Criminologist Reviews Serial Killers From Movies & TV | Vanity Fair

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The Exiled: this deserves way more views than it's gotten. This was fascinating stuff.

audbhitnote: The proud butcher intrestingly heap because atm partially retire of a cagey owner. adjoining, amused hate

Sean MCcANN: Eh. Pretty interesting mostly accurate. They've interviewed a few killers and walked away. Gary Ridgway was talked to a few times. He alone put this guy's theorys in a category he wouldn't be happy about. A lot of this stuff seems like speculations of a sort and judgmental because he's lookin for an answer that is not clear to him..... but in reality it's clear

cass: I think a lot of it has to do with history & culture & tribalism but in an unhealthy way. We do our own damage.

Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni: I wonder how many skeletons are in his closet

Emily Dickinson: He is a well of knowledge and this is fascinating... an important note both the words he used for transgender ppl are now considered slurs...

fkcz76 Uni-troll-pig whisperer: And David Wilson is, as usual, brilliant with his insight and explanations.

David Ramos: This guy is 100% a serial killer

Kamal Gomes: I want to see him talk about the movie: the house that jack build

Dwarkesh Thakkar: I love how this criminologist is using the information developed by BSU in Mindhunter.

2nd Round: Amazing

Alex Barker: "Theyre losers". Serial killers everywhere get pissed......"but he's right" Edit: also, his message at the end. Spot on.

Roey Bason: Would be interesting to see what he thinks about the upcoming Sandman adaptation. Oh and Riverdale is nonsense? What a surprise.

Lucy Hall: absolutely love how he talked about the need to focus on the safety of populations who are most likely to be targeted by serial killers. those with the least protections are most vulnerable to this kind of murder

Reut Ahdut: its interesting to know wheather he finds a conntection between the sycolology of a serial killer and people who commits mass shootings

Reut Ahdut: wow that was really fascinating

David Wilson: Thank you for all your comments. I’m not Paul Hollywood’s brother!

Mindi B: I love this man.

WarlockofWordsReturns RB: Read Ressler's books on the subject, fascinating stuff.

jwt242: I think he's on to something with regard to profilers; not saying that it is definitely the case, but I've always felt there's a touch of pseudoscience in their profession (profilers.)

Viva La Rosa: This is fascinating.

Mirna Ripardo: One of the best episodes so far! Please bring him back for a part 2

ottopotomas: he does look much younger than his 64years tho lol. am i a psychopath?

gothnate: You know what's even more frightening? The knowledge of serial killers is based on captured serial killers. Those that have never been caught or even detected are the scary ones that might personify the Hollywood trope, or worse, even surpass it.

Zatanna Zatara: i love how he calls them what they are, losers. any serial killer isn't cool they aren't smart, they're disgusting and do not deserve to be respected

Nicole S: A Scotsman. The smartest people in the World. I’m a proud Brodie

Sanna Olsson: Norman Bates is not transexual. He has DID(movie DID because no one with DID become killers when havibg another personality lol). He believes he IS his mother.

Ana Leticia Gallardo: Wow you interviewed Charles Sobhraj? I'm not at all surprised his first move was to use flattery.

Georgia Tappy: truly fascinating! especially loved the ending, and agree that we need to put our resources and efforts into protecting our vulnerable communities, not trying to decode a small percentage of people

Sally Hdgsklansjd: So basically: Alpha psychopaths run huge corporations and governments. Beta psychopaths become serial killers. Got it.

Rhiannon Green: His point at the end! Brilliant! Focus on the victims! Such an excellent idea to end on. Only thing I would add would be the racial aspect too, that's still clearly an issue, especially getting the authorities and public/media to care.

Phillip Wena: *Investing in crypto is the best way to earn financial freedom*

Rhiannon Green: Did he just say the Bikini killer flirted with him? That's mad.

Taylor Heron: One of the best yet!

Clement Lin: I legit skimmed over the thumbnail to read the title of this video and thought it was Gordon Ramsey he’s looking at and thought to myself “That can’t be right”

Free Thinker: "How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, we repopulate it with new objects which, in turn, we immolate. The means to every crime is ours, and we employ them all, we multiply the horror a hundredfold." --Marquis de Sade "The really scary thing is that there are a lot of people who are not in prison, a lot of people who were far more successful than I"--Ted Bundy

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): "beta males" "they're losers" this man just roasted every killer to walk the earth, if only the news humiliated them instead of giving them cool names and speaking about them with so much curiosity

Emma Bee: Usually as a professor one does not use words like loser or beta males. You will find different words to describe that behaviors.

Sonal: Why choose Riverdale???? Seriously??!!!! I so wanted to see the show Hannibal. Mads Mikkelsen nailed it ..

Luke Nyman: He said since the pandemic he now sees Overkill, “all the time.” Does anyone have theories about why this is the case? I’m interested in following patterns relating to the breakdown of society, so any thoughts on this question would be appreciated no matter how strange.

Aj Ajaj: Nice video. But Black is not an ethnicity. It's a "race."

Film Crew: Ed Kemper is masterfully portrayed by Cameron Britton. Cameron is an amazing actor to portray this monster. And everything David has said.

Eternal Being33: What makes serial killers so dangerous is that they are unpredictable psychopaths. You cannot say that a serial killer would not act that way in the movie because someone out there would, no doubt about it.

Bruja Cat: This is the closest we’ll get to a serial killer reacting to serial killers in movies

Ricardo Capeles: One of the best professionals of all these breakdowns Would love to see another video with him

Dawn Bishop: Great Ending! Make sure you all stick around to see it. I agree with him about motivation. This is real life, there does not need to be a good reason for serial killers to commit murder.

theWanderer521: Are there still active serial killers these days? (like 2021) or people like them resort to mass shooting instead?

Books Rebound: Part 2 please. I wanna see you look at Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal. It was such a good show.

Books Rebound: Why does he kinda look like he could be Paul Hollywood's brother. Somebody tell Trixie Mattel so she can sexually harrass him

Josie: That was really interesting to learn the differences between the media portal and the reality of a serial killer's behavior.

pacsoul tvg:

Adrian Lujan: Wow and not a single criminal minds scene. I'm impressed

WexleRBio DRedD: Thank you!!! First person to agree with how I feel. Anthony Hopkins was not menacing or scary💯💯💯 sorry nor sorry

Frankie Favero: BRAVO!!! This is by far the most amazing video of this kind I've seen, and the expert is phenomenal, for many reasons; 1. This cult to youth must END! Our western society values younger people above all and constantly provides them with platforms to voice their needs... while older people are technologically and socially excluded! 2. Let's end this belief that all serial killers are similar or have similar motivations, whatever drove them to ritualistic murder and their backgrounds are completely heterogeneous! 3. If we focus our attention on understanding why they target their attention on certain segments of the population and how they go about finding/selecting/approaching them, we would protect people in a far more efficient way!

Robert Phillips: The entertainment industry likes to have the Serial Kill attempt to go after the Law Enforcement Officers that are trying to stop them. This really doesn’t happen.

Sabrina T.D.: Very satisfying to see him call out Riverdale on the ridiculous story

Annabel Hawksworth: Id have jumped in the Lake and chanced a swim. Better that and some shooting then certain death and longer punishing.

loveforeignaccents: So many good films here.

Ocean Sage: Fascinating how David says Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men is certainly not a psychopath, but I've heard psychologists say that Anton Chigur is a perfect example of a sociopath.

lara: this was so cool! Please bring him back for more scenes

Simba: healthcare professionals have been serial killers aaaah

Belu Sánchez: I would love to see an analysis on Brian Cox' portrayal of Hannibal Lecktor (Manhunter) in a future part 2!

Silvia Suarez: I love this guy!

macattack423: The fact that overkill has become more common over the pandemic is absolutely terrifying. What does that say about humanity?

Mohammed Osman: amazing insight

Smilex Chiru: He interviewed Charles Sobhraj, wow. And yes apparently he is very charming, and seduced his 20 year old interpreter while in prison and married her.

branden montiel: Such an amazing video. I really do admire criminal psychology

BrokenShips: Where’s is Hannibal the series?You missed an opportunity there.Shame!

Alexia Tapia: Omg thank you, I love criminal TV shows and movies. It was really interesting.

Tammy Pierce: WELL DONE SIR !!! TY ! Losers/demons they are around every corner!!! fear is the only thing that can hurt you!!! u pray for them too...i know what you thinking!!! 🤬WHY????? THAT WAY THEY CAN'T HURT YOU!!!😇

Daria Lu,: More, please! He’s incredibly interesting!

Heidi: Part 2 please! This was so interesting

Jessica Davis: I love this guy! I also really like the emphasis he puts on how much of a loser these people are. They are not special people and there is far to big of a worship culture around them. I totally agree with his end statement, super interesting!

Melissa Roszkowski: A good deal of Congress is the elderly. It's more impoverished communities it seems

gather ye roses: The professor is trying too hard. He's a much more intersting subject than the poorly analyzed serial killers.

deanopain: So if you're not an "alpha" male you're a "loser"? This seemed like something random you'd read on Twitter. Odd phrasing.

Errhka: "I now encounter overkill and mutilation all the time" - people never think about the fact that all this goes on right under our noses as we live our normal lives. Creepy

• M •: This was surprisingly very educational, thank you!

Julian Nieto: Man, I love Mindhunter. I hope the show doesn't just disappear!

UrsusArtifex Colfuck: You need to be on the potcast, “conan o’brien needs a friend”. He would love you, and i would love to hear him pick your brain.

Dababy car: Wtf happened to this channel this video and the previous have so few views?????

UrsusArtifex Colfuck: god i want your job

Bullast: I think the major mistake the population makes about murder/ serial murder is that it’s a phenomenon…

SquabbleBox - Entertainment Under Attack: Zodiac, a masterpiece. Interesting discussion. I dunno what's more terrifying, though, the fact that the Lake Berryessa event is real, or that Fincher shot it on the exact spot it happened.

saminky: norman woulda been fine if he knew about sigma males💔

Susan Reed: God Bless. Thank you for posting. I said to my husband a few years ago: "Farmer's beans with a nice canteen". He laughed *so* hard.😂 Thank you for reading. 📚 Inside Michigan, USA 🇺🇸

devilpupbear09: Next: Veterans review the Afghan War

The_Real_Jo Jo: Interesting stories!Anthony Hopkins and Jodie foster did an amazing job in the movie 'The Silence of the Lambs'

Xen Ia: I want more stuff about killers. That was pretty dope

Belmin Spahić: This next scene

Bitplaya: Get this guy a YouTube channel

stefan hunter: American psycho is the best

8523wsxc: Hopkin's performance is so terrible it's just embarrassing. He did not get the character at all, which is perfectly representative of his terrible career of solipsistic scenery chewing.

Roxana I: I love David Wilson! I have seen soo many Crime Documentaries with him!

JxC: Every minute of this was soooo intriguing! Great job Vanity Fair!

Zero: And today, thanks to Vanity Fair, Wired, GQ and god knows how many channels, we learn something new: Serial Killers!

Xen Ia: So early theres no funny comments yet.

Boo Spanyer Cassiopeia: Thank you so much for this!!💙🌞💙 we could listen to Dr. Wilson forever

agirly1503: I love these!

Kaizen_Tactical_Sports: I’m conflicted that I watched this video. I was gonna judge myself for watching this video, but then I remembered white people watch movies and specials about serial killers because of their fascination, then I’m good. White people love the bizarre. 😆 Also, LMAO! You heard it here folks: “Serial killers are beta males and losers!” 🤷🏻‍♂️

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