The Season 3 FINALE..! Wheel of 2K

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Joe Stewart: I actually felt real pain watching the intro, the level of awkwardness in that group chat...

Mr.Shane 27: papa meags it’s not possible to define your beauty in only 1 paragraph but all i can do is try let’s start with them ocean blue eyes which glisten in the light capturing the eyes of every female now that sandy blonde hair really bringing out the wonderful tone in your skin and face with such a greatly defined jaw line and perfect nose cheek bones immaculately positioned your genetics are perfect you can’t forget the 6’5 245 physique of yours made of solid muscle and that monster schlong down below you are truly one beautiful man and even tho you didn’t go 12-0 you can 👏my 🤰🍑

MST SkLZ: Dear Papa Meags Hello father, words cannot describe how incredibly handsome you are. everyday i look through my phone screen and see the most handsome 6’5 245 stature in the world. if i have secured the bag on a female and she looks at papa, that woman is gone. no woman can withstand the handsomeness that papa meags holds. Bella honestly should just come back. Kaylee, Ashley, Bella, and Bailey are all taking a L in life just because they had a chance with a 6’5 handsome beast from michigan yet they failed to secure the bag. Love you father Sincerely, your son that is currently in the dungeon abusing the pig

Gavin Schneider: MMG or normally known as Matt. Ahhh Matt what a handsome name for such a handsome boy. MMG is one of the most handsome guys I know. The way his curly blonde hair sits on his head and the way his glasses lay on his face just completes the definition of handsome.

Melillobros: sorry my assignment is late papa… Matthews eyes… what people also compare to the beautiful color of the ocean. Every time those perfect eyes blink you can see the waves through those circular glasses. Searching “MMG” in the Youtube seachbar and seeing a new Matthew Meagher video post reading “3 minutes ago” is like seeing a woman’s behind. Seeing the flame explode in the beginning of every video, seeing the foobers, and disrespecting women is just a extravagant way to kick off these banger of videos. Girlfriends… Matthew Meagher has had quite of few of those. I know yet it is hard staying in the dungon for many hours a day waiting for those 13 locks to be opened up for supper, how could you make Matthew create a video called “Boys we got to talk”. Matthew being 6’5 245 lbs and also having a shift knob below the belt it takes him awhile to get around the house so the women would be required to do there chores these chores consists of a few things -Fetching food and water -Washing wishes -Cleaning skid marks out of the masters underwear -Giving sloppy whenever the “NUT” buzzer is tapped No women has ever surpassed these chores and he is still looking for the one to do it. In conclusion Matthew Meagher also referred to as Papa or MMG is a specimen only the sexist men alive strive to be. His is the extra face added to Mount Rushmore just for pure sexyness. -Barry Sanders

Darnell Mooney: Thots can be hot, puppies can be cute, flowers can be pretty, but only one thing is Handsome and that is Papa Meags. His hair GOATED, his eyes GOATED, theres not one thing thats not GOATED about MMG and he is the only thing, known as handsome.

Astro Luxurr: Handsome essay: When we talk about the charm of the male specimen, there are multiple degrees we have to refer to. The highest of those degrees is one single human being; this is the six foot five, two hundred and fourty five pound male of immaculate handsomeness known as Matthew Meagher. Referred to as Papa Meags, Matthew’s attractiveness is incomparable to anyone else on this earth. His tanned skin complexion is absolutely to die for. This is very well complemented by his built figure, which is not only an outer feature, but also reflects his work ethic to achieve such a figure, which adds even more attraction to where it would be thought it was not possible to be more attractive. Matthew’s perfect color tone of his hair is unequivocally wonderful, that goes perfect with his fabulous smile that will absolutely get the blood coursing through your veins towards your cock area at unhealthy rates of speed. Women would unanimously and wholeheartedly agree with the statement of Matthew’s face having the largest attraction towards it that they have ever seen in their existence on our Earth. To continue, Matthew’s beefy thighs and succulent calves just booster the already unbelievable resume for his attraction. Moving from these delicious legs to his feet, I cannot describe the temptation that Matthew Meagher’s toes bring to the table. If you do not want to embarrass yourself in public, or commit a felony, stay away from Matthew’s toes as the sheer need to slurp up these juicy toes will be too overwhelming for you if you even see them out of the corner of your eye. Lastly, but certainly most importantly, Matthew Meagher contains one last surprise. Papa Meags has a 6 foot 9 inch whale cock. Yes, that is right, not only is his cock so long that he has to rap it around itself several times, but it is also the exact perfect length, 6’9. Additionally, the gerth of this cock cannot even be described with words in the English dictionary. If you are not rock hard right now I question your state of mind. Saying Matthew has just a “nice cock” would be the understatement of the millennium. So, in conclusion, from his head to his toes and back up to his cock, Matthew Meagher is not only handsome, but in fact he is the most handsome human being on God’s green earth. There is no way to deny this fact. If Matthew went 12-0 in wheel of 2k, I would gladly accept the results of what was to come, as it would not be a punishment, but just a gift to even be a spectator of Matthew Meagher doing his best work. -me

Jordan Senderson: Dean wade from k state=papa being handsome asf

1tzTommy: No essay is needed to describe how handsome Papa Meags is. You look at him and you’re in love. He can pull any girl he wants, including your mother. 6’5 245 lb king 👑

Kashmir Raccoon: man makes so much money and has the worst jersey game

Dabaja 19: MMG, Matt, Matthew, PAPA MEAGS, whatever you wanna go by, I hereby write this essay (in MLA format) in likes of your handsomeness. Your as good looking as the blaxican-blasian, Dwyane Wade. Your one of, if not the best looking person to ever walk this Earth. If the Venezuelan-Brazillian Dwyane Wade and Cooper Kupp could have a kid, it’d be you. I am speaking for all the boys when I say this, we love you and your beautiful face and we can’t wait for your next “boys I have to to tell you something…” video. Contacts or glasses, you’re still handsome, NEVER CHANGE! sincerely, all the boys🙏❤️🐐 Ps. I live in Michigan and i feel your pain as a Lions fan😔😔 Hope to meet you one day papa🐐🔥

Jacob Sikking: You are handsome. That is all that needs to be said. Love you papa❤️

Donato Giuseppi: Bro is it just me or does Matt always look extra SUBMISSIVE and BREEDABLE

Your_boiesteban Gamer: You’re the goat essay: yo MMG IS THE GOD AT 2k your your the best bro love your content and your handsome I’m not gay but it’s a handsome essay you know what I mean so yeah u the best and love the vids so love ya 💪

Leo Goodman: Papa is so handsome and his hair is amazing with his glasses he looks like Harry Potter except the hands,we version

Oscar Sanchez: Papa meages I would like to say that I am refraining from typing the aforementioned “Handsome essay” due to the fact that your wheel spin provided you with any player above the legal height of 6’7” and you proceeded to acquire Micheal Jordan who is only 6’6” therefore we must negate the points he score in the final game (9) which would bring the final score of the game to 64-64. Meaning the game would end in a draw. However I would like to strike a deal and offerer a lengthy Handsome paragraph in exchange for a 45 second equality speech. It’s the most fair offer you will receive and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

Aarav Jariwala: I love Daddy Meags so I will write this essay. Papa Meags, is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. All the woman stares at him while he is yelling at a camera in a room by himself. The woman then scream but without the s. If anyone says Papa Meags is discusting, I will knock them out and then proceed to scream without the s because I am such a demon and Papa Meags makes me a demon. So while I am there, barbecue sauce on my titties, I watch a 10 hour playlist of all the Papa Meags' OnlyFans because I wanted to see his toes. Then I scream without the s again because he toes are crusty and that crust has bangers on them. Daddy Meags is so handsome and such a gentleman, except he doesn't give a shit about woman. Even is there is money on the line, he won't give a damn about women. He always puts his girlfriends in the dungeon where they rot and die but Papa Meags gives them food so they stay alive. This makes Papi Meags even more handsome as it shows he is super assertive with woman. Please take this essay to note and tell me what you have learned. -Daddy Meags Supporter

Zonive: Jordan’s 6’6…

Luke Hertel: Papa u cute because yo face is beautiful.

Kirin Greene: Thanks so much for all the videos and uploads! Can't wait for more! Can't play with money anymore but love watching y'all struggle through the grind every year!!!

Amit Karthikeyan: Very handsome

Ferda Man: How should I start papa is just an absolute unit. He has the biggest milkers and can steal your girl. With his impeccable jaw line and humongous biceps he is by far the handsomest man on the planet. He has a outstanding haircut. His glasses high quality and our enough to get anyone’s mom in his bed. He can pull any girl since he his stunning young buck, and can squat 650 easily. Their is not enough words to describe how handsome and gentlemen like papa means really is. This is why I call him daddy!

Toph: Mr papa/father/daddy/dad is extremely attractive. Virtually describes what it means to be a Greek god,( not goddes😡). Is up to 80% on his monster shmeat which only all of our mom’s will know how big it is. He is the whole package. With a whole package😉. We love you papa. Have a great day😁

Teo G: What defines a handsome man? this has been a frequently asked question since the birth of the earth. well today i am here to define it for you. a handsome man is someone who will make you laugh while making you hard. a man who despite the fact that you like woman can flip you around to the dark side. a handsome man is what you ask? a handsome man is PAPA MEAGS

Shae Springer: Papa here is your essay: Some might say handsome is described by some personality but that is wrong. Handsome is only described by one thing or one person. That person is standing at 6’5in and is 245 or pure muscle. This man has golden blonde hair and Beautiful eyes. This man has pull some many girls that he gets dump because he is out there league. This handsome man I speak of is you papa megas. You are so handsome a guy would turn gay for you. That is my definition of handsome

Dylan Howanitz: Oh Papa, My Papa.... My handsome 6'5 245lb CHISELED MOUNTAIN OF A MAN. You brought me sunshine when all I saw was rain. You brought me laughter when all I saw is pain. Your handsomeness is unrivaled and beyond belief. No woman shall ever deserve the honor of gracing gods gift to this earth (AKA Papa) and no woman dare bare his seed. His luscious gold locks and ocean blue eyes will make any woman in his path get soaked. Oh Papa, My Papa.......... oh and @tombrady PAPA IS YOUR DADDY!

Known As Review: 3:30 8:40

Spencer Lehmann: Dub doesn’t count MJ below 6’7 I want a redo game

Juke Box: Hi papa, you are just so scrumptious mmm. I can’t wait for you to not read this, but you are truly the most handsome man ik. I have based my style and the way I present myself based off you. I had a Bella too and she was just too jealous of the love I have for you so she left me. This is not the longest essay, but your shlong is absolutely massive. I thank you for making me laugh and keeping me going throughout the years! Love you Papa!


Edison Card: Handsome friend love you happy smile ed happy

Andrew Kuehl: Peer review anyone?

Nathan Busch: papa meags is the most attractive man alive. why you ask? to start off he has the cutest smile. when he smiles the whole world smiles. also his 6’5” beast frame that he has been working on and perfecting his whole life is glorious. there is no one else in this world that compares to the handsomeness of this man mmg. i love you papa.

Carrie Helmig: P

Kasen Hicks: Is that jxmy in the intro???

Matthew Chartier: Wasup papa. Here is your essay: No one that has ever lived on this planet is as handsome you are. Like you have some serious nerve living and walking in the public because the people that aren't as handsome as you start fuming because they are jealous. People say the money cant buy happiness. And maybe they are right but you are so handsome that you dont need money to be happy. You got your looks. And that is what matters. You cant but in any amount of work to look as good as you because your looks are like an athlete's natural athleticism you will have it for ever. You know... all of my friends(guys) have crushes on you. Bro... no cap they get hard. So... i think i speak for all of the boys here when I say. There are no words that can describe the sexiness and handsomeness you have. Papa... i hope you approve of this essay. 💧💧💧💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🥶🥶🥶🥶

The Aussie Legend: This is a loss because Jordan is 6’6 not 6’7

Matt S: A person may be good looking. He impresses others by his personality. Others might find him handsome. But once they get to know him, they may find many faults in his character and their first impression about him gets tarnished. They may even start to hate him because of the flaws in his character. His personality which impressed others at first cannot influence them anymore. It turns into scorn and hatred in due course. On the other hand we may consider the case of an ugly person. If his character happens to be attractive and good, others will like him. They will try to mingle with him more and more. Their attitude will in due course turn to one of love, affection and even adoration. This proves that a person’s attraction does not depend on his external appearance. Instead it is based on his inner quality and ability. In other words, a person can be called really handsome only if he happens to be good and attractive in his character instead of being attractive and fine looking externally.

vHypnotic: Handsome essay

Ian Wiggers: im supposed to be doing homework so i got a sentence. Papa Meags is my handsome bae

JD30 Green: Papa there is no way around it, you are theeeee most handsome man in the world. Your 6’5 245 pound frame is truly beautiful Your Avery handsome and all your girlfriends should have stayed with you at the same time. You are soooo handsome and can not wait for the next season ,yours truly Subscriber

Tyler Himlin: MLA FORMAT HUGH JANUS MR. Meagher SexEd101 31 Aug 2021 Matthew is a very handsome young man. My grandson watches your channel and all I ever hear coming from his room is him screaming papa meags is my dad. And after watching your videos, to put it simply, he is 100% correct

Campzz: Matthew meager, you are the absolute most handsome man of all time, somebody even say to be handsome enough to have a “drip “. Whenever I watch your videos I admire your handsomeNess and sometimes even get jealous of how handsome you are, and due to the fact of how handsome you are I will not be skipping raid shadow legends ads for the next five videos they are there. Enjoy, Second most handsome man on the planet

Zack Moser: People would say that matt is “handsome” he is not just handsome he is so much more than that. Most people are just intimidated by the sheer length of his shmeet cannon and i am most people. I have never seen someone like matthew pull of those glasses and i don’t think anyone can. He has great fashion sense and is always in great clothes. matt is so successful off of just making people laugh. All in all matt makes me want to do unspeakable things.

ballislife _elm: Jordan is 6”5

Jace TONAGEL: Your handsome facial hair is just to much for me. That blond hair is just stunning. The awesome manly glasses just top it off. You have the hottest shoulders of any man I’ve ever seen those pecks make me shake.

Music man: Man.... Where do I begin. Papa is the literal god of handsomeness like you guys think johnny sins or Ryan Reynolds are handsome just look at papa he can make any women he sees fall for him with a blink of an eye and the will instantly fall to the floor and start rubbing themselves until squirt all over the place no one could ever imagine the great and sacred power of the papa all of his exes are still out there crying wishing they had the d of papa meags yet he had to let them go so the others could get some of that handsome mans d love you papa no one could ever compare


Jacob Lahiff: Imagine a 6’5, 245 pound absolute menace to society. His amazing looks make peoples eyes explode. Mmg is the most handsome man in the world. Mmg is the most handsome man in the world because he just it. Nobody looks as good as him. In the dictionary, the definition of handsome is having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance. There needs to be an addition to the dictionary. The number 1 synonym to handsome needs to be mmg. He is just so insanely smoky, gallant, captivating, alluring, sensuous, etc. no other man besides Dwight Howard is on his legal. Ronaldo looks like a homeless man when standing next to mmg. The only person who does not need to imaging being the most handsome person in the world is mmg. He is the exact definition of handsome. No other person in history is on his legal. Mmg is always dialed in.

Obese coconut: Your cute

Obese coconut: Your cure

Cody’s Cool: Papa you are by far the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. There’s no doubt that I would let you be the father of my kids. In conclusion here is your essay and my resume to be the father of your children.

Braden Dean: Handsome usually comes down to the looks of a man. But with Papa Meags, it is so much more. It holds much more meaning than simply looks. Papa Meags could eat a soggy sandwich, and still make it look good. Papa Meags is the definition of handsome. Keep it up boyyyy

Matt Vlogs: Papa your handsomeness gives me chills! You make me want to be a better person just from looking at your face and personality. There is something about your handsomeness that just gets me going into becoming a better person. Now let me see that shaft big boy!

Vance Hopkins: Vance Hopkins Papa Meags Feminism 101 31 August, 2021 Handsome is a word that has a different meaning to everyone. In my opinion, it is defined by our father who art in thy dungeon, Matthew Shmeatger. To start, his filumptuous jaw is unlike any other. Secondly, his above average buttox has had me find myself staring at pictures and tik toks of it for hours on end. Thirdly, those sparkly eyes make me lose myself in a daydream that i never want to end. To end off this essay of how incredibly handsome my father is, I would like to talk about his 6’5 245 figure. There aren’t a lot of people in this world that can say they are purely muscle with a figure that large, but by golly you have surely met the criteria. In conclusion, Papa Meags is the most handsome being known to man, and anyone who says otherwise is simply a fool. In love, your dungeon janitor

Sunny Jooce: Papa the most handsome papa alive. He is 10/10 he is just, so handsome I can’t even explain it. He is just an absolute 🅿️🚹Ⓜ️🅿️. I am proud to say how handsome my papa is.😏

OG Kenny P: Jesus jordan is 6'6 Smfh

Jackson Iciek: An essay can not describe how handsome our papa is

ImpulsiveGaming23: Papa you’re so handsome that thanks would willingly give you his gauntlet and become your personal home stripper.

Reilly Sparks: so to say or not to say Matt is "handsome" would be more than an insult because matt is more lucious than the stars themselves and hotter than the sun love you matt

Duncan Bradley: 6,5 250 pound beast packing a 58 incher and is just a very hot man

Elijah Zappin: I would write an essay but there’s nothing to write about. Thank you

lilgibby vert: Man really got y’all writing essays like professional writers when y’all hated writing in school 😭

Drew Wallin: Papa you are handsome

Mr. Clean: Papa meags, you are so utterly attractive. I mean Bella is wrong for leaving a 6’5” 245 black man with a bigger brat than yoboy pizza. I always sit back and wonder how a man like you can ever be single. Keep up the good work stud

King Daddy: Dear papa, You my father are the most handsome man i will ever witness to see on my screen. Even those glasses that have zero gender, seeing you wear them makes me act up Sincerely- Mr.DownHorendous

McDavid to Boston: Your a freak of nature ur 6'5 245 self won't Match anyone cause u are far superior. Also pls sign with the lats cause our kicker doesn't have ur build do it for 69 million?

G Money905: Troydan would be disappointed

Brady Mcafee: At 9:10 my handsome man sounds like a teleporting enderman

Cy: Webster’s dictionary defines handsome as: having pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance. But instead I would like to nominate Mathew Meagher Definition of Handsome: Absolute fire truck of a human weighing in at a whopping 245 pounds of pure muscle.

Lucas Smith: Your handsomeness makes me cream

Athens Piechowicz: Matt you are handsome, nuff said... Essay complete

Will Longo: When asked about the perfect man what comes to mind? Is it vitruvian man, that was the model for so many years? well it should be the virtruvian meags. The height, the muscle, the length of his brat, it all comes together to make the perfect man. The standard for beauty is now measured against papa. Ask yourself who is the most handsome person that you know, now look at meags. I can guarantee you that meags is prettier more handsome and 10 times the specimen of that person. And its not just in looks that makes him handsome. Meags is a great person, always delivering banger after banger. Always delievering boys i have to tell you something after boys i have to tell you something. Papa meags never ceases to amaze with all of his talents. From being a world traveler and a bag getter, i cant think of anything more attractive than that. And papa meags is quoted as saying “doja cat is sitting in a room, prob with meg the stallion, y’know rihanna, olivia rodrigo, and their like, yo papa meags smash or pass?” I can confirm from my sources that they said, “smash”. They knew papa meags is the most handsome man in the world, they know that he is getting a bag from being a feminist for 12 videos and they know what he majored in. In conclusion papa meags is the most handsome man in the world from his looks to his core papa meags is the goat. Bibliography: Sources - trust me bro ( nah but for real your vids are one of the best parts of my day and have gotten me from 6th grade to freshman year of college. you’re an legend man

Titus3242 Jon: Dear Papa, Every day I hop onto YouTube to watch one of the most handsome human beings I have ever laid my eyes upon. Just knowing that I live on Earth with such a gorgeous presence as yourself just makes me cream my boxers every morning when I wake. Thank you for blessing my screen with your beautiful features that pageant girls can only dream of having.... no one compares to you papa , you are so fucking handsome.

Laytin Waters: Some people might say that being “handsome” is based off of a persons opinion. To any person that might use that argument, I would have to display the face of Matthew Meagher. If I had to break down every aspect of this man, I do not think I would find a single flaw. He is the epitome of being handsome. He knows how to dress, he has a great smile, he has NEVER skipped a leg day, and if all of his body is up to par with the aspects that i have seen, this man most likely has a gargantuan schmeat stick. This man catches everybody off guard when he posts his thirst traps on instagram. Matthew, if you read this, I feel it is time that I confess the sins of me and the boys. When we make fun of some of the posts you make, it is because we are ashamed that we enjoy them. We do not feel comfortable letting you know that we adore seeing your handsome face. Now that you have solidified yourself as a dual-sport gamer, we have no other choice but to tell you how handsome we truly think you are. The thing that we all appreciate most about you is that you sacrificed becoming a pro athlete and most likely becoming the greatest to ever play whichever sport you choose, just so you could upload videos for our enjoyment. Now whenever I want to see the most handsome face in the world, I just go to youtube and type “MMG”. I really do thank you for that. Now there comes a part in my essay that is dreaded for me and for you. I think you know what I am talking about, and we both know that it is an issue to be addressed. Ex-girlfriends. I really do not want to call you out like this, but I have inside sources telling me you have never been dumped. Matthew, I know you have always been the one to initiate the break-up. Look at yourself, who would break up with that? I appreciate you trying to make yourself seem more like a human by lying about that instead of showing us the true god that you are. In conclusion, I would like to restate how handsome you are. When I think of the top most handsome people, I immediately think of you. The person who is the second closest (Dave Portnoy) is still light years behind you because of how handsome you are. He is closer to NaVorro Bowman than he is to you. (Lil throwback there). Anyways I just want you to know I will always love you. Please give me a call. Take me back. Please. -Bella Seriously. Take me back.

Ian Hollingsworth: Papa meags, your jawline is superb. The chin magnificent. Hair beautiful and wavy. The eyes are sparkling. Goddamn you’re so hot😩🥵😖😜😋

BenGameNights: Papa i didn't know the real definition of handsome until I saw you. Your 6' 5" 245lb frame is the most amazing thing to ever live. I've always wanted to believe that I am handsome but i now see that that can't be possible because i look absolutely nothing like you. When i asked my mom why you left her she said she told u to leave because you were so far out of her league it was unreal. So when you left she didn't cry because you left she cried because she knew that she didn't deserve you. My final thoughts is that I will never be happy because I dont even have 20% of the looks that you do.

Ausy austin gaming: Fire intro

Dannyy: Beautiful, sexy, immaculate, scrumptious, are a couple words to describe my father or as i love to call him, papa. He is so insanely handsome that he got every gender wanting a piece. He loves to say that he’s “igneous” which as he mentions is “as hard as a rock” papa has me and the boys feeling like that everyday for WO2K. Sadly we say goodbye to the goat series for as time passes we will be back with dwight howard dunking on peoples face. The great words of sexy papa meags will like on forever but as we will say tomorrow “see you boys in another video peace ✌️ “ 😔😔😔

Michael Michael: Papa the task you have given us is to list all the things that make you handsome. Papa your beautiful baby blue eyes , the glistening white teeth , your luscious locks and your 6 foot 5 inches stature that gives your all the ladies. When I watch your videos sometimes I have to hide my phone every time my mother is near because your handsomeness is inhuman and she can't resist. All of the past relationships ended because those women were not in your league , in fact no one is in your league. Papa there are many things I can say about your beauty but that won't fit on this comment, but knowing this you are the most handsome person in this world. Hope you enjoyed papa

Cole DiLeonardo: Papa i would like to tell you about how handsome you are you are an absolute freak of nature you are the most jacked 6’5” 245 pund man i have ever seen. love, your child

Stephen Castillo: Dear Papa, If anyone mentions the word handsome, they better be referring to PAPA MEAGS. First off, he is 6'5 and 245 lbs of PURE MUSCLES!!! He has more ethnicities then Dean Wade and Dirk Nowitzki combined. Have you seen the legs of PAPA. DEESTROYING be asking for his workout. The man's baby blue eyes...oh you get lost in those. To sum it up, PAPA MEAGS IS THE MOST HANDSOME INDIVIDUAL IN THE WORLD.......PERIOD!!

Harry Austin: Dear Senor Meags, We all cannot believe how unbelievably beautiful you are. God really took his time on your beautiful face. From every curve to every hidden texture or feel of your body, I can not see how any male is not attracted to you. Every lady is trying to find you at the moment. Please save some for the rest of us sir. Mr Meags you don’t understand how perfect you are. The most handsome man conversation had to start with the two word papa and Meags. Please spare the life of any peasant who thinks other wise. We all love you and want to milk you and the least we can do is call you smexy. Sincerely Everyone on this planet

Chase Insabella: In regards to Matt, “MMG”, Meagher. Webster’s dictionary defines “handsome” as “having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance.” If that didn't make sense to you, then I would direct you towards a true expert in the topic, MMG. Not only is MMG as handsome as they come, but everything else about him can inspire even the untouchables among men. Everything about MMG is so remarkable stories about his handsomeness will he passed on for generations to come, eventually depicting MMG as a sort of Legend, which is deserved.

FOR3ST__: Papa is the most handsome man of all, from his head to his toes his masculine beauty consumes us all. My appreciation for his face is just out of this world if I knew papa personally I would keep him away from my girl, papas beauty is matched by no other, if he went 12-0 I would send him the location of my mother. He’s so handsome no other man like him exists, these words are from the heart and it’s all because a list. Forest, Smith

Aaron: This is essay is a tribute to the one and only, Mr. Papa Meags. With the pure golden locks of your hair. Your beautiful blue eyes that look amazing with or without glasses. Your masculine 6’5 245lb frame. Your luscious lips that could wrap themselves around a massive black girthy…. Microphone ( if you know you know). Papa meags, you are the single most handsome man on the face of planet earth.

irohied 1: Hello papa meags, I just wanted to say ever since the very first time I laid eyes on you in October 2019(yeah I'm not an og) you sitting there at msu with your glasses, blue eyes as beautiful as an ocean view, a 6'5 245 pure muscle frame that strikes fear into even men like Aaron Donald, and then the hair fit for a Greek god. Ever since then I've been watching you through your heartbreaks( rip papa meags x Kaylee she was goated), living by your laws( I still haven't juuled, had premarital sex and I have not been a thot) and most of all admiring that beautifully chiseled jawline that's as sharp as the most well forged knife and as glorious as the heavens. Everytime I see you pop up on that screen with your massively huge p*** and ragingly huge biceps, I crack a smile as wide as the largest sea because that's just how handsome you are Matthew meagher. (Half homo)

Michael Goff: Matthew Meager Handsome Essay Being 6’5 is something millions of people would dream of. In almost every aspect, it is the ideal height, and 245 is the ideal weight for someone that height. Being one of the two alone would put you in the highest percentile of even the most attractive men, and being both puts you on the level of a god. Now, imagine you also have a giga chad jawline, with silky smooth blonde hair, and the ability to bench press 645 pounds, and pull out 100 pushups in almost any live stream. Someone with all of these qualities would be impossibly handsome. Or so you may think. Webster’s dictionary defines Handsome as “ having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance.” I define it as Papa Meags. While his 6’5, 245 pound frame is the foundation for his attractiveness, his chiseled jawline and gorgeous golden locks are where he truly becomes hard to resist. He is so handsome, in fact, that many have said that he was created by the god Dwight Howard himself, with the sole purpose of dropping absolute bangers for the boys. In conclusion, many say that inner beauty is incredibly important, but even that pales in comparison to the breathtaking handsomeness of Matthew Meager.

Nathan Channel: Papa is not only handsome but also a pimp,inspirational, and a legend on YouTube with the bottom of my heart I love you papa you are the reason why I go to YouTube just to watch your videos Sincerely, Nathan Channel

EJ Pontoriero: fraudulent win jordan 6’6

thefuckas: Matt meagher is an esencuating 6’5 250 beast (50 of it going to the schlong.) While having the stress of packing the most in the world, he himself is a very handsome fellow. The way his eyes look just makes everyone nut in 2.534 seconds (true fact.) Lastly, he will also make you hide your mom inside your home past 8pm. Or she will come back with your new sibling

Evan Huff: Papa, I love your hair, the beautiful blonde little curls. And the gains papa are amazing keep grinding. Love you😘

Evan Mlachak: Anytime I see papa I immediately feel a uncontrollable horniness. As he touched his dogs and makes monkey sound, 1.5 becomes 5. No one turns me on more than this man right here with his voluptuous cheeks and massive shlong. I would be honored to watch Papa clap my mothers cheeks as well as my own. As the sun sets on Wheel of 2K, a new season of Wheel of MUT fills me with gratitude and inspiration. Only to see papa in the Jayson Tatum jersey one more time🤤

Cameron Moring: Today I started this paper in hope of getting the full frontal scope of the man the Myth the legend papa meag’s the most handsome man on the planet. His looks are unrivaled you may think Channing Tatum or many other but they are no where near this man level of handsomeness. He is the man you want and dream of being and will never Achieve in your life also with his energy and influence. You may desire this man and those who have been on this journey with me for all of his career have seen the beauty of this man is to die for it may not be a full essay but a challenge is a challenge and I respect the wish of Matt and hope to be I his video if he make one but here’s my essay Matt the most handsome man of all -by Cameron M

EA Electronic Arts: Papa meags please make a vid of campus legends

Parker22: Papa megs trying to be slick with the Jordan thing but my lips r shut

King Bob: What gets an individual the right to be called handsome? They must be a well made man and of great quality. The only man that fits the title handsome is my papa Matt. At the height of 6’5 and with the snake attached to him no human could resist this man. Matt has earned the sexiest man alive award for the past 10 years now and I don’t think anyone will be winning it for a while. My father, my papa, my master, you will forever be the god of handsomeness.

AjayGGs: if there was one person, who showed the other point of view, the society did not accept him, but it was only the fact, that this person is individual and did not think like the other people. The definition of the word “beauty” is an aesthetically pleasing feature of an object or a person. This word holds a distinctive positive meaning if applied to a person. It means that the character or the physical appearance of said individual is considered as attractive in the speaker’s opinion. Everyone today can look up the word “beauty” in a dictionary and get to know its definition. But what about the concept itself? Why is it often said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder? This article will help you understand why beauty is so ephemeral. If you ask anyone about what they can consider as beautiful, you will get an uncountable number of answers. Sure, some of them would sound similar, but the fundamental reasoning behind them would hugely differ from each other. For example, the beauty standards for men and women underwent a significant change throughout the existence of humankind. As they say – for each their own. Some people might say that being “handsome” is based off of a persons opinion. To any person that might use that argument, I would have to display the face of Matthew Meagher. If I had to break down every aspect of this man, I do not think I would find a single flaw. He is the epitome of being handsome. He knows how to dress, he has a great smile, he has NEVER skipped a leg day, and if all of his body is up to par with the aspects that i have seen, this man most likely has a gargantuan schmeat stick. This man catches everybody off guard when he posts his thirst traps on instagram. The definition of beauty is usually considered as subjective. If we speak in general, when you see something and you are glad to see it, then we can say, that it is beautiful. There is no matter it it is the field with the flowers or the exotic bird, it is the beauty for us. But the definition of the beauty is different for everyone, because everyone has his/her own point of view and all people are different, because of it they cannot like the same things. Also, it depends on the culture and on the level of the development of the person. For example, some men like blond women, but some of them just hate when the woman has blond hair. There can be a lot of discussions about personal point of view of every person and there will not be the winner.

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