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Charles Garwood: They should just give us remastered maps every other season with new maps filling in the other seasons

Mr Elkatook: works out pretty well .. vietnam, then small vietnam Kino, then original Kino Der Reise, then original DR then .. tranZit , 3 small maps possibilities there Die Rise, if its another reimagine then original DR for DLC and the same with Buried, if its a new reimagine, the original for DLC that makes 6 main maps and 6 (possibly 9 with town and bus depot and diner) small, not including DM for launch ties up the seasons quite nicely !

VelvetMidnight: Maybe the Easter egg everyone beat where you escape in the heli get the rewards, but what if the secondary Easter egg has its own ending also where you stay there then it unlocks the map? I highly doubt that because it’s treyarch, they really greedy and are the kind to cut content just to add it in later. But maybe could be an idea


Fortnite Sucks: Why remaster it again it was in bo3 too

Natas: The new Vietnam map may be a cave map since in the campaign when you’re supposed to go to the cave where you hear Russian voices there’s a hatch that makes you play zombies

Austin Landreth: They should not do another nacht its small and boring they actually made it good

Excalibur: Oh and please bring back call of the dead remastered.... Love that map and despite what people say about hating george he added a lot to that map...

Excalibur: I wished they released 2 actual zombie maps like in bo1 with kino and five. .. Die is great but it gets boring after playing it so many times....

Philipp M.: Why do we need a "new" nacht survival map Why not at least something like town bus depot farm and diner in a not annoying version without lava and then we get a tranzit remake

WHITE BOY1: Give us black ops 2 zombie maps

Andman8210: February? ;) lol like I’ll be playing this by then

Not Sus: If they add Nacht survival, they need to add a Pack a Punch machine (maybe in the completely unused room as an easter egg) and they also need to add a Jug perk machine somewhere.

RG 4NALASYS: Can they not just bring transit back and town that would be amazing

Some Ramen soup: I want a nacht der untoten map a original not a bad remake that has you go through a bunch of steps just to turn on power alone I just want to survive for as long as possible for n the dark narrow corridors that leave you screaming

Jaden Alvarado: I don't want remakes

Joe Hamblin: You should stream!!

ThatGuyYouveKnown: I wish they did this much back then. This zombies doesnt feel like treyarch zombies... ik everyone loves it and im happy for them but for me it just feels like a different game.

DevilScat: They just should make transit

The Sesh: I foresee a nuke town zombies reboot in our futures

Diocesyn: They should add new perks since we’re not getting a new map

Fizz Sjsjjsjs: Cod just lazy they haven’t made a new map in forever

Atomic Puma9: I honestly think that when they say “and content” I would think maybe a new perk, considering that it is probably the easiest out of everything to produce weather that be maps or modes

TokeNPoke Tm: Am I the only one who thinks that no one cares about nacht anymore?

Carson Massey: That glitch on the campaign on ripcord happened to me too, all you have to do is avoid the RPG and the cuts scene won’t play i spent like two hours on that mission because the cut scene wouldn’t play.

LHF: also in the campaign in the last mission you can do a zombies room

Mountainman123: I wish they would add transit

Dr. Peenio: If it's early February I'm getting dark aether before then... wish me luck guys

Jacob Johnson: got kinda triggered that guy shooting the flag

I blame Tom green for my weirdness: Just watch multiplayer get new maps but zombies does not, they really need to fix the connection issues.

Dah king of crossland: He do be giving treyarch a list of people who know to much doe 5:14 and wait did you say this is the sparcest zombies yet? *cough* black ops ww1 *cough*

PianoWarlord: Shi No Muma🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dayton McVicker: 1 map til Feb... that'd make it so hard to stay engaged

KzS Poseidon: You pronounce "Nacht" (night) just like "nackt" (nude) which makes it pretty funny 😂

El Pvc: The fact people are already sick of die machine is kinda crazy to me.

TheGreatNexus 420: Remember fellas, Company's need to make their money before we have Fun. Sucks I know..

Dylan Mooney: Firstly I will say ive caught the past 3 videos and have definitely found them either enjoyable or informative which I absolutely love so I have subbed mate, Secondly what is your personal opinion of the game, do you enjoy it as much as previous cods

Chad Debuff: Everyone hates bo4 but at least we had more then one map on launch let alone not until season 2.

Dylan Harwood: Love these videos but I find it hard to watch the gameplay in the background, the aiming is quick snaps and lots of extra turning. Anyone else find the same? (Might have something to do with deadshot)

Selim Squared: Your videos are constant chatter. It’s so hard to discern important info from filler. Less talk, more meaning.

Thomas Lubanga: Kino in Season 3?

l Paulster l: They’d be hated for another natcht dlc it’s been milked already. Die machine is great but would be hella lame if they added a natcht survival instead of a new map

callofduty smurf: Really can’t emphasize enough how much I as a viewer appreciate the organization and pre filming thought put into your vids. One of the only channels I don’t skip through vids

Oscar 3spinoza: “Make zombies great again!!” -ZombieHQ 2020

STONKS wave: Dec 10th!? You mean im max level til the fckin 10th!?

sean murray: if we dont get new pap within season 1 il be gutted.. current map was fun but way to easy and dead now

K8YD3N: I want transit I loved 🥰 that map 🗺

Dearing Rogers: I honestly wasn't going to buy this game but when Cyberpunk got delayed until December 10th I decided to get it just for the campaign, zombies and I'm surprised how fun it is, I just wish they had released a remastered zombie map with Die Machine

The Grey Shaman: Dang imagine that though, while flying away you’re hit by the explosion and find yourself crash landed and then we get a throwback cutscene just like the original where we are bleeding out and a zombie runs at us. Nostalgic yes, but woulda been bullshit

Robbie Robot: I absolutely hate it when they cut a release map just to put it in the dlc cycle later down the line and completely forget about another map we could’ve had by that point

The Grey Shaman: lol everyone said we wouldn’t get a map till season 2 but I called it season 1 just cuz of how they word things in the game itself. Wording is very important like I’ve been trying to say since the first reveals for zombies this game.

KingKru: it’s honestly bullshit that they cut so much content from the base game to just drop bits of content over time. I don’t mind them spreading the content out but it feels like they’ll just be doing what bo4 did with some loose remakes of old maps which was cool in concept but awful in execution. Die Maschine is a really fun and good map but we deserved more content at launch... ugh at least the game is good

Cameron Chidester: give me town. remastered

Daniel Bytheway: I'm so sick of stand alone nacht der untoten!!! It just isn't that fun IMO. It's been done TOOOOOO many times

Jacob Inman: I would absolutely love if they released old maps while they release a new map every other season! I would love to replay the moon map, ascension, buried, and a few pthers

Cole Poole: I'd love to see a nuketown remake, this is the perfect game for it

Taatham: When does Season 1 start in December?

Mare Somnia: You’d think they’d make the classic survival nacht thing would come as a throwback thing as well with the classic WW2 weapons

Hunter Grimes: ya know i was hype about zombie's on release, it was fun. then i made it to round 100 4 times with ease, and thought this needs to have a challenge. its obvious they won't add challenge to the game because they want to appeal to new players. so i did the easter egg also no challenge, but it was also underwhelming, and it completely lacked the lure surrounding zombies and the dark ether. it told you nothing, you learned nothing it was just a dumb quick storyline with almost no story to it. something thats playing a big part in this is the fact that theres no actual character with personality traits to add to the story. by playing as an selected operator its taking away from the lure and i dont think the easter egg story in this game will mean anything. and we will never see an epic easter egg like moon from an original map in this game. as far as adding nacht if they keep it true nacht where its no perks, no pap, and one box all these new players will never think twice about playing it but like normal cod fashion cater to bad players and they'll let that stupid top part of nacht in there so all the baby players can sit there and do the rof strat like theyve been doing. nacht will only be different for me and the other choice players that aren't doing that baby ass strat basically already playing nacht. people tend like to use content creators as there defense for the points i make. the content creators no how underwhelming this zombie's is to a veteran player, they like it because its boosting their views and giving them easy content. ive heard multiple subtly admit that.

Joneszer: Anybody else hear the ambient monkey noises on the map??? Maybe a Vietnam map? Omega sets up a secret base in the jungle?

Nick Bones: bro stop showing campagne content in your videos

Lewis Brannigan: Couldn't think of anything worse then that map remastered now we have diemachine

King Kav: Okay so idk if it's just me but when I'm playing zombies everything seems to go slow motion till the end of the round

Arcadiez: Fucking waste of money, 1 zombie map upon release..i want my money back i only buy BO because of zombies..

burdr: I would much prefer treyarch to focus on quality over quantity. Having a good map like die machine on launch is much better than 4 ok maps at launch (cough cough BO4)

Ellis Temlak: Remember we are looking to get zombies chronicles 2 at some point

Jason Blundell: Next DLC map is Cold Zombies HQ's home address.

Josh Cragg: I hope they add mule kick

Synergy Gaming: I got a video of the big guy from dark aether round 40 but its not in the aether its in normal daytime is there any way I can send this to you ??

carlitoskafre: I don't know if this happens to anyone else but I play in PC and almost every texture of a red dot sight is bugged, when you play its like 8 times bigger than it should and super pixelated, only a couple ones work and I have seen no one having this issue, I normally use the kobra with the 2nd one from multiplayer as it is one of the 2 that work for me, I guess it's not a biug deal but I would like my sights to be normal xDDD

Kaan Kaptan: i hope buried or tranzit comes back

Revy: Who tf wants nacht we already have nacht at home. Give us a fun map with substance like literally any of the B02 ones

Boltzxzx: When in the dark aether you can find a selection of ghosted monkeys around the map. There’s one downstairs in Nacht on the ceiling and another on the aeroplane wing. Could this have any relation to side Easter eggs on the map?

Conner Creach: That phrase was insane

Dominicandante: They cut the 2 other maps just to add it later and say hey new content lol

Brandon M: Out of curiosity was the TranZit remake 100% confirmed by Treyarch? I am always seeing comments split 50/50. One half they are like “yeah they are definitely coming” and the other half is like “those TranZit assets from Bo4 was from that multiplayer map, so it’s not real” just wondering if you knew or not? Thanks

GrandMasterBlueberry: A new zombies mode would be cool, like bring back Grief

Yasir Wesley: Need better killstreaks like bo3

Kevin Gonzalez: Mybe zombies nuke town

coltonnig091 Craigtrue: Will you have to pay for the DLC though?

Fabiandoom: sorry but im not waiting for a remasterd nacht. gives us a new map etc....

Gavin Cabral: I really don’t want all the maps the be reimaginings, just make some original Fucking maps

SolsticeZzz: Is noone thinking that it's gonna be Nacht, Verruckt and not Kino (which is in Berlin), Shi No Numa, and Der Riese?

MrA10Virus: I'd rather reinstall my COD World at War again than play a remaster, the first one will always be the best.

Brandon Humphrey: I keep getting a bug that wont let me use my healing aura and its pissing me off😡 anyone else get this bug?

Mayor Wooly studio: If they just give us a survival nacht or nothing at all treyarch will have f ed up hard, there is no defending that action, especially since leaks(according to the most noteable one) says that three maps were supposed to be there on launch, treyarch needs to keep up their game, it’s pathetic

RChamberlain96: What if all Cold War Zombie maps will be expanded WaW Zombie Maps????

Crustless Bread: I hate these leaks but I cant stop myself

Rahikainen: So far what ive understood the Ultimate Edition of Cold war was waste of money

Nathan Koniszewski: if they drop mod tools this time around i plan on learning them for custom zombies

ToughHorizon: i really hope for a new zombie map

ASAP Venom96: I want five remastered the song from bo1 I won’t back down

Jacob Green: Since they added new EE's in a update, think maybe they could add a new EE, maybe even a whole new EE like a hardcore EE with an ending cutscene, similar to The Final Reich, and have the casual and hardcore EE?

Guudha: Oh. My man is dreaming zombies

Shayan Habibnejad: hoping we get original maps instead of reimagined maps, save that for chronicles 2

BaR0N ツ: "Die Maschina" i cant hear this as a German viewer. Its called Die MA-SCHI-NE

The Canadian King First of his name: Why do we keep supporting these lazy ass developers?

TMG Rambo: nothing but a speculation video saying the same thing thats already been said. we dont want to hear that. waste of a video and my time.

Sam Birss: Kinda sad how black ops 4 was a rushed game also and come out with more perks, and more maps upon release then Cold War, atleast Treyarch mastered the core systems in this game but it’s not enough we need content! Sure add in nacht but one of those new game modes should bring back gauntlets as those were the only gamemodes that kept the community engaged in black ops 4

GiveMeYo Sammich: Would love to see mule kick, double tap, and electric cherry make a return

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