Hermitcraft RECAP - season 8 week 13

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Graventiv: As someone who is currently writing an assignment for university about dystopias I really enjoyed the "soylent green is people" joke lol

CatCommenter: It's sunday?

BetterLife exe: Listen To Me... You Gotta' Tell 'Em, Soylent Green is PEOPLE!

thrasherBV: Never knew about this! In my busy life i even still try to watch all the video's. I still will try-out to. But this will make it easier when it wont work

Charlotte Eagles: "Many Boatems died to bring you this episode" -Zloy that is brilliant Star Wars reference! :D

Theo: Scar's biggest "no u" in hermitcraft history. lolololoolololol XD

Ethan Black: I comment to help statistics

Max Keiser: Need one of these for empires

Hopie: I honestly love pearls style of building so much! She’s my fav! 🥰

Riley Brock: never gonna stop giving love to Lyarrah, the captions are perfect. such a tedious process but we really appreciate it. again, much love from the hoh community.

Jamesdalf: You should introduce the 3rd person

Taejean Wilson: Hey

Martdogg3000: 10:50 Doc doing precisely half of the build and laughing as Ren figures that out is so funny.

Bacon boi Bruh moment: Finally scar made a decision

SirBabyBee: The flow if this channel is unparalleled, the clever commentary is so seamless.

LeeLee 34: How is TFC doing?

A Z: Thanks

Super LoganUtah: Wonderfully written, captioned, and presented by some of my favorite creators. This is the best way to stay on top of the shenanigans. Thank you, team!

Max Chambers: This was a really bad cut 8:10

Garfiety: 0:31 “Also for once they have something that works when you throw a baked potato in” nice season 6 reference

Matthew Beck: 0:30 season five mumbo reference

Hjalmar philipson: As usual, love the video.

Gattlestar Ballactica: Another big week. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop

Lucas Harvey: Thanks for the video, HM Recap.

Logger Dogger: Will Hermitcraft recap admit that they can't say Magic Menagerie, or will They just hope we didn't notice it?

Double __: Im gonna build a pillbug statue in my world too!

Thomas Sevy: Can you do one of these for the lore in Empires SMP?

CrazyWarriorsCatFan: .

Thomas Jollans: Yeah Cub going around systematically destroying coral reefs really isn't the best look, is it?

Auldrick: "Soylent Green is people!" Wow. Just wow. I love these ancient memes!

Sepia Smith: "also, for once they have something that _works_ when you throw a baked potato in it..." oh my god you're right 😂 the sisterhood of the traveling froggy hat 🥺😭 I love it Just an fyi, the background music is a tad too loud, in my opinion! Thank you for all the work guys 💖

Kur3c Palec: what's the song that starts at 7:56

FANthony Fictions: I'm Scottish. I tipped the Chinese takaway £2 for a £4 carry out and she gave me a free can of Coke. Stonks!

EveesCastle: I'm kinda disappointed there was no mention of How Scar's Minecraft name is missing an S. So it's just GoodTimeWithScar

Lane Robertson: "All the right hubs in all the right places." 🤣

SnesySnas: I love how Grian wanted Scar to build on his base so he didn't have to build the top + back but Scar isn't even building the back

Friendly Pie: Wait! It's been 13 weeks since Season 8 started?!

mystynyght: nobody's mentioning the Soylent green reference at 3:31, that had me cracking up!!

Kat: Hahaha "Soylent Green is people" I love the references!

GeeklingNo1: Loving the captions!

Erin Karp: Xbcrafted out here summoning Yul

SteperOfTheLongEarth: "Many boatems died to bring you this episode," A surprise reference to be sure, but a welcome one!"

Zythe Akaru: Is it just me or is the music pretty loud in this video...? Either way, thanks for the recap!

Xiao: EYYY

M J M: Please turn down the background music to previous episodes levels

DeathSquid: I’ve had so much Sahara flashbacks this season

The Random Channel: I love that star wars reference

UnlistedPower : Stressmoss-ter...ah yes

JayWithABeanie: Can't wait for the Boatem crew to do the race on their company horses

Coolman227: 0:32 I understood that reference

Hiznogood: 4:25 I don’t know if Britain has the same system as we have here, in Sweden, but the tip is already included in the price (13%). You can give a tip if you wish, but it’s not considered rude if you don’t.

Brandon Porter: 2:12 I dont remember bdubs inviting Gem into a board meeting. I think this is an error. Does anyone else remember this happening?

TNSquid: Oh hey it's sunday

Square Pentagons: Boatem got the race in the bag, with the fast and furrihorses...

X77: you forgot the best part of the mubo bit he then bort the cole he was selling from grian only to be told that the cole was originally his the whole time!!!

Mr Link: Thank you for adding subtitles to your videos. I have auditory processing issues, so this is a godsend.

RMD Cade: Captions are so greatly appreciated. :)

Prince kushwaha: 12:05 Wait horse eat sugar in Minecraft 🤯🤯🤯

frostyybytes: plz, more than 4 bars of music in a loop in the background. couldn't watch through

Brave Plays: i wish the horse track is at least 3x longer. It deff needs more space for horse to run. Track looks more as extensive parkour track than, yknow... horse track

Everette Bradfute: Pillbug9 predicted False and Grian's Victory.

Mousci: “You can’t just eat diamonds.” The diamond popsicle: Am I a joke to you?

P Type Gaming: If Mumbo has a idimpy bar... Will he become a poison potato?

RascalCreeper: Why does the music keep cutting to different parts, I've heard it 500 times i have it memorized.

lucas: I work when you throw a baked potato in me

saltYs: 0:30 just barely got that joke to season 6, thats a good one


Jandrizz Cagas: This season really has a great amount of collaborations, lore, adventure, builds and shenanigans. You really want to watch all of the hermits upload.

Pasta Kazoo: I love everything they've been doing with custom items, really makes Hermitcraft unique.

Lopoi: Wait, did Bdoubs pay an Iou with another Iou?

Icurm: The music is quite loud in my opinion, can't hear your beautiful voices as well.

RandomEdits: I want to make a superhero called potato man or tatman what powers would fit?


greenhours: i literally watch nearly all of the hermits but i still love watching this (,: the script is so well written and the voice over is so enjoyable to listen to!!! great work everyone <3 (also the subtitles are so helpful since sometimes my brain just stops listening but keeps reading. sending lots of love to the whole team!!)

Abhijith: 7:30 It's quite the spectacle... Even the zombies are wearing them 😂😂😂😂

r: Are the hermits grinding out everything so fast bc they're starting a new season with 1.18

r: Are the hermits grinding out everything so fast bc they're starting a new season with 1.18

Mari Hove: Thank you Lyarrah for the captions!

RAD 0905: I used to watch xisuma all the time. But I really don’t care or enjoy the evil x deep coin thing. Lost me ah well. Good things theres 20 others lol

REBEL DOMINATORS: Stressmoss-ster ah we love the puns 😂

Simply Great : Stressmoss-ster noice

LadyFrostbite: Isn't the G in Pearl's build because one day Grian logged on when no one else was on and then proceeded to make mischief? That was a couple videos ago iirc

Yaglack: Music is too loud

Madam Fatcat: What happened to TFC?

Dr. mnbvcxy: .

X ainmate: ok

i like olives if you couldn't tell: I love these recaps!

SMPandanic: oh and if ya didn't know... mumbo bought his OWN stock

Joss Green: "Sisterhood of the Traveling Froggie Hat" XD

Just Some Guy With A Mustache: Damn, no shopping district really aged well

Enorme Gaming: Woulda been cool if they just surronded boatem in a mountain range

xgozulx: love you guys, but can you please make the music volume a bit lower? I can't here your fantastic voice very well ;)

Bignerd99: Joehills is such a simp for Cleo

Avnish Singh: 3:32 nice reference there

Jagdaggar: Bruh Scars mountain is even better than the 1.18 mountains! ⛰

quagmire should have his own show: ok

HyperKR: would there be a continuation of chickenblock'd??

thebeltcameback: thank you lyarrah

Sinner Gamez: Love these, and i only found it when season 8 started cause of my friend.

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