Only One Legend Can Survive Season 10's Meta... - Apex Legends Season 10

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in september: you’ve gotten a lot more aggressive with your shit talking these days 😂 I remember when I first started watching your videos you were very passive with the way you communicate under pressure

Reepz 420: Recently unlocked fuse and have been having a lot of fun playing as him sending out a knuckle cluster 🤘🏻

Luis Cardona: Aye i just started playing fuse a few days ago and having fun, i just learned something from you, i didn't know you could zoom in while aiming the ultimate!

penandpaper: If you’re new here, when Rich says outrageous he just means pretty good. And when he says hello friend he means this guys about to die.

JT: Hey rich haven't been watching the vids the last few months because I stopped playing apex and went to warsone but I'm back on apex and giving it a go again so I'm back for the vids

Seraph Sephiroth: Rampart is hard to play, your team rarely plays around her, and people are realizing that youtubers and pro players that never touched her before were just hyping her up. She's still average at best to me. Average+boring equals less people playing her.

Jesus Is The Only Way To Heaven: "God so loved the world that he gave his son Christ Jesus, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 from the Bible.

N. Jones: That fact that Rich doesn't use any legend abilities and still rolls the lobby is crazy

Sam Piaggio: How much triple take would a triple take man trip if a triple take man could trip triple takes?

yasas dalai: Rich day 2

Wake me up inside: Rampart isn't as good as people say, I've been playing her since season 6 and while she's definitely not bad she's not op or anything, just less situational than before.


LeaveNoClue: Sooxfar itemp > Jackie chan Chris tucker

Finley Booth: Hey i love your content keep up the work and making people happy

Y2Kennedy: Sooxfar seems to annoyed.

Shamash Ishtar: The problem with sheila is too slow to shoot, in that half sec the entire team can hide if they are no noob

Duane Herron: Plot twist... the guy from 7:38 is actually SooxFar

Odin Mcboden: Fuse is not the only one. Bangalore is a fantastic counter to her shields and ult as well. She cant shoot what she cant see.

Saga Barde: It's because all other content creator are telling people to use this use that huh

Mike Faloona: IMO all you gotta do is have at least two arcs if you can as Fuse. He’s the most fun to play for me

Jeremy Sutherland: I started using Fuse and I kind of like him. Knuckle custer is nice and his ult is good for those certain times.

Pathfinder Main: Rich you are so good, I wish I will be as good as you one day.

Chris Bell: 'Trying to take us to the Fight' Rich: No not you! Not you! NOT YOU! Lol

Lance Ropiha: Wah wah

Ross Anderson: I prefer using Bangalore to counter rampart 😀 she gets her ult out against my team I just smoke her and reposition. Has worked really well better than I imagined. But you are right ramparts are seen less now.

Steve: Rich & SooFar: over 100 ping is ridiculous! Me: cries in Australian

EATmyPAC: love the new fuse skin

m: I wish I could start a match on console

ProtoXshock: Three triple takes? The TTT's!

AB3GAMING: As a Fuse main, I will tell you that the grenade you shot did not bounce off the door. It bounced off the Octane. It sticks to every surface except knockdown shields and your teammates. I have shot my teammates a lot and had the clusters backfire or fly off in one direction or another.

Ricardo Aguirre: Triple triple takes

Flareb 99: Reason people aren't playing rampart anymore is because people have realised that even with the slight buff she is still one of if not the worst legend still, the buff didn't change how people use Sheila so nothing has really changed

richie ijzermans: The fuse tactical: knuckle cluster doesn’t bounce of the door it sticks to it but when you hit a teammate with it it bounces of them.

Agent_fierce: Fuse is the chosen lol 😂

Captain Cook: Three triple takes and can’t think of anything clever? Wow

Jackson L: Day 45 of asking for a fuse and rampage combo

Juan Castaneda: You barely fought that rampart 😂 and did nothing to her shield or anything 😭😭

EVCO 1000: Bro crypto and rampart is op together

Denny Hamlin: Fuze needs a re work to his ult i can't be the only one right

Bradley Baugh: Noti squad

King Of Kings: I too would like to destroy Rampart’s walls

therealjhill6: Fuse’s theme music slaps

Alex DoyZ: Apex is unplayable until they fix the servers ….

Julian Vazquez: the Audio seems a bit too low. anyway a great video mate!

Ignacio Ramirez: Lifeline is trash 🗑 she’s my main so till she’s good I won’t play.

F1nn: 7:10 It bounces of Octane not the door XD

Randy S: Not to brag or anything... but Rich and I have the same Fuse skin.

Ty McKinley: Bro was having a bad day till I had you war cry😂👀

oops itried: The 5 dislikes are the people itemp and sooxfar killed

MrSkullhead0: People stopped playing rampart and I’m slightly okay with it so I can pick my main without her being stolen again ahaha. Glad she got the buff she deserved though

Brett VV: I keep seeing Ramparts doing this rapid strange half jump while holding Sheila. It's annoying af. Looks stupid also.

Chris Munoz: I can't even play en the servers are shit not even Madden

donhoju: People have stopped playing rampart, because every legend is basically unavailable at this point

Xvhino Culeruy: Noti gang

Spence TheFence: My wife loves playing fuse but constantly forgets about the extra distance he gets with grenades and yeets the living hell out of them 😂😂

awindypig: The tripletake tempatrons are sooxfar away

YamRaj: Day 177 of asking Rich to try the elite controller

Lars Brunø: Statler AND Waldorf

Josh Peters: I feel like streamers and youtubers make shit up when talking about ping

Death-Breath: Whaaaaaat?! You can zoom in while using mother-load??? .. I might need to try fuse out

Mc Nugget The Cool: OK question what's fuses best craftable legendary skin?

Owen Woods: Well done

Paul Burgess: Love the DT on the R9 👌🏻

MasterPGC: The knuckle cluster will bounce off your teammates. Kind of annoying if they keep moving in front of you.

alex smith: I know what you mean about the cat chewing up your cord my cat chewed up my aux cord to my headset the other day I was like damn

Eternally Angelic: 7:40 high damage? I don't what servers or games itemp and sooxfar get into.. but I see situations like this constantly in their games where everyone seems to miss 90% of their shots.. Meanwhile in my games. if I had poked like that, for that long while strafing left and right I'd of been beamed instantly from 100-0 9/10 times. Then when I moved across behind the train car, I'd of beamed again with all my shields instantly broken half way there. It's actually super rare to even see that lack of accuracy in my games, and I'm only Gold..

SilverPro Sniper: Respawn pls add buff for sniper rifles

Havoc1031: Does anyone know the outro song? Great for the gym

xI3A: I don’t see many people do it but Fuse’s Ult is actually really good indoors - you can flame an entire room and do shit loads of damage 💣

iSippOnSoss 11:11: You’re not the worst fuse.. I am.

THOMAS GAMING: Great game rich

Jay: Have you made a advanced tips and tricks video? I’m stuck around a 1.85 K/D over 2,970 games.

That_One_Kid: Ya ya

Zach Dudley: whats up Temp Fam 🙌 let's get it Rich!

Victor Ruiz: Fuse is the hero we need right now not the one we deserve 😭

Joel Schultz: Day 6 of waiting for a Crypto video

curvywtf: Ay I’m a bit late

sam shoe: I love fuse

AMBUSH 6854: Itempz gggaaannnngggggg

Erick Muiruri: please play with Horizon I wanna learn her movements really bad

Bakó Balázs: Are you going to compete in the ALGS?

Dielen Mugala: 4th

Luke Crew: Fuse is an old dude and loves beer which makes him meta to me. Also, there is something satisfying about getting a kill with a firework.

Muhammad Abdou: Gg

Random Dude: And caustic I think prove me wrong

Max Dickmann: WaLTeR FitSRoY!?! Anyone remember Maggie?

Aadhil Ghalib: 3rd

Christian Boley: Good afternoon!

Absolute Zero: Hey rich, I got a challenge for u, get 4k with no kills. Winning the game is a not necessary but it would make a good content

N-GUN-GURU: Your the best rich, been my favourite content creator since day 1

Kylian Mbappé: My opinion rampart is not really fun

Aadhil Ghalib: 3rd

Snny Mhshwryy: ….

Kylian Mbappé: Lets go new vid keep up the good work

Shenroy Malcolm: 👍🏾

Musa Khan: First one

Waffle man: Yo

walter Ogbemudia: First comment yay 12 second

Waffle man: First

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