Fortnite Galactus Event on PS5 | No Commentary (Chapter 2 Season 4 Live Event)

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PlayStationGrenade: Best live event ever?


Mesky :]: now I can’t wait for my ps5!

ApolloYT: Dude that was u I was in your lobby

Torin McIntosh: Does anyone notice that the rift looks like the butterfly from the butterfly event

BTABray: I attended this event and recorded it. Worth the 4 hour wait. 😄

نادر عبدالله: Nothing is happing

BTABray: I wish I could turn stuff into a big powe- we ne- we need.

Mr. Gaming4fun: My 1st live event. Really glad I was on during the live event, started playing the game 2 weeks before this season started, ended up getting the aquaman outfit and major grinding to lv 100 for the knight outfit.. As funny as it sounds I asked a coworker to swap shifts with me (I was supposed to work when this started) and they were not only nice enough to let me work the morning. They also came in an hour early because they knew how much it meant to me (they dont play videogames or do anything marvel related) so I was able to get in a lobby 20 minutes before it started. The only downside was I couldnt join some friends who were in a lobby already when I got home. Aside from the fact I wish I started playing sooner because I want that Deadpool outfit.

Ryan MLAMBO: i missed it because my dad said go to sleep :(---

Justin Ogilvie: This tony stark feels like dead pool

SnazzySpider giorgi: imagine galactus an undestructable being, being destroyed by battle buses :d

Engineer Gaming: Me trying to steal the shredded cheese without waking up my mom

ZwanzwaN: Come on, epic games couldnt afford the rights to use actual marvel characters (excluding iron man) and their voice actors? They own the sixth most popular game in the world of 2020.

Slasher MU: From where did iron man bring the jetpack??3:17

ZwanzwaN: galactus vore?

VAVATK The Bacon Hair: I want giant travis scott in this fornite event And what if fornite made roblox? (About Lil Nas X)

Hermit Mann: Always thank the bus driver

ZwanzwaN: they just did ch 1 se 10 event again

Exem am: Haha would've been cool if we got a travis scott vs galactus

Tour Quadrillion: I guess fortnite like fat legs


Karlo Ivić: I gues no money for Adam this video.

Kyng Melio: i was there but formy lobby galactus did not move at all

Xanthis: Thank you Fortnite; very cool

Mr. Cheese: This is a good event, but I like the season 9 event more.

DarkDemonChris OwO: Ac= the current of the battle bus Dc= the current of galactus

Sketch :D: All in favor of naming this live event hungry hungry galactics

Allo 1248: Nobody: Epic games: Turns fortnite into starwars+some random future game from 2002. *Everyone liked that*

AstonBOI Jones: The zero is unstable again . Stark it’ll probably be ok

GarGoyle_56: Because season 5 has already come out, it just makes me wonder what would happen if we didn’t defeat galactics

Flaringo: Is season 5 out?

Light: Not a bad little event that was thanks for the upload

Roberts Petrovs: Am i the only one who saw the word sharingan?

PUNISHED HOURZ: This sht is hard

Nek -minit: This is rubbish ! I missed the whole thing because it needed an update bulls*it

Poppy gaming: My fortnite is updating now

FerizaGamez: Heavy quote: this is not possible!

The Commenter: I couldnt watch it :(

zefania würde: can somebody please gift me the new season 5 battlepass name: zefi clappt dich

zefania würde: can somebody please gift me the new season 5 battlepass name: zefi clappt dich

Son& mum: The event would be more epic if the season 9 robot comes

Blues News: Kevin was in the event I'll leave that for you to find

Yung Melo: They rly doin everything they can to save the game

GAMEOVER: I can’t believe I miss this

NO.: What would have happened if you weren't watching from the spacecraft? Would it have just teleported you up there or something

Null 2: iron man is best

Poppy gaming: Did you play it? I was galaxy girl I saw you my lip bro was in a suit with a mask at the start

Alex Armour: AC/DC’s demon fire was a good choice.

Momen al-hasan: plottwist: Watching Fortnite Galactus event on PS5 with the thiccest skin in fortnite.

hashim naeem: That PNG image looks mad epic

Artemispyro YT: i heard tank dempsey as wolverine:/

FangirlSquidward: Me and my brothers started fangirling over the superheroes when they came 😂

Reign watching1235: Season 5 starts in 7:37:44 huhhhhh

Piotr Ciak: This is too boring for me

Mad Kirb98: My name wasn’t there


So Logicless: Ok even tho i hate fortnite but ngl this event is cool

XxFadedEclipse0 YT: Tbh.. a little disappointed in this live event compared to all the previous ones.. the battle pass as well. Running out of ideas so all they can do is just bring old maps back like they did last time.

Ioanna Pappa: The most good and super event

Cedrick Binalla: thx

Wowsuchgoodcontentihave: Im not a fan of fortnite but i gotta give credit when its due, these events are amazing.

Erika Skrovinova: Very short

D4RK DAMAGED: Astro world is next to Saturn

Luis Ibarra: This fortnite season looked and sounded like for little kids 😂😂

Hunter Ajun: Was that CAYDE

Big Smoke: Now I lose respect for marvel and epic since they made galactus look like a dummy.

Pc: I was there

Daniel Nunes: This game sucks so bad

Mysticalist: 3:01 I like ya cut g...

Blitzshxt: I must be da only one downloaded fortnite for the event and deleted it right after

Kahlaa Rabbani: Why did iron man repeated when saying we need to?

Luucasbigpro05: They sould make a LTM like this

Doctor T: I like how there was a million gorgers living in galactus

caleb land: In the space part of you look at your right astro world is there


solo _: Bad news: glatcits is after you Good the steoro working

Luucasbigpro05: Fortnite x Star Fox

danillio djoemena: yeah

Cyborg 508: Is that Godzilla’s atomic breath at the end ?

Fortnite Mason: I watched it in person it was sick

Potatoes Carrots: It kinda succ

Kirni FN: Thanks for recording this event, I couldn't watch it and thanks to you I could ☺️

Regina Uribe: i was sleepy while watching th live event and fell asleep for a minute and woke up to him being like AHHHHHHHHH BEWARE

Random User: 8:36 For those of you who don't know. There's Astroworld.

Hunter Leon TV: YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tylerrousos: Cayde 6?

Who Shot Ya: Can we go back to the 1st chapter when the game was good?

RedHotGamer: Guys he hunger 😳

Antonio Ocampo: Anyone else hear Nathan drake instead of iron man? And Sam drake instead of jonesy

AsheR: 15 minutes till the downtime is over!!!!

Zaxy Mp5: Where’s Travis Scott when you need him

Who Shot Ya: This was just Face Raiders for the DS

OreoAndy: I can’t believe I missed this event, I wish I was awake to go to this event so badly now T-T, This is one of the best for its events ever

Brandy Williams: Heck yeaaa

hovis: Guy from fortnite

hovis: Guy from fortnite

hovis: Guy from fortnite

hovis: Guy from fortnite

hovis: Poo

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