Fortnite Season 8 Chapter 2 Story Trailer

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Excursion Comics: For those who never heard an for those who wanna share it. HERE IS THE MILLMILLION-DOLLA. QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.

Instinct cranky: Idc what y’all say dualies are here

Some Dude: That’s fucking mortifying.

Gullible: Hehe Kevin is making a Left 4 Dead map I see

Berk: Broo the cube returning is wayy to nostalgic!

Reynaldo Gomez: Why do i feel season 4 chapter 1 nostalgia But good to know the foundation is alive he was silent for last season

PureWizard99: I have a theory for Kevin in ch1, one of the cubes that crashed sent a lightning strike into a rift, came out through the other side and it striked the surface in the ch1 map which is then how Kevin appeared in ch1

SpaceCat Gaming: New zombies might be annoying tho

SpaceCat Gaming: Holy crap

Josh 49 ivy: I'm paye when I get home for school tomorrow

Left4Ruin: Awesome, keeps the kids of actual games

Cakrabayu Budireksa: Nobody cares

Malarkey 094: Wouldn’t it be cool guys if they bring back the original map?!?! That’d be crazy!

Adrian Guzman: No dialogue

Edu guzman: season 8! cant wait to play

pachyrhinosaurus: GET NOO- *GET CUBED*

Disegna con Gió: 1:27 a minion

Typlays14: That was kool

Kevin the cube: Destiny arrives all the same but now its here or should i say i am!

ZenTheOriginal: Ahh shit here we go again…


THE3LITEGAM3R !: Wow another season with only 1 good character you have to grind for 🙄, and then everything else that's good they put in the store, even shit that goes better with the season then they have in the battle pass, fuck epic games

Like and sub: Yes more foundation

Araara SenPai: The final poneglyph to reach laugh tale is in fortnite. Only the best swordsman / navigator roronoa zoro can find it.

Deez Nutz: yall wanted kevin the cube yall got kevin the cube

Skootzz -: Fortnite was so done with people talking about the cube so they were just like YOU WANT THE CUBE BACK TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zdollers: Kevin has returned and he brought friends, time to get destroyed by sweaty 9 year olds.

Gespy: i'd be impressed if they could link these story chapters back to their original game mode

Vanguard: bruh they show this whole different map in the trailer then look at how it actually looks💀

Erron Black: Ohh boy I can’t wait for the 15th Re-skin of the fish stick

KingCharlesc: And I thought 1 cube was bad enough

Erron Black: Battle pass is disappointing but carnage looks metal asf 🔥

PiratesCoveGaming: Kevin Where have you been

Rafael Wells: Wowwww

Morgana: Soooo.. Does this mean we'll get a rainbow carnage as well?

Dylan Mcnece: look how traumatized fishy looks

Gage Park: huh... neat

Aeon Kelligen: Sloan left us to die....and unleashed a worser threat. Arm up lads welcome to the new war. And we just got redrafted....

Sunny Lu's Burner: Dont care give us the old map back

Toga_waifu: headhunter is in a trailer less gooo Edit: NO SHE FUCKING DIES

Ethan Peele: KEVIN BACK

jocey 1110: Let’s go we still have the pum

Sergio Bazaochi: what is that shit

RamonYT: Fortnite season 8 u get cubed

Loner Cheese: crazy

mohammad sharjeel: sick

that skinnydude: This game need to die

StarVerdict: This game is dying hard

evil: Gamespot alr made 2 Vids on Season 8 lol

Royal_Gaming: they finally did huge map changes instead of small ones like every other season

Royal_Gaming: new ar lets goo

SDino: Rip headhunter 😭

Zombiereaper: Ok i see you visitor

Playboi Carti's Intern: The foundation 1:34

Momo Kyatto: KEVIIINNN!!!

The Outer Gods: who's the broken bot underwater?

Lilly-Mae Toihau-Panera: Damn this season gonna be fire

Sirmel11: Where's Naruto?

Lil Smoke YTP: Omg lmaoo

Lil G Ukers: Fortnite cube storage hehehe

No Luck: My boy Kevin’s back let’s go

Grievous: I don't even play Fortnite anymore but I wished they dropped an animation series or a movie

Aman Khan: No Naruto

Tyler McKnight: Omg!!

Casti Wolf: Dammn looking good

AysnYT: Kevin is back

Zero_ Gamer: YES NO NARUTO

PoqrV: Damn I’m early

It's me JKM: 🔥

Ama: Wow. For once the people who like to put Kevin in all their clickbait event videos managed to get something right.

Swayam Krishnan: this game is dead lol

Robert C.: Lol… Long Live Kevin the Cube 😂

Felipe Del Rio Alvarez: Seriusly neeed a minigun or a light machinegun

Swedish Just Dancer: Hyped!

Earnest Shealey: Kevin

ByeLamanburg X4: There’s no way it’s out yet gotta be a concept

UNIQXE🔫¿¿: This season finna be lit

Flatbread Fresh: Dang that was fast. But brooooo headhunter got squished 🥺

Jacob Deloach: ayo kev?😳

The lizard Spotters: 👏no👏more👏crossovers👏

Crxythz: 2nd

Team Arise: Early

Naruto Uzumaki: I was not in the fortnite battle pass 😔 =(

Braden on da trak: Guys

Braden on da trak: Luv u guya

Legendary: First view less gooo

Oyunerdene Ragchaa: hewwo

itachi gamer: Nice

Yeah Son 81: That was fast.

Navyhamter057 !: Ay

Braden on da trak: Yooo 1st

Jetesez: Wow

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