SKYFIRE Live Event - Fortnite Season 7

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Seppe Luypaert: Dis is cool

Raymond Marquez: Kevin the cube is coming back

Drac0 N1nja Fortnite roleplays: I actually went inside it before that location isn't hidden

Itz_GalaxyMakes: My ears are Litteraly bleeding to the pitch of his voice.

Clowny The Official Channel: L O L

PlayStation dude: This means you’re going to be exploring the map probably though because the mothership abducted the zero point at the beginning so if we destroyed the mothership wouldn’t those zero point blowup

Ali London: For meisr4DAY


Steven Watson: Yes

Jyzelle Aguas: This event will be inactive so it's like Chspter 2 season 4 event

kindtiger: Mrtop5 do you think this event is bringing chapter 3?

Kameron Peterson: What are the bomb are you on fortnight map world the bombs

bhk_.gaming: My friend says he dont like u cuz u duzz clikbate

halofan56: If they bring back old fortnite i will play again

Aryan Madala: It will repalce misty meadows

Aryan Madala: I do not think so

ExoticGamer123: Bruh wth u talking like that?

Kylle Gutierrez: So kevin is a alien device

Bill cipher: I have a feeling that the CH2 S6 map being on the table means that one location from the map is coming back

Random Gamer: Everytime there is an event my heart rate rises because its something live happening in a game and the music just makes it cooler. And I love how he said ignore the rainbow 🤣 4:34

Momo Cool: I think tilted will come at cornee complex

Anothers Treasure: I know who I’m gonna dress up as

Jaydyn Saunders: Kiwismasher2234

Jaydyn Saunders: Live

Suadajdiids Kajtazi: Whooooooooo😈😈😈😈😈😈

Suadajdiids Kajtazi: im fucking ready

Joshua Lawson: Get a life

Glich kaden: Where is kitty and meow meow I want to see kitty

Anahera Gerrard: The loading screens basically have hints on what's going to happen, I highly think Kevin the cube is gonna come back, & corny gets lifted kind of like steamy

NikRaider 25: I hate your videos

NotSm1thyツ: Naruto fans are gonna be mad lmao I'm happy it's not coming next battle pass:)

Victoria Lopez: Can you post the video on the live event on September 12 in this year

FreedyBoi: I can’t believe I used to believe this guy

RUV: Why is this pinned

Maxwell rich: september 12 is my sisters birthday

Dalton Miller: Maybe she was planning the attack the entire time

Booly512: Not misty take boney burbs

rose883light: Nooo

Jaxthejedi: It’s the season 6 map on the table because slone entered the loop and the rest of the IO and they didn’t have time to change it to season 7

RAYMAN GAMES: How much gfeul has this guy had

Zero_fishy9: Imagine getting pinned

Banana Playz: I like how his voice is so serious

Julian show: Mrtop5 always make live events fun and exciting

Outcast Sushi: I wish a famous YouTuber could pin my comment 😥

Madeline Marron: OMG

TheoMark_ YT: cringe

Marie Celine Viscaya: His voice is annoying

CJ Jake: Alright I found out everyone that there is a secret in the files in the pc version in the code of the live event it says misty meadows and dirty docks aftermath and the next line in the code says remove_misty and remove_dirty


Lazer Reaper: The final message that io is sending To the aliens is the bombs

anthony bethell: I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that tilted towers comes back

McWaffle: I hate you

Fashion123: Please give us more information about it I liked this video

Demonxxxl_the_king: I mean cube sorry

Jarkadias Vlogs: MRTOP5 CODE SHOP NOOOOOOW ps mrtop5 won’t pin me 😭😭😭😭

Fatima Bahi: No I love mesty so tiltid should be in lazy lake be a cause it looks like tiltid

henwewe: cap

Zaxioc: Let’s gooooo

Amir Jones: oh its might be my mom

Amir Jones: what happend to the doja cat vid did the chicken delete it

Floatie 420: Wtf?

doggy_man2k: You should troll lox and pretend to be theodd1sOut because I am pretty sure he also lives in arizona

Kristylynn Girard: NOOOOO MISTY

ARJ4N 51NGH: I’m uploading today

PYSON 10: Kevin will be in tilted towers

lego plays roblox: this is clikcbait

Shadowclan__zilla: Mr top five do a video how to go to go to valcano

saeed Alhajri: Bh

ocean_plant_bruh: I mean I personally don't think that tilted is coming back but he's just making a theory so can't be mad

TheWølfLøvër: Jeese fix your Mike my ears hurt

Rob Pinnells: On the table that slones looking at there's no coral castle

Lol: Cool

Ereh: Can I get pin plz

Mad Society20294: Let's go 7 more days I'm using the rainbow bunny skin with the mask with Superman's cape I call him super Corona bunny lol 😂

33 Val: Lox is a simp (pin please)

Llama774 Plays: Imagine being pinned by the best youtuber out there

Lil Marker: Even tho this guy issssssssss welll extra he’s funny to watch

spxiidz: imagine being pinned

Cain😜: Hmm is it possible MrTop5 pins me?

bekabo qp: Okay I know The Live event The mothership doing Lazar the medir is coming in the mail I think is that

cwclifford: OH My GoG GUyS

Kirby: What happened to his earlier bid?


DontReadMyName: yall noticed how mrtop5 posted a new video and now its down

Michael Cato: My boys Chanel is mcreamy

Michael Cato: Roblox is Probably going to come to fortnite there a block in the map in the water

Michael Cato: BOMS INSIDE THE Pieces of corny and then it Explodes and It’s going to land in the gorto

16010010 Oliver Martinus Sukinata: maybe we are gonna use some io weapons to kill aliens and blow up the mothership for the interactive event so please Fortnite must be having this for the event

Verfix: Imagine mrtop5 pins me

Nightmare: Make leaks we are tired of pranks

jacob Melendez: The mothership got to break me one location the mothership is so big

Game Over: i love how dumb this is

FNaFs world: That hidden area is a secret map change 🕳

TomA-13: I swear this season has to be the most fastest season

AJoseph Estoesta: i cant wite

AnthonyPlayZ: I found Mir top 5s old channel on accident

Jakob Cantrell: Hello

DogggeSus: If i trick you pin me Read more

-WARD3N-: He is watching nanass’s Twitter lol

Axel Ortiz: Mrtop5: Old locations are coming back me: sure

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