HAPPIEST SEASON Broke Me | Explained

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Amanda the Jedi: MY ANXIETY

Becca L: I haven't even WATCHED it yet, but I want Abby and Riley together, like COME ON PEOPLE!!!

leafyishereisdumbname aka ThanosetalgicMemeories: 9:05 that clip is from Jennifer's Body

Kameron Shrum: LOVE THIS MOVIE

Odin Williams: I think this is the third movie/show you've talked about that really makes me wanna watch it (i swear that sounded better in my head). Gonna look it up. Thanks. :) P.S.: People need some "Team anxiety" merch when this is all over. Just a thought.

Kaylynn Davis: I couldn't restrain myself from watching your video before I watched the movie...and now I am terrified of watching this movie..... THE ANXIETY! But THE GAY... Decisions are hard.

shaun: ok but besides having to relive the trauma of my coming out experience, the hardest part about watching this film was low key seeing everyone be outside and doing fun winter-y things 😭

Ian Lee: I watched this movie twice and didn't know why John was in the one year later until just now.

Clementine: "Oh that's very dangerous... I once took too many Ambien, and I bought a racehorse"

Heather Marie: Harper is just a Jenny Schecter in training. I absolutely hated her. Make a sequel and have Abby and Riley end up together. That’s the right thing to do.

Maia Valentine: The reason I think that so many of us wanted kstew and plaza together is because we never get shown many of harper’s good points—our knowledge as the audience is of what she does in THIS movie which is lie to her girlfriend, get defensive about questions like staying out late, having outed plaza in high school, etc...it makes her not very sympathetic to us. Also, I just thought Aubrey plaza was hot and wanted them to get together as my own wish fulfillment

Sue Q: Damn I wish Abby and Riley ended up.

Ribbon Quest: I don't usually watch Christmas romcoms but this looks cute so maybe but more importantly - Shadow Dreamers and the Second Sister looks kickass and I want that to be a real book I can read!

Zeus Asterion: i cried so much in the last half lol, i loved it!

RJ Kroeplin: Was anyone else rooting for Jane the entire movie? I absolutely loved her and loved how excited she was to be with her family and to be meeting new people. She was so incredibly sweet! When her white elephant gift turned out to be a painting that she made herself, I thought it was so cute and was DEVASTATED when the painting broke. Anyone else? I'm team Jane forever and nobody can change my mind.

Kate Hill: Poor Jane.


Bailey D: I love that you talked about this movie lol. I enjoyed it very much

Project: CREATE: Lol Im bisexual this was still nice

IgorTheAssistant: Just watched it. LOVED IT!

Madsen Hicks: Brb gotta go watch this movie

Alexander Mouse: if this movie is half as entertaining as this review, omfg 😁

Donatelia Sakura: I want a tall queen...

Riley Pruitt: As a Riley who is a lesbian, I too would love kristen stewart to fall for Riley

Faldi Calvin: Why do you look like a female repsion?

samiam010203: Wow, Axl Rose started a YouTube Review Channel! Rock On.

Kierstin Thorn: I haven't watched the video yet, this is preemptive, but if you don't like this movie it will break ME

tae marind: I just wanna say... Abby/Riley supremacy. The scene when Harper said it was a lie in front of Abby? broke my heart

Gaming In The Apocalypse: I love this video so much 😂❤️🙏🏻

Taylor Ciot: Jane was the main character, I do not care who the movie was written to revolve around

Bird on the Internet: My new favorite out of context quote is now "She's gay, Karen, not trying to run a pyramid scheme!"

s a m p l e t e x t: I don't even know why i watched this damn movie. I think i saw an interview with Kristen Stewart about it, and i quite like her so i gave it a shot. Sure it's sappy, but it was a lot more heartwarming than i expected.

Angela Cartier: "I once took too many Ambien and I bought a racehorse." is basically all I want out of life though.

Olivia Da Gay: Ok so girl in red released a gay Christmas song and now we have a gay Christmas romcom ITS OFFICIAL GUYS WE’RE TAKING OVER CHRISTMAS

Fabiano B. C.: In my mind too the ideal version of this story would be Abby telling Harper that it's OK to take your time to get out the closet, that only you can decide when and how and why the time is right. AND THEN SHE WOULD RIDE INTO THE SUNRISE with RILEY -- because Aubrey Plaza. The end.

Daniel Rodriguez: I had no interest on watching this however after a few minutes of my wife putting it on I noticed myself paying more and more attention to it. Turned out to actually be nice and enjoyed it.

Suspicious Pooh: Seeing Kristen and Robert break away from those awful Twilight movies makes me happy.

Deborah Amos: 16:14 OH OOHH OOOHHH

Leia: Oh BTW my gaydar went off on Kristen Stewart when i saw Panic room. P.S. both actresses (main charecters) were gay. Yay!! 🏳️‍🌈

Naj Adamu: I ship Riley and... you, Amanda!

b s: From what were the scenes at 23:52?

R. Torre: It’s sounds like the most relatable and bittersweet enjoyable Christmas romcom ever. And I’m straight

Amelia: Can there be lesbian movies that are just happy and their relationship is normalized rather then coming out ones

Jack Robbins: Oh jesus, when she said "it's five days, how bad can it be?" Girl you have no idea. Five days is an eternity with the partner's family.

Leia: I just saw this movie yesterday, and right away today came across your video on the movie i just saw. That never happens to me. Where did you find abby/riley fan fic?

flatlineing contradiction: but are they lovers? i mean they could just be good friends or...*gasp*...theyre nice sisters.

S S: I've never been more excited to watch a movie that was spoiled for me (voluntarily spoiled).

merykey: i was really hoping Riley wold be with someone in the One Year Later jump!!! WE NEED MORE RILEY!

Meghan Szablak: We’re not awful for wanting Abby to end up with Riley, Harper is awful for how she treated Abby. I was so excited for this movie and the ending seriously disappointed me.

Leia: Im also team Abby/ Riley. Chemistry ⚗ 🧪

spikesagitta: Is...Jane the middle child? I honestly feel bad for her :(

•THE TRASH BUNNY•: My anxiety is also spiking.

Jessica: Don't get me wrong I liked the movie but i think that (and this is out of character for me) that the movie should have been like a 30 min longer. I didn't really buy that Harper and Abby was in love and I still think that Abby and riley had better chemistry than Harper and Abby. Also my biggest problem is that Harper denied being a lesbian before her family, for a christmas movie I would have appreciated a touch more happiness. Instead I left the movie feeling like Harper is a emotional abuser that didn't deserve Abby. Still gonna watch it again though, because lesbian representation

Avery: Team Aubrey. Always Team Aubrey.

merykey: aaah yeah, I was also shipping abby/riley <3

Steffi S: Amanda looking 🤩 in that blazer!

Annika A: This reminds me of get out

Mayte W.: Firstly: I cannot watch the movie so this is PERFECT! secondly: The zoom in on the face is killing me:)

Lou Tennant Dang: It's okay, Riley ends up with me. Weird twist, I know, but that's just what happened.

tolmat4411: I legit forgot I'm not into rom coms and not an lgbt twitter stan. I got entirely involved and hyped with the video

XxKawaiiCookies: I’m glad we all love Aubrey Plaza here

Daina Gariboldi: We deserve more gay romcoms. A lot more.

Wonderland Dreamer: I actually didn't ship Kristen Stuart and Plaza's characters, I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the way Abby talked about being so in love before they went on the holidays or maybe it's because I just love Mackenzie Davis.

Hannah Sayer: 🌈 More👏 gay 👏Amanda👏 content👏 please 👏 🌈

Guillermo Coronado: This was too good I need to watch this movie now ajjaaj

Emma Becker: My takes: Abby/Riley FOR THE WIN Jane is the best. Harper’s family is awful. But I still loved this movie!!! :)

Mich Chow: Literally just watched this, and it's now my favourite Christmas movie of all time. Also, Amanda's face at 2:23 HAHA. Priceless.


Troy Reyes: I was a teenager when I saw Kristen Stewart host SNL and I saw how she kept shifting her shoulders and for some reason that made me go "I think she's gay" lmao

Laetitia Warnery: Amanda are you being ironic? I'm super high and can't tell, but it's a delightful experience to listen to it anyways XD

purplegrrl711: Thank you for this

Amy Krog: Totes valid to want to be with someone who IS ready. ❣️ The feeling of a love pulling their hand away so no one sees is heartbreaking and complicated. 😭

purplegrrl711: Me too would have gone home as well


Laika Stroud: This movie could easily be made into a drinking game

Cole Train: I have NEVER felt so seen as when watching this. Freaking love MacKenzie Davis (and the whole cast) but Riley has my heart!

Sanne: Just once I would like a gay movie that does't make me relive my trauma

nunya business: this was the representation we didn't deserve but needed

Inka Koutná: Thank you for gracing me with this holiday gem. I hate holiday rom coms because they are too heteronormative (dumb trash guy treats his perfect girl like shit but she forgives him and everyone's happy) but *this* I can get behind! Plus Kristen Steward and Audrey Plaza c'mon!

Inka Koutná: When I was little I pretended to love Pattinson and not Steward. Now I love them both since they grew up into independent people far away from Twilight. Yeah and I am gay for Audrey Plaza too.

QuietM4n: worked in a Sundance reference 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Fiction Fiend: I thought this movie was pretty cute (except for the sister brawl scene which was a little much). Also thought abbey shoulda ended up with Riley, they had more chemistry. Also the bendelacreme and jinx monsoon cameos were everything.

Lacey Anderson: John is the friend I need. 🥺

Emily Zhang: 5:33

Aaron Simmonds: This film should be called Get Out (of The Closet).

Narges Masodyan: Love that she's wearing a blazer :))))

HybridShinoda: Okay I'm gonna watch this movie

Zak B: omg they got mary steenburgen in on it, too. I love this and I know what I'm doing tomorrow night. Chocolate + this. Sweet hell it's something good. It's something good and not HORROR LEVEL ABUSE.

Lauren Frasinelli: I'm sorry but why TF did the kids frame Abby to begin with?!?

IsSarahPi: Do all Lesbians have a gay/bi male BFF?

Carol Swartz: Since there is a dozen sequels to Christmas movies,we deserve a Riley film. Happiest Season,the mistletoe switch!

standfor soo: Oh lord aubrey plaza is so hot :(( i love her

Tasoula Hogan: I really want to see thiiiiiss

Latte atNight: Hola gente

MonkParty: You don't have to worry about your gf not being out to her family if you're too socially anxious to date, think about it

nikkijadesola23: I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one trash talking Harper. She sucked

Valdagast: The beginning makes this look like a lesbian version of "Get Out", which is hilarious. If they start implanting minds into lesbians for their superior physical attributes I'm down for it. Edit: Lesbian pyramid scheme. For each five women you sleep with, you must send one to the person who recruited you. The women high up in the pyramid have huge harems while the ones lower on the list are starved for affection and attention.

FissionFusion: Am I the only one that actually enjoyed Harper and Abby?

Notta Purson: Weird comment, but hear me out....did Amanda get implants?

Seyron Jennissen: Mom "Oh that is very dangerous, i once took too much ambien and bought a race horse" Me "... .. ah yes .. but of course, SO relatable🧐 "

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