The BEST Landing Spot in Fortnite Season 8! (EASY WINS)

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Jenny Brown: the rail gun is still here!!!

John Dobbs: mw when i heard the shing from the sword: SHING SHING (its a meme)

ToxicTroll Games: Ok said cone to spam you can also pre edit the wall so they cant build

scottadowns: Hi Sypher, Great video! I hope I can game like you when I'm older!

Forteeque YT: Nooo my favourite drop spot exposed lol

Uio Uio: Thanks Sypher I landed there and guess who died because of half of the lobby👌😂

Fly Dubai 001: Thanks tf

Hey M4te: Wait wait wait... the cabinet surrounded by cameras sypher showed us in the bunker, wad the same one as the one in the base on the hill next to weeping

Rshot: Land to win landing spot.

Anthony Aviles: Sypher why did you give away my secrets i suck at fortnite whyyyyy

Lynden Yee: I got my first season 8 win in trios! 😀

A B: Sypher... why? showing off the spot I land. Come on, man.

xxdeath xxblood: yall now knowing this yall sad sad

Sherry Johnson: There’s another one under weeping in the big storage thing

Godkingtony2152: My boy goated

Starrman: So he bought 100 levels?

johnathan 173: Idk about this one

SinnFTW: i mean now this is gonna be the most contested spot ever because you pointed it out

Luis Gaming channel: Just to let you know Doctor slone is alive she spawns in different io bases and she drops a og

GinjaNinja: 7:18 wall kisser...

Ahmed - GG: This area is good if u r new at the game or if you really wanna win and play passivly

xlGalaxyll: i think they also upped spawn chances for spazzes out of chests, i’ve found a purple spaz more times than not out of a chest alone this season

Miles Deppe: My fortnight name is flomingo_ninga

syrux: wowowoow grejt job saypher u rly landing spot i win game tyyy y yy y sm

Hangmang thang: Why he click baiting 🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑

Darrick Nigussu: HEre WiTIn 14 HOuRs

TheLenex11: Oh Sypher rail guns are still in the game.

TheLenex11: Bro but one time I was fishing in last circle with 35 white health and my teammate is dead, I pulled three shield fish one after the other.

TheLenex11: The the harpoon got me and my friend’s first win.

Alang Family: I knew about slones burst when on day 1 of season 8

kerukas: Thanks Sypher

Svldochir Ts: Now theres gonna be a millions people there

Crushed Skunk: Is it just me or does the pick axe look like it’s from beat saber

gazala Samrin: Legendary_hype

extreme gunnxr: Sypher is so cracked holy

Mikey: That hidden file cabinet reminds me of the killer fridge from the game control, and control happens to take place in the same universe as Alan wake which is getting a remaster. Setting up for a crossover or am I just overthinking?🤔

John Giannetti: You are a pro

Mavlo: Praying middle East people aren't watching

Obviously not beluga: “You might not know about it” no men just didnt care about till it got buffed

Oscar Brunt: the lorry has a new wrap in fortnite

Nomboy: Epic should really fix SBMM especially on android cuz how come a mobile player is even supposed to compete with Pc player it's very unfair to say the least

yoboiiifussy: I love your videos so much sypher!

DarkXGamer: Sypher they bought op fishing back where u throw grenades and fish

Saleh plays: I like this season lol

Aukai plays Minecraft: You’re 6th kill was me lol

sonny goodman: Does this season fill a little bit more sweatier

painting with aleka: Bruhhh he's already level 103

Emmanuel VILI: I dint even see this vid when i was playing and i landed at that house i got a gold pump and blue ar and some minis and harpoon medkit i was suprised that was there

Abreham Tesfaye: what was the video about again?

KeJun Hee: after this vid it wont be the least contested lol

Aaron Steventon: Ok, that’s a cool drop spot

Judicial Ninja: bro behind you just missed two green levers

Joshua Thompson: I land here all the time

Yamin Ali: Slone is near dirty btw the burst is fast as hell

Greg1oL: Just like they created some small io places they would have changed honey burbs to futuristic io place

xGerti: SajferPiKej iz the best fortnajt jutuber. Kip it ap men

Duff Stuff: You can use a harpoon to pull llamas and they get stunned.

alex_rfw: First time there, i got a epic pump shotgun:))

Ayan Imran: The secret door is also in weeping from season 5 or something

Red birb gumi: Iamgine sweating in normal game with low ping breh he is too bad for his ping

Red birb gumi: Breh he is on 19 ping and is camping just imagine

Lil Big: This was always my spot and you just ruined it for me. 😒

xmouserx: Sypher, STOP playing on potato graphics!

Rambo: Sypher:I wasn’t supposed to fall I fell by accident Oogway:there are no accidents

Gartexx: New season is pogers asf


Axir: Nice


dragonrace 17: bro i loved that spot bc it was by the io camp now the loot gonna be contested

Ahtsham Gaming: I Have One Question Where is the Zero Point In beginning of season 7 Mothership adduct the zero point

Kieren Murphy: RPGs are everywhere now its so annoying

Tech King: i won for the first time in this season after landing

overpowervixzy: Hi @sypherpk I think you need to do tips and tricks videos BCS you are so good at the game people like me are average but not good

OffBrandmongraal: Misses green lever when he has a grey Edit: misses another

Top Songs: I saw it live on stream!

Cilvasly: When u went down to the chair and camera and there was a shelf i think My hero academia is coming to fortnite because in one episode all for one was held in the same way

Chad Bedderson: Rail gun can now be bought at weather station my g

Brett Williamson: Funny this is pubs. So sweaty

Tonton: I don't get these videos. You show a cool drop spot, then everybody's gonna land there. It just ruins hundreds of peoples landing spots.

ZyroqsFNT: Day 1 of trying to get subs of comments

Christian Waliczek: SYPHER PLEASE NO...this has been my squads drop spot since season 2...why u gotta expose out secret

Woreom: I am sure that this video has my landing spot because exactly when this video came out ppl started to land there, no hate tho

Benji43___: Yeah theres one in weeping woods too in a blue crate. Put a wall on the from of it (on the doors) and edit through and there is one in there too ( it is top left of the weeping woods name I THINK) i found it yesterday

Szymon Renk: Bruh i found that spot at the start of the new season its also my solo drop spot for comp

Abbas Raza: Claim your within 10 hours ticket

Anton1o: I got my first win 12 kills

Ant and kez holiday reviews and adventures: I CHALLENGE YOU TO PLAY ON CONTROLLER SYPHER 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 I KNOW UR THE FORTNITE KING BUT LETS SEE U ON PLAYSTATION OR XBOX... If u do ill make a vid on pc which ive never played on and send it to u 🤞 deal?????

Charles Noakes: Sypher: need to be agressive Kills the guy hitting him 69🤣

Nosweat: There is actually another secret room under a shipping container in weeping woods

Being Human: Bra why do you give ideas. It ain't any secret now coz you are hella popular and your videos pop off.

JAsonic15diamond Jordan medrano ✔️: Watch every TRYHARD land there in my next matchmaking

rmkc yt: im sorry sypher but ngl i have 2 better drop spot :) ill not say them so i never get contestant but both get me 100 shield in 5sec

Numair Khan: Does fortnite pros use g sync ?

Sleepy: No my spor got leaked

Plazzmer: The harpoon is an insane weapon

Rubino Jansson: You can take the gold some times it's like stuck in the Walls STAY SAFE🥑👍🏾

Thomas Spain: There’s a secret bunker in a container in weeping

Thomas Spain: There’s a secret bunker in a container

Sea biscuit gaming: NOOO NOT MY DROP STOP :(((

Adam Diaz: And now it is no longer the best spot

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