DC's Legends of Tomorrow 6x15 Promo "The Fungus Amongus" (HD) Season Finale

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acebash: YES!! i miss the team fight, and plus zari tarazi is joining the fight 😆😆😆

Rayyan Shaikh: "The fungus amoungus"

TharnType TheSeries: Amaya she's such a talented actress she directed that episode very well

TharnType TheSeries: Amaya she's such a talented actress she directed that episode very well

TharnType TheSeries: Wow Maisie Richardson sellers was good at directing that episode was amazing I love it Spooner is truly a legend.

Lamont Winston: this season has had some of the best episodes they’ve ever ran. Long rest John😞

Arham Qureshi: Amongus😳😳😳

Jonas Tan: AMONGUS

Megha Mohan: I have to admit that episode 14 was pretty good . This episode managed to balance all emotions nicely

Ceptur: I hope Mick doesn't die in this season

Pandora Tonks: Does anyone know what song Spooner was listening to this episode (6×14) when the subtitles called it 'mellow R&B'?

K_ _: Wife & wife for next season. Hell yeah!

Jason Smith: When I saw Mick get caught in the explosion I immediately thought of Hank from Titans

josep gabarrós pérez: And Bishop will show up during the wedding at the last minute

P The Spidey: If constantine is coming back it means they will travel back in time and save john from injecting the fountain and killing it and also save spooner because spooner also died when the fountain died. The legends will travel back in time probably at the moment where john and bishop were alone in front of the fountain

User: Mick still alive after that explosion or did Gideon heal him

LousyStudioProductions: So the fountain was a gift to prevent alien invasions. What about the Dominator invasion or about 96% of everything that happens on Supergirl and Superman & Lois lol

Jamie Spence: Foongus > Amoonguss

targetseeker: not the chicken men invasion the time masters were dreading but close enough

John Diggle: Amongus?!

Psycho J: You know, aliens ruining Ava and Sara when it might be worse than the Nazis ruining Barry and Iris wedding on crisis on Earth X Crossover. What makes the situation worse, the Legends has way more members to handle the alien invasion. The Legends could have gotten Wally, Mona, Shara, Carter, and Amaya before going in the battle with the aliens. It's amazing how so many people is part of the Legends and as the new seasons go on they are never seen again with the legends.

Sungai Petani Online: faster we waiting netflix

Haris Ban: Behrad who knows nothing that has happened so far :- Something has happened mama baba I have to go right now.

Cherry Rose Mararac: Mick's last episode☹!

Wilbert Andrade: The thing that I hate a little about the arrow verse shows is that the a lot of the finales of theses seasons will be like “it’s the end of the world ahhhhhh” but they never call any others teams like if it’s gonna destroy or impact the whole world shouldn’t they call hero’s from the other shows as well🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


hero92694able: Eye roll

ジョン: in before beebo shows up and saves the day 😳

Nathalie N: "The Fungus Among Us" alternative title for TLOU 😂

Quinn Jones: No one gonna talk about the title 😂

Outlook Gamez: Amongus

leafyishereisdumbname aka ThanosetalgicMemeories: A....among us?

Asterio Salamida: sus among us?

Chancellor Palpatine: I feel like legends of tomorrow is barely a dc show at this point and that is weirdly one of its strengths

Hafizur Rahman: You guys still watch this ?

Enmanuel Peña Alcantara: Eso va a estar de bueno lo espero está wow

Geoffrey Lane: How is this show still on smh.

W Lee: Yep the laat two episodes of L.O.T. were kind of goofy which means they were going to do the gut punch episode soon. It looks like the season finale should also be good and emotional. Its a shame they have to wait till the end of each season to give you shows with that emotional punch.

James Burgess: The Fungus Amogus

NoShieldRon: sus

Todd Schouweiler: If Orphan Annie were watching this she probably say, "Leapin' lizards! The Zagurons are invading!" Ha! Ha! Sorry! This seemed like the perfect movie quote, just for this kind of scenario.

stellarman: I always ship avalance 🏳️‍🌈

Maulana Aja: SUS?

Daddy Gamer: many congrats to ava and sarah

gtaylor1229: In the end, his drive and greediness to restore his own power was what cause John Constantine’s clock to finally run its course. 😔

María Rosa 13: Es en serio? O sea la segunda parte de la temporada recién estreno y ya cierran la temporada?? REALLY😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

Butterbean: amogus

trylobyte07: Alien invasion? Would be a good idea to call up friendly powerful aliens for help like Superman and Supergirl. And Martian Manhunter!

Anony mOus: garbage! sjw wedding the show had potential!

jeniel cross: Wow

Joel Fernandes: Hollywood RIP

Kev Boys: Did someone say among us

John Wolf: Among us

Blaze BangerZ: Is no one gonna talk about the title???

The List of Jericho: Constataine better not be gone. He’s the only person keeping the show interesting

flash72000: The co Captain thing is so forced and stupid. I wonder which writer has a such bad idea. Now Sara is barely the Captain and they force in every episode to make Ava the real Captain just because she is Sara’s girlfriend. I know that I will be harassed by the Avalance fans by saying that but it’s my opinion. This episode seems to be cool with the alien invasion though.

x.GachaR.x: John and Zari, I hope they get back together and The right John comes back

Mohd Daniel Shaffique Broh: Finally!! 😭😭

Ezeke Haynes: Dude why is the title of the episode named after gen 5 pokemon

Patrick Beerman: Among us?

CryptonX: Amogus

Christopher Lopes: I am hoping that Sara’s mysterious friend is actually SuperGirl or Harrison Wells from Earth 2!!!!!

Pablo Silguero: Ya? :0

Qi Fuh Yue: Amogus….nice title lmao

Philip Blaise: Was one of the best episodes iv seen from this show in awhile and bishop is just so goddamn uninteresting

Ras_ AlHim: Fuck this, why did he have to die😭😭😭

chase lowrey: I think he's coming back because of his and zari's relationship.

Spideyfan127: This “Avalance” wedding is messed up. The real Sara is dead, the woman Ava’s marrying is a fucking clone who she did not fall in love with in season 3. Imagine Sara watching from heaven as this copy takes her girl.

Paratroopa Earl: I have this crazy theory Mick at the Avalance wedding is a clone because there is no way he could survived that explosion

Tullock: Show is trash now.

Ben Wasserman: Ik heroic sacrifices aren't really John Constantine's thing - especially given current circumstances - but it would be great if, should the Legends revive the Fountain, he emerges from it to finish off Bishop. Fingers crossed.

The Reaper675: This episode was very visually appealing and the cgi was done better than supergirl, the only problem is Bishop being rather annoying and predictable

The Reaper675: I wonder which one of Sara’s “old friends” Behrad will allow her to meet… will it be Charlie? Amaya? *Oliver* …?

The Reaper675: Well one good thing that came with johns demise is that we no longer have to watch the awful relationship he and Zari had.

Future5 Gaming: Why is john appear on thumbnail even tho i don’t see him in promo ?

The Reaper675: This episode was actually pretty good, it had emotional moments with John and Spooner and provided character growth for her.

stopstaringatmewtf: AMOGUS?! SUS?!

Isabella Gamarra Ruiz: Can’t wait

Ilahmae Cunanan: I hope Sara is getting married.

MOC Prod: Not again bad lighting for an avalance kiss and it is the wedding kiss 😭😭 but I'm gonna die next episode

Isabella Gamarra Ruiz: John 😭😭😭

Isabella Gamarra Ruiz: Love this ❤️‍🔥

Joel Ybanez: Legends of Tomorrow season rankings 1. Season 2 (an overall great storyline with better villains in the form of the Legion of Doom) 2. Season 3 (a nice Vixen-centric storyline and it also gets points for officially bringing John Constantine back from his cancelled show and into the Arrowverse) 3. Season 1 (although the main plotline with the Hawks and Vandal Savage could have been better, it was rather a good start of the show and showcases the dynamics of the titular team) 4. Season 5 (slightly better than Season 4 with fine storyline for Charlie, but the big bad could've been better) 5. Season 4 (in general, the season really kinda suffers from its comedy as some of episodes really took it too far and becomes cringey. However, i do like the big bad and Constantine's storyline) 6. Season 6 (this is the season where i really started to hate what this "comedy" has done to this show. The alien theme was not interesting, i hate what they did to Sara this season and how she is literally the OG Legend left on the team, and Bishop is by far THE worst villain in the Arrowverse. I also hate how this is Constantine's very last time on this show even though his storyline was like the only interesting part this season)

l u c a s: SHE AND SHE😻🛐🫂

Joel Ybanez: Legends of Tomorrow Big Bad rankings 1. Reverse-Flash (at this point, Eobard Thawne is practically THE best villain in the Arrowverse. As the main villain of Season 2 of Legends and leader of the Legion of Doom, he was really great as this is also practically Matt Letscher's performance as the character) 2. Mallus (a very good original Arrowverse villain with a great design, powers, and backstory) 3. Lachesis (while i find Charlie's storyline with the Fates a bit interesting, Lachesis is just not that compelling and her defeat was rather underwhelming) 4. Neron (interesting villain as he has a good rivalry with John Constantine, but the problem is that he doesn't have a consistent actor to play him) 5. Vandal Savage (bad actor, uninteresting storyline, and his character overall is just terrible compared to his counterpart in the comics and on Young Justice) 6. Bishop (WORST ARROWVERSE BIG BAD EVER. This guy is really annoying, pathetic, and unbelievable on how he is the big bad of Season 6 as well as the showrunner finding this character comparable to Thanos)

Justin Brown: I hope Mick’s Babies are ok

Joel Ybanez: Finished 2021 Arrowverse seasons ranked 1. Superman & Lois S1 (what a great first season to this show. Not only that the production is very high quality, but the writing and character development was really great as both Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch shine as the titular characters) 2. The Flash S7B: "The Godspeed Imperative" (although the Godspeed arc should have been developed more, it was definitely very interesting in terms of bringing back some old characters like XS, Jay Garrick, and John Diggle as well as finally bringing in Bart Allen aka Impulse) 3. Batwoman S2 (this was a challenging season for this show as the writers essentially have to reboot it with a new original lead character, Ryan Wilder. While i did eventually warm up to her as well as like the storyline with Black Mask, there were still problems in the writing) 4. Black Lightning S4 (while this season finally concluded the rivalry between Black Lightning and Tobias Whale, as a final season it didn't really wrapped up loose ends) 5. DC's Legends of Tomorrow S6 (once again, the show continues to drop in quality with this inconsistent comedic tone. Not only that alien theme was not interesting, but this was also Constantine's unfortunate sendoff and Bishop is such a terrible villain in the Arrowverse. Be glad that this season was a bit more entertaining than that of the Forces arc on The Flash) 6. The Flash S7A: "God Complex" (do i even need to explain why this arc is so low on this list? One word: UNWATCHABLE. The Forces arc was the cringiest storyline we have ever seen in the Arrowverse)

Joel Ybanez: Finished 2021 Arrowverse big bads ranked 1. Tal-Rho (while i have mixed feelings about Tal-Rho being Superman's half-brother, i definitely do think he was a very well written character as he was essentially the Arrowverse adaptation of the Eradicator) 2. Black Mask (cool mask design as well as the actor giving a pretty good and menacing performance) 3. Tobias Whale (as the final big bad of Black Lightning, i say that this was Tobias' very best season as the main villain as he really almost made Jefferson lose everything) 4. Godspeed (while he does have a very comic accurate costume, August Heart's character and storyline should have been developed more) 5. Speed Force (while the storyline with the Forces sucked, i do think that Michelle Harrison gives at least a decent performance as a villain) 6. Safiyah Sohail (an interesting connection to Alice, but i think Safiyah lacked development as she pretty much disappeared after 2x08 and return again very late near the finale of the season) 7. Bishop (clearly THE worst villain ever in the Arrowverse as he is so annoying and unbelievable that he was responsible for the events of Legends S6)

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