Film Theory: Rick KILLED Beth! (Rick and Morty Season 5)

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William Simkulet: 8:30 The running theory is this (a) the mutliverse includes a slight delay between some realities (such that today here is Friday, but in another reality it might be Thursday or Saturday, etc.); (b) that the Citadel preys upon struggling Ricks, giving them the portal technology in exchange for tenure on the citadel. (c) Many of these Ricks return to their Beths, or counterparts, and team up with a Morty, and (d) these Ricks & Morties periodically return to the citadel for reasons. (e) However, OUR RICK is one of a few Ricks that don't take the technology. These Ricks are sometimes victimized, leading to the death of their families, and the hermitcrabbing of them to replace Ricks from realities whose Citadel Ricks don't return (likely due to death). The ONLY question is how OUR Rick saw a Morty being born; suggesting that he might actually NOT share the same history of all of the hermit crabbing Ricks... specifically that sometime before or after the shared history with his BP, he returned to his - or another Rick's - world prematurely to see a Morty being born.

ALPHARavenGamer: Didnt make sence not to live for fun

Kkn_D: 1:12 pause it and look closely, you could actually make out how rick father use to look like according the animators. And mother look blonde like beths mother.

The Blue Flamingo: I agree with this theory cause I have heard this theory a lot

TheTotalDramaKing: This Theory makes sense, I think you struck gold on this one

Moot: Can we get a theory about Ricks confession to bird person... Like IS it romantic?? It would totally recontextualize so many moments imo.......

William Simkulet: 6:20 This BP is the BP from the end of Season 1, it's the BP of the dead Rick in the back yard. We've never seen OUR Rick's BP; this BP is clearly from this reality, and this reality is at least 2 realities removed from our Rick's original reality. Each reality has it's own BP. Memory Rick is likely a composite of this BP's (dead) Rick and the live Rick that this BP met in the S1 finale. This episode establishes that our Rick and this BP's Rick had similar (but not necessarily the same) backstory; but this shouldn't come as much of a surprise, since this reality is "close enough" to our Rick's (S01Part1) reality, meaning both Ricks might have hermit crabbed in a similar fashion to a similar copy of their similarly dead daughter. (That said, OUR Rick has a memory of a Morty being born, which implies a lot. But given you can't keep track of BPs, I think this post is done.)

fortress61: Abandon and adult (dead or alive) Not abandon and adult (dead or alive) Abandon kid (froopyland) Not Abandon kid (dead or alive)

madman_mac: Heres one glaring plot hole that no one seems to mention... You know in the episode where rick made a dimension for young Beth which is basically imagination land and he talks about how she was a psychopath how would rick know this it's not his Beth his beth is in the cronenberg universe.

Kahnwae: Honestly though the title was Rick rolled Beth. He's never gonna give her up, he's never gonna let her down.

Sauce Reviews : so what happens to Diane? Is she still dead since rick abandoned the family or is she still alive

elytra: "90s kids will understand" Shrek came out in 2001 and is still influential to this day..

daksh chauhan: But if Beth died young then how did Rick have memories of holding baby Morty in the evil Morty debut

bendy nightmares: Godzilla is the middle of nowhere 4 years

Party Dave: Rick said he was from C-137, who is the say that episodes 1-9 is C-137 as well?

KikodeKliko: One thing I couldn't understand. Rick is wearing blue pants during Squanchy's stand up. But he is shown having met Bird Person and Squanchy while selling illegal substances. So that means he briefly reverted to his old look?

Cinniuint Dorcha: @The Film Theorists ; Keep in mind that we don't always follow the rick we started with during his adventures. The series will choose one that happens to be having an adventure at the time that might be acceptable for public television so the fabricated origin story might have been true for THAT rick. That being said, it is a good probability that it is THIS ricks backstory. The question now is why does every other Rick keep a Morty by their side, as they have stated in that episode where the Rickocracy dies it is to keep his brainwaves cleared from other beings from tracking his brainwaves. . . But my guess is (based off of evil Morty's existence) that Morty actually turns out just like rick, a genius. However, without the painful past and/or the drive to achieve what you called "godhood" in this video, something to keep him on the proverbial straight and narrow. Instead he is driven to hate towards a Rick who ran off and made his mother miserable who he might occasionally hear or see about being himself and playing God. He ends up trying to destroy everything, especially that which his grandfather had created. No matter which version it was. So Ricks team up with Morty's to keep an eye on them to make sure another one doesn't appear and NOT to mask themselves as they have so claimed. Your thoughts on the matter?

Vincent Mercene: What if evil morty is the son of a version of beth where her mom and dad dies so she spends her life recreating the portal technology but dies in the process leaving evil morty to take her place. Bit of a stretch but not impossible

Bargizenn: But where does evil morty come in the picture Then? Anybody having a theory on that?

Gil Gonzalez: I saw a problem the picture of Rick and the gang forming a band is from the very day they met he actually says that outloud, but in that moment he has long hair and no blue pants, and it is later in the timeline that he has them on at the swanchys comedy bit so that kind of ruins the timeline of Rick

MXKXVELI: Doesnt that mean The evil morty is his true morty And the cyborg Beth is his true Beth (Other characters like summer and his dad will probably be revealed soon, perhaps) Like theyre all after something and we have yet to find out.

abdulahi omer: i've been waiting for this

Kantha Nesan: I want to start crying!

Frostbite: Either Real bath is dead from that one episode and Rick was able to recover one of her body parts or she survived dramatically

Trip koLng: Hmmmmmm

Dorian Erlic: Didnt he make this video before?

KalinaxBiss: The thumbnail drew all of you here. Don’t lie

GhostAzam O: But then again we have to remember that one episode in season 1 where evil rick goes through ricks mind and sees a memory of rick holding an infant morty

Elijah Genet: Im calling it right now. In one of these episodes, we'll see the 'real' rick (the one who abandoned the family) come back. And C-137 will have a fight with him or something.

ridwan.dud: love the show, not the thumbnails

N00bie: Thank god i watched S5 befoee watching this

Hexa: Matpat I didn't expect you to fall for this, but memory Rick only knows what bird person knows. Also scientific rules dont actually matter in rick and morty since other universes can follow other rules. We don't actually know if Beth and diane died, or if they even existed.

Simone Brunini: What if: Evil Morty is a Rick who stayed with his family, and they were killed, but instead of just avenging them he wants to wipe out all the Ricks...and what a better disguise than a Morty?

*insert generic username here*: Matpat: 90s kids will understand Everyone who isn't a 90s kid and understands:

NTZES: GG’s on ten mil!!

Hawk's GNW Adventures: we tried that hello fresh place and we got rotten vegies . it was gross.

Putsuu: Doesn’t this theory contradict season one’s “Close Rickcounters of the Rick Kind”, where there was a memory of baby Morty in Rick’s head? How could there be a memory of baby Morty if Beth dies young? And it couldn’t be C-137 Morty, since Matpat and the description of the show stated that Rick appeared way after C-137 Morty was born. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great theory, but this part bugged me.

ElJaggerBombas: I've been waiting for days for this video

The Mean Hornet: Next, I like to know about his right bionic arm and it’s story. He has been using it more and more.

Desmond Fugate: This could also explain where he said we get 2 or three of these at Max whenever him and Morty left Croninburg universe. They can only hop to another universe a couple of times. The remaining lives where Rick and Morty both die and dead Beth is still alive.

agent666ptc: I'd love to see a Film Theory episode decoding the highly hidden (possibly non-existent) lore of the Pitch Meeting YouTube series of Screen Rant. It's... weird.

The Mean Hornet: If people put this much thought into curing cancer…

DidacticSnow7: Why didn’t he clone Diane?

Kuja: Me who needs Hello Fresh but in different country :(

J Sae: Evil morty found out the truth

Wim Matheve: I was Born in 2005 and i understand the 90’s referese

Game Play: What about evil morty, if beth died then how rick had memories of morty when he was kid how evil morty connected to our rick

Djdkdjjex Djejdud: Please make a naruto theory

DAIBLO. D SHADO: Universe is a hologram, nothing matters buy gold buy gold.

Pico Fulp: Why does nobody remember that rick and morty hopped dimensions twice cause of the squirells

Charley Edwards: HAHAHAHA (guess im a 90's kid lol)

Pickle Rick: i just love these rick and morty theories

Gregory George: This begs the question, why didn't, or doesn't, Rick just go to a dimension/timeline where Diane is still alive as well as Beth. If there are really infinite timelines then it's possible that there is one where Diane is still alive, no?

Ass Sensei: Did MatPat say only 90s kids would understand All Star?!

Tom Amit: 08:37 OBJECTION: They're not saying that there are only (or "predominantly") 2 versions of adult Beth (abandoned & dead), They're just saying that whenever a Rick wants a replacement Beth then he moves in with an abandoned one (cuz a non-abandoned adult Beth doesn't need a new Rick), it doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of non-abandoned adult Beths that are alive and well.

game not lame: The all star part made me laugh

M0lt3n The imposter: Here 12 hoir

Mancake 09: Well I did like salmon all my life

Abhishek Amin: 6:55 he says "killing us won't bring her back" *HER* I think if they killed both Beth and Rick's Wife the line would be "Killing us won't bring THEM back" and I don't think that's something teh writers would've overlooked I believe Diane IS dead but I don't think the council of Rick's had anything to do with that or the writers may have made a mistake here xD

Emma Hopkins: yesterday i was playing pocket mortys because i was bored,its really fun.

Alecia Shepherd: The things you love the most are the things that have the potential to hurt you the most. But through pain there is healing and then healing there can be understanding

Teodor Ball: I LOVE ALL STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¡!!!!!!!!

Dhdj Jdko: remember tho . the picture of rick with baby morty in bird person house in the get swifty episode . and his memories when evil rick scaned his mind in S 1 ?? you thin he lost more than 1 family ?? my head hurts now

Jose A Perez-Pineiro: Our Rick has memories of baby Morty. What if our Rick was one of the lucky Ricks that got to stay with his family, all the way to Mortys birth. And eventually other Ricks killed the new family, it would end up almost the same as your theory. Or this is not even his 2nd family, maybe this is his 3rd

Tyler wallace: So does that answer the question about evil morty since he isnt the real morty so he was the first morty that rick moved in with after coping with the lost of his family and now that we know does that mean that our rick clone beth as a way of saying srry for really ruining her life make the best choice to fix his mistakes that he created or does that mean rick planed this to make each unique character to be his family that he dreamed about you have 2 of the 5 thats has changed more then ever i feel summer is next then jerry then himself to finally be with his tru family we have evil morty space beth badass summer then a more exciting jerry could that be part of the reason he is want his family to be united and together for his ending he could had ever wanted

BOBimus Rex: There are infinite parallel universes, yes. However there is a finite number of universes within "The Central FINITE Curve" (the name for the portion of universes where Ricks have discovered portal tech and formed the council of Ricks). Rick even says in s1e06 that there are only a small handful of compatible universes that he and Morty could slip into and resume their lives in.

Coral McNaughton: 11:10 Technically, the Rick he's known since the age of 14. Remember, Season 1 starts with Rick having just moved in after Beth C-137's Rick had left 20 years prior. It's why Morty has had little to no reservations about killing Rick or letting him die in the past. It may or may not be his grandfather, but it's also just an old man who moved in and quickly started wreaking havoc on his otherwise normal life and impacting his family, for better or worse. Learning that the Rick he knows isn't actually _his_ Rick probably wouldn't surprise Morty in the slightest. In fact, he probably already suspects it, especially given the roles of Mortys in the Citadel, which our Morty has witnessed firsthand.

Arfan Eka Diandra: -Rick and Morty lore- *Rick and Lore-ty*

actuatedgear: You forgot the Squirrels.

The Zanman: Let's get some theories flowing about... (gulp) Soul Bonding.

The Emerald Vampire: Sooooo what happened to the theory that this season was about evil morty?

David Smith: What if Rick was the Rick that offered Rick Inter-Dimensional travel....

Nura Galadanchi: 90's kids, care to explain?

Andreas Reichhelm: Do a Theory on Lego Ninjago! It has enough lore to make FNAF look simple, MatPat. Want a challenge? Try watching Lego Ninjago!

pluto: This is a really good theory and this also explains why “our rick” hates the Citadel of Ricks

Gamerdweeb Entertainment: Well as said previously.... it doesn't really matter... :)

Caelum Hyke: Matpat but what about the scene where Rick is crying because he's seeing memories of Maury when he was a baby what's up with that also if that's really the whole thing is real backstory what's up with evil Maury

ColdNuggett99: I love the theory but I think I found a problem (I’m not a pro on Rick and morty so sorry if I’m wrong) but what about the world Rick made fo Beth when she was a kid did he take memory’s of a Rick who abandoned Beth ??????

Paulo Mariñas: So the theory is Rick is staying with an Abandoned ADULT Beth. But there was an episode where Rick and Beth share a common memory where Rick created a pocket world that kid Beth can play alone safely, and where kid Beth actually trapped a playmate of hers into adulthood.

Flipsink: This is so sad

Mr. L: Good theory but we're forgetting that memory of a baby Morty that brought tears to Rick's eyes. If Beth died as a child and Rick goes to alternate realities where he abandoned her for almost 2 decades, that would mean that he should have no memories of Summer or Morty as infants. We COULD write this off as him seeing this in an off-screen event in another reality, but then there's the problem of memories he *shares* with Beth regarding her childhood (ala the ABCs of Beth episode). Now it's possible that Rick was a mad scientist prior to the events of their deaths and he did create those "toys" and inventions for a maniacal little Beth - after all, his first reaction to their deaths (in the "fabricated" backstory) was to create a portal gun and hop through the multiverse... But it just doesn't seem that way. There are either pieces missing to this puzzle, the writers are screwing with the audience (again) or they're just plot holes. In any case, I wouldn't hold my breath on the whole "Beth is dead" idea. Rick is known to lie and be an unreliable narrator, and "Memory Rick" is a fabrication of Bird Person's memories of Rick - not an actual manifestation of Rick's memories - so anything he'd know prior to Bird Person meeting him would be dependent on what Rick had told him... So that line "it's more complicated than that" could be much deeper than it initially appears to be. Sure you could piece together a few things from Bird Person's memories of Rick but the context of those memories is vague. We the viewers are in the same position as Bird Person in that Rick the unreliable narrator is the one giving us the narrative here. He's even somewhat dishonest in this episode as Bird Person confronts him about withholding the information of his child for his own selfish reasons. And we're also forgetting ... This season may not be following the "Rickest Rick". There have been a bunch of canonical inconsistencies this season, so who knows? We may have to wait for the season finale for some kind of big reveal. Some food for thought. 🤷

Art Paint: Can u please do a theory on a tiktoker called unicosobreviviente He does impossible video of him being alone in the world maybe u can show us how he's doing it or if its real

🍑 Peachy Peaches 🍑: You should do a theory on Solar Opposites. It is a cartoon made by one of the co creators of Rick and Morty, Justin Roland.

Blake Carnes: There's a photo of rick holding baby morty so what if that morty was "Evil Morty", evil morty is rickless and perhaps its because rick left after beth died

CBI : Comment Bureau of Internet: Confusing

Ferry Muhammad Nur: Nobody: Dom Toretto: "did anyone say FAMILY?!"

EpicStar 86: 0:28 ah yes All Stars the song used for Shrek 1's intro

D: Peter Parker: Alright sir, pictures of Spider-Man again? J. Jonah Jameson: F*** that, get me that video!

KiraComments-CHCA: oh :(

jgonzalez0686: Dumb idea but Rick could of fabricated and picked his favorite universe. Split his personality into a family. Beth would be a catalyst, serving as his passing mother and himself as his dad, which he hates. A messed up coping mechanism. Morty as as his naive self. Jerry, as as the subjugated normie. Summer as his extroverted care free self. All looking for acceptence. Either way they all love to F things. 😂

Priya Singh: What about when Rick has a memory of holding baby Morty and getting emotional? Maybe they only died after Beth grew up, got married and had Summer and Morty.

Abdul basit Akhondzy: Hey matpat can you do a theory on the lost Scooby doo episode it was posted on reddit r/nosleep in it Scooby eats everyone and just he was about to eat the viewer he shut the TV off but the viewer had scars on his neck which is where he was held in the episode.please make a video on this cause this is my first comment and I am a loyal theorists

Pink Harth: Did anyone else see the title when it had "Rickrolled" somewhere in there or was I just reading it wrong?

Kent: Game theory on Bedtime Blues please!!! Switch game!

Garfieldgod7 Jesus: I’m not from the 90s and I get it who doesn’t 0:28

Raku-P: Another day of asking matpat to make a theory on milgram

Corazon Miranda: Do a theory on beyblade burst turbo please

UQASAH CAT DAILY: Do Attack on Titan

Jinglesthedeaf cat: 0:28 I understand and I’m a 2006 kid :)

Eri-nyan: What really happen in twelve minute

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