The PLAYOFFS BEGIN! - ESL Pro League Season 14 Official Highlights - Mousesports vs. NiP

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James Royden-Turner: rez so good

Marcin Chreptowicz: Im gonna say it once more: device is the most overrated NIP player and most of the times even Hampus is performing better. He was good in Astralis just because the team was playing to suite him.

Ren: Ropz needs to start taking other roles, he’s one of the most consistent lurkers but oftentimes he is left in impossible to win rounds. Not to mention that wherever he is, teams already know the rest of his team is on the other side of the map. If he entries or not lurk from time to time I think mouz can be really good.

Valdemar Nyhlén: Glad to see official highlights video. I wish you'd kept the plays without cuts though. Like REZ's clutch at 05:51, you removed 8 seconds for no reason. The videos from the likes of Matz is edited in a way so that I can feel the tension of the game. Those cuts, in say a clutch, forces your mind to regain info that would have others been presented naturally. I don't look at a highlights video for the kills, I want to follow the game in a compact format. It's clear you've come to an agreement with channels like Matz, where tjose channels can't make videos no longer than 10 minutes per map. I get it, it's your revenue. But you need to at least be on par. Cheers!

Leon de Vries: Mousesports deserved this win, unfortunate :(

Arstan Kubataliev: Big thanks for uploading highlights, unfortunately I missed this game

BiteBayKon: NiP didn't look great on T side Inferno, by boy their CT was literally flawless. Looking forward to Thursday and seeing them progress to the semi-finals.

manju ﷽.: yo yo

Jate Hews: Sadge for mouz, especially for Ropz, the most underrated player ever with a bad team.

Zeezoo_dk: First

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