Hermitcraft RECAP - season 8 week 11

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LegoMiniFig24: Welcome Lyarrah! Glad yo have you here!

Potato_King693: Thanks Lyarrah

Ratboycure: Thanks Z and P

ThomasTanker02: Welcome to the show, Lyarrah!

Sajjad Ali Khan: "thanks to Lyarrah!"

jrwoody's stuff: Excuse me! Those are horses!

2Arcticwolves: Welcome to the team, Lyarrah. :)

Punnamaraju Vinayaka Tejas: Thanks Lyarrah!

Flannsyn: Nice! Thanks Lyarrah!

twinswizard: WELCOME LYARRAH

Adjust The Rain Music: Thank you so much for the captions :)

Megan Barnes: Thank you Lyarrah!

Nathan Amico: thank you Lyarrah!

tgmysterio10 studios: missed out Gem?

Noctis lucis Caelum: Thank you Lyiiaraahh

Whitequill Riclo: Welcome Lyarrah!

Li am: I’m thrilled for subtitles!

Jude C.J: New watcher 😎

GeeklingNo1: Thanks for the captioning! I know it’s a pain but it’s worth it?

AngelofGrace96: Thank you Lyarrah! Man made captions are a pain, so I definitely appreciate your work!

Feathery Coffee: I don't know if Zloy decided against it or simply didn't know about it (something I find unlikely) but no Death grips reference at 4:10 ? okay.

99redragons: Thank you for adding a captioner! I remember asking for them a few weeks back and i am happy you guys listened :)

Victor Ray Robles: thank you Lyarrah for making cthe closed captions 😫❤️

Supgamer: 3:11 well she is falsesymmetry after all, asymmetry is in the name!

AgentMeerkat88: these are so good cause i only watch iskall mumbo and ren, i just cant keep up with everyone

landon bottjer: love Pixalriffs!!!!!!

Drew Teter: I'm calling it, Grian's going to start a civil war between the Boatem Shopping district and the Big Eyes Shopping district.

Derek Hamilton: ZLOY! Seriously! You had to put in the most nauseating bits of DocM's vid and had me nearly throwing up before the 2 minute mark.

MinorFirestar: Thank you Lyarrah! I love seeing YouTube channels bring CC to allow accessibility for a wide variety of peopl!

Derek Hamilton: Thank You Lyarrah!

Nicholas Hyatt: i love how you connected everything. good job

Fallen: 8:22

Chris Callahan: Welcome to the team Lyarrah. With how crazy the Hermits are I'm sure the Recap can use the help. Enjoy the journey.

Almond Brrito39: I can’t wait to see “horse” dominate the horse scene honestly “horse” has a bright future ahead of them

Mikowmer: Um... At 10:00 is that supposed to be a media offline thing there?

Sepia Smith: I love hearing the grin in Pixlriffs' voice hahaha

Blandy8521: The I symbol doesn't seem to be used anymore at least on mobile

Alex Norton: OMG CAPTIONS!! I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to see it Lyarrah, thank you!! 😍

Jules Campbell: I love the new music 8:00

Sag The Bot: Every episode of hermitcraft recap Mumbo is laughing.

Utreshimon: Welcome Lyarrah! We appreciate your cc's.

Potato Supremacy: Welcome Lyarrah

Timothy Tucker: Thanks Lyarrah! I turned the captions on just to admire the effort. Pixlriffs talks at a mile a minute, so keeping up must be a heck of a job!

Lilly Henriksen: Thank you Lyarrah!

Jaxypopcorn: I'm begging to switch up the music

Brynn Tsitsho: Lyarrah thank you! I've wanted cc for so long. <3

Ash.: Iskal giving etho head??!?!?!?! 😉😏

Kieran: very excited about the captions :)

FrostKnight: What editing software do you guys use?

Agent Gauntlet: 9:45 - Imagine being able to get both fossils? That'd be awesome.

Lord Gavitron: Lyarrah adds quality to any project

logan K: Thanks Lyarrah for your hard work!

GannonNotFromZelda: The captions help SOOOOO MUCH omg THANK YOU Lyarrah!!!

William Wilkins: Omg, it makes me so happy every time a channel adds man-made closed captions!! Thank youuuuuu


Amy Thornton: 4:21 wow lyrahh. I'm so glad your on the team.

N A: Thank the lord for the subtitles

scp the intrigued world: Welcome to the crew enjoy the madness

Joseph Rojas: Thank you lyarrah! Turned em on as soon as pix announced it :))

Wexmell: Good work with the captions! Although I do kinda wish for more personality in them. Idk some small reactions or puns. Yk something that tells us that you're having fun I suppose 😁

Piranha: Welcome Lyarrah, and thank you for the captioning! Love the thumbnail, *snicker*.

MikeGonzales84: Thanks for doing this recap my dudes. I really appreciate it. 🙌 I'm also a truly bedrock fan!

Max Welton536,329: I laughed at the uniting the fossils joke

Nectarine: Random question - who does the animation for Xisuma’s cutscenes?

Rose Butler: Welcome Lyarrah!! Great content as always guys! Thanks for giving us the recap on the server! Even though I've seen the episodes 🤣

8Bit_Cat: Dimmer domes!

Alex p: Mumbo's laugh is always able to put a smile on my face. He seems so genuine!

Monetised: Grain : screams. Subtitles: [ distressed noises]

Beeferez Candy: A great recap, made better by the subtitles. Thank you, Lyarrah

I'm A Bagel: Welcome Lyarrah! Happy to have you here :)

Dio Brando: Totally appreciate the close captioning!

Thatoneguy: A big iron on his hiiiiiiiip. ahem.

screaming: CAPTIONS!!! hell yeah, thank you!

Luca Biada: You know is a good episode when you're already laughing when seeing the thumbnail, hilarious

jakob diehn: 9:59 o wow

lxjshrss: As someone who frequently uses captions, welcome Lyarrah and thanks so much for your work! 💛

rampantApollyon: So many bloody void deaths.

Timothy Huang: Did they just call grian "she"? (ignore the fact that I did that before too)

Lord Speedwagon: honestly someone should pay a diamond block to XB for an IOU signed by him, to get all the IOUs, you could make loads of diamonds off this

Anne Trent: Thank you, Lyarrah, for the CC service!

Mari Hove: I greatly appreciate the captions! Thank you!

robert bryce: That pokemon joke about xb! Amazing!

Berserk_Loon: Welcome Lyarrah!

purpleheart3000: Petition to call each section of shops "shopping outlets" instead of "districts."

Georg Begerow: Thanks Lyarra! Apprciate the subtitles.

Lyarrah: Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone! Have loved the recap since I discovered Hermitcraft back in season 4, so it's a huge honor to now be a part of it. Captioning, alt text, and other accessibility things are hugely important to me, and I also know that accurate captioning results in better auto-translation from YouTube itself, so hopefully this will help viewers for whom English isn't their first language too! I'll be doing my best to keep the captions as accurate as possible, though expect to see the occasional [confused noises] when I doubt even the Hermit in question knows what they were saying XD Don't be afraid to let us know if I miss something, either! For example, I've already been told Scar's mule isn't actually named Lemon, it's Lamon (Lamen?), so I'll be correcting that later (YouTube takes down the captions for several minutes when I make changes, so I'll be trying to minimize it.) Over the coming weeks I'll be captioning the previous Season 8 episodes, and may be returning to previous seasons to caption key events (such as the Civil War and the assorted Day Ones) if that would be of use to people! Truly glad to be here! Thanks for being an amazing bunch!

George Feretatis: Lyarah, welcome!

Farrel A: 5:53 Sneaky rick roll there eh?

StalxD: Welcome Lyarrah <3

Jesse: 5:26 "as such, Tango finally gives his hip a rest and puts down the big iron store" I didn't expect that reference here, but it is a quite pleasant surprise

ValdaXD: As a Spanish speaker the thumbnail of the video looks kinda bad 🤣

Blossom Butt: Oh my god yes, thank you so much for the captions!

Matt Butzen: Awesome to hear about the captioning! Thanks and welcome, Lyarrah!

TheAppleEaters: 9:58 Doug Dimmadome? Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?

Toby Wallman: When you don't have enough time to watch all your favorite hermits... Hermitcraft Recap is here! Thank you so much for providing awesome recaps of our favorite creators!

Big 🅖: Hi lyarrah!

loravura: welcome lyarrah! thank you for captioning! :D

Random Human: Really appreciate the addition of captions! Thanks guys and Lyarrah in particular.

Levi Luke: Thank you for all your hard work, Lyarrah! I've been watching the Recap for years, and I can't hear as well as I used to, so I really appreciate the closed captions!

SuperM789: Lol nice huge black screen in the middle of the video

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