 race laps ran thus far this season to HAM's 128. Should be leading the championship by at least 50 points. Here's hoping luck does not continue to dictate proceedings and that VER lands a merited maiden **_WDC!_*

David Kvarnmyr: He would be in a comfortable lead if it wasn’t for Ramilton and the rest of the Mercedes bowling team

Curt Willett: Lord please bless max and us all with a world title this year and next year George Russell get one

JOJO: I love you so much Maxy♡♡♡ I'm JOJOand I'm big fan for you Max and I can't wait to see you again...# lovely#♡♡

raymond fry: Max at the first chicane Imola Hamilton ahead but MAX I will force him off or crash. Horner that`s racing

Σάββας Γρηγοριάδης: His luck gonna run out

Kira Lagus: 👍🎥👍📣👏👏👏🚘Max super!🍃💐🍃

Justin K.: Max was very unlucky in the last few races instead of hamilton

Amin Sarur: Can't wait to see Hamilton's video: Verstappen gets his lap deleted, favouring Hamilton Verstappen is told to let Lewis by, favouring Hamilton Verstappen's tyre explodes, favouring Hamilton Hamilton destroys Verstappen's car, favouring Hamilton Hamilton's teammate destroys Max's race, favouring Hamilton Hamilton is penalized with 10 seconds, favouring himself Bottas and Russell have a huge crash, bringing damage of Hamilton's mistake to 0

First: Max aggressiveness with no game plan to compered himself to Hamilton 7x world champion

franchica: Do one for Lewis!

Vince Edwards: Max has had an epic season, but he does make some questionable moves

Four0for: Drive to survive producers are furiously taking notes

Praise Erinle: Hamilton fan here, Max is an excellent driver but has had some bad luck. Hope for more cleaner battles in the future!

AJ Racing: He started the season so well but had dnfs that weren't his fault. Luck has been on Lewis' side so far

Ruben Medeiros: Max its my champion this year I hope He gets the tittle in the end, if not doesn't matter, for me He his already the best driver, With a competitive car He can beat Lewis!

derren F: Dnf due to tyre failure. Dnf due to lewis and another dnf because of Bottas. Sheeshhhh.

Jon: It should be a run away championship for Max at this point. Second half will show how far ahead Max really is. "luck will change" - Horner.

Malik D: We need another Video of Lewis. 10 moments of luck in 2021 championship

Scott Elder: Had been the better driver this season for sure, but you could be the better driver in a better car and Hamilton would still find a way to win so it could be close

Beratcan Tezcan: Champions Max🏆🥇

ashish yadav: Loved watching all his lows and the fact that Lewis is leading the championship.

kageshii lel: So the lows were pirellis fault and mercedes crahing into him. GG

ezeskandaloso: Vamos Max, este año el campeonato es tuyo!!! . Mercedes MALA LECHE.

Szymon K: Mercedes had so much more luck in this first half

HFlife19: Love it

Timboloro: Max actually made no mistakes this far into the season

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