Reacting to the Fortnite Season 8 TRAILER! (BATTLEPASS + STORY TRAILER)

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Fabsta Pizza: You can get the rail gun and other alian stuff from IO chests

bahamutzervn12: The map changes killed the hype for me honestly. All the cubes landing on the map and we get no new poi or old poi blowing up is really disappointing

bahamutzervn12: Imagine the live event for season 9 all the cubes will fuse together and they blow up the entire map

ComandoVIK: Everyone : appreciating the trailer and excited Sypher : tHaTs nOt aN Ar

Niko bellic: I wonder what happens to our character that was in the event do they die or...?

Destroyer 69: This traile is clipbait the map looks nothing like that this is horshit

Austin Anderson: Imagine still playing fortnite 😂

Captain Rox: I know nothing about fortnight. But does the thumbnail look like a giant Poneglyph yo anyone else? P.S. If you know, You know.

Ur Face: i had to thumbs down for this guys stupid head

PYJ: Virgin

nothing and everything: Not rameriz

Natalie Cabrera: 8m

True Crime Queen TV: I love your videos!! Everyone be safe out there 🍒💖

Diedara: Siren head?

SquidgyMinotaur: Fix you’re god damn bug eyes

Caroline Ebanks: I’m so exited to play

lrteis: Why does Kevin sound like a lady tho?

ResidentArtist0: For the record: I am not a Bible scholar, and have no formal training in any way. In fact, I am a High School dropout and have never taken a college course or any theology classes. I’ve never read a ‘Commentary’ on any Scripture, I can’t read Hebrew, Greek or any language other than English. I say all that to say this: If you glean anything from what I'm about to say you need to know it is from the Living God. Not me. The confidence I have in His word comes from Him. The faith that I have in His ability to transform and redeem lives comes from Him and from personal experience. The knowledge I have of the Living God (the God of the Bible) comes from knowing Him and His inspired word, and my understanding of it comes from the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. I do not proclaim to know all that there is to know about the Lord, but what I do know I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with you. The Lord gave me LIFE when I was living in the deepest darkness…with no hope…or a future… and I am here because I was not alone in that darkness and I want YOU to know the God that saves. [If you don’t already] . And If you do, then I pray you will join me in my quest to bring God’s glorious light into the darkness that is consuming our world. Not for my sake…but for the sake of those who are still lost. Join me in crying, “Come to the cross of Jesus! He is MIGHTY TO SAVE!” You need to know that there is irrefutable evidence that God’s word was written by One who knows the end from the beginning, so don’t believe the lie that all believers in Him have a ‘blind’ faith that is based on ‘feelings’, and nothing more. Many of us came to Christ with blind faith [with little to no knowledge of God], but if we’re growing in our relationship with Him and the knowledge of His word we will grow into a mature Christian that cannot be swayed by false teachers, mockers, or staunch unbelievers, for how can we deny one we KNOW? And how can we not defend the One who has redeemed us, transformed us, and given us eternal life? I am not still following Christ with blind faith…but am, rather, walking towards heaven with my eyes wide open…confident in the God I serve……………and I just want to make my Heavenly Father proud. The word of God says that we have all sinned. All of us. And sins penalty is death. The good news of the Bible is that God loves us so much He didn’t want us to have to pay the penalty for our sins so He paid the penalty for us! He literally died for us…so we wouldn’t have to! And because he’s God he rose from the dead to prove that He was who He told everyone He was…and, [His word tells us] to prove that He was successful in doing what He came to do. To pay the penalty of our sin in full. So does that mean that everyone gets to go to heaven now? No. Everyone could….but everyone won’t. Because not everyone is grateful that Jesus died for them. And some people don’t even feel guilty for their sin. They like sinning. And for that reason they will reject Jesus. Some people just don’t believe in Jesus. Some are so crazy they don’t even believe He ever even existed, even though there’s irrefutable evidence and proof that He did. And others think they’re pretty good people…and think they can earn their way to heaven because of that goodness. The problem is they’re comparing themselves to other people. People who are worse than them of course. And we don’t get to go to heaven because we’re “better than our neighbors.” No sin can enter heaven. None. Period. And bottom line is only those who have repented of their sins…asked Jesus to forgive them for their sins…believed that He died for their sins…and asked Him to save them…will go to heaven. God made heaven. It belongs to Him. And He is the One who gets to decide who can go there, and who can’t. He has made a way for all of us to be able to go to heaven…but many people are so arrogant they think they can do it “there way” and still get there. :( They’re wrong. To repent means to not only admit you have sinned…but to be truly sorry in your heart for sinning as well. [Not sorry because you got caught…but sorry that you ever did it…there’s a big difference.] Repentance is the key ingredient to salvation that many people overlook. They think they can just pray a prayer…like it’s magic or something…and be saved. But that is not the case. Repentance is a requirement because God only forgives those who are sincerely sorry for what they have done. Just saying “I’m sorry” is not good enough…it’s all about what’s in our hearts. Think of it this way. Do you have any siblings? Or cousins? Or someone in your life that’s done something to hurt you…that then had your mom or dad or someone tell them to apologize to you for what they did? And then they looked at you and said, “Sorry,” in such a way that it was obvious they were not sorry and were only saying “sorry” because someone in authority over them was making them do it? That is the opposite of “repentance.” It’s only words. It meant nothing because they didn’t mean it and they wouldn’t have even said it if they hadn’t been made to. Now, if you can tell the difference between when someone is truly sorry, and when they’re just saying “words” how much more can God…who knows everything! Our every thought! Our every deed! If we’re not truly sorry…we will not be forgiven. But, if we are truly sorry…and we ask Him to forgive us…He will do it! Immediately. And when we do that…and we believe that He paid the penalty for that sin…and all of our sin…and ask Him to save us…He will do it. Immediately. It’s all about what’s in our heart. Being sincere. And, if you don’t know Jesus yet, then today you can ask Him to forgive you for your sins…[but only if you mean it]…and you can repent of them…tell Him you don’t want to keep sinning and you need His help to change…and put your faith in what Jesus did for you on the cross…paying your sin debt in full. The choice is yours, the Lord has given you a free will…and He loves you so very much. But He will never force you to love Him in return. We are, right now, very late in the Biblical “end days”…and the return of Christ for his church prior to the start of the tribulation that will follow is “at the door,” so I hope you’ll consider what God’s word has to say about the days we’re living in and those that are soon coming, because although people can still place their faith in Christ after the rapture they will then lose their lives as a result of their newfound faith as the Antichrist will have no tolerance for those who choose Christ over him. Only 1/3 of those who enter the tribulation will still be alive at the end of those 7 years. The horror of it is, quite simply, incomprehensible. :( If you don’t yet know Christ…please…please don’t wait. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus desires for all to be saved…for none to perish, and we know from His word that is why He has tarried in these end days before coming! But…He will come…soon…because He is the God of His word…and if He said it…He must bring it to pass

Its_Aydan: Siren Head

J Allen Productions: The cube…. A cube is used to represent the planet Saturn. Any religion that has to deal with a cube, is a form of Saternian worship, which mean it’s a Satanic worship. Satan and Saturn are the same words. Be careful at what you watch. It’s all subliminal messages.

My Vision: My vision

Brandon Henry: It’s Siren Hear

r/Bumfris: Has anyone ever told you that you look like SypherPK?

LiberalSlayer: This actually looks kind of epic

Guy: KeViN ThE CuBe. Trash name. Naming a CuBe is dumb enough. Naming it Kevin is worse. Pathetic

TimeBucks: That battlepass looks great

Larry The Manager: Epic gave us all we wanted plus more

Hoang khen vlog: Hello, I'm Vietnamese, I'm also doing yutube and you subscribe to the channel to help me do better, thank you very much

Corbin Grectt: The gun were the default was using it looks like a Craig Vi from college duty war zone

June Stewart: this season is one of the best of chap 2 so far!

Rap Star: Steam екітүсті оба

GameShark 10 23Z: I think that thing at the end if the trailer is siren head

That Dude: Who even plays this game anymore except for streamers trying to make money off of views?

the lamb sauce: Did sypher lose weight, I haven’t been on Fortnite or watched Fortnite content in a wile

lj.grand3: the trailer makes the map look much more crazy than it actually is thankfully

NAPLAK BULU: Is that road poneglyphs ???? 😅

theguy: you are gay playing stupid rat kid game

umer bilal: watched this live on twitch>

ahmar911: Where pyramid

Omni H: The gun is a Krig 6

B.C Cobra: The big monter at the back is siren head

Sophiya *- Go To My ChanneI! L.!.V.E. NOW*: The map changes killed the hype for me honestly. All the cubes landing on the map and we get no new poi or old poi blowing up is really disappointing

Bribe: this season is one of the best of chap 2 so far!

Quyen Tran: Imagine the live event for season 9 all the cubes will fuse together and they blow up the entire map

SuperFireTurtle14: Jesus loves you

chrisnmaks: I, m going to miss a week of the new season

crazygod1029: Bro this season is fire 🔥 for me

CHEEKY: Only the real ogs remember kevin the cube rolling like a boss 😭😭😆😆

Master creative Butcher 05: Wao crazy famous 🔥🔥🔥

Brick Boss: 2:36 what is that monster in the background

Evolving Trident: Bruh is that the orda from cod zombies outbrake

Metrycalツ: I bet that the Queen is Singularity

Elias _art: That thing behind them in the end looks like siren head or something

Praise to God: Jesus Christ is coming back soon! please take it serious what he spoken of is coming to pass right before our eyes.. it’s not a joke,y’all need to know the saving salvation of ur soul..that is in Jesus Christ who bore our sins He’s the way the truth and the life He brutality died on the cross to pay the penalty for all of our sins so that if you acknowledge you’re a sinner that’s sinned against His law and you turn to Him by confessing with your mouth that Jesus Lord and believe that he was raised from the dead and call upon his name and repent of ur sins you would be forgiven and saved spared from damnation and Heaven bound God bless you!

You: The map changes killed the hype for me honestly. All the cubes landing on the map and we get no new poi or old poi blowing up is really disappointing

Nav S: nobody plays this shit anywhere

Mokalad Salih: define ponder pls

Chxse: Dear Reader I don’t know you and you don’t know me. Probably we are not even living in the same country. We look different. You may be older than me or younger. We are just completely strangers. But there are a few things which connect us. We are Humans. We have emotions and feelings. A personality which defines us. And we are both on Youtube, no matter what’s going on in your life at the moment, you can do it! You can manage out if it, you will stay stronger because there are people who love you. And these people are worth it!! Yes, we are strangers but not too far away from eachother to not say that you are a great Person. Because you are! I hope even if it’s just one of you, that I could help or support you in a way. This comment is for all the lonely people out there! Heaps of love. Ily king you deserve more! <33 - love from a small youtuber. 💜

Ethan Stuchins: yo sypher if you see this there is s bunker near pp

Inspecta47: IM TELLING YOU CYPHER ITS MORGANA 😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯

strawberry star: Ohh my gosh stop puse

Kevin the Cube: Hello there

Arlen: No new pois bruh epic sucks

Mr_SadBoy25: Is it just me or when we get the little glance of the seven the soundtrack sounded like Superman theme ya know it gave me hardcore chills that little part lol

Emiliano_ Plays: I said the same thing what PK said when we saw the pump “thank god”

Jesus is Lord: To the one who has ears to hear, let him hear this message Don’t play games with you’re soul Jesus loves you so much as you can see from what’s going on in the world things have changed and you probably wonder at times if things will Ever go back to normal ? the answer to that question is no. God is allowing you to see just how evil this world is and you’ve seen so much that should make you think and ask yourself is God speaking to me ? Is God warning me ? yes he is and God will judge this world but God is patient with you and with all Not wanting any to perish but all to be saved Today and even now is time of salvation make the best decision you can make in this world and give you’re life and you’re heart to Jesus Christ and accept Jesus as you’re Lord and Saviour doing so while understanding this fact that eternity is forever with no end And no such thing as time in eternity God loves you so much God doesn’t force you to accept him but they are consequences for rejecting the forgiveness that God offers to you through Jesus who died for you as a sacrifice for you’re sins God wants to forgive you and save you but you need to stop running away from God the bible says all have sinned and are guilty before God but loves us so much that he made a way for us to be saved the judgement of God is near with all that’s happening in the world the earthquakes the volcanoes the vaccines it’s obvious that something is going on and you need to get right with God because you’re sins separate you from God. God doesn’t want you to Go to hell which Is why Jesus died for you In you’re place paying the price for you’re sins receive the forgiveness of God in Christ Jesus today John 3 For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. Whoever believes and has decided to trust in Him [as personal Savior and Lord] is not judged [for this one, there is no judgment, no rejection, no condemnation]; but the one who does not believe [and has decided to reject Him as personal Savior and Lord] is judged already [that one has been convicted and sentenced], because he has not believed and trusted in the name of the [One and] only begotten Son of God [the One who is truly unique, the only One of His kind, the One who alone can save him]. This is the judgment [that is, the cause for indictment, the test by which people are judged, the basis for the sentence]: the Light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For every wrongdoer hates the Light, and does not come to the Light [but shrinks from it] for fear that his [sinful, worthless] activities will be exposed and condemned . But whoever practices truth [and does what is right—morally, ethically, spiritually] comes to the Light, so that his works may be plainly shown to be what they are—accomplished in God [divinely prompted, done with God’s help, in dependence on Him].”” ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16, 18-21‬ ‭ For the wages which sin pays is death, but the [bountiful] free gift of God is eternal life through (in union with) Jesus Christ our Lord.” ‭‭Romans 6.23 2 Peter3 9The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think. Instead, he is patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins

Jacob Castillo: The one at the end of episode that was siren head people do still talk about him in real life

Theo Drinkwater: The guy at the back looks like siren head

Chase Goolsby: Fortnite has died lol

Wyatt Amanor: SIRENHEAD

Gamingblueiver264: There’s the meatior coming down in the back left ish in the beginning no one saw?

Michael Melough: I really like it so excited to play!!!!!

DTSCLAPZ: When she waived to the other characters you can go when I saw them it looked a little bit like chapter 1 season 4 with dusty and the super hero’s

Gauge the Rage: Oh my gosh that was siren head in the end

Astro_14: Tall zombie is definitely siren head

René Borjas: I feel bad for that default

Derrek Worsnop: Steve better be up in the battle pass

Waffle Lord11: Naruto?

Scriddz: 3:10 thats headhunter not ramirez


penguinothedestroyer: Anybody notice how similar the little tune is at the end of the story trailer it's clearly a callback to the zero point crisis theme and ngl it's kinda nostalgic

Breathe & Let it go: Is this out?

RoastrToaster: Meh

Mason Davis: So no Naruto skin

Erica F.: Dearest Mr. Sir, a.k.a. United States Marine Corps (Veteran) Staff Sergeant Michael J. Engelsman (a formidably adorable Oregonian of the Sagittarian Gen-Xer variety who has been recovering from injuries sustained in the First Gulf War for a couple of dozen years now & who rescued me from dying of survey work fatigue over the last year), Howdy. I heard that you wanted your "Higher Power" to assist you because you don't like the relationship you've got going on with substances. I'm your Higher Power here on Earth (to my own understanding there isn't anyone with a Higher Responsibility Birth DNA-Order on Earth than me , my DNA-Order Position here in The Black Hole's Magnetic Forcefield of Doom isn't electable and isn't transferable and I report to the equilibrium of de-sentientizing justice ON AN ENERGETIC LEVEL with The Black Hole's Magnetic Forcefield of Doom or I get guillotined & I'm The Legal Guardian & Protector of The Court of Diplomacy, f.k.a. Beltane Court, as a matter of Inherited Legal Responsibility. Btw, my ex-husband is a terrorist who is into using his Urban Design B.A. degree to commit medical malpractice on a genocidal level by misrepresenting the level of authority he has within The Court of Diplomacy in order to achieve what he considers to be sexual arousal to satisfy his sex addiction fantasy, a fantasy his Social Security fraud-committing parents love living in. ) and I love you and I'm glad you rescued me and got me a cheeseburger Happy Meal with chocolate milk and let me into your life as much as you have. You are so lovely of an energetic being that I end up crying about you out of sheer verklemptness almost every day... you effect me and I'm glad you do effect me, I like the way you effect me. I also like order and I don't like you being experimented on by charity folks so I'm here throwing down in public to help with all of the corporeal gravitas I got, babe. Jesus Christ didn't speak for The Royal Scottish Treasury when he promised folks homes and retail-value self-respect, he also wasn't respectful of the grace of mortality. It is my understanding that reincarnation exists because Evolution has a Legal Case and a limited supply of stuff to work with and that immortality isn't available due to The Law of Conservation of Energy and, you know what?, that is okay. It is okay to not be immortal. It is a responsibility to be mortal and we've got to handle that responsibility mathematically or we are terrorists committing genocide on Legal Consciousness and that isn't okay. I love you. You are a member of my court (it isn't my ex-husband's court although he has been pretending otherwise as has the rest of his cohort, acting as though my court went with him when he and I finally got the divorce finalized. He wanted charity and was mad I composed that mathematical notation that proves that charity isn't prosperity-inducing, isn't academically-sound.) and I'm so glad that we are friends and I'm sorry if I have seemed out of sorts &/or at all uncivil. I really am an Adirondack Scout sort of Queen of Scots & I'm a menopausal autistic U.S. Military Brat with a CTEFLA Teaching Certification and a B.A. in Sociology & working on energy stuff from the Zen Buddhist approach works for me and I don't like talking about my ongoings because I have been fighting urban warfare my entire life and I have had a policy of keeping my cards very close to my vest out of self-protection, but the truth is that I like processing the very serious stuff I work on WITH YOU. I haven't ever had that experience before. So, I am academically available to help you as your Higher Power here on Earth & if you ever need anything, please let me know. I love you and that's your fault. Smooches! Seriously, Ms. Erica Lee (Physics) Ferko, Direct Descendant of Queen Mary, Queen of Scots, U.S. Military Brat, Adirondack Scout, CTEFLA-Certified Teacher (CTEFLA, St. Giles, San Francisco, c. 1997 C.E.), Holy Grail Scholar, Suicide Prevention Specialist, Sociologist (B.A. Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, 2000 C.E., 3.55 GPA), Zen Buddhist, former CVS employee, former Kimpton Employee, and Haiku Fan.

CHITUS💙⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: Ironically, the 2nd skin of the 3 skins in the crew pack kinda fits the theme of this chaotic and apocalyptic season

GGman357: and you bitches thought season 6 was the kevin season

Elliot Hough: Is Epic running out of ideas?

Kronvix Gaming: is it just me or did i see the siren head at the end of the battle pass trailer

NRGHarry 1505: 7:57 Siren Head????

APlusGamer: Dang I can’t wait for that mystery AR to get released 😄

Makowo Konneh: Maven

Jeffcody 2007: Siren head was behind the characters in the battle pass trailer

Jayden Sanele: I can't wait to play with my cousin this season looks so dope! :D

Zach Plays: so hyped

Atiba: Lots of Kevins so I might actually be coming back to the game

Molay Mann: That aint Ramirez dawg wtf

Alexander Clemons: at the end of the trailer the monster either looks like a demogorgen from stranger things or siren head no cap

Jonathan B: I'm starting to think not even a nuke could take out Coral...same map, disappointing. *back to Apex

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