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Caleb Drake Donaire: i was just watching the first win on your br match and just admiring on how much you have improved and keep it up<33

Brave Stone: 6:24 the accuracy in that kill...🙏

actavi07: How can i activate those red player notification obove head??

Syed Khaleel: Paker is just the og codm Youtuber I remember I learned br from is videos is 2019

Joey Alteran: User is 亗86亗丨VOID

Joey Alteran: Parker can we play dou I'm really a big fan

Larry Balangue: 1:31 IRON SIGHT OP

josh iverson rana: I like you video ☺️ and i want to be just like you

josh iverson rana: I want your settings and sensitivity plsss im a fan of your im from Philippines 😅😔

Numan Chaudhary: Big fan -DEMON-K1N9-

Green Shark: Does anyone know parker's ak 47 attach?? I wanna know it thanks in advance.

Anir toppin: I already done i was your first sub i realy meed this battle pass my friends bull me cus i dont have any cp my name is codboss?12e

BlueTheMusicGuru: This the only reason I know how to play CoD moblie. Parker is a cheat sheet lmao

Aditya Patel: Battle pass please

scatter: O shorts I need battle pass

jatin balguher: 0:50 Yoooink

Troy Noble: I always whatch parker and im getting better in br matches

NOMI KHAN: I think i have the right to win this battle pass from parker

Danny Longchar: PARKITOO

Hamza Kh: Parker

phantomyt: I subscribed and turn on post notification

Arville Solis: .

ferdie domingo: I always watching your game here i youtube idol

Franz nathaniel Omandam: I Subscribe to this channel parker yt i really like your channel i want a battle pass for season 6 Please parker yt the best player in the world br

ferdie domingo: Nice gun mx9 idol...can u give me a batt.e pass pls.🇵🇭

Monica Worth: How to play Call of Duty I’m a pro and a Viking win the battle pass that’s great I subscribed with all notifications like you’re my favorite player of colors do you and I subscribe to all of your other videos and do it

Jaskaran Singh: Background music is not good bad theme

Odin plays CODM: I'd liketo have the battle pass

Abiel Aiyinikkal: I never tired of watching your gaming

Peter Phoenix: This season is just going to force the hs0405 on us And I would really love to get my first battle pass from my Codm mentor❤️

The Royal_clan: Parker can you teach me how to be like you


gamingG: GamingGod361

yaboiDeezNuts: how to participate in bp giveaway?

Roopak Krishna: Parker iam a big fan of your gameplay and i started playing codm by seeing your video

Leo: I was waiting for the parker scream🙂🙂🙂

gorl: Lol because of you I started landing into plataforma everytime me and my friend play br, and suprisingly I can survive the teamfights. Thank you Parker

MALVARON YT: I have been a sub for long time btw I always sees ur both live and plays channel face cam near

Legend Of Legends: Subscribed

the gamer life: My dad took my phone so I can't play cod now just waiting fr school home sucks rn

TOXIC!!!!: I'm finding the updated unplayable it's got like a 10 seconds restart glitch 😡

Yuvi chinanan: You should play with your friends in cod mobile and using the rares gun in you laboratory

Aryan Rawat: Drive a car and enjoy the radio now

Elian Lim: i would be so happy if u were to give me the bp because my parents do not allow me to buy the bp and my dream was to get a bp

Wile E. Coyote GENIUS: 6:19 That recoil control is all I want

KIRCHIE CRIS: Parker plsss if you are liveing do not like suppor editing i hate that but sorry

Raymark Suela: i watch parker to improve my br skills, but rn i cannot play br cuz of the update

bjorn sadiang-abay: BP:))

Hani Nour Aldeen: Love you bro and thanks for the entertainment ❤️

ghost 1.4.1: I wish that they removed that black screen bug in BR MODE

Sachintha Nimsara: Ozuna raps pretty perfect thogh 😍

Claude RBLX: I just wish that my parents would let me buy battle pass they wont let me buy 😣 solid supporter here 😁😊

Devinda Karunathilaka: Ypu should talk about the middle east hackers whos taking over the br and mp

Mima Omari: is Alcatraz back in the game?

Ishan Cherian: I want a battlepass

Indian cod community: Good game play

SYED JAWADRAZARIZVI: I love Parker’s streaming because it wakes me up

¶°krister°¶: Is season 7 only on global version?

RĀSL_WÃRLÔRD: I would love to win this giveaway I never had cp since past 2 years 😞😞 but may Parker choose the winners 🏆🎉🏆 wisely 🙂

Tcl Supreme: Parker I watch all your vids and I never had a EP please bro my name is Icey_Supreme_

Silve F1: Excited for the giveaways

Sheetal Kapoor: My username is DetectiveAk

Shad Ahfat: I'm a big fan and I always play cod and I want to add you but I can't find your username

Jahleel Andreau Xam Bien: I got better playing at CODM since I start watching your video.


Sheetal Kapoor: And would love to win this battlepass as I don’t have anything premium

Sheetal Kapoor: I subscribed and turned on notifications long ago

Laison Stephanie Gentapanan: I would love to play BR more but my phone is freaking lagging! My phone cant take CODM new update huhu

Santosh: Ak47 got alot of buffs

im rick: I ned the battle pass im playing codm for 4 year 😥

Karl Owen Boholano: a fan here in the philippines!, hoping to win the free battle pass❤❤

Aaron Abraham Paul: Parker plzzzz can u give me the battle pass I started playing from 20018 and my family never pays for my battle pass your so epic and legit and your game play is so litt plzzzz can u accept me for the battle pass giveaway plzzzz brooooooooooooooo😭😭it's my wish to get a battle pass .......

Kir KirAkaria Thomas: and I am now

Kir KirAkaria Thomas: I want one

Orlando Romero: I started watching your videos and it's fun when you do a little tribute to every enemy you kill. At least your Spanish language is very well understood xD. It's seen that you are a good player and, in addition, you are not toxic. That pleases me. Keep it up 👍

Halal Krusty: 0:51 bruh that guy just got destroyed

arpee satalal: background music is wack tho

kusuma machani: parker pls i want the battle pass because i have never had battle pass in my life

rhiley simon: i been watching u for the past year and recommending people about you and all the feedback i get is he. is too good or like he is op oh also btw im subscirbed and turn notification on

monika matlani: You are the best BR player and I have subscribed parker

Franc Pan: hasnt come out for garena tho

Tino Trxsh: Que pro la música del Ozuna🤑🔥

Aayush Thorat: That song slaps tho

Sakshyam Kuickel: bro parker im not lieing i hv never got a battle pss or anything i swer if im lieing pls god will make me die my name is Sayuj_YT pls gv me battle pass andd i know u r not gonnaa gv me

Sion Adriano: Done

kishore cd: pleas for me

𝙼𝟸-𝙹𝙾𝙴𝚕♕: Parker can i please win the battle pass i have been playing for 2 year and watching your videos since 2019

Teofilus Adinurgaha: I hope I can buy the battle pass

Mieja hanif: Parker season 7 available in your phone or your region and i have to wait for 1 more day to get the season 7 update

Nathan is weird: I want battle pass parker

waffles: I love your page made me lose my fear of playing BR and now im obsessed 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

GAMING IS ART: Bro in br cars when the song plays in them it feels so good :)

Jakov Saquido: YOWWWWWWWW


Veniz Dave Togono: Parker can I pls have a battlepass🙂

sitanshu lavinth: give me battle pass pls bro you killed me more time

smecth Señar: I wish that I was him lot of CP and he can draw lot of legendary weapon but me I can't afford one some of those😔🥺

PG DREAM: I'm not listening to parker at first im paying attention to the battery percentage of his phone

EKNOOR SINGHBAINS: please give me battle pass parker

Drg0ld38: The season 7 battle pass looks real nice man, I've already got the pass but my friend really wants one, would be real nice if I won the giveaway, my friend would be really happy. Hope I win!

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