Fortnite Season 8 Chapter 2 Battle Pass Trailer

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Involk: 0:47 siren head?

ꪑꪖꪀꪀꪗ 愛: No ones gonna talk about their off brand dollar general skin of a Hunter from destiny lmfao

Zion Smith: Was that siren head

Bell: 0:45 da phak is that?

camsquad ronnie: Tell me fortnite didn’t copy Apex Legends fight or fright, Search Exactly (Apex legends fight or Fright 2020 Event trailer)😑

Mark: kevins thes cubes

Hutchdown88: Chapter 2 Season 8 will probably be good ngl

Blayce Rusk: Season 9: Square Root

Nick DiNardo: Quit a few weeks into last season then got excited when I watched the event....definitely not coming back with this weak shit

Zach Zorn: I’m not the only one seeing the thing in the back at 0:46 right?

Silver gold: last season

Cheeseburger oreos: 0:46 look in the back

Talbar Bir: at 0:45 look behind them theres something big coming

Ultraman 88: Well since I got venom I cant wait to get carnage

Ali Abbas: I love season 8 chapter 2

Barack Obama: Fortnite³

TheDamnWinner: I mean what the fuck even is this game at this point its just complete madness and nonsense

Le Bruh: The kube kinda sound like Savathün from Destiny 2 ngl

- [L A Y L A]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW: Woahhhhhhhh I can't even say words I just wow-

Kia- T{αα}P Me!! To F.C.K W!th Me: Chapter 2 Season 8 will probably be good ngl

1per2game: 0:45 siren head

RubyCoolGuy FinalForm: Cuz nothing says kids crossover like a symbiotic mass murderer

Chan: People still playing this?

TMDanny93: 0.44 new smg??

SuperMandibleclaw: *sigh*

Cody B.: *Halo 4 vibes*

Kam Mak: Where my Mlk and Malcolm X skin

N1nsen: This season is gonna be hype I already know it. Fortnite isn't in it's prime anymore, but goddamn this is gonna be good for those who stick around.

Rng Noob: Lmao ppl really thought Naruto would be in the Battle pass

- [L A Y L A]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW: If this is real I'm kinda sad that the whole map isn't just blown up

ʀ ᴏ ꜱ ᴇ-Vlog Go to My Channel: Woahhhhhhhh I can't even say words I just wow-

- [L A Y L A]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW: The 3 girls are so epic in this pass

CuteHuntress: Fortnite^3

Jeramiah Vela: I'm excited for the double crossbow it's looks like a good weapon

Alex Kidd: Haha wheres naruto

Robert Finkle: Did anyone see siren head lol

335449286: wait so fortnite went from a hoard shooter survival game to a battle royal game......BACK to a hoard shooter survival game

PastaBell: So your telling me, for 3 years we’ve been calling it Kevin the cube, but now we find out it’s a GIRL!? What are we supposed to call it now!?

[M y l a h]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW: love playing this with my family, any one else have a family squad?

- [R O S E ]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW: You've got all the right moves.

Teresa T[a]P Me!! To [S]EX With Me: first time i played fortnite was when kevin the cube was rolling around the map and created the bouncy loot lake last time i played fortnite was when chapter 2 season 1 was around now kevin the cube brought his whole family, probably including his son, kevin jr

Chloë Ádáms: I dont like fortnite:(

Kia- T{αα}P Me!! To F.C.K W!th Me: Remember towards the end of Ready Player One when you saw all those different characters from are childhood, and there was this big Battle Royale fight scene? That was Fortnite

Slash kingdom: Where is goku and naruto?

Sloane-T{αα}P Me!! To F.C.K W!th Me: When you make a mistake, you fix it.

Emma T[A]P Me!! To Have [S]EX With Me: The guns must be called the dark harpponator, dual shreik pistols and darkler grappler.

captain sarcastic voice impressions: Carnage!😃

Cynthia-T[A]P Me!! To Have [S]EX With Me: Уважаемые Разработчики ,посоветуйте стаф такой убойный ,тоже хочу ))

Bruno Ariel Cabañas: Carnage se ve brutal😍😍

Jarrah Killingback: Ah bringing back cube zombies is tight. Keen to hear people complain about them, like they always do lmao

- [L A Y L A]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW: RIP to those who had their hopes for Naruto to be in fortnort

QxDior: ofc it’s the same stupid map

Ryan Leonard: Omg this online kiddy daycare center is still operational? Damm mediocrity really does sell

Random Internet Dude: I kind of expected this bp to be weak, because like how can you top motherfucking rick sanchez

PachyLordTaco 21: That tall dude is horrifying

BananaBaker76: Siren head wtf

shadow raider: I saw sirenhead in the end

Tide Bleach: Bruh people really thought they would put Naruto in the $10 battle pass that u can just grind out and get for free. Nah mate that’s gonna be a $20 item shop skin

hioxd: Dam this game has come a long way, meanwhile other BRs battle passes an innovation has been lacking.

Michael Bullas: Omg why has doctor Slone done this 😡😡

Markz1337: I missed so much, I kinda don’t wanna join

lidded: the new design fortnite zombies look cool but i hope it doesn't do the same thing as in season 7 and 6, the battle pass looks dope!

brock on YT: Glad I got FN crew

Jhael Andramuno: Anyone think that’s siren head at the end?

Matthew Newman: Bro there is no way that isn't siren head at the end

the weeb lord: instead of the naruto skin they added 2 random ladys a fucking unicorn a monky a generic anime school girl and a fucking fish the only good skin is the carnage skin this is the most disappointed i have been in my life

Just Fit: Hahah how did no one see naruto , let’s go baby!! Can’t wait for him to pop in some how I love how they tried to cover him up but I caught him 👍

LouisBellBoi: ngl I might start playing again

mymoufhurts: i dont want a unicorn

Kardofe: SIREN HEAD AT 0:47

MohanadFnFootball: I cried in The event when kevin returned

Gullible: Hehehe I'm getting some Left 4 Dead vibes

Omni Man899: Carnage?

Snoopy2304: So are we just gonna ignore the tall thing in the background at the end? 0:46

ItzDexity: 0:46 thought it was SirenHead for a sec I was about to 💀🔫

hatred For Humanity: Still the game play is dog shit. Worst shooter ever

Mr.Obvious360: Who cares

SchochReefa: L

LukaZ04: Sem Naruto sem like, po epic ;-;

Jm Lim: where's goku and naruto? i want broly!!! pink rainbow horseman realllyyyy!!!!!!!!

Alessandro Perfumo: Bring back the old Fortnite please

Rudstar: 0:45 yooo revenant in fortnite

petsok0ma: Your game is dead⚰️💀⚰️⚰️⚰️

Marky 360: Damn look how they done massacred my boy Carnage.

Stevie lawrence: no Dc skin?

Izillaboy27: packk

Izillaboy27: pack

Izillaboy27: pack

Jerzku'sGames: I tried Fortnite for few days when the battle arena was a new thing, there was that PVE mode in the beginning, now I'm confused what I'm watching.

Young_Hov: Remember towards the end of Ready Player One when you saw all those different characters from are childhood, and there was this big Battle Royale fight scene? That was Fortnite

Pxl_Drippy: Holy shit, 0:46 is that sirenhead

Martin M.: Pov :Save the world

G4l.baller: John 3:16 For God so loves the world that he gave his only begotten son so that who ever believes not perish but have everlasting life

G4l.baller: Jesus Christ loves you so much that he died on the cross for You.

EGC25: Ayo siren head?

Даниил Чумакин: Let there be carnage

NEOMERCER: I honestly miss when Fortnite had its own identity and when crossovers were more rare so it really made them feel special. Everybody was so crazy for the fake John Wick skin back then. Now it's just licenced skin after licensed skin. Even the battle pass skins arent even that good anymore and haven't been for a while cause there is just so many different skins already to choose from.

Tomás Tatar: I hope Shazam come later

Kanna AU: damn bro where naruto at?

that guy: Games like this .. ☹️

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