The Best NEW Meta Pokemon for GO Battle League Season 9!

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ZyoniK: Don't forget to use a Starpiece for end of Season Rewards! New Season starts at 1pm pst.

satish upadhyay: Bro you should use normal type castform with rock and normal type weather ball new in the meta try please 👍

Blast Heart: I’m surprised that Runerigus didn’t get Shadow Claw considering it and Cofagrigus are kinda in the same vein as each other.

T133Y [The spy leader: Scald is 50 E and has a 30% chance of lowering enemies attack

Pratyaksh 2583: Which website is he using

SL1CER: I got 135000 dust with star piece so 90k dust normal reward at rank 20

vijay.r kakade: What does meta means?

Stephen Goh Kok Yew: your left eye is red, i hope you're ok

Protap Roy: 🤠 wow! i wish this cofagrigus / yamask don't spaw in wild.... because it's now rare one

denomintor papi: It would be great if Niantic can implement a lock system after each seasons go battle league before claiming season rewards. I don't know how many times I have accidentally clicked the battle button before putting on a star piece and once you click there is nothing can be done to undo it. Even though I knew that I have to put on a star piece before claiming rewards but I don't know how many times I've accidentally clicked the battle button without the star piece. @Zyonik. Thanks, and love your videos! Awesome content as always:)

Keshav Vyas: Poliwrath learn new move. That was amazing

Mac Champ: I forgot the star piece!!! 😭

AlfiesMullet: Thunder fang on magnetrik is useless for gbl yes.. but it makes its mega evolution a killer electric type for raids

Rajdeep Dasgupta: I forgot the starpiece.. fooooooooooooooook.

Mauricio Heredia: When i finally can build the meta pokes... The meta change 😪

WeSuckAt Games: real grateful about the scald and cofagrigus buffs. not so grateful about all the other unnecessary and largely unimpactful buffs (like why manectric of all things?). wish they took a look at more bad moves. buffs for feint attack, sucker punch, low kick, and acid would make many pokemon better and shake up the meta a lot. buffs for charge beam, iron tail, steel wing, metal claw, and powder snow would be nice, but they wouldn't change nearly as much (don't buff zen headbutt, it'd make chansey, blissey, and regigigas super broken). there's so much potential in this game, but too many pokemon have bad moves.

Ap Ollo: bro, italian sub please

Jeff Rhodes: Have a rank 2 cofragigus so pretty happy with that update and a lucky for the cheap UL power up

Derek Esquia: Where’s nidokings coverage :(

Vedant Paramesh: So would you not want flame charge over overheat

TheKid. Danny: I Have a 95% Iv manetric but I also have a shadow electriike that I can evolve into manectric but poor iv’s. Should I just put my resources in the the manetric I already have since I also can’t change the frustration charge move ?

javiii916 Escobar: When you hit greedent with a charged attack he poops 🤣🤣🤣

David G: Great video. FYI season 8 ended and 9 began at 1pm Pacific Daylight time.

Robert L Alexander: I just ran Cofagrius/Greedent/Diggersby and Cofagrius is an absolute BEAST/TANK with the update. Shadow Ball and Psychic are the charged moves. I honestly think people had no idea what to expect from it! I was just running that line for fun and did much better than I thought. Greedent on the safe lures out the counter users but the body slam spam helps a lot and Crunch is there for the darks/ghosts. It’s a play on the double dark lines with Ghost/Double Normal

Jon: Early days but Fletchinder has been an absolute little monster.

WyskEdits: I tried manectric already and it's a beast.. yeah glassy but if you lead with it and double wild charge or overheat whatever you can it is insane

Martim Seixo: I'm going to use my rank 1 Manectric on the start of this season

PopPunkGamers: that small nerf to weather ball thank goodness

Trey Bern: No Nidoking ? Hello!!!??? Wtf. . 😒

Amit Kumar: What team to put then, I was going with stunfisk (galarian), deoxys(defense), tropius and that took me a while ho get all the candies and stuff and now it looks like they all are worthless. Please upload what team to choose for season 9

LGsus: Im glad i have my 1#rank and a decent shiny 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

amer rosyeid abu hassan: They should nerf drill run instead of waether ball.

Julian Blohm: What about Heracross with rock blast? It’s already a hard hitting fighter and the #3 closer in UL premier classic but now it counters charizard and talonflame

Jared Jennette: “From Spice to Nice” I think we have your next merch.

Montmito: Zy, do you think one of the weather ball users will no longer be relevant to the meta?

Shinyhunter LA: Season 9 is the only season idk if I plan to do it this season after hitting my goal in season 8

DanCDJ92: Good thing I gave my girlfriend my cofagrigus a month or so ago, cause she needed it for her Pokédex cause she’s accidentally deleted her yamask 😂😂🙈

Rampaged Garchomp: Hey Zyonik!! I am planning to submit you some sets with Klefki, Runerigus and lvl 50 aron soon!! Do you like this idea?

Eric Cisneros: Hopefully the amount of Greedent we will probably see will bring out the fighting pokemon which will give Pidgeot a lot of play. Excited to see Nidoking and Poliwrath also!

Rom 5050: i though that he was going to say don't forget to drop a like 😂

Nazmus Sakib: Have a rank 1 coffin 😂

JohnWicK GZ: Man how to get that ghost pokemon??

Chris Johnson: Spiritomb needs shadow claw

Ken Ny: Scald is 30% chance to burn in the main games so it'd make sense. It's also widely regarded as the best move along with Stealth Rock and Knock Off ^^

Telentfull: Couldn't reach veteran by 20 elo this season. Kinda sad but I'll hit it for sure this season! Gl yall

Djkevinhere: okayy guys when i was new to the game i used manetrike a lot im an og user

Raed Skerek: I wanna share my last team of the season with you guys, I had a ton of fun with it, and I went on a seriously good run, finally hitting that rank I was after: Sirfetch'd lead: Counter, Leaf Blade, Close Combat Azumarill safe swap: Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump Altaria in the back: Dragon Breath, Sky Attack, Moonblast You wouldn't believe the amount of match-ups Sirfetch'd wins in this meta with this moveset, you even hit plenty of counter switches for a ton of damage, I consistently got off Close Combats on incoming Skarmories and it feels awesome. Moonblast on Altaria really helps too, like forget the mirror and the fairies, but you hit Umbreon and Obstagoon much harder, and you One Shot Scrafty. If you still have sets to do give it a shot, if you're done with the season I hope you try it out in the next one, either way I hope you have as much as a blast with it as I have. :)

PakoSkates: I'm excited for these changes, especially Manectric and Cofagrigus! I loved using Poliwrath with Ice Punch/DP against Politoed and Altaria. I'll have to test Scald with some new comps. Unfortunately I used most of my Yamask candy for Runerigus so I will need more rare candy 😭

Balamb Garden: spicy to nicey

Siddharth: After the weather ball debuff is it better to have surf instead of weather ball for politoed?

Justin Elliott: How is scald legacy on poli whirl if it was just added to the game as a new attack?

Rafael Funes: Man you are my favorite content creator along with ZPsticks and Thotechtical!

Am I doin this right?: Rip my rank 4 Yamask i got last October... transferred it because of how bad it was XD

RastaBoo: Is it my imagination, or did they do Magnetric dirty by giving it worse moves than it had? Thanks for the break down! Can't wait for Cofagrigus.

Sasankvajjala: You forgot about greedent It also have crunch and it can also spam it very quickly

MaxwellsAxiom: Sounds like the kids were pissed off in the background lol

streetfare: Great video! What do you anticipate the new energy cost for Feather Dance will end up being?

Joe Rodriguez: Hey Zyonik does this mean that old buffs such as dragontail, focusblast no longer buffed?

OHYEAH DNA: Very informative👍

OHYEAH DNA: Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee👍

Tengu: What shall be the amount of stardust approximately?

_ASWIN S.S: I'm really exited to use normal castform

chuck Meister: These are real helpful but not going to lie really miss your battle videos haven't heard a BOOOOM in what feels like an eternity lol

Gabissol Channel: Rock weather ball?!... Oh it's about meteor rain

Alex Conner: Yes nerf weather ball when hydron cannon is out there

Jose Miguel Manzanares Chirinos: Going FROM Spicy to Nice? Spicelord Boygos would like to have a word with you about the spice being (already) nice hahahahha

Kieran: I'm so happy weather ball is getting a minor power decrease

Joseph Mangano: Not sure if I would use Manectric, but if I do, I'm hoping people decide to bring Pidgeot out to play. 😈

transkodak27: Still waiting till they do something about the fast moves: Astonish, Feint attack, low kick, Iron tail, steel wing, etc.

Daniel Oliveira: I think I haven't seen a Yamask in over a year... =/

Son Darui: "Complications with stardust " is a little bit of an understatement lol

breloommaster12: Don't forget shadow manectric exists, so those nuke moves are going to destroy

GhostShock: Got a nice 97 % Shadow Manetric last night. Lets go.

Sleeping Troubles: The whole Poli line now is wealthy, they should buff Poliwag himself at this point. I wish Seadra would get a buff too, it seems on the verge of being good, maybe a full XL 51 on UL is alredy good?

Rob Schmidt: Does anyone know what team they may run with Cofagrigus

S Dey: I was building a #1 xl greedent for the ultra league and crunch got buffed. Now im even more excited to use it in the ul 😁😁😁

Sleeping Troubles: I like how you say "the fires" on great league and there's like 1 or 2 examples there, poor fire types need a rework of the moves

Criston Furtado: I have a 99.3 rating (for great league) shiny cofagrigus ready for gbl. Cant wait to test it out! (And a little shiny flex ✨)

Robert L Alexander: Looks like Ferrothorn would pair wel with Poliwrath

Cesar "Kaiser" Sanchez: Thanks for this. Gonna see what team I can put together

WINSTON MOSCOW: nah braindead people will still use azu,stunfisk,umbreon bastiodon etc

What da dog doin?: Good thing I invested is some of these spicy pokemon

jason worthy: I actually think Nidoking could have been very overlooked, running sand tomb instead of poison fang (nidoqueen) could definitely be a viable alternative and provide a different coverage while still pressuring the kinder egg.

Rampaged Garchomp: I am planning to submit you some sets with Klefki, Runerigus and lvl 50 aron soon!! Do you like this idea?

david keizer: The 5 people who actually kept their Cofagrigus must be happy right now....

Jen Gutierrez: imagine Greedent spamming crunch LoL

AMRIT AGGARWAL: I am really excited

Robert Barrows: Manetrik is gonna be nice and I want one lol. Here's to hoping I find one soon all the ones I have are terrible 🤣

Juan Moreira: The chance debuff upgrade to crunch is going to dial the annoyance factor of facing Greedent up to 11

名無し: Hello, i live in Japan, and i want to catch Azelf and Mesprit. Please invite me (ノ゚ο゚)ノ Anyone is OK

Shashwat Majge: All fun and games until pidgeot rages with Gust/Feather dance, getting it's revenge for being excluded one whole season

Aero Blaze: Finally, (and something that I think you may have overlooked) I can utilise my XL Shiny Manectric to break cores in ultra premier, instead of just being mega evolution fodder.

shest: U kinda forgot Nidoking tbh. He's gonna get a new move and a buff to an existing move and he will be able to take down Umbreon with a sand tomb shield bait

Ray Santiago: Omg I’m excited to use the new moves!! Stoked to try Manectric and Poliwrath!

SLEEPYFRIENDX official X: Greedent could be the meta in season9

Mateo Zavala: I think Greedant will be the new Meta because of the crunch upgrade.

Akash Jana: I don't have star piece 😕

Saptashwa Paul: 'It went from below Spice to super Nice" - Zyonik,2021

_TOBIKK_: But psychic on cofagrigus is still something good for like wigglytuff u said. :)

NoobMaster69 PokeGamer: I have a question though Im planning to run Garchomp with e.power with mewtwo psystrike and Lugia with aeroblust....Im little bit confuse to run 2 phsycic pokemons mewtwo and lugia....Would it be safe to run this team in master league classic?? can anybody tell me??

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