Fortnite Season 5 Chapter 2 - BATTLE PASS - How to Unlock & UPGRADE (ALL 100 TIERS REWARDS)

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Toutai Palu: Servers down😏

spirit wolf: The anime skin just looks weird, I like anime but not when its 3d

Gage Walters: #seasn 5 sucks

Damian Robbins: And give me the battle class okay please I only have 550 v bucks

Damian Robbins: Michael Knight's name is Drobbins

Sri lankan Village girl: This video is for Asian food lovers 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Bob Bob: I could of bought three battle pass but I bought the showdown pack but I’ll buy battle pass for the anime skin

naychanel X: Battle pass has been declining at season 5 10 seasons ago damn....

YT_Bloodreaper159 XD: Are you Italian

Katherine Quinn: Tilted 😮

Joshua's Let's play's: I'm pretty bummed out I was really hoping for a Christmas season but I guess I could have expected this, they have paired up with Disney so I should expect a lot more Disney characters I miss the good old days when they would just do cool events I really liked all the cool Christmas and Halloween events that they used to do it's sad to see that those days are gone.

PixelStacker: Omg yes he’s the first skin right

Arnold Curtis: 100000 vbucks God help me

ShivaFoxx: Me: Sees Eagles Form Me: *Female Hawks?*

Eirik Storesund: I hate that fortnite just ruined mandalorian for me

Lucas Mataran: No dc skins👁👄👁

Cooper Young: This battle pass is hot garbage

Forza !: If I had to say I would Say.. Mave is Singularity Lexa is Skye Menace is Midas Kondor is The Eternal Voyager

12279-Ahmed Waleed Abdelmahfouz Shaker: I BUY IT IM HYPE GIVE ME ANIME AND BABAY YODAAA

Ray Hinton: This season is 🍑

giulia ionita: I want too 100000 vb >:( lol

Joshua Johnstone: It was epic battle pass how cool was that?!

Myles Galloway: Yessir I stayed up all night for this

Micah Klein: scummy

Hunaif 7: My favorite skin in season 5 is the ANIME GIRL look at her 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Gaming Cantina: Yo is there a particular reason why I just get redirected to the fortnite crew when tryna buy the battle pass in both the item shop and the battlepass section when I have 1,120 vbucks?

いさね: how many vbuck in return?

Dennis Ellimoottil: Bro can you please gift me the battle pass skin my epic is America_Killer1

Pablo Cyriaano: hacker man this man is a hacker how did he get the season 5 when it says its in 1 more day and he was wathing a vid he just got EXPOSED HACKER

Younsta: You going through way to fast

Sugxr: This battle pass is a mess, no theme and shitty skins. No emotes, just built in ones. Built in gliders. Like honestly. Shitty reset map again.

JESUS LOVES ME: The battle pass is trash , nobody can say its fire or even good 🙄🙄 what a shame and plus the event was so lame and so short bruh they had us waiting for a 1 minute live even 😒 😑 🙄 I might just quite fortnite

Alfred Toast2: Y did you say newe spawn map it is the old one

controllerplayer yt: Can u gift me it pls

zefania würde: can somebody please gift me the new season 5 battlepass name: zefi clappt dich

zefania würde: can somebody please gift me the new season 5 battlepass name: zefi clappt dich

fortnite gamer memes: I cant buy the battlepass 😪

jesus christ: why is it not working for me? i tried opening fortnite and it didn’t work so i’m trying to update it and now it’s not working..

Nicole cousins: Not a big fan of this season this is the worst season ever

Robogirafe326: Never expected a anime like skin

Jack_ThePumpkinDemon: You need a subscription? Not worth it

DivineR1cE-_-: It won’t let me buy it, it keeps trying to make me buy fortnite crew

Xpert Dummy: Can u give me a skin bc I always get bullied bc don't have any skin and always been called a hacker when I get a kill in a 1v1


Haris: I have 1.000 v-bucks!

Rania Zerrad: How can u play I can't it says not responding🥺🥺🥺

Pludo: I'm not wasting anymore money on this shity game

Aymen Nesru: This is the best battle pass ever

abubil: The reason I play fortnite again because, there's an anime in fortnite now

Incredibilis: The spartan dude looks like gladiator and centurion from for honor

Pow3r 〽: Id : Checco M best

Quarantined Banksy: So y is there anima skin that has nothing to do with Fortnite smh😂😂

GODMODE_ON: Does server is offline?

Amp One: There’s gonna be so many Mando’s I’m so hype

Mountain Moonlight: Make turns into a mermaid when swimming Neat

Skull Clan animation: Is there a way I can buy it in v-bucks

Sara Cadar: i love the new battle pass but i don t have enough v bucks😔

Kian Roblin: i'm playing just so I can get the anime skin

Grilled Cheeese: i subbed

call a Brick: I realy like this bp i think Marvel one sucked

TEH_AUTISMO: I remember you from when you played with sky does minecraft

Zaibun Nisa: Tbh this battle pass is kinda dog

shindoismylife: not gunna lie im only buying it for the anime skin ._.

Trystan Conway: I really though his glider was gonna be a jet pack

Dragon Ball: Braiden Arrives: I just want the Mandalorian skin, it's just too cool 😎

Rxplay: There is no way man do is the first skin!!!

Adenis: This is crazy

Alisher Shah: Omg i love kondor skin

Sam Riley: Bruh

GriffZillla: Can I have the battle pass proguyZilla90

VadProject Denobis: Welp no new map but great battle pass

Nguyeen YT streaming: Is anyone going to Mention his vbucks

Arachnidz: I could of bought three battle pass but I bought the showdown pack but I’ll buy battle pass for the anime skin

Doomsday Doos: how are you in

ψ【Fire Phoenix】ψ: so theyre just gonna keep on having built in emotes........

Cristian Chiti: Battle pass: have an anime skin Me: 👁️👄👁️

DudeJa: Yay real video

NovacaineRebelxx: So you unlock Mando’s beskar armor at tier 100?

رهام اسکل: Ver ver ver see me battle pass

Beast Hunter: Overall the bp could’ve been better

Nexus of miracles: Servers still down 😩

SMKing99: I don't know why but the ManCake is my favorite skin

Leilani's World: This battle pass is trash I’m just gonna save up and use my vbucks for Christmas skins

Amp One: Omg yes he’s the first skin


Connors wrestling Federation: Do we get a baby today backbling

o0_0ii: I’m sorry but this battle pass/season was not it..

EpicPlays: Finally a actual battle pass vid,

Landedstar 12: Tilted

Alt Vision: 5:13 so nobody ganna care they put the old spawn back

Zaid Baarma: YoUr rUsSian

Hristo Todorov: алоооооооооооооооо

Eggwardo 789: wow this battle pass is absolute garbage the mandalorian is the only good part

BattleDoge 4.0: mando is tear 1 :O i want him now

Everett Franks: the severs are still down

nisamja: OMG

Just Fortnite Content: The tier 100 skin is the Mandalorian in full armor

PUMBA PUMBA: Can i have the battle pass my epic aurgelmer

Nelson Pro0217: That anime girl though

Максим Еремин: 0:35

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