What's Wrong With Season 5 of Rick and Morty?

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KiLo: I’m fine with the lack of power for Rick. Maybe he should return to the season 2 power level because I feel like that gave the episodes actual tension.

Dario Caporuscio: First time I hear about a "problem" in sesson 5, for me season 3 and 4 were really above the first two and this season I feel again the same sense of wonder that the first two season made me feel

Wind Soul: If I first saw season 5 without watching previous ones I'd say Rick is a washed up scientist past his prime trying to cling to his fading intellect.

Dreaming: You are On the money. The best episodes are mr nimbus and the one about bird person.

Aizakku Analysis: Finale was dog water

Handsome Saitama: Season 5 for me is about rick since eps 5

GreyKnight7777: On second thought, I'm pretty sure the "fans" who dislike this season are more upset by the show mocking fans who obsess over canon than any other aspect. And, fair enough, no one likes to be made fun of. I mean, they've obviously earned it, but they still don't have to like it. Personally, I think it's delightful and on-brand. Imagine watching a show about a consummate nihilist and keeping tabs of the mythology as though it might mean something. Like...grow some neurons, guys.

theGenericEric: Nothing is wrong with it I love it the finale is fucking awesome. Wrong time to upload this video the finale is fucking amazing holy shit. It all makes sense now why we get kind of shitty episodes since s4.

TheStewieOne: If there is anything to blame, it has to be season 3. Season 3 is the season that changed too much and not for the better. That's why I stopped watching the series because I know what direction it was going in and in my opinion that's a bad thing. Do you know what is worst? Is that is it's happening to a lot more shows. Archer with season 11, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia with season 13. You can see it more and more,

greekfreak: I Just didnt like the sperm episode and the one with the huge cat robots. All the others are fine. Imma go watch the finale

Andrew Pearson: This really didn't age well. The problem isn't Ricky and Morty Season 5 it's those fan. Who want the show to stick to a formula . If you watch all of season 5 as a whole you'd see the bigger picture also confirming the the long standing theory that we aren't always following the same Rick and Morty as we see episodes from this seasons in the yellow bubbles the Central Finite Curve. While C137, one of my biggest pet pevees in this world is people either not thinking or over thinking to the point that they'll grade something lower call it bad writing because they don't understand the concept or see the bigger picture. The past 10 years fans on every fandom have become impatient, demanding, slamming story's at chapter 1. For me personally it becomes so frustrating. From the captain america hail hydra on the end of captain america issues 1 and to people watching the first 3 episode of Wandavison call it shit because they don't understand it. We seen season 5 test their relationship, We see this season drip parts of Rick's back story which we never have before before confirming it on episode 10. As for Pacing being to fast, and rushing. That's once more you're perception the idea that somethings is rushed is the same gerne as bad written. It's a clichéd phrase reviews use with out solid foundation especially in this format of cold opening where most of the time it has nothing to do with the main plot of the episode. I've watched this season5 3 times as of now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Pacing unless you're not watching ams watching while on your phone. If you're talking about the clone episode, if you don't understand the concept of why each death and family was rapid to illustrated how many clones of clones there was that's once more on you, as for the sperm episode how oh how did you not see the horse people it was literally set up at the cold open. It was literally the catalysts for the sperm getting collected from horse in the first place. Dude i cant any more. Its almost like you are complaining that you can't kept up the pace of what's going on. Because you're not processing things like the rest of us because the twist isnt that it's summer egg we new that it was that mortt finally revealed it was his sperm and not horse. What you're essentially doing is gas lighting people who im going to label "hipster" using generic phrase like bad acting, rush plot or lazy writer when most of the time those people don't know what they're talking about they're caught up with perception not reality

liquidrufus: How do you feel about tonight's finale?

margareth michelina: Maybe because Michael Waldron, the original writer of the previous seasons of Rick and Morty is busy to Loki TV Show and the new writers are not as good as Michael is. Since Episode 2 with The Smith Decoys, Talking Sperms, And Giant Insect Baby, the show is getting off. But, the Finale with Evil Morty destroying Citadel is epic. This feels like Game of Thrones Season 6 when the last 2 episodes are saving the season while the first 8 episodes are meh.

Vendex: Actually it was intentional for the final episode

Mralabbad: It was abnormally mediocre To the point i feel like it's intentional But i don't want to be even more disappointed when it turns out it wasn't😂💔 i have some faith tho, it's just too off to be unintentional

Seraxic: Just keep in mind that not every episode is from the view of C-137, unless is states that it is C-137 in the episode they can do anything with any rick and Morty without it affecting C-137's character development.

Jacques: Not every episode has to be an epic Rick and Morty episode. I just want to enjoy an episode without being told it wasn't a classic Great Rick and Morty episode.

Siyei Faraj: There was nothing wrong. Lol

thammachart Chantapalaboon: To be fair, Rick and Morty has always had new writers popping in and out of its writing team. Sure, the first two seasons had a main team, but new writers do come now and then. "A Rickle in Time" from season 2 is actually written by a one-time writer. Also, the writer of the Dragon episode actually became a savior of the latest 2 seasons to me. He actually wrote Never Ricking Morty by himself, co-wrote the Vat of Acid Episode, and wrote both season 5's premiere and the ending episodes. Still, season 5 as a whole feels like a toxic relationship. It showcases both the show's highest highs and lowest lows. If you show only episodes 1, 3, 8, 9, and 10 to a hardcore fan that gave up on the show after season 4, that fan would've believed that the series had made a glorious comeback.

Edgelord E-Boy: Y'all speak for yourself. If you haven't watch the newest episodes, please do. You'll forget any critique you had about the season.

bolty bolt: I disagree with the part where you said there's no character development. There's no single episode dedicated to this, but this whole season has been hinting at Morty separating from Rick and Morty becoming completely done with his antics. If you've watched episode 9 and 10, you would know this.. Also, Rick being underpowered is something that the fans have literally been begging for this for a while. Before season 4 came out, people on social media were ranting about how overpowered Rick was. They WANTED to see him get nerfed. Now that it happened, all I see is complaints about it. So what do you want?

Scott Hartley: Oh don’t worry, you’ll get enough

Vaggod1: I think the probpematic eps are 4 6 and 7 the rest are fantastic

Magic Cookies: S5 E2, E3 were ok, and E1, E8 and E9 and especially E10 were great. S5 E10 had my favorite Rick and Morty sequence ever. Ricks backstory was really well done. The last 3 episodes of this season were impressive and great

Vaggod1: Ep 1 to 3 where amazing ep 4 sucked ep 5 was good but ep 6 was horribor and ep 7 somehow managed to be wprse however the ep 8 ep 9 and especially episode 10 make up for all of the bad 1s so its overall a great season

Cheydinal: I mean when you replace literally the entire writers staff, then it's basically just fan fiction at this point. Of course it will not be the same spirit as the old episodes

Adam Skobe: Stfu u all need to stop crying

lorenzo0910: ok so basically episode 1: Morty being badass but non changing (good) episode 2: fun but no stakes(ok) episode 3: Morty breakup but not really enough to feel bad(Ok) episode 4: just really gross (gross) episode 5: ok enough with the talking car (ok) episode 6: really fun but kinda funky (meh) episode 7: kinda funky but family dynamic (kinda ok) episode 8: Rick facing his problems with his friend (good) episode 9: Rick and morty face problems and take a break ( good i think) episode 10: We get the truth of C-137 and why he is what he is (ok enough)

Daniel Zayt: fans are dumb, the show is great

Jacob johnson: I found the last two episodes were amazing and left the show many options to fix these problems

Walt Has Pizza: SEASON 5 FINALE SPOILER For people confused, a quick ( not so quick) summary of what'll be "cannon" • ⁠Rick is scientist, working on teleportation • ⁠Visited by "Eviler" Rick who offers him portal tech • ⁠turns it down, "guess I'm a different kind of Rick" • ⁠big badaboom, RIP Diane and Beth • ⁠gonna make that bastard pay, lemme invent portal tech real quick • ⁠looking for Eviler Rick, teams up with Birdperson and Squanchie, kills a lot of Ricks and Feds • ⁠never finds Eviler Rick • ⁠somewhere in here he switches universes to one where Rick didn't get Beth killed, but does leave her • ⁠seems to broker peace with other Ricks by building them the Citadel • ⁠also builds the Central Finite Curve, a subset of multiverses wherein Rick is the smartest being in the galaxy, separates the CFC from all other multiverses where he's not • ⁠crash lands back on earth, reuniting with Beth and meeting Morty (and Jerry). • ⁠In one of the universes, "Evil" Morty learns the truth of the Central Finite Curve, that Ricks are altering events to produce Mortys and using them for their bullshit. "Evil" Morty wants out, he wants to escape the CFC to finally live in a universe where Rick isn't central to everything • ⁠In an early Rick and Morty adventure, they look for "Evil Rick" who captures them and scans Rick's brain before being killed. Evil Morty gets away with that data, giving him intel on the Citadel and CFC • ⁠Evil Morty gets elected president of the Citadel while Rick and Morty bang merpeople in Atlantis. Evil Morty still doesn't have all the info he needs to escape the Central Finite Curve, but now has access to the Citadel • ⁠Looking for a way to get Rick back from the two crows, Morty goes to the Citadel and becomes 40. They have to return there to undo it. • ⁠Once there, "President" (Evil) Morty finishes scanning Rick and Morty's brains and begins his escape to beyond the CFC • ⁠To prevent any Rick from stopping him, Evil Morty hacks all their portal guns to either kill them or teleport them to a chamber that kills them. • ⁠Rick and Morty escape in the Mortyburg portion of the citadel along with several malformed Mortys before the rest of the station is sucked into a black hole • ⁠Evil Morty escapes the Central Finite Curve and gains access to infinite realities where Rick either doesn't exist or is not that important/smart. • ⁠Evil Morty opens a yellow portal, a color often associated with Morty, representing his newly won agency, as well as technology beyond what we understand

S.A.V: I honestly think them under powering and him making more mistakes is him starting to care more about his family and just live in the moment

Capitán Deathpool: Is like comunity all over again...6 season and a movie

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Stopsign: It still gets made out to be way worse than it actually is. Only bad episodes were 4&7 (but they still got laughs out of me). Before the finale i rewatched the whole season and I definitely enjoyed it more the second time watching since I was able to catch things that I’d missed the first time

Isaac Blancaflor: I just think this season is a fresh start, like setting a new identity for the show in general. But if there's anything this season had successfully done, its purging the toxic die hard rick and morty fans and our over-analyzation of the show. Which is a must since everyone, including the guys behind the show, are probably so sick of it too.

bless up: good fuckin video my guy

Mattnodd: I just finished watching the finale

Skyline GTR34: At least the last 3 episodes of the season were fucking great.

upward phone booth: well, the finale paid off big time.

Apollo Princely: I actually really like season 5

J&L: I think rick being underpowered is important. Having an overpowered character from s1-10 would be boring and have a shitty overarching story. I like s5 because it shows a compilation where rick fucks up, like being saved by his family, being outsmarted etc would be an insult to him when he's known as the smartest man in the universe. Rick being kicked out of his throne would be a more interesting story than Rick shooting aliens the end imo

H K: Watch the ending , they go deep in it

Nam Kwok: Clearly you didn’t wait for the finale to come out and judge the whole season. That’s your mistake of judging things too quick

p rico: Wow.. this video didnt age well.. and its been less than a day... Thats what happens when you want to capitalize on a show by shitting on it hours before the finale.

Noor551 12: all complaints should be gone after watching this finale lmao

Harrambou: I thought I was the only one that thought “cool, creative, fun, but not funny at all”

benny dude: So y'all just a bunch of rick and morty haters

Just Some Guy with a Goatee: What bothers me is how badly they try hammer home that nihilism/nothing matters shtick. Like ya, I get it we're all going to die/there's no afterlife/life is meaningless cool. We know that crap already, you used to be more subtle about it (I mean just slightly less than hammering us over the head with it) but we GET IT.

b i t t e r f u c k: season 5 finale just shit on this video lmao

noname: 2:15 "charctr devlopment"

TanMan: The finale made up for most of this

KeanuJeeves: I couldn’t listen to more than a couple mins lol so whiny

Garret Woeller: The season felt so much better then 4 like seriously. Not well written I mean I legitimately wish they did have more continuity especially with the last two episodes of the season and they let that hitch at the end of the 9th episode hang instead of pulling out at the beginning of the next episode like bro I was ready for that shift.

mike johnston Bob: The first half of this video aged as well as blue cheese on a picnic table in summer. The other half is just complaining about change. Looks like season 6+ are all gunna be episodic. No point in seeing it if you're expecting more carry over plot.

David B: everything, everything is wrong w/ this shitty season

PronomicalArtist: I disagree, the show would grow stale if it was just the same all the time, I'm glad they are expanding the ideas with not pairing rick and morty all the time, it's not like they can't return to that at any moment, since it's episodic in structure.

Pumpkin: Sure they made some bad episodes, but they really brought it back in the end. If people are asking for more story, the season honestly wouldn't be as good because having episodes about what happened before the finale and all would be plain boring and just build up to the finale. Wouldn't really be good episode.

Carter Tran: Just wait till season 69 come out and we look back on this with fond memories.

Dybixs: Is not that bad, I love this season but I believe season 2 was the best

unsatisfyed64: I don’t know I liked this season in my opinion it was the best season we’ve gotten since season 2,you can disagree respectfully or just kill me

Zzz: Trust me, after these two episodes THERES NOTHING WRONG MY GOD THAT WAS GOOD

Lashay Michelle: I noticed all of this while watching the season

maria belen coronel: So true

Iv Niev: I disagree with point, rick not being with morty all the time makes the show imo a lot better. Lol idk whats going on with you guys but Im loving season 5 (season 4 for me was weak :O)

Omar Smith: I didn't think there could be a season more lame than 4, but this almost is. Not one episode would I wanna watch again. Seasons 1-3 I could watch over and over. But these last 2? This show is going downhill. And I can't even figure out what's going on with this season finale

Chrisbruh YT: That finally though good god evil morty returning ricks full backstory being revealed the the Rick and morty multiverse and more

LogicalFool: That season finale, albeit, might've not redeemed the whole season, was really good and defiantly will be one of my favorites.

Jake Huang: season 5 of rick & morty honestly feels like the later seasons of family guy: repetitive, lame, and superficial. hope they don't start their decline from here

ForeverAlone: Actually the finale was a fucking bang I love it the last 3 episodes was totally fuckin awesome

Chris M: I think Season 5 is the first “phoned in” season of the show as a result of the 75-episode order.

爸爸 杨: I am looking for the last one of season 5. but it comes latter in China😌😌

Chris Sukosd: I 100% agree with all your points.

Mingus: This season is fine lmao

Josh .3: It's a fucking cartoon guys

Nica Lagumbay: I think the lack of Rick and Morty pairing is supposed to happen cause the finale is supposed the two of them falling apart, not the mention the possibility of this being Evil Morty's origin in the season finale

Diamond Dove Daily: The first episode I felt that pacing issue, was the train with storylord. basically like a speed run through an episode. I had to watch it again because I felt like I missed so much yet when I went back to it, There wasn’t as much of missing things as it was speeding through to feel like there’s more.

Isaac Arias: You forgot to mention overly Sexual humor. A lot of it doesn't land, particularly in Episode 3 and 4. Atleast not all the episodes have that, so I'm glad. It's still glaringly noticeable.

Son of Tiamat: The whole GoTron episode was 30 minutes of that season 1 Family Guy bit where they made fun of Speed Racer, with Summer being an unlikable c(v) nt for good measure

XeSpace52: Best season since the first one.

Tomuchcake: I think Rick being underpowered is him getting more depressed. He’s getting worse and not paying attention as much. Also he burps way less too, means he hasn’t been drinking as much as he used to. I think it’s a clever way to show Rick getting sadder.

Marc Camp: Bruh, you just dont get it, do you?... Waballaba dab*dab*

Son of Tiamat: What's wrong with season 5? The woke writers they hired in season 3

Us Ware: Star Wars syndrome

Teddy Li: I unfortunately had to quit watching this season. Hard to put my finger on it but the commenters and this video did well, shame as I loved it.

C L: It's simple: Rick Harmon is letting his perviness get out of hand. The rest of it is just usual show-shifting dynamic to explore ideas and keep people interested.

Southern Gunner: Just feels like a different show. No longer… organic like the season 1-3. There’s a huge difference between 1-3 and 4-5 and the changes are not for the better obviously. There’s a different feeling now. Overall it seems rushed and over saturated with what seems like payed or sponsored references.

Cameron Johnson: I definitely haven't been enjoying this season as much as the others, but I'm not sure why. Your review touched on my best guess, which is the pacing. The concepts don't feel confident enough to hold up an entire episode, and seem to be relying on a 'what if we combined these 2 ideas together' mentality. Then, as a result, the episodes need to be a bit overwritten around this concept to set it up, then pay it off. However, this season came out a lot faster than the previous ones, so the scripts probably had a lot less time in the writers room getting torn apart and stripped down. I think this is going to just be the reality for the rest of Rick and Morty's lifespan, with faster production and less time refining the scripts.

Maj U: Rick used to be a fucked up god, now he is just a smart guy being stupid often

Maj U: I licked the seasons 1-2 & 3 (except ending) 4 was mixed bag and 5 is just family guy’ish sometimes fun doesn’t really go anywhere no stackes compared to season 1-3 I’ll watch in hopes for better but most episodes of season 5 were so forgettable

AppleFrogTomatoFace: I watch vet of acid episode and planetina episode again after watching this vid. I personally think planetina was better. Resonated with me more, and especially that song at the end really made it better, and overall pacing was better for me... but thats just me

blacksesamecandies: It's funny to hear now the complaint is "Rick is too underpowered/dumb and not as badass as before" when many of the critiques of the show I saw for seasons 1-4 were about Rick being too cynical, too jaded, too smart, too overpowered.. ect. I haven't watched since season 3 with it's really underwhelming finale and haven't much found a reason to start watching again for seasons 4-5. I'm not sure if things will live up to seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 had a couple pretty good episodes but was still waffling its execution.

Dennis Reynolds: Rick and Morty has been getting bad since season 3 started. You could see the signs back then too. The writing has turned into Family Guy ... not that Family Guy is bad, its just it's not what Rick and Morty should be.

systemreset: This is nitpicking man

MrCheeseSkeleton: For being a "god" he gets his butt kicked and needs saving too much.

Jamal Anderson: Episode 1 was fire the rest sucked ass

Michael.D: The best way to describe season 5 is it sucks bad people are tired of 1 off characters and no plot this has been the worst season

Charles Lewis: I liked Mort Dinner Rick Andre, a Rickconvenient Mort, and Ricturnal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort. Besides that, it’s kind of been a busy season for me. Really hoping for something good from the finale.

Hello There: Nothing’s wrong with it. Just relax.

juan martinez: We’ve been watching a Rick thats lazy and more prone to cut corners. Leading to an over confident morty.

RB: The turkey episode and rick going into bird persons mind are easily the best episodes of the season.

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