they are REMOVING MOVEMENT from Apex!?! (Apex Legends Season 10)

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Joe Morrison: The title of the video is only part of this movement made by people who's feelings get hurt too much. It all started with the BLM, Stop The Asian Hate, and gay badges. Its an SJW Liberal cry me a river because I'm terrible at the game change. I'm a controller player and get stomped on all the time but I HAVE FUN! I'm not good at the game apparently with a 0.89 kdr but I HAVE FUN! This worldwide SJW movement is killing society in every single facet of life lol. Taking away another integral skill gap in the game because some aren't able to achieve that level of skill is fucking stupid! Work ON CHEATERS AND CRONUS ZEN BULLSHIT INSTEAD!

Dahmernation: Hit him with a fat 7 on the eva 8 from distance and all he wanted to do was survive

andro: No one asked for this

Jkingsme: Friendly reminder u can crouch up and down while looting on console

jimi williams: There's no way

Irkin_Sniper: Wait... So does that mean SooxFar is cheating???? 😅😅😅😅😅

PsychoSocial: Cronus Zen can bind it to an unmapped paddle on controller

maki: Can you do a video on MnK? Btw you got better movement than me and i play on MnK lol

Anthony Griffin: Tap strafing should have never been a thing. It’s a glitch and only acts as a crutch for mid skilled people to feel like they’re better than they are

Sangeeta Tiwari: 8:38 Rare heirloom animation

Logan Mckheean: Tap straffing being gone is only a problem for pc players

Corey Chaves: i have to disagree with you Jankz. i dont believe tap strafing was ever meant to be in the game. at least other movement techniques are backed by physics or reasonable lore such as wall jumping and Horizon strafing. i believe that it is just some thing that gamers found while playing and exploited it to its fullest capabilities. which i dont blame them for. i just also dont blame respawn for wanting it out either.

Mark Kennicutt: I’m glad it’s going might as well have hacks on. Get good at headshots or find a new game.

xXGwallaXx: Tap strafe era gone now everyone will switch to controller..... Only reason I play PC is for movement now it's going away I might as well play my console 🤮

semianto the weirdo: but sooxfar does it so is it wrong?

Jesse Nichols: 😭 i was the guy you one tapped with the eva from a mile away gotta say it hurts being recorded for eternity.

aToker: Your wrong about how to TS on controller. You do not have to use a macro at all. You just bind the W key to ^. Simple as that. That is not using a macro. And would be legal under ALGS rules from what I read.

Victoria Montana: As a controller player I'm super happy 😁

m ej: its not just tap-strafing they are removing, id expect wall bouncing to be gone, edge boosting+superglide gone. flick-strafing on console,, gone. at this point respawn should just port over apex mobile to pc and be done with it.

Phillip Vorster: They are removing tap strafing because controller players feel they are at a disadvantage because of it...How about aim assist then?

Aceu: Hand cam please I beg u whaaaaaaa

OSIRIS IONA: People who are mad at tap strafe getting removed are probably the 10+ hour a day super sweats who eat Cheetos and are 300+ pounds. Get mad you obese children idc Ima go run a mile, beat me at that

Phinneyes: It makes me wonder if they are making it so there is a buffer between each time you hit a key. Maybe making it so slide into a jump, if done too quickly, just won't register the jump. I feel like deadslides are gonna happen more, along with losing those quick little speed boosts

SappManSensei: Honestly… I think people are being cry babies. Same when they removed the b-hop heals.. It’s doesn’t “destroy the movement” like dude. (Not you Jankz lol) c’mon on. People are being so dang dramatic. I heard a “pro” say that “what are they gonna do next? Make it to where we can’t even RUN?!” Like holy moly. People are being insane drama queens. Movement will STILL be the BEST movement in any BR. It will take a LOT to change that about Apex.

ivebeen: Something that only 5% or less than the player base does correctly won't be missed

DeannaGz: You never fail to amaze me with crazy ass plays !

Stephen Shidner: Another nerf to Octain 🥺

Alex Rodriguez: If they get rid of the wall jump I’ll stop playing Apex.

Alexander Dias: Next will be aim assist

Kendell Bass: I feel that anything that you can’t do on both controller and M&K should be removed. I understand the aim drift concept, but I don’t think having a game mechanic should be in any game if you can ONLY do it (and I’m talking about all skill levels) on either or. Especially if you have a ranked game system because you’re giving people an unfair advantage. So my final point: Keep the whole tap strafe…..but remove it from ranked. Or, make it so that it’s doable for both controller and M&K so that everyone has a chance to at least learn how to do it without breaking and/or cheating the game.

Hugiva Chit: As long as they have cross play I agree it should be removed. It's not hard to do on pc its impossible. Pc already has such a huge advantage. But instead of removing it maybe they could have made it possible on console

SexyPeruvianPlaying: Always learning something new 😤

Lance Ropiha: jew

Eclipse EH: Tap strafing is impossible on controller without the macro or mod so it needed to be gone. But then janks says that it shouldn’t be removed and “their is other ways to do it”

Dom Sow: Couldn't be happier. Such a broke mechanic. If there wasn't cross play, then I'd say keep it.

Andyplayz29: Hey I just subscribed I'm a ps4 player and I want to know your sensitivity please

Lawrence’s World: I do it all the time on controller

Zach Ward: that poor wraith got way too greedy with the phoenix kit lol

Julio Delacruz: What’s up brother your a freaking legend !

Murasaki no hana: I can shoot the r3 the same speed single fire as people w strife packs but I have a normal storebought xbox one controller

TheVictorYT: So this what I’m hearing.. You cant walk or run in apex anymore

The Turtle: Im solo queuing in plat 1 so close to ranking up and I’m getting placed with gold like wtf? Am I the only one getting shafted here??

TrapLife Entertainment: Can you make a short video with someone else in firing range showing tap strafing from both perspectives

Francisco Caceres: So proud to say me and my friend were destroyed by u and ratchet last night, spectated u all game, hits so different spectating u getting a win instead on yt:)

HOBONINJA 24: I love you Jankz 😂. Especially when you say no shot idk why but i love it. Hope you're having fun 👍🏻

Bruh: I got so damn scared cuz of the title lmfao

EVERSOR_Assassin_115: I like it though don’t fix something that’s ok

Charlie Mullaney: I understand completely your point of why you feel scroll tap strafe should be removed, it can be an unfair advantage with the helps of binds absolutely. But in the same sense, shouldn’t paddles on controller be banned for the fact they add extra options, It’s in practice the same thing right? Adding another option to do what the controller offers easier. This is comin from someone with a scuf who def doesn’t want that to happen I’m just makin a point Definitely a difference in the amount of advantage given, I’m just kinda spitballing here

KaiMirra: 9:30 lol Apex sbmm at its finest, Jankz vs a lvl 7 🤣🤣

Joseph Snedeker: Idk why they decided to just remove it entirely. I’m a strong believer that lowering the skill ceiling in a game is almost always bad. Honestly they could have just removed the scroll wheel thing and give the controller players some other way to access it and bam it actually raises the skill ceiling. To me it’s lazy development to just straight up remove it.

William Nicol: Stop being so humble about your aim I have aim assist but i can barley hit a Eva shot

Codie Hooter: As a console player i feel like mouse and key is far easier to move anyways. I can only think of 1 time that someone was strafing. But then again a controller play that is skilled and has a "modded" controller with more buttons that you can reassign things to. But still.

Johnathan Taylor: Yes they’re removing the screen seizures that are “ movement “ players . That play on max sens with no accuracy

Kaizer Tec12: Jankz how do you feel about them wanting to nerfing the aim assistant on controller? I feel as if it's unfair due to the fact that controller player is at a disadvantage already 😕😒 against PC players. I play Apex on Xbox and I'm pretty decent player, only issues I have is ping. Due to South Africa not having a server for us to use.

Ryder Aringdale: It’s gonna ruin the game

Sophia Ott: Hey Jankz, not sure if you read comments but im gonna write this anyway. Do u ever have days when you just cant play as well as other days? If you do, how do you push through these and get back into the zone? Thanks for the great vids dude, keep it up!

maxwell burnett: Xbox:☺️

Sizzleandfizzle: Title is pretty clickbaity

TreFuego: a Level 7 … interesting

Kj ban: Apex tryhards needs tap strafing just as much nba 2kmyteam tryhards needs speed boosting without it their trash cans

Dorian B: Hard disagree Jankz. You play with Puffer who's an insane tap strafe maniac. And you're saying that what he does, you consider cheating. Apex can set up so console players can tap strafe. I think the wrong attitude is to remove it from the game. Firstly, so many payers have built it into their reflex and put hours into learning to really make it work for them. That's completely unfair. Secondly, if a player tap strafes and absolutely messes you up, the chances are they're going to mess you up regardless. I'm a macro binded tap strafer like Puffer. Still didn't stop Jankz from absolutely murdering me while I tried to get away this season (I got to be 20RP in your road to pred). The real problem is the fact that those players are fighting in the first place. If someone is crushing you, then thats a matchmaking issue. That has been the issue all along in apex. The fact that it's hard to read makes the game more interesting. The idea that because it's hard to read it should be removed is dumb. 3rd partying is hard to read/impossible to know. The thing is, the best players in apex PREDICT other players movement. Why should tap strafing be that much different from rotation prediction. It's silly. People calling it an exploit are ridiculous. They had it in for 2 years. That's not an exploit anymore. That's embracing an unintended design feature. TS is one of the most fun feeling things to do. It's the neatest mechanic to be in apex. It should be available to all. Dumbing the game down to the worst player is not the way to go. Also you got huge COD players coming over bc they love the movement and high skill ceiling of apex... like nick mercs, and they're just going to remove what drew them over? Seems so dumb. I think it makes a lot of people uneasy on what nerfs might impact them when respawn decides to remove something they put hours into learning. I spent 50 hours in FR to work on that skill and bring it into my arenas fights. Now that's gone. You can see why people would be bitter.

Ytn: if everyone cant tapstrafe then they should remove it its a major disadvantage and apex promotes to controller players

Hoenn Champion Clayton: Tapstrafing being removed: PC players: oh no! Xbox, ps4, and switch players: this changes nothing.

CURTIS 04: That intro was so smooth like melted cheese

Martín Larios: 9:35 that poor lvl 7 guy probably uninstalled after that violation lol

Zachary Wilson: Honestly the only one who's probably fucked now is Aceu. That seems to be the only good thing he does that's different compared to other players. Smarter I'm sure too, but for the most part everyone watches him for his movement and that's more or less all.

E Lynch: Mouse and key people crying, me. Ha get wrecked noob!

Jonathyn Murray: I completely agree with you jankz tap strafing is pretty much cheating to me I'm glad it's going away

xFrEeDoM-MoNKeY: Tap strafing is a new advantage to less than 1% of players. Get it out of the game for me. Its a stupid movement imo!

Hennie Geldenhuys: Ayo bro what do you think about Servers for Southern Africa?Because I play on Belgium servers which is the closest and I live in the Southern Hemisphere

Andrew-Roy Tipper: Single fire isn’t always a macro, I only single fire my hemlock and it’s highest rate of fire on controller. No strike pack at all

xFrEeDoM-MoNKeY: The opening scene is OLD you guys have used that before.... dont be like that Jankz

Korbin Williams: I checked janks subscribers and I was so mad and surprised that he is not at 1m. I have been subs seens the overwatch day

Blaine Mathis: Idk I don’t agree with removing tap strafing bc everybody can do it as long as you are on a PC it’s not like it’s unfair for console players bc we don’t exactly go against that😂

Patrick Starfish: Its the bunny hop fiasco again

slim shady: 1:15 crazy gameplay

CasualJimmy: Hottest intro in a minuet ooooeeee 🥵🔥

James Gammon: Hey Jankz yo should try using a G7 for a video or something

Darkness_3T: I can tap strafe without the scroll wheel

Chris Owens: If you can bind W to scroll wheel, why can't we bind a macro? We should be able to do whatever PC players do. And I swear I saw Moose tap strafe in one of his videos, does he have the macro?

Miasma: Tap Strafing? No thanks, i prefer my stick drift

God Kiana: From what I’ve read, it will only effect PC and pro players…to that I say cry more. PC and pro players have been getting the long end of the stick and then some for years, the special treatment if you will. If they listen to the pros and pc players again and revert this change, then I’m not coming back to this game ever. Time to stop giving pro and pc players control over the game direction.

A4M3R: The two pipe 99 skins are hardcore pay to win and a couple others who have the same iron sights, I picked that up and it’s a laser with no recoil

Fatal Shot Gaming: Bruh they're not removing movement they're getting rid of movement EXPLOITS hahaha only losers tap strafe and shit. No normal gamers do that crap

Nas T: Did you like your old ps4? "Yeah, it was great" Do you like your new ps5? "Yeah, I love it" Wanna go back to ps4? "Hell no" Well thats too bad, because not everybody has a ps5. That's how mnk players feel about the removal of tap strafe

Krossbonzz: Best quote "You fight under my terms" That was my attitude while overseas in the Gulf.

MrBasy: Long story short: no

Michael Ackley: Tap strafing on controller is only possible of you rebind your controls through steam. And on M&K it is possible but you can literally rebind keys to make it easy every time. My opinion is that if you have to rebind keys to abuse it then it shouldn't be in the game. That simple. Apex movement is good as it is. I felt the same when they got rid of bunny hop healing.

Adam DeRose: I feel the same about crouch spamming. If you have a standard controller and don't play claw you can't keep up. Everyone is just bobbing with no penalty. Add tap strafing to crouch spamming and it's like trying to shoot air. The matrix lol.

TropicalAquariums: Check out this awesome FUSE clip I took today! - I also do aquariums and relaxing vibes , sending love to you all 😇🌍

Marco Hako: I don't give not ONE fuck about the tears of mouse and keyboard players. I just wished Apex worked this hard on fixing their damn servers.

jeremy falzarano: But for someone who plays via console, like myself, tap strafing isn’t fair bc there’s no way for me to do it. Except buy a pc. It’s a pay to use move

Captain Jack Sparrow: It truly is fun how so many people are so uninformed 🤣🤣 so many people haven’t read the Jay biebs explanation of what actually is changed

Cluless: RE-45is better than r-99. cant change my mind.

Bailey Jones: Wait. Late game and jankz only has one nade??????

Han gerr: Isn't Soofar tap strafing on controller? I wonder how he's doing it?

DeliriousDarius !: Time for people to cry about no more tap strafing😥😂(btw I never replie to responses so angry people dont bother)

Nate Rodriguez: I want that r301 skin so bad just Bcz jankz has it

ksgjag: will flick strafe be affected by tap strafe removal

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