Modern Warfare: Infinity Ward FINALLY Announced SEASON 4!

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WhosImmortal: Season 4 is finally coming! Prepare those hard drives! Thanks for watching :D

Handzarac: Honestly this is my favourite season

Awesallem The King: Everyone so hyped with this happening a week ago seems fake

Secret Asassin: Season 4 is SHIT!!! Bring back shipment!!! What the hell u wana do in a shitty trench

Paul Baker: I’m sorry but this update was trash

Jakob Transou: 39 gigs on ps4

Emeralds: We want quick descend grapple ropes for WZ

Bob Jeep: 84 gigs? Good bye!

Rylan Pugh: Guys this 84gb update is killing me smh

Peyton Pertile: SEASON 4 IS OUT!!

Ben Mauger: Yessss.........patiently waiting for install....12 hours left😬

Since Hey there: 2:23 We are all going to have to spend some time downloading this patch. His update took like half an hour

AKAbigfry66: Who remembers immortals resists

Eisfotze Sch: They moved the nuke to vandased

Eisfotze Sch: I’m not banned yet

Anthony Ferreira: So I only need the two multiplayer packs to play multiplayer

David B: For myself it’s a little bit buggy (unless that’s how it is now) I can’t kill anyone at the start of Warzone. Also, the sound goes so you can’t hear people shoot but you can hear the sound of supply boxes and other things like that

Keilan: I kinda want more of the campaign. I dont want to do co op

Matt Ponce: The Vector better come with lager mag sizes

Fried Beef: Booters is that u

kittenmiester: The thing in the nuke it's from the co op the plane one

Ryan Dunham: Yeah it’s 84 gigs

Sergio Secundino: Is shipment 2/47 and shoothhouse gonna be gone forever?

carlberg: Galil 😍

Jones26: 84GB?! My PS4 is only going to have modern warfare by the time season 5 is out

Callum White: Immortal: "Upwards of 20 to 25gb" Season 4: *Laughs in 31, 40 and 41 GB

Diego Paredes: whoever said we need "hey, hi, how ya doin?" merch deserves a fucking raise

Biscuit XL: Too excited, i cant stop farting!

TimmyD-MTB: I hope they binned that politically correct BLM crap off the game.

Brian Tomerlin: We need “Hey, Hi, How Ya Doin” merch on god

Sall Banjoman: 21 gb? Bnet downloads 45 gb...

Woke Cappa: Its out bois 😀😀

Raindeer: Pure BS 4GB yea right mine is 33GB

TheSlasher Boy: I didn’t get any update

soo..: Update so long boi,btw HEY HI HOW YA DOIN😆


BILLYH944: So wheres the new map

Hubert Tran: Can u make a new video on best class setups for each weapon?

FlaMango_G: My update just hit 50%

Cristian Pinell: Ok yeah but where is soap?

Lucas Chinn: Its 85 gigs on Xbox

Phan Tom: 39.5 GB on PC 😮

Dean O'Brien: Why is my update nearly the size of the original game ?

Officer Dva: Finally Season 4 update woo!

Erica nocks: Hi how are you doing

Mr.Nobody: I'm downloading it right now and its a big one, its weighing in at 30 gigs.

Conor: Thanks for the great video (as always)! Glad to see your channel is still growing!

Elliott Ray: 'Sometimes upwards of 20 or 25 gigs.' Me: logs on and sees its 84 gigs

Shaded Figure: So.. Season 4 isn't here yet. 😅

Green_thumb 3579: I feel like they didn’t release it yesterday because of the leakers

ISh0tYa: Try 85 GB...

Noah Savage: I’m updating my game right now on Xbox and it is 84.82GB!!!!

Mr Icey: Good job on the war zone win

Frank Ortega: Downloading of update for season 4 for me has started at 11:30 PST. Lock and load peeps 👍🏻😂

Sneaky: IW: We dont wanna take attention away from BLM BLM: We need more support now than ever its getting worse IW: WE DID IT GUYS IT ONLY TOOK A WEEK WE OBLITERATED RACISM LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Christian murrieta: Im late but I really love your videos and thanks for the info season 4 going be sick your the best! <3

Luka Garst: I AM SO HYPED

Eomerthe6th: The update is 80gb if anyone wants to know (I am not a free to play player)

DISKOSTOO: It's game time folks....get your download on :)

Cgomez: It’s fuckin 84 gigabytes

M Bhaus: Again 33.05gb on xbox. It really gets annoying now. I want to love cod but... damn that's just crazy. 🤦‍♂️

Ceese Chake: Immortal: 20-25 gigs MW: 86gig update “lol my bad”

Khush: The update is 84 gigs on Xbox lol

K Weeks: Yeah so I'm deleting more games just for this lord if CoD 2020 is as insane as these updates have been for MW2019, I'm gonna give it a hard pass.

Just Power: The mw update is 37 gb Sorry i had to say it

Ishaan Singh: "20 or 25 gigs" *84 gigs*

Anders A.: Guys, I just want to say that I am alive after 84.82 GB.

RogueSoldier 907: 84.82GB is that just me or does someone has the same problem.

Aka Reaper: The update just came out

mariano casarez: Bro wth it’s 1:20 for me still no update

a very sad bagel: Bruh I have 100 GB of free space on my ps4 and it still says not enough space fucking bruh moment.

Brotato Chip: Downloading it now. 32 GB 🤯

CaveManCap 1: Yes

Dtown Tv: It's a 32GB download I cant wait!!!

Jiggle Physics: Well season 4 still hasn’t dropped yet. I thought it was gonna drop Wednesday night?

Brendan Hood: Subbed my dudde

Gary Rice: Omg. With my internet it’s gonna take a good 2 days for this update 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Preston hawle Y: It’s updating for me rn

Dziki Dzik: 11:12 there is NO update on Xbox One

hi hi: I literally just got a glitch for the akimbo batons before the season 4 update!

Gary Rice: Bro why is everyone hating on you. My one just started downloading. Give it about ten minutes

Brendan Hood: Good video I hate to see everyone hating on u

Lohyalty: 84.82 GB😳

M1DNIGHT: Capppppp where is the shit

Brendan Hood: For all the people saying "you're lying" he said pacific time sooo your wrong

Candice Jones: Uhm it’s time

Brad Kay: Big Cap

Gary Rice: 2 minutes past 7 in uk. I stayed up 🤦‍♂️

mariano casarez: What about central time

Kigen Jones: smh look at these 267 haters...they maddd

Lil ZRG: Where the fucks it at tho 😒

Gary Rice: Is the update an hour late ?

julioo: Can’t wait to us a 1tb during this season

Pew Pew: I think its time to buy a external drive. #Rip my internal Hard drive

madman gaming: He lied to us it not out

Bob Eeir: Has anyone worked out what time this is in Australia?

Øwen_yanch16: 0:20 WTF?? Again Immortal with the big game play clips. 2 for 2? Damn

Mustafa Areeb: dobbh has been given confirmation for season 4 dobby is freeeeee

SCP- 079: This is just a lie

Shin Senpai: New meta grau attachments?

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