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WhosImmortal: New Weapon Tuning, new Best Loadouts! Thanks for tuning in!

N-TECgamer: Shave bro what's going on with that chin 🤣. Love ya work btw I'm just trying some banter

Ethanwinter96: Brilliant breakdown my guy, I'm thinking it's time for me to try and stop being scared and run overkill again, mainly because I'm wasting my loadouts by having so many with only one realistic killing machine, absolutely smashing it as always fammm!

Jose Hernandez: Did they ever fix the Roman standard blueprint for the Swiss???

gt3rs: why they removed that fucking plunder ?!

Ondřej Dobrota: I cant even play from yeasterday because of two phase authentification.

Yoboi SlurkyDurk: I have den subed like a month ❤️❤️❤️

hope-z y: Hey hi how ya doing

Grant H: I don't have cold war but I have mw just changed all my classes because I keep getting out gunned...this is going to be a grind 😂

Mohammad Chira: Nice lodout name

Issie Saud: I want to play warzone with you

Jamarcus Wellbad: Hey zac

Rasputinas: 🔥🔥🔥 thx bro

Jerry Thay: What reticle do you use?

Sheiky: pls do rebirth my friend

Ryan Sanko: These are always my favorite videos when there is a patch. Loved it Immortal!

Absentpopcorn: This is probably one of my favorite YouTube channels so much cod info and useful things 🤠

BR Power: Use BO pistols they are faster

J. Gulle: Unm No OTS ? Or tec 9

Interviolet: The meta's in a funky place I feel like I could use most guns and be fine cheaters aside They aded Dark Aether to the EM2/Tec9 and assuming the Marshalls too :)

mustangman885: what's the use? people just put hack ya

5DS: What is that blue reticle you use

Level: Immortal low-key should make some game play because he's good

Aashan Sohail: 👑

K1ngzy: Ngl i use your build as a reference for how i'm gonna build mine, 9/10 i just stick to your build :)

Na3iiiz: the CW Mp5 is underrated

Adrxkツ: 💯💯

REAPERZ ArkNova: Stoner has officially been renamed to the elephant gun cos its so damn heavy

Gaming videos to d World: Why match grade barrel over task force barrel on mg82 lmg

Ebonix59: You have to try the dual renettis !! Better fire rate than m19 after nerf

CoDNumero1: you never disappoint me chief

Easy Slaps: Gallo and amp63 ghost setup - Meta

Carlos Fernandez: CW AK47 is quite underrated, harder to use but with enough practice man it shreds, a weapon for those who want something different from others

Uncoordinated: Buff the krig

C: Thanks for the video, everyday watching your videos man keep posting.

Muhammad I: 3:40 ; Best push loadout for me!! It is so fun to use!

Push King: Please change your intro 😩 i would love to hear you speak slower

Eiyt: how do you get zombies camos on warzone?

Valter Ghidoni: Quando torna malloppo ??

Braden Toma: I just started leveling up the tec9. Is that a gun that would be competitive in wz?

KongSchlong: ain’t no way this list is in order

Real Majd: Hey zak plzzz can you give me the best loadouts for Resurgence Rebirth? Or are they the same as shown in the video? And is the krig good in rebirth??

TBM24680: On the loadout for the kar98k and mp7, did you mean to have the throwing knife?

SimbaVFX: day 83 of asking for a fov slider for console

Der SnipendeBoss: Its so sad to see basically only cold war guns to be meta

Raymond Walker: 7:03 BARS🔥🔥🤣🤣

exte deathe: Good soup 👌

Tommo Gaming: Used the Fara and mw mp5 with 10mm rounds on rebirth lastnight got a 27 kill game, don’t think the nerf hurt the 10mm rounds to much tbh

J A: Best sniper support: cold war AK

Tongan C: Why isnt the krig on here?

Maeid Uddin: Qbz is best sniper support

Tristian Moore: Immortal try the Dual Reneties, I heard they are absolutely busted rnow!

iitsKryptik: Love the daily content

Mark Six: For the 5 loadouts you mentioned, it's fine if you interchange primary and secondary weapons, right?

egi: I'm too low level for these setups 😥

MortalKombatMW3: The Milano bundle isn’t there for me

Lowell B: I honestly like the CW AK. Feel like it’s always overlooked

Michael O'Hara: Thanks for all that you do for the community your awesome, tho if it’s not hackers with speed hacks I’ve seen today and now just had someone Stim Glitch for a win so looks like that is back now. The game is unplayable at the moment, love your videos tho 😃👍🏻

Warzone Senior Citizen: Rebirth island loady Gallo / Amax

merqe: You always be on top of it preciate that

xSlipperySoapx: It’s always “how you doing?” But no one asks how are you doing lol

Jimmy HIll: Love ya ZAC! Watched till the very end cuz I love your outro music 🎶 Also just letting you know you are cracked at warzone and your better than you might seem.

NoNamePaper: Sykov got nerfed?

Revive QuaKe: Stoner and pkm are my fav rn

Harry Sanchez: what is that small blue reticle you use?

OG Snake Eyes: Krig 6 still rocks.

James Bond: I was just dropping in to the village intje Hill by TV station and I kept hearing an announcement voice saying "MESSAGE RECIEVED" and then again in promenade West

Nigel Charlie: Hey hi how ya doin?

Bye Bye: Hey immortal what’s the next best smg if I don’t wanna use the ots?

OMG DUDE: I have DM ultra on my ballistic knife. But it dosent show it, i mean every camo is unlock but not the mastery camos

Kaylen Blue: Thanks, Immortal I need this


D M: Great vid...always love these They almost made those TacR viable. It was so close I could feel it but then no. Looking forward to the Vanguard content bro.

JhonavenKindaFunny: YESSSSSSSS NEW VIDEO!!!

G FUEL: Always dropping 💎 💎 💎

Ricannon: When there is a weapon tuning update , there is a much needed loadout vid

xxprocxx: I love the gun class names 😂

Rusty bench: Look at all these people bumming him saying ‘oo brilliant video zac you’re the best’ just to get a heart sad lads

Irie Bacon: Like number 536. Let's go!

Gavin McKendrick: No close range cold war AK shout out? Who are you and what have you done with Zac!!

Nicolas Ferlaino: hi pt. 181

Daniel De-Abreu: Day 247 of saying hello to immortal

IcyRyan: Should I be using cold blooded for perk 1? is it worth it to counter combat scout ._.

Ko Day: What about that bruen cuzzzz

Meeklmore: I figured I’d try something new apart from my AK/MP5 main load out I use, so this video was helpful, thanks Zac

Ryan Pieterse: Thx for the loadouts ideas have a nice day

Weewee Beaver: Dude zach i feel bad for you, u grinded for the better looking DM ultra (dark aether) and u grinded the DM ultra cup the zombies camps weren't out until now. I couldn't bother getting anything more than platinum for some classes and obsidian for the mp5, mp7, and bizon( cuz it's my favourite mp gun.)

madskrillz2: If you're on M&KB, that MG82 is nasty. It's a lot easier to control the recoil with a mouse.

shrider180: If you want to have some fun, throw the x6 optic on the stoner 😂 talk about laser beam


Titan: Always giving us the best of the best, the GOAT Immortal 👑😎

SzymmerGD: Yo, Zac, how do i unlock the zombie camos in wz? They dont show up for me

fedrick henderson: I can take on everybody who commented on this Video with d MW an-94 n win

Cristóbal Soza: Do you like the wrx’s

The Bomber: Take raider stock off krig try the target designator only increases range by 4% but feels a solid choice

Luis Brambilla: 🧐

_-Ghost-_ _: My friend let me play on his account and WOW DARK AETHER IS PHENOMENAL

NEXT LEVEL: Which gun weights 1k pounds (A)Stoner (B)PKM (C)RAL Comment below

TRXPGOD_ Redd: Love the vids keep it up bro💙💙

TerranXeno: Try out the ots and swiss they imo the ots is the best sniper support it's just so good

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